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wat happened wen you told someone about your heels

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hmm pretty much as above lol. i want to kno wat happened wen any of you guys told some 1 about your heels. i want to tell some 1 but im aboslutly terified that they are gonna think im a werido. for as long as i can remeber ive kept this secret to myself, but since buyin my 1st pair of heels i have been thinking about it more. id jus lyk to kno wat reations you guys have had from men and women wen you told them that you love high heels.

wild for plats :silly:


99.9% of the time the reaction is "there are worse things" or "women wear what ever they want so why shouldn't you" Then there are always 1 or 2 nimrods who jump up and give you a little show of that gay walk or something stupid, which I completely ignore as so do most others around them. They seem to be annoyed with life in general anyway and everybody knows who they are. For the most part if they are your friend, they really don't care and except you for you and if they are not, SO WHAT!

real men wear heels


for the couple friends that i have told about it they all pretty much said the the same thing. "their just shoes" one of my good friends (guy) i told him about it before i actually started to make a move on buying heels and he said it was cool i mean what could he have said he wears womens jeans, and one of my lady friends said they would love to go shoe shopping with me and hopes that i pursue wat i like. one problem i have had so far is that my girlfriend i told her about it and she said it was cool with her and she was comfortable about it (crock of shit) excuse my language. as time goes on her true feelings come out.. she tells me that she dont want me to wear heels anymore and she is trying to buy me guy shoes. The main reason why is because supposedly i have the same shoes as her and she dont want to get asked that question " why is your boyfriend wearing heels, is he gay?" she dont know how to answer that question. she says that im progressing because i like all types heels "not jus the ones i can get away with" i also like womens jeans too.. i try to tell her that its just clothes and it dont change who i am. she is so caught up in what society thinks and really dont care about how i feel. she was hoping it was gonna be just a "phase", but oh well i wont change. so that was the only bad reaction i have had so far...


one problem i have had so far is that my girlfriend i told her about it and she said it was cool with her and she was comfortable about it (crock of shit) excuse my language. as time goes on her true feelings come out.. she tells me that she dont want me to wear heels anymore and she is trying to buy me guy shoes. The main reason why is because supposedly i have the same shoes as her and she dont want to get asked that question " why is your boyfriend wearing heels, is he gay?" she dont know how to answer that question. ...

There is a chance that she will eventually come around to accepting your view that "they're only clothes and shoes." However, based on experiences posted here on this forum, what she told you is a Great big "red flag" blacksmith25. Perhaps, you should be prepared for the big "U (ultimatum)" from her -- whick usually follows after a period of time tht she mulls over in her mind wheather or not she can really accept "her man" in high heels. Perhaps she will say that "something has to go. Either the shoes go or I go. Take your pick." Then, you have to think very carefully before you make your decision. The desire to wear high heels will not ever go away. So if you respond by telling her that you will give up wearing heels and ask her to stay, it will forever be a point of division between you when you eventually return to wearing heels.....and you will.

I sincerely hope you can resolve the situation to everyone's satisfaction.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


If anyone is going to heel or for that matter, anything socially taboo, you better know what you're up against. If it is going to be a factor of contention in your relationship with an intended person, it better be well understood by both parties what is involved or included and what can be expected. You have to realize what is at stake should you want to introduce some contentious subjects. Is there a possibility these activities or attitudes can be accepted or are they going to build walls, wedges, ramps, or bridges in the relationship? When it comes to bucking the social system, there aren't many who want to be perceived as abnormal. Yes, we all want to feel we are considered necessary or at least wanted. If this means we have to hide a part of who we are, then we usually go for that option because we have the power over ourselves and it is the easier alternative. Getting others to accept our "out of the box" thinking, takes quite a bit more effort and even then, there is no guarantee the others will want to welcome, condone, or tollerate the wild oats thoughts or activities, such as men wearing stilettos or even any high heels at all. Having said this, everyone has to realize things are the way they are because those that understand the errors of this social attitude, haven't come together in supportive unity to aggressively initiate a process for change. Therefore, all remains as is. Oh! We hear of occasional activities that are noted in some news articles, and they kind of boost our hopes things will get better for heeling acceptance. Then we re-evaluate our circumstances and see there is nothing different as far as we are involved. So, get involved. Change for what you see as better, is less likely to happen in your world, if you do not change it first.


There is a chance that she will eventually come around to accepting your view that "they're only clothes and shoes." However, based on experiences posted here on this forum, what she told you is a Great big "red flag" blacksmith25. Perhaps, you should be prepared for the big "U (ultimatum)" from her -- whick usually follows after a period of time tht she mulls over in her mind wheather or not she can really accept "her man" in high heels. Perhaps she will say that "something has to go. Either the shoes go or I go. Take your pick." Then, you have to think very carefully before you make your decision. The desire to wear high heels will not ever go away. So if you respond by telling her that you will give up wearing heels and ask her to stay, it will forever be a point of division between you when you eventually return to wearing heels.....and you will.

I sincerely hope you can resolve the situation to everyone's satisfaction.

Very wise comment which seems to have been made on the basis of a great knowledge of women.


My friends that I've told about my heels have been OK with it, if rather surprised, as was my cousin and my GF. However, my ex wife couldn't handle it at all and got really hung up about the idea of me in high heels. It got to the point where I was resenting her coming home because it meant I had to get the heels off, and that's not a good place for a marriage. We split up for other reasons, but it made me appreciate my GF a whole lot more.


Reactions ranged from: grins and "they're just shoes," "no way -- Really??," I bet ya $50 you can't walk in stilettos?" [he lost:silly:], "Dude, that's weird,""Are ya Gay?" " What ever floats yer boat," "WHY??," " Do you wear skirts & dresses too?", "Man, you look GOOD in heels," "Do heels hurt?," "That's just crazy," "You have guts," "Why stiletto boots?," "You just want attention," ..... GTMHP


I'd add to GTHMP's list: "Oh, ok..."

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.


My best friend: "Cool." My wife: Initial acceptance, followed by growing concern that I might be a closet transexual, followed by several weeks of marriage counseling, and finally full acceptance and the realization that she finds me extremely attractive in heels. Now she encourages me to wear them, and regularly keeps an eye out for styles I might like and that she'd like to see on me.

"Basic instincts, social life... Paradoxes side by side... Don't submit to stupid rules... Be yourself and not a fool... Don't accept average habits... Open your heart and push the limits..." - Enigma


When I told my girlfriend she was accepting. We even go grocery shopping and I will wear heels, I think she doesn't mind because she is a little taller than me and when I wear heels I am slightly taller than her (depending on which ones) When I wear them she will even give me remarks like "oh those are really cutie" She has even offered to take my shopping but I have not done that yet, for now I have just gone solo (even though I do try them on at the store) The only people to give me grief is my work. I answer phones all day and my leader (boss) brought up that the leader of other people saw it and did not approve,(not my peers or co-workers just the other boss) which is stupid because no one can see me on a phone! Granted I did wear 5 inch pumps but still i had long jeans that you couldn't even tell how tall they really were. I made up a story and said that I have ankle problems and a lifted heel is the only way to make it feel better.


Hi, My wife (who was already used to me being a shoe freak): told that she is supporting whatever makes me happy, she likes me to be myself, the direction in fashion is toward blurring the difference between "men's" and "women's" anyway, and go for it boy :winkiss: I'm still having courage to walk on the highest of my heels in public only together with her. My mother: (who never wore heels after i was born) joked that maybe i want to grow a long beard and color it red too, followed by some more serious discussion of how she tried high heels when she was young. No change of attitude towards me whatsoever. My brother's wife (who likes high heels a lot): a friendly smile, followed by questions like how do i feel on heels and where do i buy the shoes. Some small change in attitude towards me such that we can now discuss about shoes and heels openly. My older daughter (6 years old, she is used to me walking on heels at home and outside (only masculine-looking block, stacked, cuban -- no stilettos), i told her that most women occasionally like to walk on high heels but only a few men, and i'm one of those): no particular reaction, she was fine with it. My mother-in-law: (haven't yet told her but she saw me putting on 4'' heels when going out to dancing with my wife): nothing, no change in facial expression and attitude towards me. Some co-workers and friends: men generally tend to show no particular reaction and changes in attitude towards me, while ladies generally become somewhat more open. I can now discuss openly about shoes & fashion in general with them. Happy Heeling k6ps


I told my wife when we were dating and she said big deal ,I have a shopping buddy. That was pretty much the same from my sisters and mother. My brothers are OK with it to. Dad never said one way or another. My freinds that know are mostly curious.The others that are aware of it do not care!!!

I have been Banned for emailing abuse to tech when he tried to help me.


My girlfriend of 25 plus years, said noway I thought is was the end of the world when she found out, but several years later we are still together, and I would not change a thing, she is aware of that side of my life, and I carry on all by myself with my so called hobby.

life is not a rehearsal


My family and "true friends" accept me for who I am and what I like to wear. Most of my friends and family have known that I enjoy wearing high heels and have done so for years. Yes, there have been negative reations and some of my co-workers are convinced that I am gay, which I am not. Those truly close to me have no problem with me wearing high heels.


Not much happened at all really, after I told my partner about my boot wearing she needed a couple of days to get her head around it, as I told her about it very early in our relationship, but she has on the whole been totally cool with it just so long as it does not become disruptive to our relationship which I think is cool and fair...she is a diamone:clap::winkiss:

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