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bluejay last won the day on February 26

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    Wearing heels

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  1. After all the ice and snow problems of the past few weeks, I finally got out yesterday wearing some heels and feminine clothing. I wore my orange sweatshirt dress with orange fishnet hose and my orange patent colored knee boots, with an orange colored puffer jacket. I got a couple of compliments especially from a lady about 50, while entering a Walmart store. She said that " Wow, I looked. very spectacular to her." Of course I thanked her for her compliment. It just goes to show you that guys can go out and about in a feminine mode! Happy Heeling, bluejay
  2. Yesterday , I went to my nail salon to get my mani for Valentine's. I got my usual clear/pink gel on my hands. On my little pinkies I got small Valentine's hearts in red. My nail tech did a great job on my mani. Incidentally, I wore a very feminine ensemble to the nail salon and I was complimented by other women customers. I wore a white sweat shirt dress, with a hemline above my knees, with red fishnet panty hose and my red patent knee boots. I also wore a red puffer jacket as the temp outside was in the low 20's F. I felt very comfortable wearing that ensemble. Happy Heeling, bluejay
  3. I don't wear real fir but I do have an imitation fir coat that I wear out in winter. It's an off grey color and I've had many compliments wearing that coat out with a skirt, tights and heels of course. Happy Heeling, bluejay
  4. Nice look Giege. That's a look that I would wear for sure! Happy Heeling, bluejay
  5. Why not got to Lowe's wearing, just your leggings with your booties. I do Happy Heeling, bluejay
  6. I never have a problem buying anything from the women's department at all. Sometimes I buy for my wife but mostly it's for me, which includes pantyhose, tights and leggings among the many things, that I buy for myself. Happy Heeling, bluejay
  7. Cat, since you too. have great looking legs, I'm sure that it looked great on you! Happy Heeling, bluejay
  8. I too, was complimented on my new booties. Several of the ladies at my church always have to see what heels I'm wearing. I was wearing a pair of new white booties from DSW, with 4" block heels and a 1-1/4" platform. They all liked my new booties as my pants were at a length, that my whole heel was showing off. Very impressed was the comment from one of my lady friends. Happy Heeling, bluejay Just wanted to leave a link to my new booties .https://www.dsw.com/product/journee-collection-riplee-platform-bootie/544120?activeColor=white bluejay
  9. He's still around, but he's not wearing heels anymore. He's into wearing Tiek's women's flats, big time. His wife passed away about a year ago. I still correspond with him occasionally . We were supposed to get together last July, when he was attending an event nearby but he got sick and had to return home to Ohio. BTW he's not on HHP any more as well as my heeling friend, from southern California, mrnotar. Happy Heeling, bluejay
  10. Mirose, that guy your referring to is Steve from Ohio. He sold his hosiery business several years, ago to someone from Canada. I have several pairs of his hosiery and I like them a lot. They are definitely for a guy as they have a fly in them. They are 80d. They are not very heavy. If you guys are looking for a heavier pair of tights get fleece lined women's tights or leggings. Happy Heeling, bluejay
  11. I've had the same comments made to me many times over, that I have legs that most women would love to have. That's why I like to show them off! Happy Heeling, bluejay
  12. Shyheels, I have a pair of men's purple dress pants and a pair of women's purple pants. On this side of the pond purple pants are not that hard to come by. Incidentally purple is my wife's favorite color. Mine is blue. Happy Heeling bluejay
  13. Mirose, I bought that pink suit on Amazon a few years ago. You're not the first one to ask where I got that pink suit from. As far as the other colors I got them over the years from various stores and possibly on line too. When you're looking for a particular color just google it in. When you're looking for something in particular you can usually find it on line. Happy Heeling, bluejay t Shyheels, I don't like wearing midi or maxi skirts. When I wear skirts or dresses (sweat shirt dresses in the winter, which I have in a rainbow of colors too) I like my hemline to be just above my knee. When it's cold out, I wear them with tights (sometimes fleece lined) or with leggings. In the summer bare legged or with pantyhose. I also like to wear skorts in the summer. With the shorts on the inside of the skort, I like to wear them with a mini hemline. I also love to wear fishnet hose too. I'm not afraid to show off my legs and I'm very comfortable with that look! Happy Heeling, bluejay
  14. I failed to mention in yesterday's post that I also wear many different colors of suit coats in my wardrobe. I have suit coats in pink, purple, yellow, royal blue, kelly green, red, orange and white. My pink coat has a matching pair of pink pants but I think it's too much pink, so I wear the pink jacket with black pants and the pink pants with a black or white jacket. I'm always dressed for church on Sunday wearing a jacket, dress shirt and tie with my heels, just like Melrose. I'm always color co-ordinated and I get compliments from both men and women on my ensembles. The gals all like to see my heels, that I'm wearing, although I have had men compliment me on my choice of heels whether it be shoes, booties or knee boots. That is my winter wardrobe with a suit coat and tie. In the summer time it's a rainbow of polo shirts that I wear to church with dress pants and heels. Happy Heeling, bluejay
  15. I don't worry about wearing any color of clothing or footwear. I wear pinks, purples, yellows and reds. You name it I wear it. I like wearing a lot of color. that's why I wear a lot of feminine styles as men's colors are too boring for me. Even my 97 year old father-in-law wears any color shirt with his suits but he doesn't wear heels. LOL Happy Heeling, bluejay
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