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Does anyone enjoy "controlled" slipping in heels?


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This sounds like a strange question and I know slipping in high heels can be dangerous and undesirable,but Ive seen on some other sites that some people enjoy slipping (under controlled conditions,generally) and will actually seek out or create a slippery condition to play in.Is there anyone here into this?.

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This sounds like a strange question and I know slipping in high heels can be dangerous and undesirable,but Ive seen on some other sites that some people enjoy slipping (under controlled conditions,generally) and will actually seek out or create a slippery condition to play in.Is there anyone here into this?.

After severely spraining an ankle while wearing a new pair of stiletto heels with leather soles, walking across a wet marble tile floor, I think anyone that would wear anything slippery on their feet while walking across any floor that could cause one to fall, is absolutely crazy and out of their mind. It took months before my ankle healed and I was able to wear heels again.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Back in 1975 I started to learn to skate and some of the maneuvers that I did to learn were scary. The idea if slipping on the ice or some other surprise is not a good thing but what I heard was slipping on something in a controlled manor. Well I still like to skate and also go ice skating. But before I forget back to the skating. At that time I worked in a machine shop and on a rare occasion slip on a spot of oil. That was scary and a touch of panic and maybe some shock and I was scared. Somehow after I got good at skating one day in the shop I slipped on the oil again and this time my surprise was how well and easily I controlled it. This was good practice and became a safety thing also. Anyway if anyone does plan to tackle a slippery surface then better to do it controlled maybe even elbow pads and play it safe. One thing that I can say that my skating training helps me in an unplanned before I realize it.

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I agree the controlled slipping is kind of fun, but then again here in Maine it is an icy and snowy state. Knowing what you're walking on, sometimes controlled slipping is actually the best form of locomotion and the safest. It's very much like ice skating or skiing except that a shoe can slide sideways, not just forward and backward. It does take a bit of an extra degree of skill, not to mention good ankles, knees and hips for good control. I actually prefer to slide on ice, it affords me much more control. I have both ski'd and ice skated. I'm much better at ice skating. I feel much more in control not having to deal with gravity.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I live in the northern hemisphere, and I've noticed that people who are native has built-in security system while walking on slippery paths. We fall much less than people who come here from warmer countries.

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When I was a child we used to make icy tracks on the snow for sliding, but that was with good and flat shoes. On heels I would think you are out of your mind to even try. But OK, if your doctors bill is all taken care of anyway.... Y.

Raise your voice. Put on some heels.

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When I was a child we used to make icy tracks on the snow for sliding, but that was with good and flat shoes. On heels I would think you are out of your mind to even try. But OK, if your doctors bill is all taken care of anyway....


Did the same as I'm sure many kids did and still do when allowed.

In Heels, just shear crazy. I've seen some antics on youtube but I'm not one to join them.

It's always a blessing when when it happens and you're still upright and not sprawled across the floor hurt or feeling stupid (male or female).


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Slippery surface with heels? No thanks! I mentioned to my wife the other day that I have more respect with her wearing heels on highly polished floors. We have some old style hardwood floors in the house, and the laundry room has a smooth concrete floor with some industrial floor sealer on it so it is very slick too. After walking on those surfaces in heels I have a lot of respect for anyone that can walk on smooth hard surfaces in a confident manor. My wife has been out to the mall with me and it has terrazzo floors, very smooth and slippery. She just struts along no problem. I would probably be flat on my face, or clinging for dear life to the wall!

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lol. You just painted a hilarious image for me Pumped!

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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That's funny, Berg, because I am from Colombia and I am the only Minnesota girl I know that will maneuver ice in heels at all! Maybe it's because I've lived here almost all my life? I agree with Mike, sometimes, when I slip by accident, I enjoy how quickly I am able to stabilize myself and re-balance to avoid a fall. I have never been very coordinated this way until I started wearing heels, maybe it's the added awareness? Or the increased need to balance? Either way, I love the concept of handling snow, ice, water (hence the fun posting in "getting your feet wet") because if feel like a sort of an accomplishment. I hope that makes sense. Pumped, again, I'm jealous of your wife! She seems like quite the heels master, it would be fun to know someone like that in real life. Shafted and Berg, living in regions with a lot of seasonal ice, do you find that very few people share your continued enthusiasm for heels? It seems like no one around heel wears stilettos ever and few wear any type of heel in the winter!

Peeptoe heels are my passion... and flexibility: www.Flexines.net

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I agree with Mike, sometimes, when I slip by accident, I enjoy how quickly I am able to stabilize myself and re-balance to avoid a fall. I have never been very coordinated this way until I started wearing heels, maybe it's the added awareness? Or the increased need to balance? Either way, I love the concept of handling snow, ice, water (hence the fun posting in "getting your feet wet") because if feel like a sort of an accomplishment. I hope that makes sense.

It does, thank you! It makes perfect sense to me. It's just another facet of honing one's high heel wearing skill.

Shafted and Berg, living in regions with a lot of seasonal ice, do you find that very few people share your continued enthusiasm for heels? It seems like no one around heel wears stilettos ever and few wear any type of heel in the winter!

I don't really notice any different reactions from people when I have to navigate potentially slippery terrain. I find that knowing what you have to navigate beforehand is the real key. Ice isn't hard, but ice with a light layer of either snow or water is a slippery mix indeed (but still doable on reasonably flat ground). It's pretty much the same in flats. Tread helps and if it's a surface you can plant the heel into, do it. I tend to use a stiletto heel like an ice crampon if I can. Ice and snow, the stiletto is the only way to go. Hey I'm a poet and don't know it.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Pumped, again, I'm jealous of your wife! She seems like quite the heels master, it would be fun to know someone like that in real life.

Shafted and Berg, living in regions with a lot of seasonal ice, do you find that very few people share your continued enthusiasm for heels? It seems like no one around heel wears stilettos ever and few wear any type of heel in the winter!

We get our share of snow too. As for heels, Just feel like I live in some black hole of fashion. When we go out for an evening most people are jeans and t-shirts, or perhaps in an extreme case jeans ans a dressy shirt. Either way heels are optional.

My wife wonders about me and my interest in fashion which goes farther than just heels. I have bought her clothing before and she usually likes what I get, plus it fits too. I love to go shopping for her even if it takes all day. I joke when we go for my clothing, we don't go shopping, we go buying as we hit one or two favorite stores and get it over with.

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A parallel thread to getting your feet wet ? :wavey: Yes it happened twice. Once I took the train for a business trip wearing kitten heels. At the arrival, I went through the train station, walked to my hotel, checked in, and at this time I had totally forgotten I had "heeled" shoes, which the slipping floor reminded me just when I reached for the lifter. Now all the people who hadn't noticed my shoes were aware of them. Nice. The second time was at the entrance of the mall. I wore block heels loafers, and it was rainy. All controlled, but not enjoyed, except for the extra ad.

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Shafted and Berg, living in regions with a lot of seasonal ice, do you find that very few people share your continued enthusiasm for heels? It seems like no one around heel wears stilettos ever and few wear any type of heel in the winter!

No one in his (or her) right mind uses heels in snow and ice conditions. I do not like sliding in slippery conditions. But if it comes up, I usually manage. :wavey:

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No one in his (or her) right mind uses heels in snow and ice conditions. I do not like sliding in slippery conditions. But if it comes up, I usually manage. :wavey:

I'm right handed, that makes me left minded so of course I'd defy your logic, Berg. lol

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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