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Now in this area there are over a thousand subjects and I did try to find this subject already posted but I did fail to find it already posted and I feel that there is room to discuss how we find and deal with hecklers. Rather than to just open the subject and reply and comment I will start filling in some information. Here in Orange County California there is great freedom to dress freestyle. Even so I do not go out in certain things that I consider to be silly or like a girl that I observed today at Walmart. What made this girl so less than perfect was that she had unsightly pointy toe stilettos which were nit a good match to her avois du pois and the part of her foot that was not contained was actually over flowing. But I was not going to give her any heckling. Probably some ill mannered brats never grew out of it and feel a need to show their bad manors by heckling who likes to dress creatively. Then for those that might like to get some idea of the general reaction one of my tricks is to pretend to look in the store windows but I study their reaction to my manor of dress. One time a few years back I went into a store and just as I did two of the sales persons had a giant laugh about something which just about triggered a minor heart attack but when I checked out what was going on with the two of them it was obvious that they could not have seen any part of me but from the top half of my shirt and up. So their humorous indecent had nothing to do with me. Also today I read the report of the car load of malcontents yelling trany. And the reaction of the person that was there when the supposed insult was tossed. Then too when some observers get a good look is it wired or admiration or envy. So I will slack off for now and see if the crew would like to talk this one over a bit.


This is a great topic and one that has been brought up before. I believe the discussion brought about various answers from ' just ignore them ' to someone mentioning about opening up a full BIG sized can of whoopass. Some of what I say may be out of my own ignorance. Yeah.. I havent experienced all the reactions people could have towards myself and some have mentioned things happening to them ( situations ) that I havent experienced for myself.. thus ' ignorance ' or maybe even ' lack of experience ' could be applied. It might be a blessing or maybe a dreadful curse, but Im not a macho-looking guy at all. I can squeeze into a size6 dress and can wear an 8 without any issues. Some would say its a good thing but.. I'm often called ' miss ' and I cant blame people for that as Im skinny, have long hair, a small waist.. "Here in Orange County California there is great freedom to dress freestyle." Ive been to Orange County, Yucca Valley, the ' Stumps ', Hoshua tree, Palm Springs, Big Bear.. Its a very nice area. There are many areas with people of the same mindset though, Western NY/Niagara Falls is pretty close but its a former ' blue collar ' area. ' Hecklers ' are of the same mindset no matter where we go though. I spoke before of people whom just have to say something instead of walking away/taking notes for a later time. I dont despise nor pity them as their actions speak for the content of their character. Some are not bad people at their core, but some are just looking to get a rise out of anyone for just about anything they can. I have been out and about with my ( hopefully ) future wife. ' Look at the dykes! ' when we were embracing on a somewhat romantic moment. WTF? Really? Dykes? Even if I were female, why the comments? I thought, from looking at the group of them, and smelling them from 20 or more feet away, I can see why they might be looking for ANY kind of attention from a female.. But I think it goes beyond something on the surface. ( more on this in a moment ). I was at a Store and a salesperson comes up and asks ' Can I help you miss? '. I turn around and the apologies immediately start flowing. This draws more attention then my just standing there and their saying ' Im sorry, I thought you were.. you looked like a woman, please forgive me.. '. They meant no harm and were sincere in their accord, but it still drew attention. Thats what I believe a heckler is looking to do, draw attention. Some hecklers are genuinely trying to be helpful, others are just being.. ( insert bad/cuss term here ). Sometimes, its not their intent and they dont even know they are doing such, but they just ' do '. *I* have done that myself and had it pointed out to me. I thought I was paying a compliment.. The woman I was with didnt think so at all! To the ' non-knowing ' hecklers, I take no issue at all. Again, I have done it. But the ones whom are just out to try and berate others.. I have no use for them.



I'm fully anticipating some heckling at some point. Like to think I'm ready for it. So this sort of thread would be great. Would like to hear about peoples experiences and how they reacted.

"You put high heels on and you change" M. Blahnik


I guess what I need is some good advice on how to react/handle myself when I do get heckled...So far, I have only heard a few young girls giggling at me from behind, and just ignored them (heels were well covered under long levis). BUT, I know, and truly fear the day when I am confronted head on by male hecklers. I have certainly given this plenty of thought, but have no concrete advice to give.... I am guessing I will do my best "not to let them see me sweat". Admittedly, my heart will be racing, and I WILL be in full panic mode. BUT, I'm thinking it is important not to let on that the male hecklers have affected me at all...I'm hoping I will be able to "laugh with them" by saying why should women just be able to enjoy these boots, or something like that...Not reacting negatively, or retreating will be the best way to extinguish the heckling. I truly believe that most guys, gay or straight, have some sort of "fascination" with women's footwear. So, I keep telling myself that hecklers are really just jealous cuz they don't have the guts to enjoy boots and heels....I'm hoping that I will become less bothered/affected by heckling after each event.... For now, I sure want to meet up with other boot loving guys for public heeling. "Confidence in numbers" I guess....Don

  pebblesf said:

I guess what I need is some good advice on how to react/handle myself when I do get heckled...So far, I have only heard a few young girls giggling at me from behind, and just ignored them (heels were well covered under long levis). BUT, I know, and truly fear the day when I am confronted head on by male hecklers. I have certainly given this plenty of thought, but have no concrete advice to give....

I am guessing I will do my best "not to let them see me sweat". Admittedly, my heart will be racing, and I WILL be in full panic mode. BUT, I'm thinking it is important not to let on that the male hecklers have affected me at all...I'm hoping I will be able to "laugh with them" by saying why should women just be able to enjoy these boots, or something like that...Not reacting negatively, or retreating will be the best way to extinguish the heckling. I truly believe that most guys, gay or straight, have some sort of "fascination" with women's footwear. So, I keep telling myself that hecklers are really just jealous cuz they don't have the guts to enjoy boots and heels....I'm hoping that I will become less bothered/affected by heckling after each event....

For now, I sure want to meet up with other boot loving guys for public heeling. "Confidence in numbers" I guess....Don

You have it exactly right.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


For the readers who would like to know how to handle hecklers here is an account of one time that I was going out to a local meeting of cross-dressers and while at the apartment house there were some 12 to 15 year-old brats that started and interesting enough they were in a place where it was possible to approach with no way for them to retreat. Cornered. So when I went over to them I announced to the group that there was a monthly meeting for drag-queens but to join me they would need a dress and a wig. Anyway I could analyze this situation and I do not recommend confronting any or all hecklers but this time it worked for me. Actually I even got the best of them and called them chicken to be afraid to put on a dress and a wig. It would have been possible to keep Michelle hidden from the others at the apartment house and change on the road but I decided not to hide. One evening I even visited the apartment owner and the grand kids, funny thing the next morning three boys and two girls were expected to report for breakfast and what came down the stairs were three girls and two boys.

While I am here I wist to thank stilettopete but there is no thank button there.

When wearing high heels in public, I've heard the whispers, the giggles, the OMG's, the "you've got to be kidding," chuckles, faggot, laughter, and gasps. But the way I look at it, I'm wearing high heels that a very unique and very pretty shoe and I expect to get noticed. As I have said in many posts, I enjoy and acknowledge every reaction I receive. I can't really say I've been heckled (a group of teen boys approached me one time, but I got in my car and drove off), so I don't know what words of encouragement I can give to you. As we wear high heels which are not perceived as "normal" footwear for men, we must be prepared for any possible reaction we might get. Just keep your cool, be polite, and above all be yourself. I've always recommended those who haven't done that much public heeling to always try not to put yourself in harms way, if it can be avoided.
  • 1 month later...

There is a new subject that just came up about anyone having any scary moments and when I went down to the bottom to look for similar subjects this one did not come up in the list. Anyway I think that they are related.


I really think the scary moments thread goes way beyond heckling. Or it has the potential to. Example: Have I been heckled? Yes. Have I had any scary moments? No.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


Totally agree with that the scary moments thread goes way beyond heckling. The thing that I was saying is that they were related and down there in the list of related subjects they were not to be found. And even some of the related subjects listed have no more in common that they may be shoe related.


I honestly have no idea at this early stage of the game what the engine even is that determines similar threads, it's a safe bet it's automatic and determined by content and/or keywords.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


I can't work out how to quote the bit I wanted to, but it was on the lines that a heckler is just looking for attention. How true. I know this is different heckling, but I went with my daughter to see Patti Smith. Small venue, full of idiots. 'I haven't paid to hear you.' Same thing really, though. Complete lack of respect. Loudon Wainwright 111 is the master at dealing with hecklers, and his song The Heckler is well worth listening to, useful even in the sense of heckler used here. I tried to put in a link but couldn't, but you can find it on the internoodle. Sorry, girl poking her nose into problems she doesn't have, but hoping to be helpful. And it's a nice song.


meganiwish, don't worry about your post here, in my corner of wales, the girls get stick too. There is a guy on the twice weekly market stall, who makes a point of trying to get others to notice me, but doesn't have the gumption to speak to me directly. It usually earns him disgusted looks from shoppers, and one day, the old git will catch me in a bad mood. He is on borrowed time.

totter along into history

  pebblesf said:

... why should women just be able to enjoy these boots, or something like that...

Maybe ... why should women just be able to enjoy hecklers ?

  lorriette said:

meganiwish, don't worry about your post here, in my corner of wales, the girls get stick too. There is a guy on the twice weekly market stall, who makes a point of trying to get others to notice me, but doesn't have the gumption to speak to me directly. It usually earns him disgusted looks from shoppers, and one day, the old git will catch me in a bad mood. He is on borrowed time.

What if you went to him and say outloud, Thank you my friend, thanks to you i've become more famous and you are just as boring as before!

Haha...easy for me to tease others from the background in the cloud of shyness. :wavey:

Don't worry, be happy - in heels! :rocker:

  newheeler said:

What if you went to him and say outloud, Thank you my friend, thanks to you i've become more famous and you are just as boring as before!

DUDE! I would start a website and market you for doing such! THAT would be funny!


  ilikekicks said:

DUDE! I would start a website and market you for doing such! THAT would be funny!

Ok! We can discuss the details! :wavey:

Don't worry, be happy - in heels! :rocker:


Its official folks! We should start a campaign to heckle the hecklers! :wavey:



Actually I did confront a bunch of kids while in DRAG one time and invited them to come with me to a meeting of cross-dressers but when I told them that a wig and makeup was required they chickened out.


A few years ago i was at a friends place and party. I was wearing a stylish Italian men's shoe with a 1-1/2 inch Cuban heel, a pair of higher priced blue jeans, and a button up dress shirt. I remember one of the wives making a very loud comment on the shoes like they were the weirdest thing they had ever seen. If I recall she shouted "what in the hell are those shoes you are wearing?" She was wearing jeans, tennis shoes and a t-shirt. I just told her in a polite, but firm, (loud), voice that I did not share her fashion sense, and some people like to wear something a bit more fashionable when they go out and not the same clothes that they might do yard work in. Everyone got a laugh, even her husband was trying to keep a straight face. She did not have anything to say after that and the party resumed with no issues, other than people wanted to see my shoes. Her comment was the only negative I got. This is one reason I will not wear heels in public. Too many rednecks with no fashion sense, but they are fashion critics.


Pumped, I feel you handled yourself well enough to make your point and put this buffoon in her place but got the partygoers to laugh and without offend the woman's husband. The only thing I disagree with your decision NOT to wear heels in public because of people like this. That means clowns like her are causing you to live your on THEIR terms instead of YOURS. I'm not saying you'll wear heels to an office party but you should not limit your enjoyment of life by giving comfort to jerks like the loudmouth at the party. Bullies only act when they have an audience and the way to shut them down is to slap them down. Nice story and thanks for sharing it!! HappyinHeels

  HappyinHeels said:

Pumped, I feel you handled yourself well enough to make your point and put this buffoon in her place but got the partygoers to laugh and without offend the woman's husband. The only thing I disagree with your decision NOT to wear heels in public because of people like this.

If I could find a reasonable pair on shoes similar to what I had at that time I would wear them. I would not have a problem wearing a low heel, 1-1/2 inches. I just will not wear an obvious woman's shoe, not in this area! Too red neck! Around here wearing woman's heels would be a good enough reason for some guys in a bar to beat someone up. Also I just don't want to deal with the possible flack if work acquaintances found out. There is another thread already of work related problems due to heel wearing. I have made a decision that wearing heels is not as important as my job!

  Pumped said:

A few years ago i was at a friends place and party. I was wearing a stylish Italian men's shoe with a 1-1/2 inch Cuban heel, a pair of higher priced blue jeans, and a button up dress shirt. I remember one of the wives making a very loud comment on the shoes like they were the weirdest thing they had ever seen. If I recall she shouted "what in the hell are those shoes you are wearing?" She was wearing jeans, tennis shoes and a t-shirt. I just told her in a polite, but firm, (loud), voice that I did not share her fashion sense, and some people like to wear something a bit more fashionable when they go out and not the same clothes that they might do yard work in. Everyone got a laugh, even her husband was trying to keep a straight face. She did not have anything to say after that and the party resumed with no issues, other than people wanted to see my shoes. Her comment was the only negative I got.

This is one reason I will not wear heels in public. Too many rednecks with no fashion sense, but they are fashion critics.

I have a couple of pairs like that, with heels nearer 2 inches, and wear them a lot, to church, business conferences, restaurants, etc. I've NEVER had any comment from people there (and there are thousands sometimes), let alone a negative one. I had a positive comment from the shoe repairer when I took one pair to be resoled and reheeled. He said they were really stylish and asked where I'd got them from.

Unfortunately the leather is cracking on both pairs.

I also wear cowboy boots with a 2.5 inch heel and have never had any comment, even when I've worn them to work.

Perhaps people are either more tolerant or more blind in the UK. I love your reply to her!

'Come, and trip it as ye go

On the light fantastic toe.'

John Milton

  • 5 months later...

Tonight went to a church meeting with square toe side zip three inch heels which were wide across the back but about a half inch front to back and I got a few serrious comoplements. Anyway back to the hecklers. Been saying for a while now heels and skirts are safe in Orange county but the other day as I was comming back to my pickup there was some unfavorable remarks form a passing car. Get that no guts to say anything where I might respond. The coward just had to make a statment that said look at me I am a low-breed.

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