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The Jaunts of JeffB!


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Heel-Lover: Thanks much for the kind words! Wearing a dress was quite an enjoyable experience, one I definitely plan to enjoy again in the future because it just plain felt good to me. Like you, wearing just the shoes is no longer enough for me as I now focus on a total head to toe look. As for a shorter jacket, a bolero is a good idea, I'll see if I can find something like that. Thanks for the suggestion!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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SleekHeels: Thanks for the suggestions. I found them useful and I'll try to utilize them. Wearing dresses and skirts is clearly a sign to me that it's no longer about just the shoes, rather, the entire outfit, and, at the risk of sounding vain, I love showing off my legs, something I can't do properly in jeans. Heh! As for confidence, as long as you have it, and flaunt it, it doesn't matter what the season might be, just go out there and do it!

Jaunt #152, 5/26/2012

Even though the forecast called for steamy, summer like temperatures, it would also be sunny, good enough conditions for a Saturday jaunt as I took my new Payless "Cori" flats for a second trip while wearing a blue campshirt, a new skirt I bought from Sears and a handbag. Given how most women dress down on weekends, I decided to follow their example, for the most part. Heh! I was especially eager to wear the new flats again as they were very comfortable, stylish and, yes, cute! And what self-respecting freestyler wouldn't want to wear cute shoes? As for the new skirt, it's a gauzy, black, 30 inch A-line with a matching half-slip like attachment beneath, and, like the shoes, it proved to be a lot of fun to wear. My first stop was to Starbucks to read a magazine, buy a cool beverage, and be seen. Even though there was quite a crowd in the place, no one paid me any attention as I got my order, sat in a chair and spent over thirty minutes there.

After that, it was off to center city and my favorite comic shop, as usual, finding a place to park proved time consuming and I wound up in a spot over a block away, no prob, again, it offered me a chance to be seen in my outfit, and, other than a trio of young black males who broke out laughing as they drove past, no one paid me any mind as I strolled to the shop, enjoying the soft swish of the skirt about my legs and the comfort of the shoes. I spent nearly half an hour in the comic shop, half that time yakking with the staff about The Avengers which I had seen last weekend and loved, as usual, they ignored what I wore. Then I left the store, walked up the block to a convenience store to play the lottery and buy a newspaper, then it was off to South Jersey. When I entered the Chick-Fil-A near Moorestown Mall, I did get some glances from a few people here and there, but nothing more than that, I bought my order, ate while gazing through the sports section and left, simple as that.

My last stop of the day was the nearby Barnes & Noble where I spent another half-hour plus in the dining area with a couple of magazines and a tall iced tea. Yes, I drank a lot, but it was hot, and it's important to stay hydrated. There wasn't much of a crowd in the store, and what people there were in attendance ignored me. Funny how a guy in a skirt didn't raise so much as one eyebrow. Nevertheless, I had another fun time freestyling, it felt great to wear that breezy, gauzy skirt, and those "Cori" flats were an absolute delight to wear because they were so comfortable! Who needs heels when I've got great flats like those! I can see I'll be getting a lot of use out of those shoes in the weeks to come!

Nice skirt!
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skirtedvik & Pumps: Thanks for the kind words! Kilty: C'mon, now! I'm sure grandma must be plenty stylish! Heh! As for pencil skirts, not a bad idea.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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The denim looks great, but it's the flowing ones that are on the longer side aren't that good looking in my view. Pencil skirts are sexy, a nice split at the back will help show your toned calves :yummy: They're so cheap as well on ebay :cool1: Pardon my silly post, but Jeff, try a Pencil skirt - I kno you're looking for ways to push the envelope :wink:

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Jaunt #153, 6/2/2012

Following a dreadful Friday night filled with thunderstorms and heavy rain, the sun came out today, accompanied by blue skies and milder temperatures, perfect conditions for a new jaunt, so, I hit the streets in a baby blue campshirt, my 19 inch black button down denim skirt, the Payless "Kylie" wedge pumps which I'm really coming to love and my short strap handbag. There was an air of, well, euphoria as I headed out, partly from the nice weather, but mostly from wearing a skirt and those cute shoes, it was times like these where I really enjoyed being a freestyler. My first stop was to University City and a branch of my bank to withdraw some cash, after parking in a spot some five feet away from where an Asian lady looked to be waiting for someone, I hopped out and said lady gave me a long, puzzled stare, clearly she had never seen anything like me before.

From there, I headed into town and to my local comic book shop, now that shop was on a small street that often got very little traffic, but that wasn't the case today as a detour not far away had funneled traffic onto that street, suddenly it was cars everywhere as motorists and passengers got a good look at me as I strolled past. I heard some giggles and chuckles and got more than a few bulging eyes, slack jaws and turned heads, moreso than usual, I'd be lying if I said that didn't surprise me, and left me just a wee bit perturbed, but that was all. Once in the store, I spent a good twenty minutes, there were a goodly many other patrons there, but none of them gave me the time of day. After I left, traffic still on the street, I walked up the block to a store to buy a paper and cash a couple of instant scratch-off lottery games I had played and won $30 bucks. Whoo! Nothing like winning some cash!

From there, it was off to South Jersey and Chick-Fil-A for lunch, there was a good crowd in there, and I got a few looks here and there, nothing like on that small street though, however, I did attract the attention of a little girl who stared at me while I waited in line in what appeared to be rapt fascination. I found that humorous. After my lunch, I headed off for the peace and quiet and serenity of Barnes & Noble where I relaxed with a few sports magazines before heading to the check-out line with season 2 of BBC's Sherlock (a clever and entertaining reimagining of the great detective plying his trade in 21st century London, well worth watching). Another day, another satisfying adventure, I'm sure I've said this one too many times before, but it's so much fun, and exciting to wear skirts in public, I'm enjoying myself on my trips more than ever because of that.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Dreadful? Thunderstorms? I love thunderstorms!

Well, to each their own. I've never been a fan.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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After my lunch, I headed off for the peace and quiet and serenity of Barnes & Noble where I relaxed with a few sports magazines before heading to the check-out line with season 2 of BBC's Sherlock (a clever and entertaining reimagining of the great detective plying his trade in 21st century London, well worth watching).

Jeff, that is excellent taste in TV programs. I thoroughly enjoyed them myself and hadn’t realized they were available on DVD.

I really liked the outfit you put together for this outing. I do offer the following suggestions:


The consistency of your images made that irresistable.

Edited by Thighbootguy

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Sherlock is a great series Jeff, good choice! I was only walking down Baker street on Saturday too, and saw a women's shoe shop that only sold shoes in sizes 7 to 11 (UK) close by on (I think) Chiltern street.

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TBG: Fun with Photoshop, eh? HA! That's funny! Actually, I thought about wearing that combo, but, to be truthful, that skirt is just too long for my thigh boots as I prefer my hemline to be above the tops of the boots. Dbert: Well, I'm a longtime fan of the 1980's Sherlock Holmes series starring Jeremy Brett, so I was curious about this new incarnation. Bottom line, I found it highly enjoyable.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Greetings JeffB :-)

It has been a while since I followed your thread. (The server unsubscribed me )

I must say I was very impressed with your latest jaunts.

Specially # 150, wearing a dress. You are pushing the envelope indeed !

I like your flat shoes. I also have a few flats shoes and I enjoy wearing them.

Quite different from high heels but still fun to wear.

Now I cannot imagine what you will wear for your 200 th jaunt !

Well done !

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Daniel: Thanks for your kind words on my latest little adventures. Wearing a dress and heels was certainly fun, let me get in touch with my feminine side, and I felt feminine too! As for my 200th jaunt, well, I'll definitely be wearing a dress again, count on that. On the topic of wearing flats, that too was enjoyable, mores than I thought.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jeff, no jaunts recently? :?: I enjoy reading about your Jaunts, You've inspired others, even today I read of one guy in South London who's Jaunt came to an abrupt end... :cry: this guy was arrested, though I like his ensemble (sorry, no heel pics :(

Edited by Kilty
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It's in South London as mentioned above... I think this happened yesterday, though I don't think it's related to his clothes so much... the police keep their cards under their chest, I was reading it in a local paper. :cry: I'm more of a kilt man myself, or I'd get a more decent length denim number, but not stonewashed :roll: I don't want to hijack Jeff's thread so I'll leave it here :wink:

Edited by Kilty
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Oh, dear! What a positively godawful ensemble that guy sported, especially the shoes which were perfectly hideous! If you ask me, he deserved to have been pinched for looking like that! URGH!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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He would not have been arrested for what he was wearing, it would have been some other reason.

Well, he should've been. ICK! :silly:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Cuban Nicky? From which jaunt? Please let me know! Meanwhile....

Jaunt #154, 6/16/2012

With the weekend having arrived and nice weather on tap, it was time to hit the road for a jaunt, and I did so in my blue campshirt, the 36 inch black peasant skirt, the Payless 2 inch heeled "Janis" pumps and a handbag. I'm trying to remember off the top of my head when I last worn jeans on an outing, but nothing comes readily to mind as I've been on quite the skirt kick of late, I love wearing them, and I plan to continue doing so, heck, I might not even look at my jeans again, never mind wear them until Fall rolls around.

Leaving the house, I headed into town, my first stop was an ATM a few blocks from my beloved comic shop to get some cash, hopping out, I crossed the street, attracting the attention of a passing motorist who craned his head to look at me. That happened once before, so that made me chuckle. From there, it was off to the comic shop, as usual, finding a parking space was something of a chore, and I wound up over half a block away, but I didn't mind as it allowed me to partake in a walk to the store, enjoying both the solid clicking of the low heels and how the long skirt swished about my legs as I walked. I won't deny that I liked that more. I also won't deny that there are times when I feel more comfortable and at ease in a skirt than I do in heels, but wearing both makes for a thoroughly pleasant experience. As usual, the staff of the store paid no mind to what I wore, they simply treated me as a valued customer as we chatted about the upcoming Spider-Man reboot.

From there, it was off to South Jersey, but, I didn't go to Chick-Fil-A, instead, I went to Boston Market, I hadn't been there in ages, so, what the hey! The store was nowhere near as crowded as Chickl-Fil-A, but I did garner a couple of looks as I ordered my lunch and ate, pretty as you please. After that, I headed over to Barnes & Noble where I spent nearly an hour casually reading magazines and sipping a lemonade in the lounge area, legs crossed like a woman so people could see me, people did, including kids of various ages, but no one uttered so much as a peep the whole time. Most refreshing. It felt good that I could dress the way I like and not have that become an event. Of course, it would've been nice to have gotten a compliment, but then, I guess I can't have it both ways, and that's okay. Bottom line: plenty of fun was had by me.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB.. Im no fashion expert by any means, but the ' bling ' factor of the shiney watch.. it isnt doing it for me in those pics. I like the rest of the outfit and I have actually purchased some skirts of my own recently and worn them in ' public '. Your a direct inspiration for my acts ;) ! Thank you! ILK.


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Im no fashion expert by any means, but the ' bling ' factor of the shiney watch.. it isnt doing it for me in those pics. I like the rest of the outfit and I have actually purchased some skirts of my own recently and worn them in ' public '. Your a direct inspiration for my acts ;) !

Thank you!


Really? How much "bling factor" can a $20 watch from Sears possibly have? Perhaps it was the light from the camera flash bouncing off it that made it look shinier than it actually is. Meanwhile, I'm glad that I inspired you to try a skirt, I'm sure you'll find them to be just as much fun to wear as I do.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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pretty as you please.

A most excellent description. Couldn’t have said it better myself

I have actually purchased some skirts of my own recently and worn them in ' public '. Your a direct inspiration for my acts ;)!

Thank you!


Ilikekicks – you will have to let us know how your outing went. I'm curious what you found publicly wearable.

You are not the only person for whom JeffB has been an inspiration. Count me in that group.

Edited by Thighbootguy

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Congrats on another fine outing and very nice "summery" outfit. I think it is a combination of reasons that you might not get the comments and compliments from your outfits. As long as you are comfortable wearing them in public is all that really matters. Thank you for sharing with us.

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TBG: Many thanks for the kind words. I'm glad to have provided inspiration to you in your own adventures as you inspired me in mine! After all, I never would've tried my hand at thigh high boots if I hadn't read your exploits!

roniheels: Thanks for the compliment. Much obliged! By the by, it just so happens that I'm in the process of putting together an outfit that promises to be even more "summery" for a future jaunt. And speaking of jaunts....

Jaunt #155, 6/17/2012:

Just a short outing as I had a couple of chores to take care of, but that doesn't mean I can't turn it into an adventure, even if it's a small one as I went out in a black polo shirt, my 20 inch tan skirt, the Payless "Kailey" pumps in black patent and my trusty black handbag. My first stop of the day, having gone out to the western 'burbs was to Office Depot to buy a new toner cartridge for my home printer, the heels of the Kailey pumps made a delightfully solid click as I walked towards the store, and seeing my reflection made me smile because I looked good in my outfit. Once inside, I was helped by one of the salespeople who treated me professionally like any other shopper as he directed me to what I needed and went to the register where a pretty black girl in her late 20's looked me up and down and gave me a smile before ringing me up then wishing me a happy day. Cool.

My second and final stop of the day was to Best Buy as I needed to replace the charger I use to juice up the rechargeable AA batteries I use in my camera. The parking lot was nearly full and people were coming and going, and I took notice of all the females who came and went, and, taking into account the outfit I wore (which you can see below), I found myself for about the umpteenth time wondering if I had overdressed for the ocassion, while most women I saw walking in and out of the store sported t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, sweatpants and the ever omnipresent (and despicable) flip-flops, there I was in a skirt and heels, and feeling perhaps just a tad out of place. And while I've fought over this "problem" in my mind many times before, I've come to accept that if I'm going to wear women's clothes and shoes in public, I know that I have to dress up a tad more than the average female because of the image I'm presenting to the world at large, so, with a shrug, I hopped out and went in the store.

Just as I thought, the store was pretty busy for an early Sunday afternoon, and I did attract a fair amount of stares here and there, nothing I hadn't experienced before, however, no one made a big deal of how I was dressed. Progress I suppose. Of course, I can't just pick up what I need and get out, no-ooooooooooo, I had to spend little over half an hour gazing at all sorts of gadgets and gizmos before I finally pulled away from it all (though reluctantly) and went to the register with what I needed. A short outing, but enjoyable like all my other adventures.





I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I'm loving the look! That tan number is gorgeous and shows off your legs so well! You'd have killer pins for a pencil skirt if you were to push the envelope that bit more.... having had a dig down the back of the internet, I see a few guys in London are already trying skirts as an alternative to the usual same old trousers :)

Posted Image

I just love this guy's confidence, plus the skirt looks great ;-)

Looking forward to the next jaunt ;-)

Edited by Kilty
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Kilty: Oh, my! He looks sensational! From his suit to his pumps, that is an absolutely fabulous ensemble! And yeah, he absolutely oozes confidence to wear an outfit like that! The more I look at that photo, the more awesome he becomes! Many thanks for sharing!

Edited by JeffB

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I'm loving the look! That tan number is gorgeous and shows off your legs so well! You'd have killer pins for a pencil skirt if you were to push the envelope that bit more.... having had a dig down the back of the internet, I see a few guys in London are already trying skirts as an alternative to the usual same old trousers :)

Posted Image

I just love this guy's confidence, plus the skirt looks great ;-)

Looking forward to the next jaunt ;-)

The "man's" jacket seems inappropriate to me.If it was short tailored jacket better results for sure.

TBG: Many thanks for the kind words. I'm glad to have provided inspiration to you in your own adventures as you inspired me in mine! After all, I never would've tried my hand at thigh high boots if I hadn't read your exploits!

roniheels: Thanks for the compliment. Much obliged! By the by, it just so happens that I'm in the process of putting together an outfit that promises to be even more "summery" for a future jaunt. And speaking of jaunts....

Jaunt #155, 6/17/2012:

Just a short outing as I had a couple of chores to take care of, but that doesn't mean I can't turn it into an adventure, even if it's a small one as I went out in a black polo shirt, my 20 inch tan skirt, the Payless "Kailey" pumps in black patent and my trusty black handbag. My first stop of the day, having gone out to the western 'burbs was to Office Depot to buy a new toner cartridge for my home printer, the heels of the Kailey pumps made a delightfully solid click as I walked towards the store, and seeing my reflection made me smile because I looked good in my outfit. Once inside, I was helped by one of the salespeople who treated me professionally like any other shopper as he directed me to what I needed and went to the register where a pretty black girl in her late 20's looked me up and down and gave me a smile before ringing me up then wishing me a happy day. Cool.

My second and final stop of the day was to Best Buy as I needed to replace the charger I use to juice up the rechargeable AA batteries I use in my camera. The parking lot was nearly full and people were coming and going, and I took notice of all the females who came and went, and, taking into account the outfit I wore (which you can see below), I found myself for about the umpteenth time wondering if I had overdressed for the ocassion, while most women I saw walking in and out of the store sported t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, sweatpants and the ever omnipresent (and despicable) flip-flops, there I was in a skirt and heels, and feeling perhaps just a tad out of place. And while I've fought over this "problem" in my mind many times before, I've come to accept that if I'm going to wear women's clothes and shoes in public, I know that I have to dress up a tad more than the average female because of the image I'm presenting to the world at large, so, with a shrug, I hopped out and went in the store.

Just as I thought, the store was pretty busy for an early Sunday afternoon, and I did attract a fair amount of stares here and there, nothing I hadn't experienced before, however, no one made a big deal of how I was dressed. Progress I suppose. Of course, I can't just pick up what I need and get out, no-ooooooooooo, I had to spend little over half an hour gazing at all sorts of gadgets and gizmos before I finally pulled away from it all (though reluctantly) and went to the register with what I needed. A short outing, but enjoyable like all my other adventures.

Nice outfit.Maybe try a more open top,with other type of neckline.
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