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Thigh Boots in Public


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Mickey68 –

I assumed that since Dawn was going back to the museum he was really up and about. I didn’t realize the stroke had slowed him up. I do wish him a speedy and complete recovery. I still remember having a hard time keeping up with him at the museum. My comments were meant in the best of good humor.

However, Pleasers has four styles of thigh boots that have a low heel that might make his day.

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Maiden 8828 I would love to get a pair of these but unfortunately the largest size made is 12.

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Maverick 8824

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Raven 8826

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Rodeo 8822

DawnHH –

A cinder sniffing trip would probably do you good. Get Well.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Thighbootguy!!! Hey no problem - Dawn is progressing real well - however, at times he tends to lose his balance. But that will stop after awhile. I HOPE! So we don't need to be out street heeling just yet. Yes I think a GOOD TRAIN DAY is the perfect medicine right now. Fri .is his 71st birthday & we are hoping to be able to go somewhere for a fall outing - maybe it will turn out to be a TRAIN DAY. If not, his present from me was a Lionel Hobo Tower for his layout, (which I should live so long to see finished). LOL!!! TOOTLES!!! Mickey68

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To Dawn - I have had lousy balance for years and years. Taking dance lessons and competing, which I have for four years, teaches one balance. I even had to learn to walk properly, again - posture is so important. Stand up straight. Nothing throws the balance off like having your head forward or to one side - it's heavy! Start to step before moving the body, and move the body so the weight goes over the stepping foot when it goes down. Moving the body before stepping is common, and again throws the balance off as your weight is not over your feet. And, if something is in the way of moving the feet, like a chair, down you go! And, if the internal gyros aren't too good, you may have to use the stress or load on your legs and feet to tell when you are in balance or tending to go off. It can be tough in total darkness, like instrument flying in an airplane. You need the cues from the legs and feet to tell you when you are in balance or up straight. End of lecture!

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WEEHAW! What a great first outing in your thigh boots. The hardest step is the one getting out of the car and yes, I remember how hard that first step was..

The outfit looks great. I think that long sleeves go better with tall boots then short sleeves. They kind of balance each other.

I will offer a constant reminder about becoming complacent. It’s your choice about where you go wearing your thigh boots. Although a well built guy that’s 6’2” (6’6” in his heels) won’t be the target of too many arguments I still advise you to pick well.

I am probably the only one that is not surprised at the reaction you got (or lack there of). For a long time I have thought that no one really believed me when I said that I got little to no reaction to my wearing thigh boots. Now that there are two guys saying it …

The message is to all you guys that say, “I could never do that” YES YOU CAN. Most of the rest of the people don’t care. It’s all a head game.

Many thanks for your compliments, thighbootguy! After all, you were my inspiration for this latest evolution in my heel wearing. Reading your many exploits in thigh high boots, I too wondered how you were able to pull that off withought being the center of attention for a block around. That aspect was what made me so nervous back on Monday, yet, it went off without a hitch. I did indeed find that surprising.

Of course I'm always careful about where I go, which is why I opt for malls in daylight (I watch too much TV at night to bother going out), and yeah, I would agree that my height, plus the beard I've been growing combined to make for quite an imposing visage, one that says "I don't care what he's wearing, I'm not messing with that dude!" I also agree that long sleeves work well with those boots. In fact, if I can afford one, I'm gonna see about getting a black leather bomber jacket which I'm sure will look fantastic with the boots.

And yeah, there will be more outings in my boots in the future as I've found a brand new outlet for having fun!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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This morning I made my grocery run as usual. I was wearing a long sleeved dress shirt, a turtleneck under the dress shirt, slacks, and a pair of Pleaser 8890 pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels.

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No one batted an eye or made comment.

After work I had a doctor’s appointment (broken thumb). I went home and changed into jeans and pulled my boots back on. I had to go to the hospital to get a copy of my x-rays. I parked at the hospital and walked in through the lobby and back to the radiology department. There were a couple of glances and I think there were a few giggles from two young nurse aids but no one seemed distressed at all. No one in the radiology department noticed my boots (high counter). Walking back out was also uneventful. I did say “Hi” to the security guard and he returned my greeting.

While I was out, I took one of my flat heeled boots to the cobbler shop to have the zipper replaced. The cobbler wasn’t there and the guy running the shop and the other customers seemed to be a little strained by my presences in thigh boots with heels so I just left the boot and walked back to my car.

When I got to the doctor’s office I went in wearing my boots. The waiting room was full. The receptionist gave my boots a glance then handed me the pile of forms to fill out. I sat in the waiting room reading a magazine for about 45 minutes before I went in to see the doctor. The nurse noticed my boots but just apologized for the office running late.

When the doctor came in he asked me about my thumb and how I had managed to break it. After he got done with my thumb he said, ”Now tell me about these” and indicated my boots. “Do you ride”? (motorcycle)

“No, I just enjoy wearing them”, and turned my foot to show the heel.

“I think their neat”.

Then he went back to telling me about my thumb and it will be sore but I should start using it.

It turned out to be a fun afternoon.

BobHH -

Thanks for the tips on balance. Walking on heels requires a good bit of balance and your advice is right on the mark. Any of you guys (or gals) that are still having problems with high heels should reread BobHH’s comments.

JeffB -

Thanks for the kind words. While reading your account, I was having fun right along with you (especially getting out of the car).

I honestly find the Ellie 8899 boots with the 5” heel more comfortable to walk in then the 8868 with the 4” heel and they are even a little more daring with the lacing in the back. You’ll have to give your pair an outing soon.

Mickey68 -

A good train layout is never fnished. ;)

Dawn HH -


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Jeff, Let me add my congratulations. I'm not surprised that you got so little reaction though. You present such a natural and comfortable with yourself image and nothing jars. I hope you didn't leave a footprint on your white sofa though.

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thighbootguy: Thanks for yet another thrilling adventure. So, you find the 8899's more comfortable than the 8868's, eh? Most interesting! I might have to give the five inchers a test drive in the future! fogborkenvv: Thanks for your kind words. To tell you the truth, I guess I'm still somewhat amazed that I got so few reactions in the boots. As for the sofa, no harm, no foul! ;)

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Since it was Friday (jenas day at work), I wore my black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels on my morning grocery shop. I got no reaction at all except a nice smile from the register clerk.

After work I went to Biggs and strolled around the store again with no reaction or notice at all. I got more comments about my thumb splint than my boots.

I never thought I’d be writing a post like this... Went shopping wearing thigh boots with 5” heels .. yawn.

I really think peoples attitudes are changing. Guys, if you are ever going to try wearing boots with heels, now is the time.

Fogborkenvv -

You hit exactly the right concept for wearing boots and heels especially thigh boots in public. Be comfortable with your self image.

If you are uncomfortable, 1) you won’t enjoy the outting and 2) it shows and people react to it.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Fogborkenvv -

You hit exactly the right concept for wearing boots and heels especially thigh boots in public. Be comfortable with your self image.

If you are uncomfortable, 1) you won’t enjoy the outting and 2) it shows and people react to it.

I couldn't agree more. Part of the key to successfully wearing women's footwear in public is attitude. It's important to project the image to the world around you that you look and act confident, assured, even a little cocky about wearing heels, that you're wearing what you want, where you want and don't give a damn what anyone thinks. Walk with your head up, walk with pride, never look shy, meek or nervous, act like the world bends itself to your will and people will pick that up just like they would the reverse thighbootguy mentioned. If you do that, you'll enjoy your outings all the more.


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thighbootguy, hat do you think of these beauties:


Saw them at the dressed2play website for $65.00, they sport a five inch heel, come in black pu, black patent and silver, and they go up to size 14. Intriguing, eh? What do you think?


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Been away and catching up. As usual, TBG's stories are inspiring, even the ones where there are no reactions at all, or that he is aware of. I like the dialog with the Doctor especially. Sorry about your thumb. @JeffB!! Congratulations! Reading of your nervousness in the Arby's lot is just the thing I'm expecting my first outing. I suppose it's a bit of a let down when it appears no one has noticed, but hope it didn't lessen too much of the thrill. Having worn traditional cowboy boots in the past, I noticed looks whenever I walked on a hard surface - tile, concrete, etc. Folks would look down to see and then look up at a guy 2 inches taller than his normal 6'3". Not that I minded, but that imagery comes to mind while contemplating going out for the first time in thigh high boots. I am evisioning you stepping into Arby's, for example, and the click of the boot heel on the tile floor. I'd think that alone would have been noticed. I'll be wearing loose fit black jeans with the boots under, when I finally get them back from the cobbler. But that day would mark my first foray. Your photo looks great, as do the rest of them, but I agree, a lighter shade of denim would contrast well with the boots. Looking foward to your Mall trip. Man, this forum is GREAT!

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Thighbootguy, Sounds like you could turn that doctor into another heeler. (pun intended)

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Thighbootguy, hat do you think of these beauties:


Saw them at the dressed2play website for $65.00, they sport a five inch heel, come in black pu, black patent and silver, and they go up to size 14. Intriguing, eh? What do you think?


Got a pair similar with pointy toes.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Walk with your head up, walk with pride, never look shy, meek or nervous, act like the world bends itself to your will and people will pick that up


This quote puts male heel wearing it in a nutshell. We should make it the motto of HHplace!


I'm off to the hardware store in my snake boots and Lee girl's jeans.


So many shoes and only two feet.

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Today was a museum day. I wore a pair of tight stretch jeans, a dress shirt, and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

I walked in to friendly smiles from the folks at the front desk. The told me where the folding stools were and I picked one up and headed up the stairs to my favorite gallery. There was a young lady (collage age) sketching the painting I normally start with. Her parents were with her and all three weren’t too sure about a guy with a gray pony tail and thigh boots sitting down on the same bench but after I pulled out my sketch book and went to work, everybody relaxed. She said she was an art history major working on an assignment. We all chatted a bit about the painting and had a good time. No one mentioned anything about my boots.

I went on to another gallery where I had to use the folding stool. These stools are very low and my long legs won’t really fold up under me especially with 5” heels so I had to let my legs stick out in front of me. Lots of folks came through and ignored me. One of the guards gave me a warm greeting and said he hadn’t seen me for a while. The gallery I was in had just been renovated and I told him I was glad the painting I was sketching was up again.

A few minutes later another guard came by and wanted to talk. The conversation went something like this.

“It’s good to see you back again. I didn’t know you were an artist too”.

“I’m not really, I just like to sketch”.

“Excuse me but I just have to ask you about your boots”.

“There fun and I just enjoy wearing them”.

“Your not the only guy that comes in here in heels, there was a fellow in just the other day but he wasn't wearing boots like yours”. “Have you been wearing them long”?

“About two years. I wear them here and whenever I go out, especially shopping. I can’t get away with wearing them at work”.

“I’ve seen you here before with a different pair”.

“Well, I have these in white and blue”.

“I remember the blue ones”.

“These have a 5” heel and I have several pair of pull on boots that don’t have this zipper with a 4” heel”.

“You also had a very tall pair”, and he indicated his waist.

“Oh yeah, those are chap boots. I haven’t worn them for a while”.

“It good to see someone that can wear what they want to. It looks like you have the attitude that you will wear what you want and don’t care what anybody thinks”.

“Well, I try not to push a situation too far if people are uncomfortable”.

“You shouldn’t care what other people think. If they have a problem with what you are wearing, its their problem not yours”.

Well, I learned a long time ago this is a head game”.

“Your right”.

“And I can win that game”.

The conversation went on like that for a few more minutes. Although he didn’t say this, I suspect this guy (about my age) is a member of the gay community and was wondering if I was.

When I got done sketching, I took the stool back to the lobby and just walked around until closing time.

As I was walking down the front steps of the museum, a group of twenty or more joggers came around the front of the museum. They were all wearing red dresses, the guys and the gals ;) ! They stopped by the museum steps for a group picture. I walked on to the parking lot and got my car and drove back to the front of the museum. I stopped and asked one of the guys what was going on? He replied, “Beer”.

I said, “Normally my boots are the most unusual thing going on”.

He replied, “Yeah, we noticed them”, and went on his way. I never did find out what it was all about.

From the museum, I went to Joseph Beth’s bookstore. I wandered around looking for a tech manual and left without finding it. No one batted an eye.

Across the parking lot was a Shoe Carnival (chain of shoe discounters) with a big sign saying “Women’s Boots 50% off”. I walked in and discovered the store had reorganized their layout. I had to wander around to find the boot sale. I tried on a pair of red ankle boots with a stiletto heel and a very long pointed toe. I just didn’t like the look. I also tried on a pair of pumps but the size 12 was just a little too small. There were lots of ladies also trying on shoes and no one paid any attention to a guy taking off a thigh boot and trying on boots and shoes.

As I walked out the gal at the front counter asked, “Any luck”?

“Nah, not this time”.

“Oh well, come back”.

On the way home I stopped for gas, again without notice.

What a great afternoon.


All buckles on those boots are to much for me and I really prefer leather boots.

By the way, JeffB has one of the best posts on confidence I have ever read ( click here).

Heelme -

Shafted -

Thanks for the kind words. The doctor as a heeler would be interesting. He was already taller than I was in my heels.

Bluetango -

Do you wear your snake boots under or over your jeans?

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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What a great day out thighbootguy. Seems many people in your area are accepting of your boots once they realize what you're all about.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Shafted -

Indeed, it was a great day out. If anyone ever figures out what I’m all about, I hope the they tell me. I have no idea.

Hey, that's easy! You're just a well heeled, high heeled, all-American guy!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Bluetango -

Do you wear your snake boots under or over your jeans?


I have been wearing my snakeskin (fake - no animals were killed) boots with 4" heels under my jeans. I had to buy women's boot cut jeanss to get some that looked ok. But not much of the boot shows.

I have to admit that I am a bit of an exhibitionist and am becoming a crusader for fashion freedom. I want my boots to be noticed. So I think I should get some tight fitting jeans with thin legs that can either go inside the boot or stop sufficiently high that the boot is visible. Next Thursday is pay day. I think I'll go shopping - and wear the boots so I can see how they look.

Blue Tango


So many shoes and only two feet.

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The museum trip yesterday was such a hoot I decided to go again today. Normally my schedule only lets me go there once or twice a month, twice in the same weekend was great.

I dressed about the same way, blue jeans, dress shirt, black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

I sketched from two painting I hadn’t worked from before. One of the guards I had seen before struck a conversation. We chatted about the art and I found out he had been a teacher at my high school 10 years after I had graduated. He didn’t ask about my boots but I think they were the point of interest. He didn’t talk to anyone else and lots of other people sketch.

I ran out of pencil lead and returned my stool and decided to walk around and look at stuff I normally don’t see. I have often said, "Be sure your shoes/boots are comfortable". I walked around for over an hour. No one batted an eye.

After the museum I went to Famous Footware (chain) to look at the fall boots. The manager asked, “Hi, can I help you find anything?”

“I’m just looking for anything in larger sizes”.

“Well you will just have to look around”, which I did for about 15 minutes. I didn’t see anything to try on.

As I was leaving she said, “We get our shipments on Tuesday and we will be getting in more boots”. I guess she kind of picked up on what I was interested in. ;)

I thanked her and headed to a different shopping center for a Barnes and Noble bookstore. I still wanted the tech manual.

As I walked into Barnes and Noble, I did notice the reflection of a lady passing behind me giving my boots a hard look. I wandered through the store and still didn’t find the manual. No one commented and only a few barely noticed my boots.

There was a Shoe Carnival next door the Barnes and Noble so I went in to have a look. Again there wasn’t anything I could try on. (The largest size I say was an 11).

This was another fun day.

By the way, I found out what the red dress runners were all about. This group, called the Sin City Hash House Harriers (and Harriettes), get together about every other week to run. Apparently the red dress run is an annual event. It looks like this is an event shared by running clubs. url=http://gotothehash.net/reddress/News.html] (click here)

JeffB -

I like that description. (Sure gets deep quick don’t it?)

Bluetango -

Go for it.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Yo, thighbootguy! As usual, your adventures in thigh boots continues to amaze, how you're able to go just about anywhere and everywhere without suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous stares and/or remarks. But then, I just experienced that myself, so I can understand what that's all about. Heh! Shopping for shoes in stores can be more than a tad frustrating, especially for those of us who need large sizes above 11 and 12, and I look at a lot of places! Thanks goodness for the Internet!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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BobHH:-) Thank you on what you had to say on balance and wearing heels. One thing that I have to consider is joints in my hips, knees, and ankles that have been eaten away with arthritis through the years and further weakened with a stroke. This all makes it much harder for me to balance on my heels and the reason that I have gone to broad block heels on my boots to give me better balance. Some days my balance is better and some days it is worse, but I am determined to wear my heels even though I can no longer wear stilettos as I had done for decades. Thighbootguy:-) Thanks very much for the birthday wishes. Much appreciated. I am again enjoying your adventures out in public in your thighboots. Your doing great things to further our cause. Keep it up. JeffB:-) Thanks for the link on the boots. They look like a great pair. And I am enjoying reading of your adventures out in public also. Our cause is furthered by your efforts too. Keep up the good work. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Yesterday I wore my caramel leather slacks and black pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos with a white turtleneck on my morning grocery stop. Last night I wore guy slacks and the same boots and shirt to Sam’s. Both of these trips were totally uneventful. This morning I wanted to push things a little further. For my grocery stop I wore a dark blue turtleneck, a tan suede jacket, the same boots and an ankle length tan suede skirt that matched my jacket. This was an entirely different look than the last time I tried a skirt. This was much more conservative and I thought it looked good. These boots were meant to be worn over jeans and they tended to scrunch around my ankles. This was not what I had intended. I should have worn a pair with a tighter ankle. Anyway, no one seemed to pay much attention. The cashier was new to the morning shift and had never seen me before. I could see she didn’t know what to expect as I walked up to the register. She fell back on training and greeted me with a nice “Hello” and rang up my purchase. When she was done, I indicated my skirt and asked, “Does this look too bad… other than a guy is wearing it?” She lit up like a Christmas tree and said, “No it looks nice, I wish I was that slim”. I thanked her and started to leave, she went on, “Now you have a good day” and she said it with a nice smile and I think she really meant it. My last outing in a skirt was uncomfortable for me. The skirt was black suede and short enough that the full length of my boots was exposed and the image was quite brash. The comment I got about there being a big difference between wearing my boots with a short skirt or wearing them with jeans was right on the mark. It may be because the last skirt outing blunted my senses or this longer skirt matching my jacket was a much more conservative image, but I didn’t feel (mentally) uncomfortable at all this time. The outfit felt great to wear. I will have to try this again.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Thighbootguy: It would seem that the conservative nature of the skirt you wore on your latest outing made for a more positive response from people who saw you. It sure sounded like a cool outfit! And you gained valuable confidence that was lacking from your last experience. Perhaps in time, you might want to try something a wee bit more daring, say something below the knee. Still conservative, but bolder. Just a suggestion! ;)

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Last night after work I stopped at the Goodwill (thrift store) and bought a black leather knee length skirt. I tried the skirt on in a fitting room and it was a bit tight but it looked great and there were no unseemly bulges. The skirt was size “large” and I think it was about a 14. I normally wear a 16 but sizes really do vary. This is a smooth leather straight skirt with no flair and a very small slit in the back.

This morning I read JeffB’s post recommending a skirt of this length.

For my morning grocery visit, I wore a long sleeved white shirt over a black turtle neck, my new black leather skirt, a long black sweater with long sleeves and an open front (almost like a long jacket), black hose, and an old pair of over the knee boots with a 3” stiletto heel that have a narrow shaft that is not meant to be worn over jeans. These boots stay up on my leg. I thought this went well together and wasn’t too “over the top” like the short skirt was.

I felt very comfortable wearing this outfit in public. I went into the store and wandered around a bit. One clerk saw me, gave me a quick once over look, and had a confused look on her face. I smiled and bid her good morning and got a big smile and a returned greeting back.

At the checkout, the clerk was an attractive young lady (in makeup at 7:00 AM). While she was ringing up my stuff I asked her, “Other than the fact that a guy is wearing this, does it look Ok”?

She brightened up and said, “I think it looks fine. Are you comfortable dressed like that?”

“Yeah I am … very comfortable”.

“Well that’s what’s important… doing what you like”.

There were other people in the queue so I stood back and waited for them to get done. They definitely noticed the guy standing there in boots and a leather skirt but no one gave much reaction.

When the queue emptied I said to her, “I don’t have any experience putting together an outfit, what would you change?”

She laughed and said “Well let me see…” and another person queued up and she took care of them.

She turned back to me and gave me a good look and said, “I don’t think I’d change a thing. It looks nice. Have you always dressed that way?”

“No I just started.”

“Why did you start?”

“Because I can, it’s different, and I really do enjoy it”.

“I don’t think I could stand in those”.

“These are really my low heels”.


People started queuing up again so I said, “See you tomorrow” and left.

What a great way to start a day. I was absolutely on a high and when I got back to the car I really didn’t want to change into my work clothes. I’ve got to think about that.

JeffB – This is all your fault. ;) Thanks. :lol:

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Well, damn, thighbootguy! That was certainly startling! I thought you'd mull over my suggestion for a few days, I had no idea you'd rush right out to buy a skirt, then wear it out! You've vertainly got brass ones, my friend!


And it sounds like you had a most interesting and enjoyable outing! The important thing was that you felt comfortable in your skirt, and was able to relay that sense of comfort to those people around you. Outstanding! By the by, I'm curious: where did you keep your wallet and car keys in that outfit? Do you have a man purse? Inquiring minds wanna know!



I'll take full responsibility for the new vistas you've discovered! HA!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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