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pebblesf last won the day on October 1

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    I enjoy wearing hiheel women's boots with levis, leather, and gloves...Would love to meet guys with similar interests, I wear size 12 women's boots.

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  1. Hoping the flight went alright, wish I was there to meet you!
  2. You look amazing! Sure wish you were on one of my AA flights, but am guessing you were on SWA. Hoping the leather softener helped, it is so frustrating to have a great pair of boots that end up being too tight. Your feet tend to swell a bit on the plane, so you must have been suffering. I hate it too! Only a few more months before retiring from AA.
  3. I have finally reached the point where I go out of my way to compliment another person that I see wearing great boots. A few years back, I was having a drink in a bar watching folks go by on the sidewalk. Suddenly I saw a tall young fellow strolling by with his friends wearing some nice tall heeled ankle boots. I decided to step outside quickly to compliment him. Like I said, the fellow was tall so his stride was much greater than mine, really had to book it if I had any hope of catching up to him. I turned the corner on the next block to find him waiting in line to another bar. I stopped briefly to compliment him. Being older, I am very aware of my possible "creep factor", so want to avoid that with young people. The young man thanked me and I moved on. Even though the encounter was brief, I was happy I made the effort.
  4. Cool! Always looking for new bootbuds to hang with!
  5. Beautiful boots, great for any occasion or excursion... Very intriguing indeed. Love the straps, the color, the great heels and toe shape
  6. So you are much closer to STL? Occasionally layover there as well. D
  7. Richard- I just want to compliment you on accomplishing more in one year than I have accomplished in over ten years. You really look great buddy. I too, love to talk heels with other guys/gals. And, it is just how you put it: "it takes plenty of courage and confidence to wear outfits that other guys only dream of secretly". You have taken good care of your body and look great in all your outfits, you deserve the pleasure of wearing them for the rest of the world to enjoy, if they want to. If they don't, who cares! I can honestly say, that I have reached that same level of confidence while wearing my boots. I know that other guys do notice, and are envious, even though they would never admit it. I used to be somewhat of "a deer in the headlights" when I would get the rare compliment, but now I take the time to thank whoever it is and continue the conversation if they want to. You are so fortunate that has a loving wife that is secure in your relationship and wants you to be happy. Take special care of her for sure! I wish your wife could talk with my better half for sure! My love of boots has always been a thorn in our relationship, and I understand, to a point. But, a little acceptance would go a long way for sure. We both know my love of boots is not going away. I work for the airlines and sometimes layover in downtown Chicago, or near ORD. Always looking for heel guys to hang out with. All the best. Don
  8. The black outfit gets my vote for sure, the other outfit is great also, just fine in the office I'm sure... Let me know when you are headed out, would be so cool to have you on one of my flights!
  9. "turned a few heads" is a good thing indeed!
  10. OK, well first, let me congratulate you on a very quick evolution. One year since you ventured out in heels, and look at you now! Your efforts to tone your long lean physique have surely paid off, and you deserve to wear outfits like this with extreme pride and confidence. You really look great, don't mind admitting I'm very envious. Great taste in boots as well. As for your final question, I tried to respond in one of your other posts....
  11. Oh boy, this seems like a tough question to answer. First, let me say that those tan boots are beautiful, and you look great. But, it sounds like you have a bit of a tough relationship with that boss/manager, so I don't want to advise anything that will strain that relationship any more than it is. I think you look amazing with the levis over the boots, but am guessing wearing the jeans to work might be pushing it. Next on my list, would be the tighter pair of black pants over the boots. Tell us more about what you have worn to work in terms of heels in the past... Would this be your first time wearing heels/boots to work? If you have worn heels/boots to work in the past, was there any negative pushback from management? If not, how about coworkers, although it is hard to imagine anything else but endless compliments coming from coworkers. If you have worn heels to work in the past, and there were no issues, then I would definitely wear the outfit with the tighter black pants and boots. You could wear the tan boots as well. Sorry that I probably haven't helped much, I just don't want to recommend anything that will cause issues at the work place.
  12. I'm sure people have noticed and appreciate your style. Most people want to be polite, and won't stare or say anything. Many men notice also, and appreciate your style, they are just too nervous to say anything.
  13. We do appreciate all your photos and efforts, but also understand if you are somewhat "burned out".
  14. Glad you are better and back in heels for sure!
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