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The Jaunts of JeffB!


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13 hours ago, JeffB said:

Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated!

My pleasure! Last week, I met up with a member on another Forum who is really into his heels... A bit of a change from the old skirt in the mirror look. Don't worry,  I will look for a better wig :nono::silly:



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On 6/22/2016 at 5:54 PM, heelsrus2000 said:

My pleasure! Last week, I met up with a member on another Forum who is really into his heels... A bit of a change from the old skirt in the mirror look. Don't worry,  I will look for a better wig :nono::silly:

Well, I should hope you do! Just kidding!  :giggle:  Meanwhile....

Jaunt #319, 6/25/2016: Ahh, summer! A delightful time of year for being out and about on jaunts, especially when it's not overbearingly hot outside. Another thing about summer I've come to appreciate are girls and women who break out an incredible myriad of flat sandals for casual wear, and since I occasionally parrot what the fairer sex wears, I took a pair of flat sandals of my own, the Payless "Paprika" out for a spin, pairing them with a purple shirt with a lace applique in front, an Old Navy 20 inch dark denim pencil skirt and a black handbag. Right away, I felt perfectly at ease in the sandals which were comfortable and easy to wear, and looked good with the outfit I wore.

Didn't do too terribly much, I swung by my friendly neighborhood comic book shop for a good twenty minutes, bought a newspaper then drove over into South Jersey where I had lunch at Wendy's (their bacon mozzarella burger was good) then went to the multiplex at Moorestown Mall to see Independence Day: Resurgence. That was perhaps the only blech part of the day since the sequel to the film that launch Will Smith's movie career (no, he wasn't in the new film) wasn't all that great to me, still, there was a pretty good crowd in the theater where I watched the film. The multiplex was packed to the gills as is usually the case on a Saturday afternoon, I did get a few quick stares here and there, but nothing more than that. However, I did a thumbs up from a young woman who grinned at me in passing, and I appreciated that.

While it's always nice to be appreciated, what I like more is to be able to come and go as I please in the clothes I enjoy wearing with any muss or fuss from the public at large, and that's what my adventures have been all about from the time since I launched this thread. More to come....


Jaunt #319, outfit-1.jpg

Jaunt #319, outfit-2.jpg

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I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Great look JeffB!  The necklace and watch finish the look.  However to really improve the look drink a lot more Iced tea and a few less bacon mozzarella burgers. :penitent:

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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19 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

Great look JeffB!  The necklace and watch finish the look.  However to really improve the look drink a lot more Iced tea and a few less bacon mozzarella burgers. :penitent:

So noted. But, I only had one burger.  :giggle:

18 hours ago, Steve63130 said:

Very tactfully stated, TBG! :cool:

Nice outfit, Jeff.


Thanks for the kind words, Steve.

17 hours ago, SF said:

Or at least try the chili at Wendy's, it's very good.....   sf

I'll keep that in mind for the next time I visit Wendy's.

Jaunt #320, 6/26/2016: Sometimes, I feel as though every outing I undertake is another chance to push the envelope in terms of what I like to wear versus what society deems I be required to wear because of my gender. No big deal, I can grasp that, but it doesn't mean I have to conform to what society demands, because I don't. Case in point was yesterday's outing as I decided to wear a dress, nothing particularly fancy mind you, just a navy blue, short sleeved, Land's End knit frock with a breast pocket that I bought at Sears some two years ago, but never got around to wearing until yesterday. The dress came with a matching cloth belt and had side loops for same, but I didn't like it, so I replaced it with a thin white belt and paired it with the Payless "Stacey" low wedge sandals in white and a white handbag (yes, I still subscribe to the fashion tenet that one's bag must match one's shoes). Funny thing about the bag, I found a receipt in it from Boston Market dated 6/1/2014. Clearly it had been some time since this bag had been outside.

Even though the dress was a knit, it was still light and airy and comfortable despite plenty of sunshine and temps that reached into the upper 80's, more importantly, it was a treat to wear as I headed west into Springfield and Bed Bath & Beyond to buy a new cushion for the chair I sit in while at my computer to type these words of wit. Unlike my expeditions on skirts, I fully expected odd looks regarding my attire from other shoppers, but, nothing, not even from some little kids roaming the aisles with their parents. After making my purchase, I head back into town and stopped at Starbucks in University City where I had a cup of iced tea and some crumb cake while I read a book (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) on my nook e-reader. After little over an hour or so, I headed downtown and to Rittenhouse Square Park, my goal to be seen and gauge reactions. That proved to be a flop as even though the park was packed as usual for a Sunday afternoon, no one gave me so much as a glance, first, second or otherwise as I wandered the park until I found an empty bench in a shady area and continued reading for something like an hour an a half as people came and went, paying me not so much as an iota of attention. I found it cool that I loitered about in a dress in public and garnered no reaction whatsoever.

Meanwhile, it certainly felt good, damn good to wear a dress, better in some ways than a skirt, I experienced a sense, a feeling of, well, freedom because I was garbed the way I wanted. I was comfortable and completely at ease in how I was attired, and isn't that what fashion freestyling is all about? In addition, when I wasn't reading, I was subtlely people watching, mainly women and the seasonal dresses they wore, all the time wondering if I could wear outfits similar to them. Already, I'm thinking about how I could make sleeveless dresses (which I saw a lot of during my outing), maybe even sundresses work as part of my repitoire. I'll just have to see what I can do on that score. More to come....

Jaunt #320, outfit-1.jpg

Jaunt #320, outfit-2.jpg

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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The sandals look very nice, the thong styles are my fav....   Take care...  sf 

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"Why should girls have all the fun!!"

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First; The outfit really works well, and looks good too.  .  The white belt, bag, shoes and watch tie everything together.

6 hours ago, JeffB said:

I wandered the park until I found an empty bench in a shady area and continued reading for something like an hour an a half as people came and went, paying me not so much as an iota of attention. I found it cool that I loitered about in a dress in public and garnered no reaction whatsoever.

Second; Could it be that the outfit worked well enough that folks passing by didn't "read" you as a male in a dress, rather a female with short graying hair?  I know that isn't your goal but, well done anyway.

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I liked the look, I found comfort in it as you reminded me of this old nurse from Trinidad who used to look after me during my unfortunate  spell last year at Broadmoor Hospital. It was almost the same uniform, except you don't have a tazer and a huge set of keys on your belt :silly:

I think some may have mistaken you for an older lady with short hair, but what the hell. Go for a bodycon dress, you have the figure for it :cheeky:


Edited by heelsrus2000
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Thanks for the compliments, everybody. However, I must admit I'm not sure how to react to the notion of being mistaken for a female with short, grating hair. HA! If that's the case, then there's a whole lot of people out there who need to visit their friendly, neighborhood eye doctor! Double HA!

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I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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6 hours ago, JeffB said:

Thanks for the compliments, everybody. However, I must admit I'm not sure how to react to the notion of being mistaken for a female with short, grating hair. HA! If that's the case, then there's a whole lot of people out there who need to visit their friendly, neighborhood eye doctor! Double HA!

I don't think an eye doctor is in order, rather it is a matter of perception.  When you look in a mirror before you go out, as I'm sure you do, your eyes see JeffB because that is what they are expecting to see.  However when a total stranger sees someone wearing a dress, sandals and with a matching belt and bag, unless there is something that totally contradicts the image (like a beard), they are going to initially read that image as female.  When you also have short graying hair that is common on females, there isn't anything that would initially contradict the female image.  Now on closer observation, as you do in a mirror, they may notice something that makes them rethink their first impression, but in today's society, how many people bother with a second look (or even a good first one for that matter)?

Just for grins, the next time your dressed and looking in a mirror, see if you can sell yourself on the idea that you are looking at a female.  It will surprise you when one time when you try this you really will see an image that you read as female.  When this happened to me I was almost dumbstruck.  There was a combination of clothing that I strongly read as female and it carried the rest of the image right along with it.

It is a real challenge to look in a mirror and try to see through someone else's eyes, but doing it can be a real game changer.  It would probably make it easier to put an outfit together.

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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On 6/30/2016 at 10:48 PM, Thighbootguy said:

I don't think an eye doctor is in order, rather it is a matter of perception.  When you look in a mirror before you go out, as I'm sure you do, your eyes see JeffB because that is what they are expecting to see.  However when a total stranger sees someone wearing a dress, sandals and with a matching belt and bag, unless there is something that totally contradicts the image (like a beard), they are going to initially read that image as female.  When you also have short graying hair that is common on females, there isn't anything that would initially contradict the female image.  Now on closer observation, as you do in a mirror, they may notice something that makes them rethink their first impression, but in today's society, how many people bother with a second look (or even a good first one for that matter)?

Just for grins, the next time your dressed and looking in a mirror, see if you can sell yourself on the idea that you are looking at a female.  It will surprise you when one time when you try this you really will see an image that you read as female.  When this happened to me I was almost dumbstruck.  There was a combination of clothing that I strongly read as female and it carried the rest of the image right along with it.

It is a real challenge to look in a mirror and try to see through someone else's eyes, but doing it can be a real game changer.  It would probably make it easier to put an outfit together.

Most interesting, TBG! I agree that perception is important, and for people who'll pass me by on the street with nothing more than just a glance and will never see me again, I can see where they might take me for being female. As for your suggestion, I will give that a try prior to my next jaunt. Definite food for thought! Thanks!

Jaunt #321, 7/1/2016: An emergency of sorts popped up Friday morning. The UPS (uninterruptible power supply) my computer is hooked up to gave up the ghost and wouldn't turn on, so I had to go to Best Buy after work to purchase a new one, but, on the spur of the moment, I decided to turn that into a quick outing, sporting a quickly put together casual outfit consisting of a blue t-shirt, an 18 inch Old Navy denim skirt, Payless "Margarita" low wedge slides in black and a matching handbag. Again, the goal was for a casual outfit for a quick outing, and it worked well as I drove into Springfield where the closest Best Buy was to where I lived in the city. Despite how sunny and muggy it was, the short skirt kept me nice and cool while the new slides were comfortable and easy to wear, I've found it remarkable how much I've come to enjoying slides and sandals of varying heel heights at this time of year while the notion of wearing enclosed shoes (a.k.a. pumps) has become a non-starter, I simply have no reason to wear such shoes. Quite the paradigm shift from when pumps used to be all I wore all year 'round. Meanwhile, I wasted no time finding what I needed after arriving at Best Buy and making my purchase, then I stopped off at an Acme supermarket on my way back home for a couple of odds and ends. A quick outing to be sure since thunderstorms were in the forecast and the skies darkened considerably on my way back, but it was still enjoyable. More to come....


Jaunt #321, outfit-1.jpg

Jaunt #321, outfit-2.jpg

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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A smart look, Jeff! Simple, yet practical for a trip to the shops. I have decided to switch to denim pencil skirts rather than formal, and have ditched the wig :silly: waiting for my Zara grey denim pencil to arrive, then will take it for a spin :cheeky: Looking forward to your next jaunt :) 

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Great casual look JeffB. One of these days more guys will figure out how comfortable a skirt really is to wear, but then what would we do if everyone started wearing one? (I'm not seriously worried about that.)

I have only ever seen a man wearing a kilt two times in my life.  Once was years ago and he was dresses in full Scottish regalia and demonstrating a bagpipe, but yesterday (90F 33C) I saw a guy walking up my busy street wearing a kilt.  I wasn't able to get his attention or speak to him, but I did admire his nerve and considered the times are a'changing.

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Mr. Jeff...  Nice sandals, I have a pair of those in tan color - see avatar.  Wear them all the time.  Have fun...  sf

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"Why should girls have all the fun!!"

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Thanks for the kind words, guys! I suppose men might well know, or have an idea about how comfortable a skirt is in the heat of summer, but they wouldn't be caught dead wearing one. As for men in kilts, I've yet to see one, but I'd be interested in catching that sight.

Jaunt #322, 7/2/2016: With this being Independence Day weekend, I thought I'd go the patriotic route by sporting a red shirt, a white belt and a blue denim skirt which I paired with the Payless "Stacey" low wedge sandals in white and a matching handbag. My goal with this outfit was for it to be fun, and I think I succeeded in that goal as I went downtown to be seen, spending a good twenty minutes at my friendly neighborhood comic book shop, then strolling down to Rittenhouse Square park to get in a little reading on my trusty nook e-reader for nearly an hour. The weather was sunny and pleasant with a refreshingly cool breeze that made things feel quite nice, of course, no one paid me a moment's attention in the park, crowded as usual with people, but that's okay. I also enjoyed some people watching, and EVERY female I saw wore some variation of flat shoes: sandals, sneakers, slides, slip-ons, and yes, the dreaded flip-flops, no heels of even modest or minimal heights (save for what I wore) were seen, which made my choice of footwear all the smarter since I enjoy blending in with my surroundings.

After a walk a couple of blocks down the street to have lunch at McDonald's, I returned to my car and drove to the northeast and Parx Casino, yeah, I know it hadn't been all that long since my last trip there, but payday was on Friday, so I thought I could spare a couple of twenties here and there for some fun tackling the ol' one-armed bandits. Like the park, the casino was packed for an early Saturday afternoon, and since everyone was busy working slot machines or rolling dem bones, I went ignored as I had fun on a few machines of choice, I won as much as around fifty bucks on one machine, gave most of it right back on another, then won about forty on another, ending my day there with just under thirty bucks. You don't get rich playing penny slots, but that doesn't keep me from having fun, and that's why I go to the casino, but it's more fun to go there while on a jaunt. And since I wore a fun patriotic outfit, that made my day out even more enjoyable. More to come....


Jaunt #322, outfit-1.jpg

Jaunt #322, outfit-2.jpg

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Nice look JeffB, including the blue neck-fob and matching bracelet.

2 hours ago, JeffB said:

of course, no one paid me a moment's attention in the park

Is this, or was this a problem?  I know it used to bug the daylights out of me when nobody noticed (it doesn't bother me anymore).  In several of the places I now frequent the staff knows me well and offers positive comments on my clothing choices.  I don't know if their positive comments are good for me or not, as they tend to encourage me, but it's nice to get complements.

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Loving the bright red top! Really goes well with your skirt. Cute shoes as well. Love the patriotic red white and blue thing you have going on. I'm building my denim pencil skirt collection and my grey Zara one came today, a snug fit, just right for a trip to the shops. Was only popping out to get some tights so a quick trip. Need to take thd plunge and get some shoes like yours though! Looking forward to your next jaunt :) 

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Nice patriotic look JeffB, for the 4th of July holiday.

I did a similar look wearing, a red polo shirt, with a white mini skirt, 6" above my knee, with my new Uggs, "Jennie", t-strap sandals, in dark blue, with 3" block heels. To match my dark blue shoes, I carried a dark blue, cross body bag. I also had my little pinkies professionally colored, in red, white and blue designs, for the holiday. I got more compliments on my little pinkie designs, that I did on my skirt and heels. Figure that one out!

Happy Heeling,


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Thanks for the kind words, folks! I do as best I can to look stylish and fashionable, and it was fun to wear the red, white and blue last Saturday!

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I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #323, 7/10/2016: After a positively wretched week weather wise, what with temps in the mid 90's most of the days, a quick hitting thunderstorm Saturday afternoon knocked the temps down to manageable levels on Sunday, I headed out on a jaunt, deciding to dress up a little in a black tank top, a lined, below the knee printed skirt from Sears, my newest footwear acquisitions, the Payless "Noble" flat sandals in white and a matching handbag, because I always make sure my bag matches my shoes. I think I've reached yet another level in my journey as a fashion freestyler because I not only looked forward to wearing flat sandals, I actually LONGED to do so, and the Noble shoes were very stylish. In fact, I haven't worn heels higher than one and half inches since early June, and I'm perfectly cool with that, I've found that it's very....liberating to wear flat sandals like the multitudes of girls and women out and about during spring and summer, that I don't need to wear high heels to make a fashion statement, and that's rather empowering.

As for the outing, armed with my Barnes & Noble nook e-reader in my bag, I headed into town and my usual haunt, Rittenhouse Square Park, after a thirty Knute hunt for a parking spot, I jumped out, fed the meter and strolled to the park some three blocks away. The temps were not only comfortable, there was a good breeze blowing which gently whipped the light fabric skirt about my shins as I walked, and that felt kind of daring to me while the sandals were comfy and easy to walk in, and, of course, no one paid me so much as a moments worth of attention on my way to the park and after I arrived, even though the park was packed with people, I've gotten used to that, thought that disappoints as I'm always eager to engage with people who engage with me about my attire. Seated on the bench with The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on my e-reader, I was an hour into my reading when an older couple sat next to me and fiddled with their smartphones, then, the lady let out a little Yelp, I turned to see what had happened, she had a dollop of bird crap on her bare forearm, something that amused her more than angered her, fortunately, I had gotten into the habit of keeping a packet of tissues in my bag and gave one to her to wipe away the offending goo. She thanked me, then chuckled, saying she had that happen to her a week ago and joked she was a bird magnet, the couple and I got a little laugh out of that before they up and left.

Not one mention from the couple about my attire, the brief chatter was all about the bird poo. Predictably, I looked up in the trees out of mild concern, though I've yet to be bombed by birds while in the park, though I suppose it's only a matter of time. Funny, isn't it, how life works? Anyhow, it wound up being a pleasant outing, something I've come to expect, but I never take anything for granted. More to come....

Jaunt #323, outfit-1.jpg

Jaunt #323, outfit-2.jpg


Edited by JeffB
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I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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That isn't my favorite JeffB outfit (the skirt is too much of an attention getter), but as my grandmother taught me, "if you cant say something nice..." so, "hey JeffB nice shoes". :angel:

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Hey Jeff, you should try some outdoor shots - I took your advice and dressed a little bit more sensible (sorry to impose but you know I always do :) ) - I think denim suits you better than the last ensemble which adds 40 years to you...  Here's me visiting a mate, I wore my fave frayed hem Gap pencil with boots and tights as it was a little cold :silly:

Ever thought about a nice printed pencil skirt? I think you have the figure for it!

Still, looking forward to your next (denim skirted) jaunt :cheeky:





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