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Need your opinion...once again....

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Oh, what a nice dress! As for heels, the platform stilletto pumps [not slingbacks] are my favourite.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!


If it were not summer I would say #1. Non-platformed heels are always classier and sexier, however you do all of them justice and there will be no complaints.


AH! pierced, You have such good taste. I'm more into wearing stiletto court shoes than boots, so I'd go for the selection of the pumps. However, consider the activity and heel accordingly.


Stunning dress. A real head turner.

Personally, I love the look of the first pic. The boots and dress sit great with each other:


But I think I'd prefer the 3rd if you tried it without the leggings:


Those pumps are stunning, where did you get them?

Regardless, you look great in all those outfits and I hope you have a great time!



Of the shoes, I think the courts are best and with the dress on its own will look superb Great dress, legs and the heels need to be shown off to best advantage with a nice uncovered leg. Have fun! I am sure you will turn a few heads!

"A man cannot make a pair of shoes rightly unless he do it in a devout manner" - Thomas Carlyle


All are very nice and you add a good amount of beauty. I like the second with slings. Very elegant, well put together by not mixing denim into the picture, and feminine. And the slingbacks plead to be attached to legs as nice as yours. Whatever your choice you will light up the room as you enter. Enjoy. E


selection three without the leggings... that's my vote as well. You have very nice legs and the dress is stunning. All of the shoes are nice and any would work but my favourite has to be the third pair pictured.


Greetings pierced :-)

I would go with the outfit in picture # 3

You have nice legs. why not showing them ?

If weather is cold, I would prefer outfit in picture # 1

Nice dress, heels and boots !

  pierced said:

This Thursday we are invited to a little party with some good friends.

Give me advice - thanks!!

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I would choose the 3rd out fit!

Yes, I can walk in 6.5 inch heels!!!

  Elegant said:

Oh, what a nice dress! As for heels, the platform stilletto pumps [not slingbacks] are my favourite.

I have to agree with Elegant. But you look very nice in all of the outfits and high heels. And I too think the weather/temperature would also be a factor to help you decide.


Hello pierced :-)

Hoping you had a good time on your thursday night party !

May I ask you what you were wearing with your black dress ?

Leggings, jeans, shoes or boots ?

  danielp6406 said:

Hello pierced :-)

Hoping you had a good time on your thursday night party !

May I ask you what you were wearing with your black dress ?

Leggings, jeans, shoes or boots ?


I did go for something in between..

The leatherdress, jeans and slingbacks.

And yes, I did get some head to turn around. :irked:

Thank you all for all help.

Appreciated!!!! :smile:

  pierced said:

I did go for something in between...The leatherdress, jeans and slingbacks...

A good choice. A very nice style indeed !

Women are lucky to be able to mix so many different clothing items and footwear in order to look good.

Unfortunately, men with their reduced choice of clothes, cannot do the same...

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