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pebblesf last won the day on March 24

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    I enjoy wearing hiheel women's boots with levis, leather, and gloves...Would love to meet guys with similar interests, I wear size 12 women's boots.

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  1. Most states do require some sort of inspection every few years....
  2. Working on an old car can be a great bonding experience as well. My buddy managed to connect my old Camaro with a telephone poll so many years ago, just after I had ordered and received a new long block for it. We spent most nights in his garage pulling the front of that car off so the subframe could be straightened, and we could find used body parts to put it back together. Became best buds sharing this project together for sure. It's great to hear about young guys doing something other than the usual phone stuff these days, especially sharing a project like the Olds with a friend. "Free time" is surely not a friend to most youngsters, they usually find "unproductive" ways to fill it. I know I sure did! So, having a project like this is a great learning experience, and will make owning and driving the Olds even more special. Plus, the guys are hanging out at home, so less worries about what trouble they might find while "out and about". I know they will have many great memories taking road trips in that great old beast of a car.
  3. Sounds normal and expected to get the Olds running reliably again. He will learn alot for sure. We all went through it when we were younger, "the curse of youth"... Good lessons learned one at a time. Just hoping he isn't planning to use the Olds as a "daily driver"... The gas will kill him, and it will rust quickly in the winter...
  4. Land yachts for sure, but relatively easy to drive, good visability, and comfortable for long trips, provided there are plenty of fuel stations along the way
  5. So cool! Always loved full sized Olds, and this four door body style looks great as well. Sure, will suck down the fuel, but I'm sure he will only use it for special occasions. I hope there is a nice dry place inside to house this behemoth, so the rust won't consume it.... Wish I had my 73 Chevy back...
  6. Thankyou! I have always disliked Amazon after having a bad experience so many years ago... And now with the current state of affairs in the US, I refuse to use Amazon as well, don't care if they are giving the stuff away...
  7. pebblesf

    Cali World

    So cool, love all the compliments!
  8. How is it you are so sure your coworker did not notice your clogs? Perhaps he was just being polite, intrigued, but trying hard not to be obvious about it...
  9. One thing I surely don't miss, the commute home from BOS to Providence after a trip... 50 mile trip that has taken me as long as three hours...
  10. Please don't allow that to happen! Be sure to update us, sounds like a great adventure/trip for sure. What airline?
  11. This will happen to most all of us at some point, just glad she was not hurt and able to laugh about it later...
  12. Very impressive indeed. Hoping the new job works out...
  13. I've been wearing my gloss black Hunter boots, and my tall Aldo cowgirl boots over my levis as well, feels great to display them with a bit of confidence
  14. I realize that folks "notice" when I wear stiletto boots/booties, can almost feel the gaze/stare behind me. But that's OK, hoping they are intrigued. Getting on/off an elevator is another place where I realize my boots will be noticed... Often wish I had a way to hear what was said after I got off the elevator, or perhaps better off not knowing. Oh well.. I can truly count the actual negative responses on one hand... Like "shyheels" says, you just have to "own it", be confident, never let em see you sweat....
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