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The Adventures of kneehighs...


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Funny how things work in this woke liberal managed message board.  

A few weeks ago, I wore my heeled mary janes out on a date with a girl who works for a central bank--specifically the monetary policy division for her country. Her father is a prime minister.  She absolutely loved my shoes and style.  And I have time to manage my reputation here?  Take me like I am or just ban me.

As I see it, there's about 5 people left on this board who I truly admire and wish great gratitude towards.  I need more than heeling to consider someone worthy of investing a friendship in.

@Tech--even though I disagree with how you manage this site, it's been a decade + long labor. I don't like you one bit, never did really, but thanks for the upkeep and dedication.  I can dislike you but be grateful for your efforts.  Which I truly am.

@Bubba136--my man. From Jenny's place to here. God Bless you sincerely. You've lived a full life with family, children, adventure and heeling. I still feel a  sense of belongingness here mostly because of our shared history together here dating way back to the JTurbo, Firefox, and Xaphod era. Fond memories of sitting in my NYC living room texting with you among that group fulfilled a purpose for this site: to feel like I belonged somewhere.

@Shyheels--also a fellow adventurer with similar citizenship goals ;). I think you came along in the second wave of post 2010 members, but our online comradery has been appreciated. Rock those boots!

@mlroseplant just a down to earth guy sharing his heeling stories from the Midwest USA.  Love the simplicity and bravery from the cornfields of Iowa (not literally cornfields I know). I also respect that you maintain a marriage, family, and church participation. Well done, really.

@pebblesf I see. your posts and am thankful for your interactions

That R2D2 guy AT whatever, I just don't give a damn.




Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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4 hours ago, kneehighs said:

Funny how things work in this woke liberal managed message board.  

A few weeks ago, I wore my heeled mary janes out on a date with a girl who works for a central bank--specifically the monetary policy division for her country. Her father is a prime minister.  She absolutely loved my shoes and style.  And I have time to manage my reputation here?  Take me like I am or just ban me.

As I see it, there's about 5 people left on this board who I truly admire and wish great gratitude towards.  I need more than heeling to consider someone worthy of investing a friendship in.

@Tech--even though I disagree with how you manage this site, it's been a decade + long labor. I don't like you one bit, never did really, but thanks for the upkeep and dedication.  I can dislike you but be grateful for your efforts.  Which I truly am.

@Bubba136--my man. From Jenny's place to here. God Bless you sincerely. You've lived a full life with family, children, adventure and heeling. I still feel a  sense of belongingness here mostly because of our shared history together here dating way back to the JTurbo, Firefox, and Xaphod era. Fond memories of sitting in my NYC living room texting with you among that group fulfilled a purpose for this site: to feel like I belonged somewhere.

@Shyheels--also a fellow adventurer with similar citizenship goals ;). I think you came along in the second wave of post 2010 members, but our online comradery has been appreciated. Rock those boots!

@mlroseplant just a down to earth guy sharing his heeling stories from the Midwest USA.  Love the simplicity and bravery from the cornfields of Iowa (not literally cornfields I know). I also respect that you maintain a marriage, family, and church participation. Well done, really.

@pebblesf I see. your posts and am thankful for your interactions

That R2D2 guy AT whatever, I just don't give a damn.




KH!  Thank you for what I feel is a true heartfelt post.

 One of the more positive features of this website is that each individual member has their own individual personality formed by their inner most socially unorthodox behavioral characteristics that, if generally known to others, might alter their acceptance and position in today’s society.  The fact that they can openly discuss their unique characteristics with others without fear of disdainful criticism, sharing experiences as well as often receiving advice about their own personality characteristics that are not usually talked about in open discussions, makes it unique. 

For those of us that possess “antisocial” desires and behave beyond what is considered as normal social behavior, whether it is living a alternative lifestyle or crossdressing experiences, etc., it is a place where we can express ourselves, relieve psychological tension all with complete anonymity, without fear of being revealed.

What is absolutely astounding is that all of this discussion takes place for the most part with a minimum of conflict, disagreement or argument.  While some of the members are not fans of the leadership and others would like to see some of the rules relaxed or broadened, the fact is that there has to be an organized system of maintaining order.  While members might not like or always agree with those in charge they can, as you so artfully put it “I can dislike you but be grateful for your efforts for which I truly am.”

All this being said is just my way of asking you to just acknowledge the point, take it for what it’s worth and remain amongst us as a truly revered member. You really do belong here.

I thank you for your contributions.




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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Yes, thank you for your kind words. 

Like @Bubba136 I am grateful for the civil tone that exists on this site, such a contrast to so many internet forums! I recently joined (but have never posted on) a canal boat forum whose members are astonishingly vicious and backbiting to each other and especially to any newcomers foolish enough to try to join in any conversations. It’s positively staggering and makes one appreciate all the more the genteel tones, tolerance and friendships displayed here. Long may it continue!

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Thanks for the mention. I have no idea what your intentions are, but in any case good luck with your endeavors, wherever they may lead you. The post has the feel and tone of a farewell post, but does not explicitly say so.

Also, be careful with Prime Ministers' daughters. Boring as my life may be here in Iowa, I actually have a story about THAT subject.

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Did you ever get an explanation about which post was offensive, and exactly what was said that caused this issue?  Things similar to this have been happening to me on some other sites.  I get a generic note about one of my posts being offensive or inappropriate, but never an explanation of which post or just what was said that caused the upset.   I write the various webmasters asking for this info, never hear a word back.  Even though I feel the world needs to "toughen up a bit", I would appreciate precise explanations so I can learn and not cause issues in the future.  

Needless to say, selfishly, we all want you to stay here with us.  Your sense of style is great and we always like hearing about your various adventures and opportunities for romance.  Still hoping this issue can be resolved...  But, I surely understand if you have had enough.  All the best.  Don

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On 7/14/2024 at 11:55 PM, kneehighs said:


@Tech--even though I disagree with how you manage this site, it's been a decade + long labor. I don't like you one bit, never did really, but thanks for the upkeep and dedication.  I can dislike you but be grateful for your efforts.  Which I truly am.

It's sad that you choose to lash out at people you don't know and know absolutely nothing about so openly, especially on my "doorstep." It's not even close to polite or respectful. Quite the opposite. Nor is it grateful. Not even close.

You could have just kept your mouth shut and said nothing...

If you disagree with how the website is run, then why are you still here?

Nobody is holding you hostage. You choose to join, you keep choosing to come back join in...

Dont answer that... I really don't care... I'm busy working to pay for everything you use, yet so openly bitch and moan about but never contribute a dime towards in almost 20 years I've been looking after this place.

If you don't like it, then just leave.

Nobody is forcing you to be here.

Nobody cares who you do and don't like.

That's all the drama that plays out in your own head. Only you care about that, everybody else is busy with their own drama's and lives.

I'm totally serious, too. If you don't like it and only have this BS to share, you are better off elsewhere, and we're better off without this nonsense.

All you have ever been asked is to follow the rules you agree to. And those rules are applied 100% fairly to everybody. And this is what I get in return?

Your statement makes no sense to me, but that's fine; I don't care what anybody thinks about anything I do. I don't spend my time seeking approval from anybody. I'm literally the caretaker here. The Janitor, paying the bills, keeping the filth out.

So whatever you were trying to achieve with this nasty statement, I hope it brought you whatever you were trying to gain from it.

Your statement says a lot about you, but none of it is good.

Maybe it's time to close the book on your adventures. Adios.

As a sidenote too, Yes, I have banned kneehighs, for good.

If you crap on somebody else's doorstep, don't expect to be welcome.

I've had enough of his throwing toys out of his pram and unwarranted insults.

He followed this post up with an exceptionally childish DM, throwing insults just because a post where he mentioned an N word was edited, and he was notified via the warning system. (It's not "A flex" KH, its just a bloomin notification, get over it)

He then threw up a new thread about being here 20 years and being called a racist. He wasn't.

His post was edited, and I just used the automated system to let him know why, in the form of a warning, as that's the quickest and simplest way.

I don't have the time to enter into long, drawn-out conversations with him. I just want to ensure that search engines don't find comments like what he posted. It should have been a straightforward open-and-shut case.

He could have just asked, like any normal person does, but no, he chose the nuclear option. So, adios. I don't have the time for this behaviour.

One of the reasons this place works so well is because 99% of you all are respectful of each other, and don't crap on each other, and if there is a problem, your all mature enough to just ask "what happened?"

Mud-slinging and childish abuse just doesn't happen here, and many have seen exactly what happens if it ever does. None of us need that in our lives. Life's too short.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow I am keaving the forum a couples of years and the old arguments are still there when I come back. Feels like home. Yes Tech made a really good job maintaining the forum afloat which has not been so easy for other forums I used to check. But also what stories and content the users share is maintaining the forum afloat as well. Ads, placed under Tech supervision, are watched and unwilingly (but usefully) clicked on by users willing to read Kneehighs stories because these stories make us feel real.

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10 hours ago, Gudulitooo said:

Wow I am keaving the forum a couples of years and the old arguments are still there when I come back. Feels like home. Yes Tech made a really good job maintaining the forum afloat which has not been so easy for other forums I used to check. But also what stories and content the users share is maintaining the forum afloat as well. Ads, placed under Tech supervision, are watched and unwilingly (but usefully) clicked on by users willing to read Kneehighs stories because these stories make us feel real.

Unfortunately that's the downside of mixing up a group of strangers, anywhere. But, the negativity is being ditched. Its extremely rare here. Moreso than anywhere else.

People who set out to be negative are getting far shorter leashes now. Life is just too short.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!

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