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What's your Pet Hate?

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I have the same "pet hate." Some people that dial the wrong number are thoroughly convinced that you are trying to trick them into thinking that they've actually dialed the wrong number. My home telephone number is one digit off of the telephone number for a "sweat shop type" manufacturing company. Low paying shift work jobs for the "intelligently challenged" members of our society. Telephone usually rings early in the morning-- 0530-0600....shortly before shift start --apparently reporting their absence from work form that shift. Having been awakened several mornings in a row, and being highly pissed at being rudely roused from a sound sleep, I answered and replied. when the caller asked for the shift supervisor, that there had been a terrible fire over night and that the shift supervisor was the only casualty. Judging from the size of the fire and the loss of life, I doubted there would be any work for the next several weeks....if ever again. And no, the company doesn't make high heels.....

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I hate it whenever a telemarketer calls and I for whatever incompetant reason do not immediately hang up the phone without any hesitation, explanation, or remorse whatsoever. These people are not uninvited guests in my home. They are intruders into my space, my privacy.

Wrong numbers, on the other hand, are inadvertant slips. No issues there.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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My favourite technique for dealing with telemarketers is putting them on the speaker phone, and then leaving the phone on my desk while I get on with my work, and they get on with their sales pitch, eventually realising they are speaking to nobody and hanging up. Another memorable moment was when someone rang up asking if we wanted a new telephone system and I told them we didn't have any phones in the office. That caused some fits of laughter from my colleagues. I'd always toyed with the idea of asking a female sales caller if she ever wore high heels and if so how high. I probably wouldn't get much response as they are trained not to deviate from the subject, and the calls are recorded, but you never know, I might catch one them off guard, someday!

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Another one of my pet peeves is when people tell me how to do my job. This isn't so bad when it comes from experience drivers but it pisses me off completely when they aren't.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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CD's who post there pics of themselves in there dresses, skirts etc., everywhere but the CD forum. We have different categories for reasons I think.

We dont have a CD forum. We have a heels forum for CD's/TV's, but not a forum for TV/CD stuff itself.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!

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  • 2 months later...

In response to all the grammatical pet peeves, being 18 and geeky. I do all that. I say "I is tired" instead of "I am tired". I will use "like" in a sentence a lot. I use internet phrases, and many more grammatical imperfections.

Personally I view this as a generational thing. It's just something I do naturally, as do my friends. However, there is a time and a place for grammatical perfection and I find that people who don't understand that are annoying. However, I do not fault the act itself of grammatical imperfections in casual conversation.

I find your point very badly taken, Samcar455. Bad language and improper usage only serves to corrupt good manners. ;) What actually happens, is that the person "butchering" the Queen's English develops bad speech habits that, over time, become so ingrained that they can't do otherwise. Keep it up and the day may arrive when you find yourself using such terrible imperfections in front of the Queen herself! You simply would not be able to help yourself; and THAT'S not a generational thing! It's a major blunder and embarrassment!!!. ;):penitent: :penitent:

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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I totally agree! Despite my numbers being registered as unavailable for cold-calls, I still get them - usually from overseas with wierdly-accented goons trying to interest me in very doubtful investments. The best tack is usually to put the phone down after a short, sharp indication of extreme apathy. But sometimes a pithy remark about the meaning of 'no', or a counter-question of a personal nature, will get rid of the intrusion. When asked as an opener 'How are you today?' (as is common), I will invariably explain at a little length about my various aches and pains and add ' But I was feeling much improved until you called'.

I am now waiting to experience yozz's call with a reference to a 'referent'. Such an abuse of the English language will merit stern action; 'referent' means 'an object of reference or discussion', not the person who wants to have a discussion with you.

Back to the barricades ... I can see some junk mail coming up the path ...

One of my greatest annoyances is being phoned by people who want to

sell you things that you are absolutely not interested in.

I usually tell them immediately that I don't buy anything by telephone but

a significant fraction is so stupid as to not understand that.

One reaction is: "Just a moment please" and then I put the phone down

and go do something else.

I also think it is rather ironic that I have to explain to a woman the meaning

of the word "no". (that was the most recent one).

The worst I encountered recently was a call center that rings your phone

and when you pick it up, you get to hear: "One moment please, you are

being connected with your referent". And when you just hang up, they keep

doing this every day till you don't.


I had one the other day who called me on the landline, the conversation went like this:

"Can I speak to Mr. Robertson please?"

"No, sorry, there's no one here by that name..."

"Are you sure?"

'Er... yes I am..."

"But I need to speak to him urgently!"

"No, You have the wrong number."

"Well I'm sure I got the right number."

"No, there'sno one here by that name here."

'But I need to speak to him urgently!"

"Oh! Why didn't you say so at the start? I'll just go and get him."

I put the phone down and went about my business for a few minutes and then picked it up again and he was still there.

"I've just checked in all the cupboards an under the beds and I can assure you that there is no one at this address who should not be here. I have also asked my wife whether we have a Mr Robertson staying here and she said 'no". I then went up into the loft just in case there was someone hiding up there but there wasn't. Finally I went around the house calling his name ad no one answered. therefore it is safe to say with a 100% certainty that there is no oe here by the name of Mr Robertson!!!"

"Are you absolutely certain?"

"Er... I don't seem to be getting through to you do I?"

"So, could you tell me your name please?"



"Er... so what is it?"

"My name is Sir Athony Troublesome-Wench!"

"Could you spell that please?"



"Er.. could you spell that to me please?"

"OK, It's M.R. R.O.B.E.R.T.S.O.N"

Then I hung up...

I can totally appreciate your frustrations over those "wrong numbers", people. So please consider the following:

Ringing telephone is answered by young girl, "Hello."

"Hi sweettie, this is Daddy. Can I speak to Mommy?"

YG - "No, she can't come to the phone now."

D - "Why not?"

YG - "She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul and can't come to the phone."

D - "But sweetie, you don't have an uncle Paul..."

YG - (interrupting)"Oh yes I do! And he's up in the bedroom with Mommy!"

D - "Sweetie, I want you to help me with a little game. Holler in a loud voice that my car just pulled into the driveway; and then tell me what happens."

YG - "Gee Daddy, you never wanted me to do anything like that before."

D - "Well yes, I know. But help me out with this just this once, okay?"

YG - "Well, since you say so and only this once, okay?"

The phone is set down and the dad hears the young girl yell, "Daddy's car just drove up and is out in the driveway!" This seems to be followed by muffled yelling and screaming accompanied by a flurry of activity.

D - "So tell me what happened, sweetie?"

YG - (Out of breath) "Everybody got all excited and started yelling and screaming and running around with no clothes on! Then Mommy came running out of the bedroom with no clothes and started toward the bathroom. Only she tripped on something and hit her head on a piece of furniture. Right now she's lying on the floor. She's bleeding from her head and not moving. Uncle Paul was all excited and ran out the bedroom window and he was yelling and cursing and everything, and he wasn't wearing any clothes either! Then he decided to jump in our swimming pool out back! Only I guess that he was all excited and didn't see that you had drained the pool last week so you could clean it and get it ready for summer. Anyhow, Uncle Paul is now lying at the bottom of the pool bleeding bad and I think he might be dead!"

D - "Pool?!? What pool?!? Is this 355-456-3572???" ;) ;)

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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I find your point very badly taken, Samcar455. Bad language and improper usage only serves to corrupt good manners. ;) What actually happens, is that the person "butchering" the Queen's English develops bad speech habits that, over time, become so ingrained that they can't do otherwise. Keep it up and the day may arrive when you find yourself using such terrible imperfections in front of the Queen herself! You simply would not be able to help yourself; and THAT'S not a generational thing! It's a major blunder and embarrassment!!!. ;):penitent: :penitent:

Ain't that the truth! :lmao:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Thanks Bubba, I needed some moral support on that one. But in reviewing this thread, I find that one of my major pet hates is when I find other people attributing wording to another person (especially me) that they never really said or implied. Or "putting words in someone's mouth" as the old saying goes. It is rude and annoying, if not downright slanderous whenever people do that. Unfortunately, living here in Washington it is something that occurs almost daily in many of the the area newspapers, and even the electronic media. Now I'll admit that most of the major newspapers around here have been burnt so badly on this that they do take pains to ensure that it doesn't happen, but even so, things do slip through from time-to-time. However, I'm not really talking about the news media here. What I'm really talking about is what others do behind someone's back: the chat over the backyard fence, the "friendly" telephone conversation (strike that and say gossip instead), the office rumormonger, even members of one's own family might get caught-up in this evil thing. Well I hate it and I always try to knock it down on the spot whenever I sense that that's what's going on! ;) I just wish that there were more people around who would stand-up against this sort of wreched slander and call people on it whenever they spot it! I believe we would all find ourselves in a much more enjoyable world if folks did stand up for what's right. ;)

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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(snip) I find that one of my major pet hates is when I find other people attributing wording to another person (especially me) that they never really said or implied. Or "putting words in someone's mouth" as the old saying goes.

I agree. I find this to be terribly distracting. However, this is a "human" trait. People usually read through comments so fast that they sometimes miss the "important stuffs." Especially if the comment disagrees with someone's heart felt feeling or opinion on the subject.

As quickly as the reader recognizes the disagreement in positions, they tend to become irritated and just skim or "read without reading" the remainder of the comment -- from the point of disagreement, onward. Therefore, they really don't fully know what the original comment said.

Results usually is that the offended reader takes the entire comment out of context, completely misunderstands the point and/or responds with anger at something that just wasn't there.

The natural response on the part of the original commenter is to try to "set the record straight." Eliminating the misunderstanding by trying to point the reader's attention to the full text. Which only makes the reader even more angry.

Result, Tech and moderators step into the flames, and, if the conflagration is severe enough, to label one or the other members involved as antagonizing the situation and, in some cases, leading to the member's banishment from the forum.

Bottom line: Read all comments thoroughly to make sure you completely understand what the poster is saying or what point he is attempting to make before wading into the fray with "alphabet" flying. This could, in most cases, save someone some embarrassment. ;)

(you can always politely disagree and comment without anger)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I do quite abit of running and last year i ran a 2:52 marathon. So when say i did the said time the first question is "Have/did you do the london marathon" i say "no" and we move on I could set a new world record and nobody woule care because it wasnt at london. I know thats a more personal pet hate but it drives me crazy. That and the kind of chav ( i hate that word ) types who walk around dripping with HUGE gold ( copper/tin/brass??) chains. They dont even look abit real . Like some kinda really naff Jimmy Savile

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Rude people would one of my pet hates. I have worked in the public service industry for over twenty seven years and people have become more difficult to please and far more demanding and not forgetting rude in recent times, I only ask to be treated with the same level of respect and courtesy that I extend to them
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I agree with you on that one BR. I work with 20people 18 of them are alright but theres two that are rude to every body ( husband and wife ) They only talk to people when they want some thing and the rest of the time just walk right past you. About a year ago they were very very rude to me and i have not spoken to them since. This was quite hard for the first few months as i'm not that kinda person but not i find it easy to treat them as they treat me/others. I also hate people who mis-quote "saying's" like Its cheap it half the price. Of course it is every things cheaper at half the price when it should be cheap at twice the price. I could go on moaning about stuff here all night ;)

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Another thing that REALLY grinds my gears is remakes of "classic" films that are by and large hideous. If a film is a classic... Leave it alone...we don't need it rehashed and spoilt by some lazy wannabe film maker who does not have the talent to come up with an original idea....the same applies to music....why are modern artists so useless that they cannot compose their own songs....how poor is that!!...it is akin to plagiarism these people are living and making a profit from the talent and hard work of others!!;):angry:

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People who sit in the middle lane at 62mph and those who do it in the outside lane at 70mph. Ok ok thats the limit but hell theres nothing in the other lanes. Its 1am and i wanna get home so " Getta outta the way!" OMG i'm turning into " White van man " ;)

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There is a large park opposite my house and when I come home on a sunny day I find it dificult to find a parking space because of all the people visiting the park. I moan and then realise that I would probaby park outside of someone else's house to go shopping or something without a second thought. One of my pet hates is people who moan about people doing something that they themselves probably do by accident or without thought every day of their lives.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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People who sit in the middle lane at 62mph and those who do it in the outside lane at 70mph. Ok ok thats the limit but hell theres nothing in the other lanes. Its 1am and i wanna get home so " Getta outta the way!" OMG i'm turning into " White van man " ;)

Speed limits aside, I am always puzzled why so many drivers fail to 'move left' when the inside lane is clear ahead and other traffic is behind them. Some roads seem particularly prone to this: I have never been on the A12 (dual carriageway, east from London towards Ipswich) without thinking that the inside lane might as well be cordoned-off or grassed over and then a new lane built to the right of the present outside lane! And why do drivers using urban roads with bus lanes rarely move left when the lane restrictions don't apply, even if oncoming traffic poses a threat (e.g. because of an obstruction on the other side of the road)?

We can all be thoughtless or selfish drivers sometimes, albeit not always intentionally, but I can never see the point of obstructing someone else's progress without any personal gain. (And one can say the same about most other aspects of life ...!)

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You can't be turning into white van man, as you would overtake on the inside, I quite often do. If they made the M25 six lanes wide, the outside two lanes would be used and the other four empty, you find it differant at night as most people move over to the empty left hand lane, Don't know if the old bill is behind at night. From a white van man.

life is not a rehearsal

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You can't be turning into white van man, as you would overtake on the inside, I quite often do. If they made the M25 six lanes wide, the outside two lanes would be used and the other four empty, you find it differant at night as most people move over to the empty left hand lane, Don't know if the old bill is behind at night.

From a white van man.


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Using the word "get" instead of "have" as in the sentence "Can I get a medium latte" which is a totally meaningless sentence in a coffee shop.

That's an imported Americanism...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Using the word "get" instead of "have" as in the sentence "Can I get a medium latte" which is a totally meaningless sentence in a coffee shop.

And one should of course say 'May I ...' rather than 'Can I ...'. (When I hear a request framed in the latter manner, I always feel tempted to reply 'You can, but you may not.') ;)

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And one should of course say 'May I ...' rather than 'Can I ...'. (When I hear a request framed in the latter manner, I always feel tempted to reply 'You can, but you may not.') ;)

I have the same peeve. My response, usually thought and not spoken, is: I don,t know, can you?"

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Another pet hate of mine is customers of mine who "know the cost of everything but the value of nothing" also who after asking you for a price proceed to haggle. Don't they understand that the price is as I have told them....I am not running an auction....you don't do your weekly shop in store and get to the checkout and start bartering so don't try it with me!!
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