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  1. It seems that there is growing coverage of the topic of men in heels outside of hhplace.org This thread is for discussions about men in heels. For pictures of Male Celebrities, Runways, and Rockers in heels, post those in this thread. As a resource for those of us who are interested, I thought it would be useful to put all the URL links under one roof, under one thread. As time passes, we are seeing more and more discussions about men in heels from the general public. I have tons of links, but will start with these for now. MYSPACE.COM Abdul Lagerfield My Space Blog: Men In Heels Part One Abdul Lagerfield My Space Blog: Men In Heels Part Two EZINE ARTICLE by Clark Hunter YAHOO ANSWERS started by Shoeiee Design Taxi by Bianca Zen TIME MAGAZINE August 21, 1972 New York Magazine by Amy Laroca BLOGS Holy Candy features a picture of FashionableFun on the right. FORUMS Discover Vancouver
  2. How to use fashionable pictures to advance Freestyle Fashion -- Internally and externally. Internally through the development of our own unique fashion tastes. Whether you still experiment with different styles or have already found that special style you call your own. Externally, through outstanding public displays of your own unique fashion perfection. Internally, the purpose of this thread is provide a pictorial journal for members to choose styles from that they would like to try for themselves. Styles of men in heels! Take what you like and need, leave the rest. Get to know yourself better, what you like, what suits your body type, and what you don't like. The goal is to help you find a basic look thats stylish and that incorporates high heels into the overall picture. Then once you feel comfortable, share a picture of yourself. It might inspire others and more importantly it might inspire others to street heel with style. Maybe you can find some inspirations for your basic wardrobe. Then you can just buy more of the same thing that adds to your basic style. When looking for clothes, think of how you will wear it with what you already have in your closet too...if you can come up with at least 3 different outfits for something new, then in my humble opinion, buy it. If members stick with this process, their own individual expressions of fashion will begin to uniquely mature. Externally, from this refinement, our tastes in fashion will improve, with the end result being the best possible examples of men appearing as men in heels that one can give. Thus giving Freestyle Fashion a better chance of being tolerated by mainstream culture. One of the newer members at The Fashion Spot.com summed up the process of attaining fashion maturity as follows: Most of all, lets remember that fashion should be fun and its not really a math equation. We have enough structure and equations in our social culture already. Have fun with it.. Its ok to wear heels and experiment with different heel types because it means your are evolving and growing!!!!! Remember, we are individuals, not defined by what's going on around us but defined by whats going on within our own heads and hearts. So let your hearts sing, let your inner creative genius out, and lets see the best possible fashion ensembles you can come up with. All photographs appearing on this site under the user name of kneehighs are the property of kneehighs. They are protected by the U.S. copyright laws, and are not to be downloaded or reproduced in any way without the written permission of kneehighs.
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