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No Desire To Wear Heels


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I'm sure this is going to sound downright treasonous, but over the last month or so, I've had absolute no desire or interest to wear heels, either in public or even in private. While opportunities have abounded over the last few weeks as the weather has warmed up, I just can't bring myself to go through what I've viewed (right or wrong) in my mind as the "hassle" associated with wearing heels: putting together an appropriate outfit for whatever shoes I choose to wear, then going to a place (mall or store) for an outing, not to mention having to deal with the reactions of the public at large. It's just been easier, more comfortable and convienient to throw on my sloppiest jeans, a wrinkled polo shirt and sneakers and head out. Feels better too. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what brought this on, maybe it's nothing more than just springtime laziness, or maybe I overdid it again after returning to the passion back in December, and this behavior is some sort of subconscious governor, reining me back in, I don't know, nor do I know if this is a temporary situation. Perhaps I'll return to what passes for "normal" for me soon, perhaps not. In any event, I'll keep everyone appraised of what goes on with me.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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It seems to happen to all of us, the desire ebbs and flows. It is only temporary though, a couple of months go by and we want to get into the heels again. This seems to be the reason there are so many "purge and re-stock" postings around here. Our desire wanes, we get rid of our stash, the desire returns, and we stock up again. A better idea is to pack up your favorites and store them away somewhere so you can break them back out when you want to. It is even quite a rush to slip them on again after a hiatus. This may be an opportunity to thin your stock if you have a few pairs that you don't like so well. But be careful -- when the desire returns it does so with a vengeance!

Have a happy time!

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Just relax and don't worry about it or think in to it to much and things will go back to normal soon.

DITTO! Relax and go with the flow. A few months back we had another guy saying much the same thing. So what?

Stop and think on it; if you were forced to eat your favorite food 3 times a day, 7 days a week, how long would it take before you got disinterested? Shoes and fashion are the same way. You eventually reach burnout. So put the heels back in the closet and go yer way. The day will come when you'll want those shoes back, I guarantee.

Live long and prosper.;)

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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It seems to me that you take the heel wearing too seriously, that's why. You mention putting together an outfit to go with them and then going on a special outing in order to wear them. Doing it like this is a hassle, that's why I don't do Tara mode too often. It's fine why not leave the heels for special occassions, social functions and the like where you'd be dressing up a bit anyway and have somewhere to go?

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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HI Jeff, This happens to me also, I've been wearing "girl" things for over 30 years. I don't worry about it any more. It just comes and goes. Preference is a hard thing to understand. Just like food, music, or anything else the desire comes and goes. Sometimes I go through shopping frenzies, at other times I could care less. When I talk to my female friends they feel the same in a lot of ways. At times they like to dress up, and other times they just feel like doing as little as possible. I've just come to accept this and know that I'll want to wear something cute soon enough. Take care, Len

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JeffB - ;)

I suggest you don’t judge things by the standard of “normal”, rather use the concept of “comfortable”.

There are days when I am comfortable walking into a men’s room wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels and a short skirt and these are other days when I don’t feel comfortable going out of the house with knee boots with block heels worn under my jeans. There have been days when I’ve hit all of the points in between those two extremes. This board tends to present a one sided image because I don’t often post about "not feeling like wearing my thigh boots", but it happens. I suspect that even by the standards of the folks on this board I don’t fall into the “normal” category” but I do fall into the “comfortable” category. (I also suspect that, on this board, "normal" is an oxymoron.)

I still recommend the full length mirror test. Look at yourself in a full length mirror and be sure you are comfortable presenting the image that is looking back at you. If you are, go for it. Is that image always going to be the same thing? I doubt it. Neither will your reaction to the same image be the same every day. Most of us change from day to day, week to week, month to month. And then some of us just get old and lazy.

Variety is one of the things that keeps us from getting board. I don’t always eat the same foods, watch the same TV programs, or wear skirts and boots. Our tastes, feelings, desires, pleasures do change from time to time.

The real question is why we change. It might be environmental pressure (the people around us), it might be social pressure (the world around us). It might be the chemical balance of our bodies changing (not a bad thing, its responsible for us getting hungry or thirsty) or it might be getting old and lazy.

My advice is be aware of the change but don’t worry about it unless you start to see extremes. And... don’t sell you show collection just yet. Remember, things change.

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Why is it we think there's something wrong when things change? Life is all about cycles, ebbs and flows, ups and downs , ons and offs. If your passion cycle is down now that's OK. It will come raging back again. Just enjoy things as they are now. Taking a break allows it to be fresh when it appears again.

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JeffB - ;)

I suggest you don’t judge things by the standard of “normal”, rather use the concept of “comfortable”.

There are days when I am comfortable walking into a men’s room wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels and a short skirt and these are other days when I don’t feel comfortable going out of the house with knee boots with block heels worn under my jeans. There have been days when I’ve hit all of the points in between those two extremes. This board tends to present a one sided image because I don’t often post about "not feeling like wearing my thigh boots", but it happens. I suspect that even by the standards of the folks on this board I don’t fall into the “normal” category” but I do fall into the “comfortable” category. (I also suspect that, on this board, "normal" is an oxymoron.)

I still recommend the full length mirror test. Look at yourself in a full length mirror and be sure you are comfortable presenting the image that is looking back at you. If you are, go for it. Is that image always going to be the same thing? I doubt it. Neither will your reaction to the same image be the same every day. Most of us change from day to day, week to week, month to month. And then some of us just get old and lazy.

Variety is one of the things that keeps us from getting board. I don’t always eat the same foods, watch the same TV programs, or wear skirts and boots. Our tastes, feelings, desires, pleasures do change from time to time.

The real question is why we change. It might be environmental pressure (the people around us), it might be social pressure (the world around us). It might be the chemical balance of our bodies changing (not a bad thing, its responsible for us getting hungry or thirsty) or it might be getting old and lazy.

My advice is be aware of the change but don’t worry about it unless you start to see extremes. And... don’t sell you show collection just yet. Remember, things change.

Sounds like good advice. Also, I would like to point out that treason is a very strong term. Before we start using terminology like that around here, we first need to understand that the fashion and the shoes are indifferent. So just be sure that you are not treasonous to yourself!

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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I'm going through this phase at the moment. I just can't be bothered with the hassel of wearing a long straight skirt with 4" pumps. But I know it will change and soon it will come for me like a demon in the night! When I was a teenager I would often try to 'cure' myself of the habit of wearing straight skirts and heels. I would go into the woods at night and change, leaving my clothes in a hollow tree I would then walk for miles in the country until I was feed up with wearing a tight skirt and high heels. I would do this for several nights in succesion until I did not want to do it any more. But the effect did not last for long and the urge soon came back again. Don't get rid of your shoes Jeff!

"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave ! " The Eagles, "Hotel California"

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dont purge any of your stuff...ive done that in the past and all you end up doing is buy more stuff to replace it. just put it away someplace and wait for at least 6 month to a year,and then and only then if you feel the same way should you toss it or give it away.

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I'm going through something quite similar now. I want to go out and freestyle but I either don't have the energy, can't be bothered or have other important things to do (my career maybe taking another turning point this week). Which is a good thing because it's healthy to focus the mind on other areas. Also, the fact I'm working lots of late shifts also factors into this.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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I often feel the same way. Heels are sometimes a hassle, and I don't want to watch where I step. I would say the same thing about dressing to be comfortable, which sometimes means sloppy. Looking in the mirror even then is good advice. My salon girl, a friend for years, doesn't like me sloppy and has said so. She likes casual but nice, and I am sure she is not alone. I am currently in Hawaii, and there are plenty of sloppy dressers here! But it is possible to be casual and nice without looking like a hick, nerd, or whatever. The contrast is great. Yes, I wear shorts and a T-shirt much of the time, but I will wear shorts and an Aloha shirt when with the family here. Even when I want to be casual and comfortable, high heels still feel good around home or in the evenings.

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I've been feeling very much the same way over the past few months, just as the weather is improving too. All these great days for wearing heels and I seem to have lost all interest!! :smile: I've tried a few times, but it just doesn't feel the same at the moment..... It's probably not helped by my girlfriend as she's not at all impressed with my heel wearing at the moment, i'm accused of becoming too effeminate. Losing that support has really hurt my confidence.

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I've just come through a two or three week heel dis-interest period myself. Since then I've bought myself a pair of black leather stiletto knee boots and I've spent every available minute in them! It's like anything else, it comes and goes sometimes. Chris

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Am I wrong or everybody decided to get away from heels for a week or two? I had the same feeling... HEY! Time to wear my boots when at home tonight!!! YEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHH

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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Am I wrong or everybody decided to get away from heels for a week or two?

I had the same feeling... HEY!

Time to wear my boots when at home tonight!!! YEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHH

Might have something to do with the time of year? Spring has sprung around here -- time to get out of the house and enjoy the weather.

Have a happy time!

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Hey Flavio, if you are living in the south of Brazil, you should enjoy the coming "winter". I know that you have no real winter. But may be, that is the right time for wearing high heeled boots :wavey: nice greetings from Germany, micha PS: Our april in Germany was completely crazy. Sometimes it was like a typical german summer. Nearly 29 degrees Celsius - absolutely sandalettes wheather! In the july of 2003 we had in my hometown Frankfurt for several weeks over 40 degrees. Now I'm pondering really if you had ever in the tropical Manaus at the Amazonas similar temperatures as in Frankfurt. There must be something wrong with our climate :smile:

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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oh yeah micha, there IS somthing wrong with Earth's over-all climate!! NOTHING seems to be as it once was in the past (& not that distant either) when you read & hear about all the stuff that is going on in the weather, well as for me-I'm hardly surprised!

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Hi Jeff B! As so many others have said, street-heeling moods seem to ebb and flow with most of us. Nothing to worry abiout. In fact, it's quite a good thing, because I aways find that after one of my "negative" phases, it's all the more great to get positive and start heeling-away again, and the rush comes back much more than it would have done if I was routinely heeling away all the time! Cheers, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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Hey Flavio,

if you are living in the south of Brazil, you should enjoy the coming "winter". I know that you have no real winter. But may be, that is the right time for wearing high heeled boots :wavey:

nice greetings from Germany, micha

PS: Our april in Germany was completely crazy. Sometimes it was like a typical german summer. Nearly 29 degrees Celsius - absolutely sandalettes wheather! In the july of 2003 we had in my hometown Frankfurt for several weeks over 40 degrees. Now I'm pondering really if you had ever in the tropical Manaus at the Amazonas similar temperatures as in Frankfurt. There must be something wrong with our climate :smile:

Hey Micha, glad to have a response from Germany! I have some friends in your country, I worked at Volkswagen until last year here in Brazil, some co-workers were from there.

I'm your fan too, should be hard to keep safe in Germany while in heels. I aways hear about neo-nazist movement in Germany, they should be dangerous people, can you carify it overseas? I hate media promotion of odd things, better to hear from a friend. PM me if not related to the topic.

Yes, it's getting cold in the south of Brazil, and YES, climate is crazy, some cold days, some hot days. I'm not exactly in the south, but southeast, some days in the winter goes about 5 degrees celsius. Today is 15 and rainning.

In the south some mountain cities have snow and about -4 degree celsius.

Girls are wearing wonderful boots everywere I go, shopping malls, parties, trains, buses and the street here in Sao Paulo. I'll try to take some phone pics to share with you. Brazilian shoes are greatly designed, unfortunatelly only in girls sizes.

And YES, I weared my boots at home this weekend, what a joy!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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Hi Jeff B!

As so many others have said, street-heeling moods seem to ebb and flow with most of us. Nothing to worry abiout. In fact, it's quite a good thing, because I aways find that after one of my "negative" phases, it's all the more great to get positive and start heeling-away again, and the rush comes back much more than it would have done if I was routinely heeling away all the time!

Cheers, Heelfan

Well put. :smile:

My "mojo" came back today. I went to Reading with my GF and wore some heels. It was great being out again and I must say I can't wait to go out again. You're right it does come and go - it went recently for me because I was more worried about my next career move (that's sorted now) but it came back last week and going out today proved that.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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