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Thigh Boots in Public


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The past two mornings, before the temperature really got up there, I wore my pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels when I stopped at the grocery on the way to work. One guy glanced my way to be sure of what he was seeing, but other than him, I got no reaction at all. The folks in the parking lot and in the store just went about their business and I think the staff and register clerks are used to seeing me.

I really am looking forward to cooler temperatures.

JeffB -

It is cool enough to wear your boots in the mornings and most Toyota’s are air conditioned.

The next time you are shooting skirt pictures, try a pair with your boots

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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The next time you are shooting skirt pictures, try a pair with your boots

Hmm! A very good idea! I'll definitely give that a try! Thanks for the suggestion!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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On the way home from work Friday, I was wearing my black pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels when I passed a road side stand selling fresh corn. I had to turn my car around and drive back and park. As I was getting out of the car I realized I had my boots on and decided to keep on going. I had to walk about 40’ to the stand but the guy running the stand didn’t give any reaction at all. I bought a dozen ears and walked back to the car. I had previously stopped (several times) at other roadside stands wearing my granny boots, again with no reaction. Saturday afternoon, it was hot but I needed to go to Sam’s so I wore a white knit shirt, beige guy shorts with a 3” inseam, black hose and the same pair of black thigh boots. Since I haven’t wear colored hose and shorts I was concerned about the reaction I would get. The boots tended to ride down my legs so they were often only knee high or just above the knee. Other than a few glances, I got no reaction at all. I even commented to the girl at the register that “It’s almost too warm to wear these” and she didn’t realize what I was talking about. I don’t think she noticed my boots. The pull on boots with hose are not so tight as to prevent a little air circulating so they are not uncomfortable and I was only out in the heat while I was pumping gas and walking across the parking lot. All in all it was a nice outing.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I once walked through the centre of Sheffield in nothing but a lacy catsuit, a pair of hotpants and 5" stiletto patent thigh boots. (Long story)

Not a single comment or double take, in fact most people seemed to be making an effort not to look!

Agreed. Same thing happened to me walking down SoHo in NYC.

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As usual, thighbootguy, you impress me greatly with your outings. And you inspire me as well as I definitely plan on wearing my thigh high boots in public once the weather cools down. In my case, I think I'll look better wearing tight jeans with my boots and I've already bought two pairs which will work perfectly. Perhaps I'll snap some indoors pictures of my prospective outfits for all to see. Should be fun! :wink:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thighbootguy:-) It sounds like you had another excellent outing in your thigh boots again. Congrats! JeffB:-) I would be interested in seeing your indoor thighboot pics and the outfits that you will co-ordinate with them. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I would be interested in seeing your indoor thighboot pics and the outfits that you will co-ordinate with them.


Dawn HH

Funny you should mention that, Dawn! If you'll go to my new thread, "Showing Off My Boots", your wish will be granted!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Now, if I witnessed that walking toward me down the corridor in my local mall, I would be tempted to whistle and wail -- along with everyone else in the place! :wink:

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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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You're too kind, Bubba! For the umpteenth time, I have to say I had no idea just how good I look in a short skirt! And with those boots, I made for quite the killer combination! :wink:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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The past two days I have been wearing my black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels with shorts. I have been wearing a short sleeved knit shirt, beige guy shorts with 2-3” inseam, black hose, and my boots. It took a little while to get used to this look and second thoughts about getting out of the car but the outfit seems to be working. I have had no negative reactions and only a few second glances.

Yesterday I stopped at the grocery and a roadside vegetable stand on the way to work. I think the folks at the grocery are used to having me stop by wearing boots in the morning. The farmer and his wife at the vegetable stand only talked about the corn I was buying and not a word about my outfit. It was like a guy in thigh boots with 5” heels was no big deal.. The important thing was the corn.

After work I went to the Cincinnati Art Museum. The place was almost deserted. There were four guards and eight visitors. I spent most of the time walking around rather than sitting and drawing. No one said a word about my outfit (or even looked twice). I had a nice chat with one of the guards as I was leaving but she was used to seeing me wearing boots whenever I come in.

This morning I stopped for gas and then went on to the grocery. I’m sure folks at the gas station saw me but I got no reaction at all.

The only reason I keep posting about outings where I get no reaction is to emphasize that a guy can wear thigh boots with stiletto heels in public especially if you take the conservative approach and wear them over jeans.

The more I wear my boots the more convinced I am that the secret is having the right attitude. If you present a positive - no doubt about what you are doing image, the message gets across to people around you. If you express self doubt, that message gets across as well.

On my soap box - At the museum last night one of the guards (black female) was complaining about how tough it was to be a black female in the USA with all the government conspiracies and financial institutions working against you, and how hard it was to get a job you were qualified for. Without a doubt, she was having a tough time and she may have been right about some of the stuff but … with the image she was projecting, I wasn’t surprised people were not interested in hiring her.

It’s all about the image you project.

If you want to wear boots and/or heels, first convince yourself that you are dressing the way you like, and that you are mentally comfortable. That will let you project a positive confident image. Don’t try to project a lie. If you are not comfortable stop thinking about going out. Second, go out and enjoy.


If you met someone that was 6’6” 220 lbs :wink: (Jeff is 6’2” and those are 4” heels) I don’t think wolf whistles would be the appropriate response. But then again, with his 4” heels you may be able to outrun him. :rofl:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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The one time I got a wolf whistle, I ham'd it up with a little butt wiggle. It's all about the confidence game. Any guy wearing heels is going to have a sense of humor about those things, and not let the other person get the upper hand.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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The more I wear my boots the more convinced I am that the secret is having the right attitude. If you present a positive - no doubt about what you are doing image, the message gets across to people around you. If you express self doubt, that message gets across as well.

If you want to wear boots and/or heels, first convince yourself that you are dressing the way you like, and that you are mentally comfortable. That will let you project a positive confident image. Don’t try to project a lie. If you are not comfortable stop thinking about going out. Second, go out and enjoy.

I couldn't agree more if I tried, tbg! It's extremely important, no, crucial that you present a positive, take charge image when you're wearing heels in public. You have to project to the public at large that you're supremely confident, and comfortable in your own skin and that you're proud to wear the shoes you love. You also have to have a "don't give a damn" mindset about how people will perceive you, especially when it comes to those who snicker, chuckle, laugh or hurl insults your way because that will happen from time to time. Like tbg said, if you're not comfortable, it will show, and your outing won't work.


If you met someone that was 6’6” 220 lbs :wink: (Jeff is 6’2” and those are 4” heels) I don’t think wolf whistles would be the appropriate response. But then again, with his 4” heels you may be able to outrun him. :rofl:

Not only that, I wouldn't be able to run in that skirt if my life depended on it! Then again, every person has a small amount of vanity in them, to tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind the wolf whistle!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Ah, I remember the days when I actually looked good in a skirt. Sometimes you truly make me jealous, Jeff. I guess I'd best get back in shape, so I can strut some too. You guys really give a queen a real confidence boost. :wink:

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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On the way home last night I was wearing high waisted jeans, a blue short sleeved dress shirt, and my black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. This is a fairly tight fitting pair of boots especially when worn over jeans. The top of the boots, with the back lacing, opens wit a bit of a flair which I hadn’t realized really changes the look of the boots. I stopped at the grocery (Bigg’s) and did my shopping and managed to walk all over the store twice. I also found a long line at the checkout. I only got a few glances and not one comment. I chatted with the girl at the checkout, complemented her glasses frames, and groused about the warm weather, but she never commented on my boots. Next I went to a Walgreen’s drug store. Again, I wandered around looking for my stuff and here a few people noticed my boots but again no one said a word. This Walgreen’s has a very high ceiling and one end of the store has mirrors at ceiling height that are tilted so that if you look up from anywhere in the back half of the store, you can see yourself. This was one of the few times I have had the opportunity to see myself actually walking in public. Those boots are really REALLY striking. I hadn’t realized what effect that little flare at the top of the boots had on the overall appearance. Without the flair (like my 4” heeled pull on boots) the boots would blend into the jeans, but the flair the boots really stand apart from the jeans and make the “WEARING BOOTS” statement. The 5” heels don’t hurt the image either. It is a great look. Extra points to the designers. I have mentioned before that there is a big difference in wearing thigh boots with flat heels, 4” heels and 5” heels. I thought it was just the heel height that was making the difference but I was wrong. The heel is a part of it but the design of the boots is the major factor. The 5” heel, tight ankle, tight thigh length shaft and the little flair all add up to a big WOW. Also, the line of my leg continues and the high waisted jeans doesn’t offer any horizontal line to break the flow. I really am surprised I don’t turn more heads.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Wether a wolf whistle is intended as a compliment or a critisizm, always take it as a compliment, that's the confidence shining throgh.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I have mentioned before that there is a big difference in wearing thigh boots with flat heels, 4” heels and 5” heels. I thought it was just the heel height that was making the difference but I was wrong. The heel is a part of it but the design of the boots is the major factor. The 5” heel, tight ankle, tight thigh length shaft and the little flair all add up to a big WOW. Also, the line of my leg continues and the high waisted jeans doesn’t offer any horizontal line to break the flow. I really am surprised I don’t turn more heads.

Hmm! It neer occured to me that there's actually a difference in the overall styling betweel 4 and 5 inch heeled thigh boots. Most interesting indeed! Regarding your 5 inchers, I'm envisioning the picture your described of yourself in my mind, and I like what my mind's eye sees. I might have to get my hands on a pair of 5 inchers and see this difference for myself! Heh!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thighbootguy:-) As you know, I'm not able to wear a 5" stiletto heel, but since meeting you personally at the Science Center, my minds eye has a very good vision going of what you tell us in your postings. You must have made an impression with one of my co-workers that day as he has mentioned the guy with the pony tail and the thigh high boots about 3 times now since you were there. I have only told him that you were a representative from Tennessee on a short visit that day and that's why I was showing you around as I'm not quite sure where he is going with his rather off the cuff remarks yet. I thought you would like to know this as this has been the only reaction at the present of your visit. You must drop in again if you are ever in the area. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Well, no sooner did I express an interest in obtaining a pair of 5 inch heeled thigh boots, I went ahead and put in a bid on the boots in the pic above in black. I believe those are the Pleaser 8899 boots in leather with the lacing at the top. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress on this auction!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Sunday was a museum day. The weather wasn’t too hot so I wore jeans, a short sleeved light blue dress shirt, and my royal blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. As I was walking across the parking lot to the museum I noticed four young people (mid 20s) sitting on the steps of the museum. As I walked up the steps, it was obvious I had become the center of their attention. One of the guys gave me a grin and I nodded back. The one of the ladies spoke out, “I’m going to take those boots away from you”. Smiles broke out from the whole group. I kept walking but turned and said, “There a lot of fun”. Then the other lady in the group said, “You really do look good, those boots look nice”. I thanked them for the complement. The first lady continued, “Your not from Cincinnati are you”? She said that more as a statement than a question. I replied, “Well, yeah I am”. Second lady, “You don’t look like your from Cincinnati. … I mean that as a complement”. The first lady introduced the group and asked if I had seen the Rubens’ show. “Yeah, a couple of times. I’m over here almost every week”. We said good byes and I headed into the museum. Looking back on the meeting, I should have stayed and chatted longer. In the museum I said “Hi” to the guards and went to my favorite gallery and started sketching. Several of the guards coming through said Hi and asked how I was. In another gallery, an older family group came through and the elder lady in a wheel chair was commenting on the pictures and noting the ones that had recently been replaced with others from the collection. I got the impression they were rather well to do. They did their best to ignore the guy in thigh boots. As they came through again, I asked if they had seen the new Renoir and pointed it out to them. No they hadn’t. They thanked me for pointing it out, spent some time with the painting, then came back and asked me about other paintings. All of a sudden it didn’t matter that I was wearing royal blue thigh boots. After the museum, I went to Sam’s club for some stuff. The only eventful thing was I notices a young black girl who was about as tall as I was with my 5” heels and she noticed my boots. Later, she asked me if she could take my picture. “I’ve never seen a male wearing boots before”. I said, “Sure”, and struck a pose that showed off a heel. It didn’t occur to me to ask her if she had ever seen a female wearing thigh boots before. Oh well. Another fun outing. Dawn HH - I hope I made a good a good impression on your co-worker. I was trying to be conservative and wore my flat heeled boots. I will stop by again if I can arrange another trip in that direction. You gave a great tour. JeffB - I think you will see the difference between the 4” and 5” boots as soon as you try them on. The look and feel of the 5” boots is much more about “I’m wearing thigh boots with heels” than the 4”. I really enjoy both styles. I wear the 4” pull on boots when I don’t have time to mess with the tighter 5” boots and when I’m presenting a more casual look. The 5” are my museum boots and for when I feel like showing off a little. I really hope you enjoy them as much as I do. The 5” boots are the ones I have glued the penny under the toe tip to prevent wearing the leather on the toe of the boot. What color did you order?

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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What a great day thighbootguy! I especially like the encounter on the museum steps. Chalk up another one to self-confidence.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Yo, thighbootguy! Another terrific outing by you! I'm sure you're probably tired of reading this, but I really enjoy your exploits, and it's galvanized me into buying my own thigh boots! The auction on the boots I'm bidding on should be ending soon, near 5 p.m. my time, and I'm still high bidder. I certainly do hope I win them. Your description of the difference between 4 and 5 inch heeled boots was quite fascinating, like 4 inchers are just for wearing while 5 inchers are for showing off. An apt description indeed! I can't wait to find that out for myself! By the way, the boots I'm bidding on are black! :wink:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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A postscript: I did win the auction on those boots! I'll be sending off the payment today and should get them soon! Once I do, pictures will follow! :wink:

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I worked in the yard yesterday wearing my flat heeled thigh boots then went out shopping wearing my black thigh boots with 5" stiletto heels. I was wearing tight jeans and a tee shirt with my boots and the look was very casual.

I went to Sam's and took my time and wandered around a bit. I got very little reaction at all. Most people just went about their business and paid no attention at all.

The clerk at the register chatted with me a little but made no mention of my boots but I think she would have noticed more if I had not been wearing them.

This was the first time I had worn my boots since I tried wearing them with a skirt. (see: My Session in a Skirt & Heels). I had gone for a week after the skirt outtings wearing only guy shoes and clothes. This is unususl for me because normally I wear my boots almost every day. I still haven't figured out exactly what happened in my head that caused that reaction but I just didn't want to wear my boots. Yesterday, however, I found that I was missing something that has become a part of me and what I do so I pulled on my favorite pair of boots and out I went. It felt great.

DawnHH has advised me to, "Give yourself some more time to experiment before you make any snap judgements on the subject (of wearing a skirt)". That's good advice.

I keep comming back to the idea that I like the look I present wearing jeans, and thigh boots with heels. I also enjoy wearing my boots but that is seperate from liking to present an image. I also enjoyed wearing the skirt and it really did look good but I wasn't comfortable persenting the image. I'm also not sure I understood the image I was presenting either. Grocery shopping in a short skirt and thigh boots may have been too much especially since it was s guy doing it.

For the time being, I think I'll jiust keep the memories of the skirt outting but stick to jeans. I keep advising others that if you are not comfortable doing something, you probably shouldn't be doing it. I think I'll take my own advice.

JeffB -

Have you gotten your new boots yet?

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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For the time being, I think I'll jiust keep the memories of the skirt outting but stick to jeans. I keep advising others that if you are not comfortable doing something, you probably shouldn't be doing it. I think I'll take my own advice.

Very sound advice thighbootguy. I myself would never be comfortable wearing a skirt in public. I personally have no desire whatsoever to wear one. Just give me my high heeled boots and I'm happy.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Thighbootguy:-) I like a guy that not only gives advise, but isn't afraid to follow his own advice in the end. If you DO decide to further your outings in a skirt in the future, be sure and post them to us. Inquiring readers would like to know. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I keep comming back to the idea that I like the look I present wearing jeans, and thigh boots with heels. I also enjoy wearing my boots but that is seperate from liking to present an image. I also enjoyed wearing the skirt and it really did look good but I wasn't comfortable persenting the image. I'm also not sure I understood the image I was presenting either. Grocery shopping in a short skirt and thigh boots may have been too much especially since it was s guy doing it.

Its important to be comfortable with the image you choose to present, especially when it comes to something as overt as thigh high boots or a skirt. If you're not comfortable in the latter, than by all means, shelve it and stick to something that you feel good wearing. Some of us might well have no problem wearing a skirt in public while that's an anaethma to others. It all depends on the individual. Bottom line: go with what you like.

As for the boots, they're on the way. Pics to follow when I get 'em!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Yesterday was another work in the yard day so I wore my black flat heeled thigh boots, tight jeans and a tee shirt. On the pratical side, when I work in the yard wearing shoes, I find that very small critters like to take a meal on my ankles. My boots seem to frustrate them so I don't want to venture into the yard without them even is thay are a little warm.

I needed mulch so I went to Lowes. I switched into my pull on thigh boots with 4" stilettos and walked into the outdoor garden center. By his attitude, the guy there didn't think too much of my choice of footware but he grudgingly answered my questions. I walked over the the checkout (long) line and paid for the mulch. I then had to walk back out to my car and drive it into the garden center to load it. I let the guy load 9 bags for me while I stood there in my boots.

While I was out I went to the pet store for some cat litter. I got a nice smile from one of the clerks and one of the patrons out in the parking lot but other than those, everyone else ignored me.

I also stopped at a Bigg's (not the one I normally go to) and walked around looking for some stuff. I got a couple of looks, but again, I was mostly ignored.

It is good to go out feeling comfortable.

A thought just occured to me. I have on several occasions seen young folks in Biggs wearing gothic and or punk outfits. I was not wearing my boots so I was just part of the crowd . How did I react to them? If memory served, I just ignored them. Although I'm not a fan of either style, I'm starting to appreciate the need for some feedback. I may offer polite comment next time (especially if I am wearing my boots).

Shafted -

DawnHH -

JeffB -

Thanks for the replies. If I do try the skirt again (and I might) I'll be sure to let you know.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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