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do real men where heels?

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the title is a little misleading but I can't think of a better one.... the thread about men wearing heels = gay got me thinking.... i understand people do things due to society pressure.... like I won't wear my heels out because I'm worried that people would laugh at me or I would damage my reputation or whatever fear I or we may have.... however, if you ask a lot of men, i would say if not most, 50% of them would say that women looks hot with a nice pair of high heels..... I just wonder, how many men would wear high heels in their daily life if there wasn't the social stigma that heels are only for women or that they make them less masculine.... sure, most men may not love heels as much as we do on this forum, but without the social acceptance impact issue of wearing heels, I wonder what the percentage of the male population would put on a pair of heels as part of everyday life.....


Interesting question, Thank you. Some mens' will to wear heel go beyond that social stigma (it's many of us). Sure there's a part of mens, with a lower will, that are "blocked" by that stigma ciao


My purpose of wearing heels is to stand out from others almost as if people are use to walking like normal but I trained myself to walk on my hands to stand out from others thats something that not everyone can do. Some people will applaud me, some people will criticize me, and some people will think nothing of it. The point that I am getting at is that I am always trying to do something different from other people whether it is physically or fashionably.

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!


i would say there a lot of guys who would wear heels that dont as well. the breakdown on who is gay,who wears in private as opposed to in public,etc will undoubtedly never be known. but its safe to say that it will always be a fringe/taboo sort of thing,at least in the forseeable future. and i dont think anyone should feel guilty about where their interest in heels takes them...its like water seeking its own level. the important thing is to enjoy it as best you can...otherwise why even bother with it. there is enuff things we are forced to do that we dont like as it is.

  crotchboots-m said:

i would say there a lot of guys who would wear heels that dont as well. the breakdown on who is gay,who wears in private as opposed to in public,etc will undoubtedly never be known. but its safe to say that it will always be a fringe/taboo sort of thing,at least in the forseeable future. and i dont think anyone should feel guilty about where their interest in heels takes them...

wise words, mate.

Always High-Heel Responsibly

  aussieheels1 said:

..... I just wonder, how many men would wear high heels in their daily life if there wasn't the social stigma that heels are only for women or that they make them less masculine....

Always High-Heel Responsibly


Define "real Men" Some, like my son in law, would say a "real man" drinks too much bear, talks dirty to women, smokes whatever, runs over little animals crossing the street and laughs about it to his kids and teaches them words like fagot, queer, and makes fun of everyone who isn't like him and teaches his kids to live in a box like his.:thumbsup: Others, like me, would say a "real man" goes to church or practices the forgiving, loving, and carring way of life and has an open mind. Also has the balls to wear what he wants and believes in individuality and looks to the heart and NOT THE SHOES of all others.:thumbsup: So, I would say YES as my signature also say's, Real Men DO infact wear heels!:smile:

real men wear heels


Well, of course men wear heels as part of their daily lives. I do, and a friend of mine in NY says he sees lots of guys there wearing stacked heels just like my avatar (the Johnny Boot) which backs up what Kneehighs has told me which was that he has seen so many men in NY wearing Johnny boots it is no longer worth commenting upon. Of course they are specifically made for men, and marketed for men. They are just to blooming expensive to be mainstream. I wear them and i have just finished a trade exhibition in london where I wore my Johnny boots every day and very comfortable they were too. However, are you thinking about men wearing heels that are marketed at women? There lies the difference. I am absolutely certain that many many men would wear heeled footwear if it was readily available and marketed at them. Until then there remains only we few on here that have overcome the mindset to be comfortable with wearing what we like when we like regardless of whom the original gender the item was designed for. Simon.

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?


YES! The only thing that gets in the way is my own fear of the known.

I know that there will be those who will snicker, laugh, point, stare, or look down their nose at ME. That is O.K. A real man fears nothing but fear itself.

Kind of like the ice water spring fed swimming hole, just dive in, once your in there is nothing left to fear. Be a man, enjoy what you enjoy.

Real MEN do wear heels.



right on.... Thighboots2 - that's kinda where i was going.... was thinking along the line that currently, heels are marketed/targeted at women and thus it s implied women only.... but if heels is sexuall neutral, whether men would decide to wear heels... johnieheel and 5.5 thrill - you point is kinda why I labelled the thread as it is..... people will say men don't wear heels cause it make them weak, girly or whatever... but then real men are also suppoed to be individuals, strong willed and thus waring heels if they desire is actually a trait of a real man..... ironic eh... :smile:


Men will wear heels when it becomes the "in" thing to do. Especially in fashion centers like New York, London and Paris. Until then, well, wear them anyway....anywhere and let your heart not be troubled.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

  wolf said:

this Christmas I'll gift heels to my (male) friends :smile:

That would be wonderful. I wear a size 12 and love 5" or higher stiletto high heels! LOL

  johnieheel said:

Define "real Men"

Some, like my son in law, would say a "real man" drinks too much bear, talks dirty to women, smokes whatever, runs over little animals crossing the street and laughs about it to his kids and teaches them words like fagot, queer, and makes fun of everyone who isn't like him and teaches his kids to live in a box like his.:thumbsup:

Others, like me, would say a "real man" goes to church or practices the forgiving, loving, and carring way of life and has an open mind. Also has the balls to wear what he wants and believes in individuality and looks to the heart and NOT THE SHOES of all others.:thumbsup:

So, I would say YES as my signature also say's, Real Men DO infact wear heels!:smile:

All kidding aside, Johnnie, those were some very nice words and thoughts, and to live by. I always appreciate your input to this iste. Thank you.

  Bubba136 said:

Men will wear heels when it becomes the "in" thing to do. Especially in fashion centers like New York, London and Paris. Until then, well, wear them anyway....anywhere and let your heart not be troubled.


You and Johnnie are right on track. I agree with both of you. Men, wear your high heels proudly and enjoy the moments.


Well, having seen that all my plumbing was in place when I took my morning shower, I guess that means I'm very much a real man. :smile: Weak attempt at humor aside, men shouldn't let gender assignment regarding footwear keep them from wearing heels if that's what they want to do. I'm of the opinion that it's takes balls for a man to wear women's shoes in public, so yeah, real men do wear heels!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


First, applause for Johnnieheel! But I would love to go one step further... The implication of the opening thread, and other threads on similar topics is that a gay man is not a real man. I don't think that sexual orientation makes a man any less real. I am a firm believer that if a man, any man is to be a "real man" he should be the best possible man he can be. Second, to take Johnnieheel's point a bit further, a real man behaves in a civilized manner and is true to himself. Part of the reason I like to wear heels is I like them...they look good...they are fun...and they are my statement. In essence how I dress is a statement of my individuality. Social stigma be damned. Personally, I think that being having the courage to be different and be an individual is what constitutes being a real man. As long as it doesn't bring harm to anybody.

Style is built from the ground up!


Real men don't wear heels.

they leer at women and make stupid secret gestures.

They shout stupid senseless words.

They're stronger than a sheet of metal and are in the rugby club reserves.

All their clothes are stained and dirty,all their girlfriends are ashamed.

Real men like to go to the boozer and play bad darts and drink bad beer They get too drunk and look for trouble and ask punk rockers if they're queer.

They're narrow-minded and tabloid-fed, they're ignorant and they're kept that way It suits the men who pay their money so that's how they're going to stay.

Real men beat on blacks and faggots, real men stalk in every town, flash and feisty, mean and nasty, those real men really get me down.

It Wouldn't happen in China.

(My own adaptation of a song by the jazz butcher)


A real man? Real men aren't always superheroes or extraordinary. They are individuals that live and do what they know is right. They don't always have everything correct, but they take responsibility and work hard to make things right and restore that which is lost as good as possible. When they fall, they think of ways to rise again and actively pursue the best choices. Quiting and failure is something they do or experience to get a break for renewed strength to continue on, no matter the task. They respect and care about others and offer a helping hand when they see the need. These are some of the properties to be a real "man", which are obtainable by either female or male. Wearing high heels is a pleasure we have the fortune to experience in our life time. If you wear heels to fulfil that personal desire, you are being true to the real you.

  HappyFeat said:

The implication of the opening thread, and other threads on similar topics is that a gay man is not a real man.

Happyfeat... that's not the intend of the thread at all... in fact it is almost the opposit.... im not going to buy into the arguement of whether gay men are real men as I'm not concerned about one's sexuality..... the thread was concerned about whether men wearing heels are real men (gay or straight)....

i'm almost having a go at the preception of what a real man is... and in this stereotype, they would have the balls to do what they want, when they want and does not care about people judging them... and thus to wear heels in public where it is not generally accepted can almost be slotted into this description.....

but overall, the thread was really looking at if it is possible to take out the gender specific nature of high heels and only female should wear them, whether the male would choos to wear them if there isn't this feminine stereotype attached to them....

  Amanda Snake said:

Real men don't wear heels.

they leer at women and make stupid secret gestures.

They shout stupid senseless words.

They're stronger than a sheet of metal and are in the rugby club reserves.

All their clothes are stained and dirty,all their girlfriends are ashamed.

Real men like to go to the boozer and play bad darts and drink bad beer They get too drunk and look for trouble and ask punk rockers if they're queer.

They're narrow-minded and tabloid-fed, they're ignorant and they're kept that way It suits the men who pay their money so that's how they're going to stay.

Real men beat on blacks and faggots, real men stalk in every town, flash and feisty, mean and nasty, those real men really get me down.

It Wouldn't happen in China.

(My own adaptation of a song by the jazz butcher)

LOL..... it pretty much hits the spot....

  Amanda Snake said:

Real men don't wear heels.

they leer at women and make stupid secret gestures.

They shout stupid senseless words.

They're stronger than a sheet of metal and are in the rugby club reserves.

All their clothes are stained and dirty,all their girlfriends are ashamed.

Real men like to go to the boozer and play bad darts and drink bad beer They get too drunk and look for trouble and ask punk rockers if they're queer.

They're narrow-minded and tabloid-fed, they're ignorant and they're kept that way It suits the men who pay their money so that's how they're going to stay.

Real men beat on blacks and faggots, real men stalk in every town, flash and feisty, mean and nasty, those real men really get me down.

It Wouldn't happen in China.

(My own adaptation of a song by the jazz butcher)

You know my sun in law!

real men wear heels

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