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The Jaunts of JeffB!

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Your first outfit was perfect for early daytime activities. It looks very nice and appropriate. The afternoon outfit is downright awesome. If it weren't for the fact that your choice of clothing was a little unorthodox for a man, the entire look is so classy that you are dressed for going to even the most sophisticated occasions. I really don't understand any woman (or man, for that matter) that couldn't help but thinking, as they viewed you walking toward them, how nicely dressed and good looking that man is. :w00t2::chuckle:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


I am so happy for you. Your noon time outfit looks great. I'm sure you look better than many women. Sounds as if you are having a blast. "Bold as hell" certainly applies to you. Let the good times roll!


Jeff, as far as I'm concerned, you have reached the height of fashion! The jacket, gold shirt, belt, skirt and heels; in a word BRAVO!!!!!! What an excellent look!!

Besides, I keep telling you that you look better in shorter skirts!!!!!!

And by the by, you put a lot of women I see to shame!!!!!!!!!!!

It's all about the heel!


Jeff, As I started reading about your latest jaunt (after the first outfit) I thought "He looks good as always, but maybe needs to expand his skirt collection" - and then I got to the second jaunt and WOW! That blew me away! It's criminal we're not "allowed" to dress like this as a norm, because as you've shown a man in a skirt can look DAMN GOOD! Thanks as always. Spiker.


Your afternoon outfit is definitely a WOW Jeff! I love it and envy you. You look like a top business exec who went to lunch after closing a multi billion dollar deal lol. I have no doubt that you look better than 80 percent of the other women and their styles. A pair of black knee high pointed toe stiletto boots would also work perfectly with that look as well as a trench coat and gloves for those colder days. What I like about your styles Jeff is that they are all very normal, what you'd expect a normal woman to wear (one with a sense of style). Your style is the exact opposite of what narrow minded people would think of how a guy dressed as a woman looks like (over the top, uncoordinated, flashy colors, cheap looking etc...). We need more freestylers like you out there. I agree with Spiker that it's criminal that such styles aren't socially acceptable for men.


Thanks, everybody! Your comments are greatly appreciated! :chuckle: Bubba136: Well, as far as I'm concerned, "unorthodox" is in the eye of the beholder. Meanwhile, the whole idea behind the afternoon outfit was to achieve a level of class after all those casual outfits I've sported in the past. All in all, I like to think I succeeded. The irony of it all is that I hate dressing up, at least when it comes to men's clothing anyway. HA! Anyway, now I'm going to see what I can do about taking that outfit to social events and see what I can do! scrappycoco: I'll do the best I can to keep up that great work! kfsteve391: Yep, I am having fun. I feel as though the sky's the limit in regard to my fashion freedom. As for looking better than women, well, I wouldn't go quite that far, but I'll admit I looked pretty great! Bootking: I bow to your wisdom! I do look fabulous in short skirts! I'll see about wearing them more in the future! Heh! As for having reached the height of fashion, I think I'm getting closer to that goal, but for the time being, I'm concentrating more on having fun. spiker: I'm glad was able to surprise you, pleasantly of course! Heh! After all those casual outfits I've displayed in the past, I thought it'd be fun to go all out and really dress up. I'm glad that the results were so warmly received here. As for our not being allowed to dress like I did, I'm of the opinion that we don't need society's permission to dress how we want, I damn sure don't! We're not going to get it, so I won't wait for it! Maximilian!: Yeah, in a way, I was sort of striving for the "downtown businesswoman" look with that outfit, something I see often, and I pulled it off well. I'll keep your suggestion about boots and a coat on file for when it gets colder. I agree that my goal was to look normal and sophisticated when it comes to wearing clothing from "the other side of the aisle", we have to look as normal as everyone else if we're to defeat that stereotype you mentioned. And, for whatever it's worth, I don't dress like a woman, I dress like ME.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

  Maximilian! said:

And you do it so well! :chuckle:

I thank you, kind sir! :w00t2:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


JeffB – I like the look with the brown suede jacket. It is a nice, non contrasting color balance, with your bare legs. If the morning shoppers noticed, it was because you looked good. I agree with your assessment of the second outfit, “pretty damn sensational”. Additional words fail me. I’m not sure I agree with Maximilian about the trench coat. Seems a shame to hide such a good looking outfit, but the boots and gloves would be a nice cool weather addition. I’m really going to have to learn that I should not only wear what I enjoy wearing, but it should also look good too (and I couldn’t have found a better teacher).

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

  JeffB said:

Bubba136: Well, as far as I'm concerned, "unorthodox" is in the eye of the beholder. Meanwhile, the whole idea behind the afternoon outfit was to achieve a level of class after all those casual outfits I've sported in the past.

Perhaps "unorthodox" was a poor word. However, in general, when viewed by today's society men wearing skirts, heels and carrying a handbag, aren't the "norm" and are still viewed as "unusual."

Why else would our entire male high heel wearing membership be so concerned about having our wives, friends and family members, etc., approval and support our wearing heels and how much attention we pay to the way we are being viewed and what reaction we invoke when wearing heels in public if it weren't for the fact that we're acting outside of society's accepted parameters?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


TBG: Well, I'd be more than willing to teach you what I know. As I've said many times before, if you're going to go out in public, whether you're just wearing heels, or the sort of full blown outfit I sported yesterday, it's I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-T that you look nothing short of your very best since you're going to be seen and critiqued by everyone around you. Besides, when you look good and know it, you feel good, and I felt damn great on Sunday.

Bubba136: Upon further review, "unorthodox" is an appropriate term to have used since it's still far outside the norm for a man to strut around in a skirt and high heels while carrying a handbag. I understand and accept that I'm my appearance wasn't what one could be considered "normal", but I don't let that concern me. I know others here can't afford to have such a cavalier attitude, especially when dealing with the public and its pre-conceived notions of what men can and can't wear. Sure, we, as fashion freestylers still have a long way to go in terms of not being seen and "unusual" because we dare to wear what society tells us we shouldn't, but I'm glad to be out there on the front lines trying to change a few minds here and there.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

  JeffB said:

As I've said many times before, if you're going to go out in public, whether you're just wearing heels, or the sort of full blown outfit I sported yesterday, it's I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-T that you look nothing short of your very best since you're going to be seen and critiqued by everyone around you. Besides, when you look good and know it, you feel good, and I felt damn great on Sunday.

And Jeff you looked sensational in that afernoon outfit. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to us all!!!!


Best regards, Stefan


Greeting JeffB :-)

Your afternoon "business woman" look is absolutley awesome and mind blowing

(Correction: I should say "Business man" look instead :chuckle:)

Absolutely classic and stylish. One word: Wow !

Maybe you have reached the top ?

(What more can we expect ? But I'm sure you will surprise us again)

I agree with Spiker when he says:

"It's criminal we're not "allowed" to dress like this as a norm,

because as you've shown a man in a skirt can look DAMN GOOD!"

What is fascinating, is that you are wearing women's items and still looks like a man !

It is simply amazing !

  JeffB said:

Bubba136: Upon further review, "unorthodox" is an appropriate term to have used since it's still far outside the norm for a man to strut around in a skirt and high heels while carrying a handbag. I understand and accept that I'm my appearance wasn't what one could be considered "normal", but I don't let that concern me. I know others here can't afford to have such a cavalier attitude, especially when dealing with the public and its pre-conceived notions of what men can and can't wear. Sure, we, as fashion freestylers still have a long way to go in terms of not being seen and "unusual" because we dare to wear what society tells us we shouldn't, but I'm glad to be out there on the front lines trying to change a few minds here and there.

I admire your attitude and perseverance, Jeff. As you mentioned, not everyone can not afford to exhibit the same nonchalance at appearing in public in heels, not to mention a skirt and other female apparel as you do. Their sense of humiliation at being ridiculed by people they know and love, not to mention by strangers they've never seen before nor, most probably, will never see again, is powerful enough to keep them from appearing in public while wearing heels.

These people, the majority of our membership I would guess, while they really would love to be free to wear the shoes they really want to wear, will never wear heels anywhere except in the privacy of their own homes. Other members will give their heels a workout in the dead of night when the probability of being "seen" is the least. The very few of our members, like you, Heelfeat, johniheels and another member I admire though we've not heard from him in a while, StilettoScott, etc., will carry on with their wearing whatever they want, whenever they want and wherever they want.

Mostly, the hardest part of all of this is accepting a person's reluctance to appear out and about in woman's shoes, for what ever reason, without criticism -- they deserve our respect and support for what ever degree of heeling at what ever lever at which they choose to participate.

It's enough just to know that there numbers are large and their desire sincere. And ultimately we can all be counted on to support each other until men wearing heels is accepted by the general public, is a reality.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Outstanding outings Jeff! Of course, the blazer is something that I love, and you wear one very well. But what made your second outfit was the belt! The skirt and pumps were fantastic, but the belt just added that little bit of punch that took the outfit to the highest level. You have given me some ideas that maybe I need to pay a little more attention to accessories! I am more surprised that you only got ONE complement on how great you looked. As always you continue to give me great ideas and always provide that little bit of extra motivation when I am putting together an outing outfit.

Style is built from the ground up!


danielp6406: Hey, I'm not afraid to call a spade a spade, it WAS a "business woman" look! HA! Anyhoo, I'm glad that you liked it. Have I reached the top? Nahhh! I'm still working on wearing a dress and think I can look great in that as well! Bubba136: Well, even I must admit it took awhile to develop that nonchalance you mentioned, and it wasn't an easy process either. It's human nature not to like being humiliated, and in the beginning, I thought that wearing skirts in public would've done just that, but that has yet to happen, and, in some instances, I've actually been complimented, something I found to be both rewarding, and surprising. As for those members who are closeted, I don't blame them for not wanting to exposing themselves to the world at large in the shoes they love, if they don't have the courage to do that, then there's pretty much nothing we bolder members can do. Like that old saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". Those closeted members can either shake off their fear and go out in public, or stay where they are. While it's sad that some of those members might never go forward and leave the safety and security of their closets, that's their choice and we have to respect them for it. But for those willing to leave the closet, yes, we must be there for them and support them. HappyFeat: Glad to read you enjoyed the outfit. The belt was an idea I'd been contemplating for some time now as I thought it would dress up an outfit, add a sense of style to a skirt as the waistband did nothing to me and needed to be improved upon. It's not enough to just wear an outfit, it's important to make an outfit look it's very best, in other words----you gotta accessorize! :cry1: I'm doubly glad to have motivated you when it comes to putting together an outfit!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Thought I'd relate a weekend's worth of jaunts for everyone reading pleasure!


With plenty of sunshine and moderate temperatures, Saturday was a great day for an outing over into South Jersey. As for the outfit, here's what I wore:

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My brown suede jacket over a brown mock turtleneck, my 21 inch denim skirt (if you'll check out my latest blog entry, you'll read that I've gone all skirts all the time on my outings) , black tights and my Payless "Tara" boots which, as I've said more than a few times, I love wearing. Between the boots and the skirt which was both short and snug, it helped to make for a casual but moderately dressy outfit. My first stop was in downtown Philly where I swung by my favorite comic book shop to pick up the week's newest offerings. At the time, I was the only customer in the store, and what few people, two or three who came in during the twenty or so minutes I was in the store, no one paid what I wore much attention. I guess the guys who run the store, having seen me saunter in wearing skirts and heels are used to my eclectic attire.

Stop number two was over the Ben Franklin Bridge and into South Jersey where I had lunch in the food court at the Moorestown Mall. In retrospect, that might have been a bit of a blunder on my part as the quotent of teenage girls there was much larger than usual since the food court was close to the mall's multiplex and the Twilight sequel, New Moon was playing, meaning the place was packed with squealy girls who couldn't wait to see their hero, sparkly teen vampire Edward Cullen. In a word---UGH! Don't get me started on how much I despise Twilight! Anyhoo, I had a few fingers pointed at me along with a chuckle here and there and a whispered "Omigod! He's wearing a skirt!" Sheesh! Those kids made it sound like I had three heads and was covered in toxic waste. Still, the whole experience was kind of amusing when I think about it.

Stop number three was to Borders in a nearby strip mall to relax with an iced tea and a few magazines, and I needed that calm after the food court storm with those loopy Twilight fangirls. I spent well over half an hour there with my drink and a combination of Mac magazines and the latest issue of Fangoria (a guilty pleasure), while I was seen by other shoppers as I don't hide, hell, dressed as I was, there was no way to hide, no one bothered me, par for the course for being in a bookstore, even though it was quite crowded, it was a quiet crowded, if you know what I mean. I felt so much better when I left the store and returned home to watch Penn State play. All in all, another good outing, despite the semi-harrowing, semi-humorous stopover at the food court, I've become more and more comfortable in a skirt, and I feel great.


After all the compliments I got on last Sunday's outfit which I wore to Olive Garden, I decided to give that theme a try as I dressed up again. Here's the outfit:

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A light gray blazer bought from Goodwill over a darker gray mock turtleneck, a brand new 22 inch button down black skirt from JCPenney, patterned black tights, my short strap handbag and the Payless "Lance Flex" pumps in black. I was really excited to wear the new skirt because I just knew it would look good on me, and it did! All in all, I was very pleased with the classy looking nature of the overall outfit, and I felt comfortable in it because I knew I looked good. In fact, this might be the start of a trend where I'll dress up for my Sunday outings. It'll be interesting to see where this new idea takes me. As I've said before, if you're going to wear shoes, or shoes and clothes from the other side of the store, it's IMPORTANT that you look not only good, but damn good! Once you've achieved that goal, just about anything is possible for you in this realm.

Stop number one was to Best Buy in the Springfield (the western 'burbs) to see what new movies and or anime was in for me to glom on. I spent well over half an hour in the store, wandering the aisles, caught up as usual with gazing and ogling at all the electronic gizmos and gadgets which I love, and if anyone stared at me, I didn't notice, I was having too much fun being surrounded by geegaws. I could've spent over an hour, but my stomach was demanding to be filled, having left the store with the Blu-Ray releases of Godzilla (the 1953 original and the 1998 remake), it was off to Subway for lunch, getting out of the car near the store, I had a couple of youngsters goofing off on skateboards nearby stare at me, but that didn't bother me, and those kids went about their business of trying to break their rear ends while I went in to have lunch.

Stop number three was further out in the 'burbs as I drove to Micro Center to gaze at more gizmos and to buy a six-port USB hub for my computer. The store was quite crowded for a Sunday and I did have a couple of young girls, probably no older than ten stare at me like those teenagers the previous day, but they didn't say anything. I guess real young kids have more sense than older kids. I spent a good half hour wandering the aisles, window shopping and making sure I was seen by one and all while acting cool and casual like all the other shoppers. Despite how I was dressed, I was treated just like every other shopper, and that was good enough for me. After that, it was back home to enjoy some NFL football, and to log this weekend's outings. Now that I'm all skirts all the time, I'm looking forward to expanding my horizons for jaunts.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Hey jeff dont pay attetion to the teen girls.Or as my b/f and i call them ( perk perks lol).You could wear reg guys clothing and say any thing they would laugh.My b/f said look a dead squirell.And they would laugh.Heck i get looks all the tim too.Ive learned to tune out the perk perks lol.And great outfts btw love the boots since ima boot freak.Donna


OK Jeff, first of all you could have waited to go home at halftime if you actually wanted to see Penn State "play." It was a pretty slow start. Also, thank God I am not the only sci-fi/fantasy guy who hate the whole "Twilight" thing. But then again I am not a teen-age girl. I totally agree that teen age girls are a strange lot, and manners have never been their strong suit. They will giggle at everything out of the ordinary and one of the main reasons that I don't like to go heeling at any time there is a high probability of running into them when in "pack mode." But it is just the nature of the beast. In a few years, they grow up and a guy in a skirt isn't as funny and might even be sexy. As for you outfits...you killed yet again. I love the skirt with the boots and the dark tights. A very nice casual look, with an emphasis of class. I know one of the topics that pops up from time to time is the idea of being "overdressed." Well for my 2 cents, you do what I think is the best way to dress when going out. If you are going to a casual place (like the mall) dress casually, but one notch up above pure casual. I know that when we go heeling, it is to express our style and fashion freedom, but many people (men and women) could learn from you - you don't have to be dressy, but you can care about how you look every time you leave your house. Just one question: how were the giggly teen-age girls dressed? I hate to be the object of the laughter of some kid wearing Uggs, old jeans, a sweatshirt advertising some over priced retail chain, and bad posture (so many kids have bad posture today.) So maybe you are actually being a role model - hey that guy is wearing a skirt (HAHAHA) and he looks better than I do! I love your idea of dressing up a bit more on your Sunday outings. Very old school - the idea of going out in your Sunday best. The dressier outfit really captures your essence. You are a classy guy and when you pull out the classy outfits, it seems so natural on you. I for one, who have followed your experimentation with skirts to adopting them full time, since the first pictures you posted of your jaunt in New York, cannot not imagine seeing you wear anything else. So far, your last two Sundays have been by far the pinnacle of your heeling/skirting. What I find exciting is that over the next few months, I know there will be new and exciting heights and I will enjoy following your continued evolution!

Style is built from the ground up!


Sounds as if you had another fun weekend. I share your frustration with the silly girls at the food court. Your outfits are very tasteful and you look great. I think the black guy from a couple weeks ago summed up your outings when he said you are bold as hell. You are doing what most of us can only dream of dong.


donnawonna: Thanks for the kind words and support. It certainly was an experience, dealing with those silly girls. All things considered, I thought I handled it well. Glad you liked the boots. I'll see about buying more. HappyFeat: Glad to read you liked the new outfits. Regarding that Penn State game, if it were any slower at the start, it would've been going in reverse! Urk! As for running into teenage girls in "pack mode", I'll have to make a note to avoid that in the future. Oh, yeah, to answer your question about how they were dressed, you hit the nail dead on the head, Uggs were all over the place, hell, I saw one girl wearing flip-flops! IN NOVEMBER!! Sheesh! Just as bad were girls wearing snug low rise jeans and displaying the dreaded "muffin top" Yuck! One other thing, saw a couple of girls wearing what looked like pajama bottoms. Revolting! And they had the nerve to giggle and point at me! At least I was tastefully dressed for the surroundings. On the topic of being overdressed, I've lost track of how many times I thought I overdid it on past outings, but I thought it was important for me to look my very best while out in public, and that's become all the more crucial to me since I began wearing skirts and now that I'm wearing them full time on my jaunts, I'd rather be overdressed than improperly dressed. If I'm going to expose myself to the world while wearing women's clothes and shoes, then I'd damn well better look my very best! While being a tad overdressed might not work for a purely casual setting like a day at the mall, I suppose I could tone it done a bit, but then, I've come to think of myself as something of a showoff, so displaying a nice outfit is fun. At the end of the day, it's all about being flexible when it comes to fashion, and for me, fashion is everything. I'm glad you liked my idea of dressing up on Sundays. After those two outings, I really enjoyed the experience and plan to keep that theme going. I mean, it's great to look classy, even in clothes and shoes from "the other side of the store", and I felt great because I know I pulled it off to perfection. For future outings, I'd like to experiment with a full-blown woman's skirt suit and, yes, a dress! I haven't forgotten that and want to take a turn in one before the year ends. I agree that after all these months, I can't imagine wearing anything on my outings but skirts either. I feel as if that's become my identity as a fashion freestyler, and I'm proud of that identity! kfsteve391 & Bootking: Thanks for your kind words! Knowing folks like you are supporting me means everything!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


JeffB:-) Wearing skirts on your outings full time is great as you look fantastic in them. You MUST try the skirtsuit and dress thing and don't forget the accessories, especially the wide belt, which is so popular right now, which can cover a host of things that you don't want people to see. And while you are at it, how about wearing the proper underwear underneath for a great feel and comfort. Only you will know whether you have those niceities on or not. I'm not talking bra here either. Pantyhose or a light waist whittler under neath will also help with a proper looking waist silouette. I have worn a skirtsuit combo many times and they are quite good looking and comfortable. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!


As always, you look so good and stylish in all of your outfits and high heels. You continue to inspire me and I get braver and braver every time I go out in public in high heels. I even engage conversation with those who either engage conversation with me or if I just catch them looking at my high heels. Please keep the posts coming and thank you so much for sharing your expereinces with us.


Dawn HH: Well, I certainly do plan to experiment with stuff like skirt suits and dresses. I'm sure I can make both look good given a sufficient amount of practice. I see that as the next evolution in my fashion freedom. Meanwhile, I already have a couple of wide belts and I'm contemplating a waist cincher. Should be fun! roniheels: I'm glad I've inspired you in my own small way. Only by going out in heels on a consistent basis do you gain confidence and that level of boldness needed to be out in the big bad public. Rest assured I'll keep the posts, and adventures coming!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

  • 1 month later...


Hard to believe it's been little over a month since my last jaunt (11/22), but, I've been awfully busy, what with work, the holidays, followed by that nasty blizzard on December 19th. However, I've finally managed to hit the road for a new outing today. Here's the outfit I wore:

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My favorite black leather jacket over a magenta turtleneck, an East 5th 34 inch long black A-line skirt from JCPenney, the Pleaser Vanity 2013 4 inch heeled knee boots, a black leather belt, black L'eggs tights and my short strap handbag. Now that I'm wearing skirts full time on my jaunts, I wanted to experiment with different styles, which brings me to this new addition to my growing collection which I saw on the Penney's website and immediately liked, so I went and bought one. This was my first A-line skirt which was perfect for the season, given its length, pairing perfectly with my boots, and I loved how beautifully it swished about my legs while I walked today. All in all, I loved wearing this skirt, and I loved how good it looked on me.

And with that, it was out to the western 'burbs for today's outing. First up was Pizza Hut for lunch, the place was fairly empty when I strolled in, only half a dozen customers were in the place as I was led to a booth. Nothing like all you can eat Meat Lover's from the buffet, and I made sure to get my fair share. HA! As I enjoyed my lunch, the place began to fill up, and a portion of the lunchtime crowd were young kids and teenagers, but no one paid me any mind, which was fine by me. Stop number two was to my home away from home, Best Buy which had a pretty good crowd, even had to do a bit of manuevering to find a parking spot, once I did, I hopped out and strolled right on in the store. Yes, I no longer walk when in a skirt and heels, I stroll, and that feels great! As is my want because I love Best Buy, I was in the there for a solid half hour plus, casually wandering from aisle to aisle, idly noticing the odd stare here and there. I finally left with District 9 on Blu-Ray and an anime DVD.

Stop number three was down the road at Borders. Again, as is my wont, I intentionally parked a good distance away from the store so I could enjoy the stroll to the front door, thrilling to the clicking of my heels, head high, looking and, more importantly, feeling calm, cool and collected. Like with Best Buy, I spent a goodly amount of time in the store, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate with a few magazines in the lounge area, before I sat, I made sure to smooth the back of my skirt, something that's become automatic for me, and after I sat, I crossed my legs like a woman, that too has become second nature, so much so that I barely notice when I do both. That did draw a stare from an older woman in a chair next to me, but she didn't say anything. It's quite pleasant to be able to enjoy a quiet moment like I did in the store, I was treated just like any other shopper in the store, I know people noticed me, kinda hard not to notice a six foot plus guy in a skirt and heels.

My final stop of the day was to the Springfield Mall. Yep, I wanted to take a stroll through a crowded mall at around three in the afternoon. The parking lot was quite full when I arrived, so it took a bit of time to find a space, once I did, I hopped out and, bold as I can be, I went on in. Right away, I turned more than a few heads, but I was prepared for that, my goal being to gauge what reactions would be from a mall full of shoppers, young and old, black and white, male and female, so forth and so on. There were to tittering, giggling or chuckling, no pointed fingers, no loud gasps of shock, no whispered slurs or insults, just quick stares and double takes, nothing more in nearly half an hour spent there. I viewed that as a small success, meaning it was possible I could go through a fairly large mall in a skirt and heels and come away with my hide intact. Acting cool and calm and collected helped a lot. Sometime down the road, I'll try a larger mall.

After a month away from jaunting, it felt damn good to hit the road again, and today's outing was terrific. I wore a new skirt, pushed the envelope just a little more and just plain had fun!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


Congratulations on your latest outing. Like your outfit. Glad to hear everything went so well especially in the busy mall. It is obvious you are having a ball and living a fantasy as well. Please keep us posted as to your future adventures. Glad to hear you are back in circulation.

Smart, smart and more smart! Jeff, great look and a great jaunt! The wide belt adds a great touch! Touche!

It's all about the heel!


Congratulations on your latest outing, Jeff. I'm surprised you didn't draw some favorable reactions. While it's only natural to assume that dressed as you were, that you would provoke a few derogatory comments. But, as good as you looked, i am really surprised that no one commented directly to you how good you looked dressed that way. :cry1:. (you must have gotten your car fixed -- why was the check engine light signaling?)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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