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Style.com and Vogue Spain's response to Freestyle Fashion


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U.S. Vogue has changed its format since last year so I posted pic links to jim, fashionable fun, and myself for people to respond to.

So far, out of only six replies, there has not been one negative reply. Its a slow moving forum though.


I'm going to post another similar thread on the mens style.com fashion forum soon, but am going to include some block heel shots as well. I wanted to post a POLL thread there, but they don't offer that option. If anyone has some urban style block heel shots they would like to include, please by all means, post them here or pm me.

There's a fashion forum in Spain that FLAVIO has been kind enough to donate his time to translating for everyone's convenience. Thanks to Flavio's efforts , we will see how some of the people (unfortunately, I don't have demographic info for the members at this forum) respond to a man in heels. Most of the replies have been negative, but I haven't had a chance to translate a reply to spanish yet.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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oh wow, that thread went downhill fast.

please for all of us here, school this poorly un-informed child "Vanessa":

oh my G..

I don't want to sound boring or old fashioned or whatever, but men in heels just look lame.

Please wear them if you feel comfortable about it or if you're happy in them, but in my opinion you look really really really gay. Nothing wrong with that, but you state you're heterosexual, so i guess you want women to like you or find you attractive. If I had a date and the guy was wearing high heels (or even that flowered print 'blouse') I would totally ditch him ...but anyways...have fun with your heels!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Hi kneehighs, thanx for the update from other community's. It's nice to see the men are getting up for their 'addictions', and the community is getting bigger and bigger. But still hhplace is the place to be. This is far the most active forum from all. Tommy

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The translation is done, I've send it to kneehighs for english correction and final posting here. The overall replies were very negative, impressive when taken from a forum like vogue. The english speaking forum had better sensitive replies for sure. One thing may be noticed: people express bad opinions on the internet because they remain anonymous, just see how many Orkut groups are created regarding racism, homophoby and pedophily. I think is the same with us in heels, real life makes people more sensitive and even well receiving. On the net is very easy to put agressive words to any "freak" stuff, and some people feels good doing this, I just don't know why. It happens to any subject.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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Here's a more successful foray onto


Some of the guys on hhplace post occasionally on their 'Men in Heels' slot in their 'Shoes Shoes Shoes' forum. We get a fair share of eeeews, but also a goodly proportion of genuine, if passing, interest.




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Posts: 2

My nephew (Need advice pls!)


I've never posted here but I love all forums I think they're great. Anyways my names Joey (yes I'm a girl!) and I have a question.

I have a 14 year old nephew.(I'm 19) He borrowed some of my manalos for a project and then returned them and then I thought nothing of it. But now he keeps asking me if he can borrow more of my shoes. What would you do? I don't know if hes got some weird fetish or hes really doing stuff with them. Could someone please help!!!!!




2 Days Ago #2


tfs star


Location: Beachwood, Ohio

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I wouldn't let him borrow them. They're expenisve, and theres nothing a 14 year old boy should need manolos for



2 Days Ago #3


Adorable illusion


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Dont jump to conclusion just yet..maybe he really does just want them for project work. Ask him what sort of project it is and casually whoever looks after him if hes acting unusual or not.


"...jus flip up ur collar, pull up ur sleeves and wear it loose... done less FOB like"


2 Days Ago #4




Location: SoCal

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Posts: 2,965

^ Yea I agree with vintage.

If he does well in this project or subsquently in that subject you can always ask your uncle to get you new Manolos for your effort


*StYlE iS tHe peRfeCTion oF a pOint Of ViEw*



2 Days Ago #5


rising star


Posts: 164

It's not that unusual for some boys/men to develop a foot fetish or shoe fetish. He's at the age for sexual "discovery" and may be shy around girls, too. Personally, I'd tell him he could no longer borrow my shoes in a way that does not embarrass him---just say "no" with a smile. He can find other more social ways to pursue his interest and there won't be any unspoken "issues" between you and him in the future.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Days Ago #6




Posts: 23

It's been discussed here ..... look at 'heels for men' which I've bounced to the top for you.

For more detail




Last edited by xaphod : 2 Days Ago at 04:51 AM.



1 Day Ago #7




Gender: femme

Posts: 2

Thanks so much! You guys are awesome. I'll just find out nicely whats up.

One up to the awsome crew, I think.


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Yeah, Right, Vanessa is just someone, who does not appreciate men in heels. Just one someone, who would "totally ditch" a date in heels. She is not into men in heels. Not at all. In real life, I meet people like that. "Are you gay, or bisexual?" some of them ask. They simply don't get it. They are rooted in medieval conceptions, and backward ideas. Strict gender segregation of footwear is their credo. They need someone to explain to them what is allowed, and what is not. Independent thinking is out of bounds for such folks. On the other hand, there are lots of people who are tolerant, even accepting. The last couple years, I have dated in heels, shopped in heels, danced in heels, even voted in heels. And nothing bad happened. There were no disasters. No fistfights. No dates ditched me. I sense an increased accommodation for human eccentricity. Most people are quite happy to let you do your own thing. And that is in Minnesota, queen of the northern prairie. Yeah, not everybody likes that, the man in heels. Some of them say so out loud. But I do my thing, have my fun, wear my heels. Nobody much bothers me. Life goes on.

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You make very good points, Magickman. As you said, it's sad that so many people don't really think for themselves. As I'd noted in the "Good Responses From Women" thread, my ex, who wasn't familiar with me wearing women's shoes (I wasn't really into it when we were together), was really standoffish about discussing it with me. She wanted to end the discussion as soon as I told her the shoes were mine, but through talking and listening, she slowly but surely got comfortable with the idea. As with all things, it's a matter of conditioning. Some people need lots of it to accept something, and others need no convincing at all upon seeing you do it. A friend of mine in Charlotte was immediately okay with it when I told her I liked to wear heels. Another friend of mine in Atlanta thought nothing of it when I showed up to take her to a movie wearing 3 1/2" heeled boots (she wore flats). My ex, it took her a bit of time, but now she's understanding of my logic and reason. My mother never really got used to it.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Here are the responses to the Freestyle Fashion: Men in Heels Thread posted at Vogue Spain. Well over a year ago such posts were made with the first being at Luxury Fashion, then the conservative Women's shoes on men at style.com, then Elle.com, then the Fashion Spot.com (the "opinions on this look" thread), and then Australian Vogue Opinions on this look thread most recently. There have been a few others too.

The purpose has been only to heighten and educate people's awareness that acceptable alternative fashion cultures exist.

Translations are all courtesy of Flavio.

Thanks Flavio, for your time and efforts!

ha, ha, ha, ha, ha :lol: no comment

I'm a boy, i go every day to the university and trully, I don't like to wear shoes, just slippers tommy or diesel or others, i don't wear the typical air nikes until the stripes, but if I have to I will, but with heels? If the girls aways complains about heels and they don't have problems with this, shaw we put heels?? It's a crazy thing, (laugh).

Man, maybe is because we are acostumed that heels are for women, if it turns in to fashion to the men it will appear to be good.

but as I see at this time... looks very ridiculous for me!!!! too much!!! the only thing that happened to me was a loud laugh! I'm sorry if someone is offended!!

I'm sorry to be so sincere... looks to be the worst thing for me!!!

It's too much for me.

I found it really laborious. And not aesthetic.

(laugh) see where are we going to :D:lol::lol:

I just can't stop laughing about the last picture.

Muahahahahahaha muhahahahaha. The last picture is too much, this uncle* is vacillating us. What a crazy guy!! :lol:Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja

flavio's note* N.T.: uncle was translated exactly from the spanish word "tio", but the popular use of the word is something like "old man with strange ideas or reactions"

he, he, he I don't like it at all....

however would be good to see them walking with heels, would be "ducky", they would fall... that would be laughter!

It's really pure freestyle.

Doesn't look ridiculous to me, because they have the same rights then women to go in heels, skirts, makeup or what they want. But yes, I see very differently, but is a question a get accostumed. Some good shaped legs with heels can result to be very atractive, be a woman or a man.

Men, it's too much for me.... I think it's a bit rare style awhile. (laugh)

and a question... Do you find shoes in your size??


In truth I don't like it, looks a bit funny.... maybe with the time passing who knows that you can (langhs)

Excuse me, let us think about it. Men invented the high heels in about 1500 and used them about 400 to 500 years including (particularly) the real courts and kings. Yes, like in Spain. Majority of men stoped using high heels, but not everyone. More then half men have weared heels more then once and more then an hour. A lot of men have worn heels in public for a reason or another (usually halloween). One in 10 men wear it regularly home alone. Ten in milliars of men wear heels publically in a regular basis. It's just an option, people. Nothig else, just remember that some women makeup, other don't. I lived in Vegas and visited San Francisco and New York. I saw many men in high heels. Many of people just don't care about it.

Appears ro be ridiculous to someone because they never see before. Many of people said the same for women in the first time "ridiculous" "hylarious". No! Simply doesn't know it. Different. The ones who laughs of men in heels just don't know the history. Rare, yes. Infrequent, don't.

They dress excellently until you arrive at the shoes. they are ideal, but for a girl. It would be a horror to see my boy in heels!!

Starting with the crazy that invaded the forum, be with skirts, then the heels, used shoes. These kind of fetishists make me mad.

it's to much... :D:o8) no comments...

I want the same that you are smoking

are you serious ;)

In a few time we'll see the "uncles"* in the disco with mini skirts and stilettos...

flavio's note *N.T.: see the post above about the word unkle.

Simply... we'll have to get accustomed to it, but I really don't like it :P (look to the pose of the last! "ole!"*)

flavio's noteN.T.: "ole" wasn't translated because it's the same as the "ole" said in the soccer stadiums, like "hoorray" in english.

Ehhh hola...I want those shoes for me...my mother...it's a 45*.

flavio's note*N.T.: must be something like US 14.

kneehighs question? I think the 45 could mean a 45 degree angle too? maybe I'm wrong

My fiancee wears 39, I can go to Mango buy some...

flavio's note *N.T.: must be about US 8

**N.T.: Mango is a proper name of a store.

Forgive my ignorance, in the past men wore high heeled shoes, but weren't they men shoes? One thing is to wear high heels, other is women's shoes. I don't like this fashion, I don't see a future for that.

This is true, I saw men in heels, in the biker's boots (laugh)

(laugh), I'm looking for a gift to a (he) friend, I'll buy some like the ones in the last picture (laughs)

I don't think it's too rare for me to wear country shoes like men do but with with slim heels and not boots.

I can't imagine to cross an "unkle" like this in the street.


It looks so feminine that I couldn't be with a boy wearing heels. It's true that it doesn't look ridiculous to you, but the first time I saw a jacket with high kneck and no sleeves, I thought "where are we going to?" but now almost all of (she) us have some. But... I don't believe this fashion has too much future, either because of comfort or fashion.

I don't find any point in this fashion... I don't like it a bit(laugh)

Sometimes I remind myself that its more painful for me to "reject" myself and my love to publicly heel in the long run than it is to have others "reject" me. Being true to myself is way more important in the long run than someone's fleeting negative opinion. They'll all get over it.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I am from Spain.

My personal experience is that you can go pretty well anywhere here with your heels, especially in big cities and cosmopolite, touristically traditional areas.

Several answers from the VOGUE thread are coming from people who is not strong enough to form their own opinions, and need to follow the typical stereotype since they are not capable of forming an opinion on something which breaks their actual sense of what is "normal".

But there are many people in Spain which are very open minded and cuturally advanced, who would either accept the notion of a man in heels, or if they don't like it, let you live with it anyway (which is also OK and respectable to me).

Please don't put all the people of Spain in the same basket.

If any of you would like to visit a Spanish heel-wearers forum, go to



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oh, wow.... the closed-minded meter is going berserk right now!

Same with me. Some minds are set in cement and will never be changed. The societal conditioning for the last hundred plus years or so that says that only women can wear heels or look good them is, in most case, as strong and unbreakable as ever. The best we can do is to continue doing what we do, openly and proudly and slowly break down the walls of that conditioning.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thanks all for the links. There are providing some good reading.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I am from Spain.

My personal experience is that you can go pretty well anywhere here with your heels, especially in big cities and cosmopolite, touristically traditional areas.

Several answers from the VOGUE thread are coming from people who is not strong enough to form their own opinions, and need to follow the typical stereotype since they are not capable of forming an opinion on something which breaks their actual sense of what is "normal".

But there are many people in Spain which are very open minded and cuturally advanced, who would either accept the notion of a man in heels, or if they don't like it, let you live with it anyway (which is also OK and respectable to me).

Please don't put all the people of Spain in the same basket.

If any of you would like to visit a Spanish heel-wearers forum, go to



Oh trust me, I'm not gonna hold the whole vineyard responsible for the bad grapes.

Its just unfortunate that the same people who are supposed to be fashion-conscious (as evidenced by their participation in a special interest forum dedicated to style) are the same ones downing a style for being different.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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i laugh when i read those comments from those ladies who disagree. imagine if you had to live with someone like that or worse, if they were your so called friend. now that would be the true end of civilization.

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My feelings when translating the text was that these "fashion fans" people only looks for what they want to be "cool". You must appear "cool" or you're out. "cool" for sure means "clothes and shoes bought on the most expensive store of your gender". For sure it doesn't happen only in Spain, but in the hole world. Spanish people are very nice for sure. But, for me, the mostly young people today are so driven by the fashion tendencies, TV, magazines, etc... no one wants to think, do what they want, make a difference... all over the world including Brazil. It's sad for me. Who knows when people will start reading books again. What a dream! I do my part.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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But, for me, the mostly young people today are so driven by the fashion tendencies, TV, magazines, etc... no one wants to think, do what they want, make a difference... all over the world including Brazil. It's sad for me.

You're so right on this....

I find it amuzing when these young kids into the rapper scene all dress exactly the same way. Baseball hat (usually on backwards or crooked), large jersey (usually basketball), pants that would fit someone about 50lbs heavier and a foot taller, underwear showing (now _that's_ attractive :D ), and running shoes. If they think they're being an individual by looking like everyone else, they should think again.

The same can be said for a number of other groups including the "business" set. Everyone dresses in a suit and tie 'cuz that's the uniform - even some women will wear a suit and tie. Some are smart enough to know it and play it to their advantage, most aren't.

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Hey, let's face it. The vast majority of society is conformist. But it's in our genetic roots, when non-conformity, deciding to do A instead of B meant lives lost when it was your turn to gather firewood, hunt, mend tents, clothes, or prepare sleeping blankets. I believe there are two components to conformity. The first is genetic survival. The second is genetic belonging. All too too often, from ages ago until today, we've confused the two. Doing the same thing as someone else simply because it's expected is giving in to genetic survival. But working out arrangements for non-survival fashion differences is going beyond, to genetic belonging. Most of the "eeews!" I've seen from females as to the topic of men wearing heels belongs to this. Apparently they're unaware that men have not only worn heels for nearly 400 of the last 500 years, but that they invented the modern heel around 1500, and it wasn't until 1533 that the modern lady's heel arrive via Catherine Di Medici. History lost is a sad state of affairs for any nation or cause. Let us pray it's not lost with respect to fashion!

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  • 1 month later...

Did you guys read the Style.com thread lately for women?

Thats just great, really. I admire you! Would you mind if i'd write something about you in my dutch fashion site? With you and and your friends' pictures and everything ? Or maybe an interview? :D






Can anyone help me out here?



Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Oh we just HAVE to go for this. Sounds like a heel meet in Amsterdam is on the cards. Kneehighs, you're doing a great job of pushing the envelope and getting this trend out in a wider sense. Having read all the links to other discussion forums you and others have posted (wow theres a lot out there) it would appear to me that our momement needs to proceed at a steady pace and evolve through chunky/block heel accepted thing to get to the any heel accepted thing. It may well be worth posting a poll to gauge members opinions as to just how we REALLY should be moving forward. DR1819 tried with his $100 posting, but that seemed to fall flat on its face. A real shame as this appeared to me to be a serious attempt to gather real information to feedback to shoemakers. We are on the verge of breaking out, lets get it right. TB2

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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I am from Spain.

My personal experience is that you can go pretty well anywhere here with your heels, especially in big cities and cosmopolite, touristically traditional areas.

Several answers from the VOGUE thread are coming from people who is not strong enough to form their own opinions, and need to follow the typical stereotype since they are not capable of forming an opinion on something which breaks their actual sense of what is "normal".

But there are many people in Spain which are very open minded and cuturally advanced, who would either accept the notion of a man in heels, or if they don't like it, let you live with it anyway (which is also OK and respectable to me).

Please don't put all the people of Spain in the same basket.

If any of you would like to visit a Spanish heel-wearers forum, go to



Hi Bob,

an interesting link! With a spanish-german dictionary by the side of my keyboard I'm understanding almost every posting. A good opportunity to improve my knowledge of the spanish language :D

If you should have a similar interest into a german forum I have to recommend http://www.high-heels.com/forum

nice greetings


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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  • 3 months later...

Well, since I started these threads, I also believe its my responsibility to follow through with them. So, recently I revived the thread at Vogue Spain and a member there named rata presumida posted these pics of Genis Segarra of the band Astrud:

Posted Image

Posted Image

I'll probably be starting a few similar threads in other forums soon, so if anyone has any ideas, please share them now. If anyone has any great pics, those would also be much appreciated as well.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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  • 2 months later...

Just added the video (filmed by Bert of Finland) of me walking through Washington Square Park to the Freestyle thread at Vogue Spain.


It will be fun to see what responses develop.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Thanks DawnHH. If you also follow the style.com thread on Freestyle Fashion, you will see I posted the video link there as well.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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