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Spotted while heeling after dark


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Hi All, Another long gap between updates. Sorry about that - I've been really busy lately, but I had to tell you all about last night. However, I'll first have to set the scene. I've been increasing the length of my midnight walks to the point a week or so ago where I did a complete circuit of the block in my estate. It was such a thrill since before this I'd only made it about half way round and turned back, taking the more secluded return route to my door. This time, I just carried on and walked along the main entrance road to the estate. The circuit only took about four minutes, but my heart was pumping like I'd run a mile. A car passed me, but the driver couldn't have seen much due to the speed it was going. The next night, I decided to do the same and set off with a purpose, but on returning to my street decided on the spur of the moment to go for two laps. This was great, I was building my confidence and my endurance, this being the longest I'd been on my feet in heels in one go. So every night after that I did two laps until last night when I decided to go for three. I'd decided this before I finished the first lap, so just carried on at full speed. My first two circuits had passed without any event, not seeing any people or cars. This is pretty typical, my estate is a quiet one and at that time of night it's rare to see a light on, never mind someone awake. However, last night I got to the half way point of the circuit and spotted someone having a pre-sleep cigarette, leaning on his fence. He'd have surely heard me since my heels were pretty loud in the deserted street. I had a moment of indecision, should I turn back before he'd got a good look? Or should I carry on and not draw attention to myself by acting nervous? I was quite close to him since I'd been walking quickly and spotted him pretty late. I didn't know the guy and I had to assume he didn't know me. He must have seen me of course, there was nothing else moving, so I decided on the bolder course of action and carried on, all be it with my head slightly down. My pace had faltered only slightly, but I did find myself pulling my jeans lower so they'd cover my heels a bit more. I waited for "the shout" as I walked away from him towards the main road, but nothing came. As I got back to my house, I was actually shaking and found it a bit of a task to unlock the door. :wave: I'll be going out again tonight, but I'll be keeping a closer eye on this particular fence before I blithely walk past again. HighCurious

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You probably brightened his nightly routine. There are going to be times that test our resolve to heel. How we see ourselves as heelers today and in the future will help us achieve the life we want to live. Would we be happy, if some how we were known for this image and we felt free to heel whenever we wanted, because those around us were no longer surprised upon noticing our heeled attire? It's the confidence in being who we are and the knowledge that we have the right to choose how our life should be lived. We all have a habit of giving others the power to live our life for us. It's the way society has been set up. Changing this system would be a monumental task, because too many are content in being told how to live. We have a heel up on this though. We have a goal that requires us to take charge of our own life.

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Way to go! We'll have you out shopping in busy Malls yet!

Well, that may take a while yet, but hopefully someday I'll be seen and mean to be seen. :wave:

You probably brightened his nightly routine.

I hope so. More likely, he's one of the guys in that study and didn't notice at all. :(

Well, I've just got back from my evening walk and I did three laps without seeing anybody or, as far as I know, being seen. I was pretty cautious going past the guy's house though. I needn't have worried, there wasn't even a light on.

Now I wonder when I'll be able to do four laps.


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As long as you're not wearing leopard print heels, you probably won't be spotted! Congratulations on the "baby steps!" You'll know you've "arrived" when you go out in public and you're disappointed that nobody noticed! Steve

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Congratulations on your outing. Now that you have been spotted by someone while you're wearing high heels (even though it was dark), and as you saw nothing really happened and you survived just fine. believe me, this even happens in the daylight when you are spotted wearing high heels. Best of luck on your next and future outings.
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I've been out walking at night in my neighborhood lately in my gold heels. They hard to hide because of the reflection from the street lights, even under jeans. Since it's only around 10:00 there's a few people out and several cars driving by. Plus it's hard to miss a guy 6'2" in 4 inch heels. I'm not worried though. I have my wife walkng with me and my reason for being out in heels has been that I was practicing for the "Walk a Mile In Her Shoes" charity walk. The walk is over, now I'm just a guy out in heels.

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Depending on the light there, the noise of your shoes could still be mistaken for mens, as some types of mens shoes have a definite tip tap sound. Obviously, metal tips make more noise and the beat tends to suggest womens footwear, but at this time, I think you have no worries.

totter along into history

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At this time of year (at least in the US), "I'm dressing as a female ___ for Halloween, and I need to practice walking in heels" is probably an accepable excuse. If pushed, you can say, "I'm already a little self conscious about dressing that way, last thing I want to do is make a fool of myself by falling in shoes I can't walk in..."

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3 challenges done - getting outside feel, meeting (even closely) someone in the street and having the confidence to get back out there. Getting used to the click , tap, clump of the heel is hard, at night it seems deafening! So when someone appears panic appears. Busy places with lots of noise masks the heel noise so it is then the visual to contend with and that is the greater challenge. For another day? Supermarkets and Malls some have recommended but watch out for the floors- marble effect are like ice for small tips (like my workplace floor). be confident and take care. Al

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At this time of year (at least in the US), "I'm dressing as a female ___ for Halloween, and I need to practice walking in heels" is probably an accepable excuse. If pushed, you can say, "I'm already a little self conscious about dressing that way, last thing I want to do is make a fool of myself by falling in shoes I can't walk in..."

That may be a good excuse in America, but I don't think there is anywhere else it will work.

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Or, for the excuse as to why you might be wearing heels (if you need an excuse), how about, "because I like them." ?...

I would have to agree with W&M. I don't know if I would have the confidence to do say so but it is accurate. The excuse I prepared was 'because its in fashionable for men now [just like earrings]. Look up meels online.'

Its a crazy world though if you think about it, to have to justify wearing footwear. Really, what harm is there?

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Hi well done on your adventure. What kind of heels had you on?

Hi, thanks for the good wishes.

I've only got the single pair of below the knee boots with a 3.75" stiletto heel so far. I'm thinking of getting more pairs since these are a little thin for my feet.

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Just a quick update to say that I did four circuits tonight! That's over half a mile, by far the furthest I've walked in heels in one go.


You're building up your tolerance and ability to wear heels longer and better than ever. Soon you will want to venture beyond your "secure envelope" by venturing further and further outside your original limits. That's when the confidence becomes so that you can take steps into the grocery store and pump gas at the gas station while wearing high heels. Go get'em HC :wave:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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... [HighCurious

I'm sorry, but does anyone else get the impression for HC's story that it's a fetishistic entity?

I thought the forum didn't allow this. Apparently, I was wrong.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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I'm sorry, but does anyone else get the impression for HC's story that it's a fetishistic entity?

I thought the forum didn't allow this. Apparently, I was wrong.

Please tell us why you believe that HC's story is a "fetishistic entity."

Looking over his past entries, there are places where he relates actions and feelings that more than one of our members have posted before. While it would be easy to troll through the comments posted here and take parts of them and include them in a completely new post, many of our members have experienced identical happenings, feelings and thoughts. So, while it is possible HC is putting together a good story, it's not beyond being believable.

Besides, this is a forum where people that have an interest in high heels gather. And this forum is part of the Internet. And, the Internet is entertainment. And, if he is building a "fetishistic" story, he wouldn't be the first member to do that and I doubt that he would be the last.

Just remember, that on the Internet anyone can be anyone or anything they want to be...So, take the entire scene with a grain of salt and sit back and enjoy the truth, the half truths. the purely imaginative and the down right lying. In the final analysis, it's a great big "who cares" anyway. There have been enough "personal" one on one contact between members (heel meets, etc) to demonstrate that most of what goes on here is, in fact, factual.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Just so happens, I went over a friends house tonight to get a handle for my lawnmower. Mine broke and he had an extra one. :( I wore the boots in my avatar under my jeans and while his wife and him and I were standing there in the dark in his driveway talking, his wife looked down and said, "nice shoes, I still know class when I see it". So then I raised my pant leg up as her husband shined the flash light on them and they were both very complementary and really liked my boots alot and thought they looked very good on me.:wave: I will probably be wearing them to the heel meet the 6th of Nov in Canton Ohio.

real men wear heels

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I'm sorry, but does anyone else get the impression for HC's story that it's a fetishistic entity?

I'm also interested why you think my story is "fetishistic"?

It's just an account of the event with a few descriptions, perhaps the language it a bit more colourful than a simple "I walked down the street" tale, but there's nothing intended to titillate or arouse in there.

Unless you just really like my writing style of course. :wave:

Seriously though, I'm still quite new here and don't want to upset anybody, so if I have to tone down my writing style, I'll do so, just let me know.


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I'm sorry, but does anyone else get the impression for HC's story that it's a fetishistic entity?

Nope, its just you. As a fellow heeler, you of all people should know that a lot of guys go through similar things, no matter how its worded.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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