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The Jaunts of JeffB!


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roniheels: Thanks for the kind words. Bed, Bath and Beyond is no big deal really, the place is a LOT more quiet than Best Buy (like D-UH!), you'll see more female shoppers both young and old in BBB, I've worn skirts and heels in there twice now and no one gave me anything more than a passing glance. It shouldn't be a problem for you. Let me know how your outing there turns out. rxrenesis: Very casual, my friend.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #118, 8/26/2011:

Before Hurricane Irene descends on the Philadelphia area late Saturday night, I thought I'd get in a jaunt while the sun's still out. Here's today's outfit:

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A blue polo shirt with a 20 inch black denim skirt from JCPenney, the Blondo loafers which I've truly come to love wearing for the style and comfort and my trust Buxton bag. The hot and steamy days of summer makes wearing skirts a must to stay cool. My first stop of the day was to the local branch of my bank to deposit some cash, as is often the case, these days, I parked the car nd jumped right out, confident in myself and how nice I looked. When I entered the bank, I was greeted by one of the staff while a beefy black guy in a chair ten feet away craned his neck to get a good look at me, then chuckled. Guess I made his day. No big deal. After filling out a deposit slip, I walked up to a teller and made my transaction while we chatted briefly about the oncoming storm, then I left, pretty as you please. I had never worn a skirt, or even heels into a bank before, again, it was no big deal, I just acted calm and casual and went about my business.

Stop number two was further downtown to my favorite comic book shop to buy the week's newest books, again, no big deal as everyone there is more than familiar with my eclectic sense of dress. From there, it was off to South Jersey and the Sears store at the Moorestown Mall where I had seen a nice denim skirt that I just knew I had to have, once there, I went in and found what I was looking for in my size (14, I'll show it off on a future outing), then I wandered about the women's department for a bit for some window shopping before going to the register, the saleslady gave me a nice smile as she rung up my purchase and bid my a nice day. Then it was off to Chick-Fil-A for lunch, the place was plenty crowded, but that didn't stop me from going in where I bought one chicken salad sammich and a lemonade, got a couple of odd looks, but nothing more. Then, I swung by Best Buy for some happy wandering before I left with Highlander on Blu-Ray.

After another twenty or so minutes in Barnes & Noble where I bought some manga, my last stop of the day was The Home Depot. Why there you ask? Well, I need a new bucket and ringer combo for my basement, just in case it floods down there from the projected 5 to 7 inches of rain Irene's supposed to dump on the region. The place was plenty crowded as there were all sorts of people inside stocking up on all manner of supplies to get them through the storm, after going to the cleaning supplies aisle, I found a five gallon bucket with a ringer which I'm sure will suit my needs, then I paid for it and left. Another great day as I felt so incredibly comfortable and at ease in my skirt, like it was just another article of clothing, and to me, it was, plain and simple.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Greetings JeffB :-)

Another nice outing wearing a skirt...Well done !

( I envy you. Hoping it will be my turn soon before the weather gets too cold... )

You saw a skirt at Sears ? May I ask you what type ? (Do you have the Sears sku number ?)

I'm looking for a longer denim skirt. Looks like they are very hard to find these days.

I guess they are not in fashion anymore...Too bad because I would wear one with boots !

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Greetings JeffB :-)

Another nice outing wearing a skirt...Well done !

( I envy you. Hoping it will be my turn soon before the weather gets too cold... )

You saw a skirt at Sears ? May I ask you what type ? (Do you have the Sears sku number ?)

I'm looking for a longer denim skirt. Looks like they are very hard to find these days.

I guess they are not in fashion anymore...Too bad because I would wear one with boots !

Thanks for the kind words! You have to go out in a skirt! It's great fun! As for the skirt I bought at Sears, here it is:


Finding longer skirts in the stores is difficult to impossible, but you'd have a better chance online. Here are a couple of examples:



I might invest in one of those, then again, maybe not since I love showing off my legs! Good luck with your search!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB :-)

Nice skirts you got from Sears and thanks for the links. I like the first long skirt a lot.

I went to visit some friends this afternoon wearing my denim skirt from Dynamite.

They are accustomed to see me wearing heels so no big deal with the skirt.

But I'm not ready to wear one in full public yet...Working on it !

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JeffB :-)

Nice skirts you got from Sears and thanks for the links. I like the first long skirt a lot.

Yeah, I like it too. I might just buy it.

I went to visit some friends this afternoon wearing my denim skirt from Dynamite.

They are accustomed to see me wearing heels so no big deal with the skirt.

But I'm not ready to wear one in full public yet...Working on it !

Understandable, but you'll learn that there's really no big deal to wearing a skirt in public. Sure, there's the predictable fears of being laughed at and/or publicly humiliated by some of the more lowbrow members of our society, heavens knows I experienced those very same fears when I wore a skirt for the first time some three years ago, but that's never happened. Heck, I've actually been complimented, so I guess I've been doing something right. As long as you look tasteful and are dressed to blend in with your environment, you should do well.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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In the aftermath of Hurricane Irene (I got through it A-OK!), and with nice weather on tap, I decided to do another freestyling doubleheader!


Jaunt #119, 8/29/2011:

Being a creature of habit, I regularly go grocery shopping on Sunday, but with the weather positively wretched yesterday, I went this morning, and here's my outfit:

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A black polo shirt, my stylish, knee length denim skirt (which I hadn't worn in awhile), the Payless "Judy" pumps and a handbag. I don't know whether or not if this ensemble was too dressy for the supermarket, I just felt like wearing a skirt and heels, so I did. I arrived shortly after seven a.m., hopped out, grabbed a cart and went right in. Once inside, I purposely took my time since I wanted to stretch out the chore, and enjoy being in my outfit as much as I could, since it was early (that way, I avoid crowds and can get in and out), there weren't many shoppers, and what few there were paid me no mind, which was okay. I wound up spending a good twenty-five minutes or so in the store before leaving. After I did, I drove across the street from the market's parking lot to a nearby convenience store to buy a newspaper, the cashier gave me a smile and hoped I had a nice day. Not a long jaunt, but enjoyable nonetheless.


Jaunt #120, 8/29/2011:

Because temperatures were mild and comfortable after Irene blew through (the mercury never went beyond 80), I decided to do something unprecedented, well, unprecedented for me anyway:

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My black blazer over a blue t-shirt, my 17 inch dark denim miniskirt and, my Pleaser 8868 thigh high boots! That's right, folks, for the first time ever, I wore boots in the summer! I'm sure thighbootguy will be overjoyed about this. I'll admit here and now that I always found it downright foolish to wear ANY sort of boots in the summer, especially in this neck of the woods where the combination of heat and humidity can makes things downright wicked, but since today lacked either, I decided to give it a try, and I'd show off my outfit at Parx Casino in Bensalem where I've worn nothing BUT skirts and/or heels. Admittedly, it did feel very odd at first (wearing boots in August, I was long used to short skirts), so it took a few minutes after I arrived at the casino to gather myself before getting out. Taking a deep breath, I casually crossed the lot to the front door, with each step I took, my personal comfort level increased, once inside, I did catch a couple of double takes right away, was it because of the skirt or the boots or both?

I strolled through the casino floor, stopping here and there to play a slot machine that caught my interest, every now and then, I caught more than a few odd looks or long glances, but, for the most part, the people in there were too busy playing the slots. I was in the place for little over an hour but had no serious luck, so, after spending the $100 I allot myself for my gambling visits, I turned and left. As it was only 1:00 p.m., I drove back into the city then headed west for Springfield to goof off, I was feeling better about wearing my ensemble and wanted to show off a bit. I stopped at a gas station enroute, at a pump next to mine was a young woman filling up her Jeep, she looked me up and down, smiled and said: "Wow! Your boots look so cool! Where did you get them?" I replied that I bought them on Amazon.com, she then said, "Hey! If you can wear those boots, then go for it! They're sharp!" With a smile, I thanked her for the compliment before she left. Not one word about the skirt though. Ain't that something? Heh!

From there, I went to Best Buy, but it was closed because of a power outage thanks to Irene, no problem, I them steered my way to the strip mall where the Borders store was being, well, stripped as part of it's going out of business sale. The inside of the place was plenty full of shoppers taking advantage to the deep discounts, caught a few more looks, but no one made a scene, not even the kids and teenagers who were in attendance. Spent a good ten minutes in a long line to get to the cash register with a couple of manga titles as the corpse was being picked clean. And from there, I went back home. Reflecting on the afternoon outing, I found myself surprised at how easy it was to wear boots in a summer month if the conditions were just right (which doesn't happen here all that often), easier than I thought in fact, and pairing my thigh boots with the denim miniskirt made me feel great, it made for a terrific outfit that I loved wearing. With summer winding down and fall on the way, I intend to wear that combination again.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Greetings JeffB :-)

Outfit # 2...Wow I'm very impressed ! (Can't wait to read thighbootguy's reply !)

I agreee with the girl at the gas station. Looking good !

(BTW, you did not desbribe what she was wearing...)

You are wearing boots in August. Now wondering what you will wear this winter ?

Well done !

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The young woman at the gas station was spot on: "They're sharp", as is the whole outfit which just oozes confidence. You're always saying "bravo" to others, have a big "bravo" yourself too!

If you like it, wear it.

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OMG Jeff you nailed it with that second outfit. That is the best ensemble with a skirt I have seen on you yet. That's stylin' dude.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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danielp6406: Thanks for the kind words! As for the girl, she wasn't wearing anything special, just a tank top, jeans and sneakers. Regarding what I'll be wearing come winter, more boots of course, the short skirt will be optional, depending on how cold it gets! HA! SleekHeels: Many thanks! You certainly have to have confidence to wear what I did yesterday. For a time, it felt...unusual to wear boots, especially thigh boots in August, but once I got over that little mental glitch, it became great fun. Enjoyed it immensely! Shafted: I appreciate your kind words on my outfit. I loved wearing it. As the weather eventually grows cooler, I'll certainly give that outfit another spin in the future.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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WOW JeffB… Looks great! There are lots of things I could say at this point: I could launch into a discussion about wearing thigh boots making such a strong statement that you can get away with wearing anything else with them, or An interesting discussion about how thigh boots complement short skirts and that it works both ways, or An admonishion about sacrificing good fashion for comfort (wearing boots in warm weather), or A reminder that any advice you get on this board should be taken with a grain of salt (a large one), however I’ll resort to a phrase my mother told me never to use… “Told you so.” :)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Yo, thighbootguy! Yes, you were right on all points! Heh! I bow before your tremendous wisdom, my friend. I'd have to say that was one of the more enjoyable jaunts I had been on in quite a while, it certainly felt exciting to wear a short skirt and thigh boots, and it was great fun as well! Can't wait to do it again! In the meantime, I gotta see about getting my hands on a black denim or leather mini! That would be seriously cool!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Another day, another doubleheader! But this one is special as I equalled my all-time one year high for jaunts from 2009 at 42. Whoo! And with three months and 29 days left in 2011, I think it's safe to say I'll establish a brand new high!


Jaunt #121, 9/1/2011:

Just a quick trip to the supermarket to buy some odds and ends, but it gave me a chance to break in a new pair of shoes I had ordered and got in the mail yesterday. I must warn you, they won't thrill anyone:


Yes, a plain old, flat heeled penny loafer made by Pleaser (called "Popstar"), and I've been looking for a shoe like this for a long time. As I've evolved to wearing only women's clothing and shoes on my outings, I wanted to get my hands on more casual styled shoes, and these filled the prescription. As for the outfit:

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A navy polo shirt, a 17 inch denim skort (both from JCPenney) and my trusty Buxton bag. Nothing at all flashy, and that's just the way I wanted it for my little trip. Okay, maybe the skort might have been a tad flashy, given how short it was, but I wanted to have a little fun too! It was about 7:30 a.m. when I arrived at the supermarket, I hopped out and strolled right in where it wasn't too terribly crowded, so I went about my business, stocking up on those odds and ends like cereal, milk and iced tea as I love iced tea. Didn't get any stares or double takes in the twenty or so minutes I was in the store, but I did get a few giggles from some people in a car just outside the market when I left, but I ignored them. After going across the street to a nearby convenience store for the paper, it was back to the barn. I've come to enjoy wearing the skort because it's stretchy, comfortable and moves with me as I walk, and the heels of the loafers provided a good click on the pavement, a plus for me.


Jaunt #122, 9/1/2011:

My 42nd outing for 2011 was to a particularly special place, a place I had never been to before and had no idea what to expect, but that didn't stop me from going ahead with this outing. What is that place you ask? Here it is:

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Yep, the world renowned Philadelphia Museum of Art! And here's what I wore:

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The white K-Mart campshirt, the 17 inch Old Navy denim miniskirt which I had worn to Parx Casino on Monday and the Pleaser 8868 thigh high boots. Just like on Monday, it felt damn good to wear the miniskirt/thigh boot combo, if anything, I was more comfortable today than I was on Monday. Even though I've lived in Philly all my life, I had never been to the Museum before, save for climbing the legendary steps like Rocky Balboa had done. And no, I didn't do that this time! After parking in the underground garage (had to go around the building twice before I found it), I parked, climbed out and walked to an elevator which I rode to the street level with three other people, none of whom paid any attention to my attire. I had to cross a street and a parking area for schoolbuses to enter the building, there wasn't much of a crowd in the lobby where I bought my ticket and went about wandering the sights of the museum, looking forward to what I was hoping would be a fresh and unique experience as I soaked in some culture.

Like I said, I had never been in here before, so I was extremely impressed with everything I had seen: paintings by the ton, sculptures, tapestries, statues, pottery, a wing devoted to arms and armor, a recreation of an ancient Japanese teahouse, so forth and so on. Wow! So much stuff to see, and I didn't see it all, even after some two and a half hours, it was an absolutely amazing place! Words fail me in describing just how incredible this museum truly is! Meanwhile, my attire did earn me a few odd looks and glances here and there as I casually wandered the place, but that was to be expected, what I didn't expect was a member of the security staff, a thinnish black woman to tell me she liked my boots. I grinned and thanked her. Then, some thirty minutes later, another black female security person approached with with a big grin and said she wanted my boots because they looked sharp. I smiled back and said I couldn't since it would mean walking around barefoot, she chuckled and offered her sneakers in trade. I found that funny.

All in all, the museum trip was a blast for me. I got to wear my mini and thigh boots while soaking up plenty of culture. And I got two compliments on the boots! What more can a freestyler ask for? Oh, yeah, I never felt so much as a minute of apprehension, despite venturing to a brand new place, I felt calm, cool, comfortable and confident that I looked good enough to wear that outfit anywhere, anytime. Since I hadn't seen everything in the museum, I plan to return there for a jaunt in the future. Of that you can be sure!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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JeffB – I'm glad you enjoyed the museum for the museum's collections sake and in addition found it's a good place to go heeling. Most large museums will have something for everyone's taste and the larger the museum, the more stuff there is to enjoy. I tend to spend most of my time in the early European and Impressionist sections. I also take a museum provided folding stool with me so I can sit and sketch. The operative word there is "sit". When I'm at a museum for hours, it isn’t all walking around.

Most museum guards are board out of their minds and having someone "interesting" come through can make their day. I have encountered a few dour guards, but the vast majority of them give me a wave or a verbal greeting whenever I see them. If you really want to get on their good side, ask something about the art, many of the guards know quite a bit and are more than willing to share their knowledge.

I've found most (but not all) of the folks visiting the museum to be very open minded about a guy in high heeled boots. (Most of the time I'm wearing jeans so I can more easily sit on a folding stool.) Again, asking someone about the art at which they are looking is a good conversation starter. People are interested in talking about stuff they are interested in, even if it's to a guy in boots.

Thanks for sharing the excellent adventure.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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TBG: Thanks for the tips! Muchly appreciated! Yeah, the museum was utterly fascinating, totally unlike anything I expected, makes me wonder why I never visited the place sooner! By the by, I did make a note to sit and admire artwork every now and then as there was stuff that just needed longer looks while giving my feet a break. Also, in retrospect, I found it rather humorous that those security ladies noticed the boots more than the skirt. Heh!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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TBG: Thanks for the tips! Muchly appreciated! Yeah, the museum was utterly fascinating, totally unlike anything I expected, makes me wonder why I never visited the place sooner! By the by, I did make a note to sit and admire artwork every now and then as there was stuff that just needed longer looks while giving my feet a break. Also, in retrospect, I found it rather humorous that those security ladies noticed the boots more than the skirt. Heh!

This is exactly how I felt after my first few visits to our art museum. As TBG says it is a great place to wear high heels. The ladies at our museum always comment on the high heels that I'm wearing. I am so glad you had a great outing and a good time.

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This is exactly how I felt after my first few visits to our art museum. As TBG says it is a great place to wear high heels. The ladies at our museum always comment on the high heels that I'm wearing. I am so glad you had a great outing and a good time.

Ahh! Culture...and freestyling! An unbeatable combination! Heh!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #123, September 2, 2011:

Well, I guess I'm hooked. For the third time this week, I wore the denim miniskirt/thigh boots combination on a jaunt, and it was just as thrilling for me as the previous two outings. Here's today's outfit:

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My gray blazer over a black t-shirt, the 17 inch Old Navy denim miniskirt, the Pleaser 8868 thigh high boots and my short strap handbag. I couldn't help but feel a certain sense of excitement as I went out and about, my first stop was to the main branch of the city's Post Office as I was low on stamps, after arriving, I hopped right out, crossed the street and went in. There wasn't much of a line, so I was in an out in little under ten minutes, but not before I got a rather bemused smile from the female clerk who waited on me, but didn't say anything other than asking me what I wanted and thanking me for my business. My next stop was further in the downtown area and a convenience store I often frequent to buy my Powerball Lottery tickets, Had to park over half a block away from the store on a busy street, so I got more than a few stares and double takes from motorists and other pedestrians, I guess I made for quite a sight to them (couldn't help wondering if any of them snapped pics of me with their camera equipped cellphones).

From there, it was off to South Jersey and the Chick Fil-A restaurant near Moorestown Mall for lunch. The place was crowded, and boy, did I get some stares when I went in, but it didn't matter, hell, I might've been surprised if no one stared, I know I'm beyond what society considers "normal" attire for a man, so I've come to accept that fact of life. I simply ordered my meal, sat down, ate, then left, no one said anything to me, not even little kids (a couple of whom pointed), then I left, simple as that, but I did feel the nerves from all those stares, won't deny that. From there, I went to Barnes & Noble which was quieter and more serene, spent a good twenty or so minutes there before leaving with some manga, finally, I dared to go to Best Buy, it was fairly well crowded in there as well, and yes, I did get some more stares, but no one said anything, nor did I hear any snickering behind my back, after little over half an hour, I left with Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Shooter on Blu-Ray. From there, I headed back home to Philly.

Not exactly a long outing, but it was still fun in its own way because I got to wear my miniskirt/thigh boot combo, like I said, it was plenty exciting, pushing the envelope just a little further in what I had done today. Just like the last two times, it had been quite the adrenaline fueled rush, thumbing my nose at society as a whole by wearing what I like instead of what society tells me to wear. Who cares if my clothing came from the women's side of the aisle, it's my choice, and I'm more content with that. And if a pic of me shows up again on someone's website, so be it, that's the price I pay for being a freestyler. Oh, before I shove off, just thought I'd let everyone know that I recently won an eBay auction for a black leather miniskirt, the payment was made this morning and I should get it a week or so from now. And yes, as soon as it arrives, I'll wear it on a jaunt!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Greetings JeffB :-)

Another great outing wearing your thigh boots ! (Nice boots)

But (IMHO) the gray blazer don't fit well with the demin skirt and boots.

The style of blazer and skirt are too different to be worn together...

I think the blazer would look much better with trousers, or a classic (longer) skirt and stiletto.

This is only my opinion...

PS: I'm sure your new leather miniskirt will look very good with your thigh boots !

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Yea Jeff I agree with Daniel. Somehow the gray blazer is jarring to the eye with the rest of your outfit. I think the dark blazer would have been a better choice.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Jaunt #123, September 2, 2011:

Just like the last two times, it had been quite the adrenaline fueled rush

JeffB - Enjoy the rush while you can... it will wear off shortly. I've noticed that my boots are "just another pair of shoes" that I wear because I like the look and the bold statement they make but I don't get the rush any more. The short skirts are also falling into the same realm. You can gauge the anticipated adrenalin rush by how long it takes you to get out of the car.

I don't know how to work with a long coat like the one you were wearing. I did find a short one in black suede that I want to try when the weather cools off a bit. I suspect the longer one will work better with jeans and boots.

The neck gear is a nice touch.

Leather mini huh... You're gonna have fun with that. :)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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danielp6406 & Shafted: Thanks for the comments! An important part of fashion is experimenting with all sorts of items to see if they'll work well with each other, or not. Jarring to the eye, eh? Hmm! Interesting! Perhaps I'll see if I can find a navy or dark gray blazer and see how that will work. In the weeks and months to come as the weather grows cooler, I'll be bringing my jackets back into the mix, and I'm excited about that. TBG: Well, as a "rookie" to the joys of wearing miniskirts and thigh boots, I'm sure that thrill will be with me for quite awhile. Heh! Meanwhile, I don't think the gray blazer is any longer than the black one, however, it might be interesting to see how a long coat would work with a mini and boots. Yeah, I'm eager to get my hands on that leather mini, I have no doubt I'll have plenty of fun with that!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #124, 9/3/2011:

Once again, I decided to be bold and push the envelope by spending quality time in the largest shopping mall on the East Coast----in a skirt! Here's today's outfit:

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A black polo shirt (Hmm! Been wearing that color a lot lately) with my 22 inch denim skirt, the Blondo loafers and my trusty Buxton bag on an outing at the King of Prussia Mall. On a Saturday. On the busiest day of the week when the place is usually at it's most crowded. And there I was, in a skirt for all to see. Why, you ask? No reason, I just decided that I was going to conduct that little experiment and see what would happen. Admittedly, I was quite nervous when I arrived at the mall around 10:30 a.m. and it took a few minutes to muster up my courage, then, I hopped out of the car and strolled in, ready to face the world. My heart was pounding when I entered the mall and the first shoppers walked past, nothing. The first stop was to the comic book shop, there were a couple of shoppers inside but they didn't pay me any mind, feeling a wee bit emboldened, I walked further into the mall and the crowds started getting thicker, got a couple of double takes but nothing more than that, and my confidence was growing.

Okay, time to do some shopping. I walked into the JCPenney and went right to the women's section where I spent a good twenty minutes or more wandering the aisles before going to the register with a couple of olive green skirts, one above the knee, the other, a sort of faux suede, below the knee, right away, I knew the latter would work great with my Pleaser knee boots once fall arrived, so I was eager to add that to my wardrobe. The saleslady who waited on me gave me a smile and said that the long skirt looked nice, I told her I planned to pair it with a pair of knee boots and she nodded, saying that was a good combination, she then added that a black top would make for a good match, I nodded, saying she was right. Feeling more confident, I left Penney's and, after putting the skirts into my car, I returned to the mall for another hour's worth of wandering about. I'll admit I did get some stares and double takes, even a chuckle here and there, but I was at the point where it didn't matter, I was enjoying myself.

After having circumvented most of the mall, I left and drove to Best Buy where I spent a good half hour in gadget mecca, ignored by other shoppers before checking out with four Blu-Ray flicks (Die Hard 3, Live Free or Die Hard, The Rock and the remake of War of the Worlds) discounted to $9.99 apiece. WHOO! Nothing like a bargain! After Best Buy, I drove down the road to Bed, Bath & Beyond for some bath towels as I'm of the belief that you can never have enough bath towels. And that was that. Any apprehension I felt about strolling through a crowded mall in a skirt evaporated as those worse case scenarios floating through my mind never materialized, No one hassled me, laughed at me, loudly tossed insults my way, nothing, I was left alone the whole time, a remarkable thing to say the least. And while I'm sure I had probably been photographed by someone with a camera equipped cellphone, I can only hope they got my good side. It had been quite a fun outing as I pushed the envelope yet again.

So, now that I've gotten my first mall skirt jaunt under my belt, will I do it again? Perhaps, once I got over my initial bout of nervousness, it had been enjoyable that was nowhere near as frightful as I thought. All together now----WHEW! :)

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Jaunt #124, 9/3/2011:

I knew the latter would work great with my Pleaser knee boots once fall arrived, so I was eager to add that to my wardrobe. The saleslady who waited on me gave me a smile and said that the long skirt looked nice, I told her I planned to pair it with a pair of knee boots and she nodded, saying that was a good combination, she then added that a black top would make for a good match, I nodded, saying she was right.

I thought I remembered that you had a pair of knee high boots when I posted this. Who's memory is getting fuzzy, yours or mine? Your gonna have to look in that closet more often. :)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Greetings JeffB :-)

Today's outfit looks very nice.

BTW, you got a lot of courage to go to Best-Buy wearing a skirt !

It feels great to receive a compliment from a salesgirl isnt-it ?

About the War of the Worlds DVD. Did you buy the combo pack ?

I have the combo pack with the original 50's version and the remake.

It is nice to see the difference between both.

You will find out the sound quality is amazing on the remake version.

Happy heeling !

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TBG: Well, I have the four inch heeled boots in my closet. That much I am sure about! danielp6406: Heck, I wear skirts a lot at Best Buy. No big deal there. As for War of the Worlds, I just bought the Blu-Ray version, I had seen the remake when it originally came out and the differences were startling indeed!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jaunt #125, 9/17/2011:

As it's been two weeks since my last outing, I decided it was time to hit the streets for a new jaunt. And today, I did something different----I did NOT wear a skirt! I know! Shocking, isn't it? Well, here's today's outfit:

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My black blazer over a red t-shirt and my latest acquisition, a pair of a.n.a. women's bootcut jeans in dark stonewash (a.k.a. black) and the Pleaser Vanity-2013 4 inch heeled knee boots which I hadn't worn in quite a long time. Since the weather was rather cool, what with temperatures barely creeping past the mid 60's, I figured this would be a good time to break out those boots for a jaunt. And the new jeans were an absolute delight to wear as they were nice and snug, just the way I like 'em! As an aside, I'm glad summer is nearly over so I can break out my long skirts and wear them with my knee boots for some styling Fall outings. Anyhoo, back to the jaunt, I had a couple of tasks to take care of before goofing off, so, after drawing some cash from an ATM a mile from home, I drove to the nearby post office where I took care of those tasks, they being a money order I had to buy and mailing off a parcel. I stood in line for nearly five minutes before being waited on and no one gave me the time of day.

After leaving the post office, I headed west to the King of Prussia Mall to wander around, and to be seen, my first stop was to the comic book shop for this week's newest offerings, then, I got to wandering through the mall, perhaps I might have been just a tad overdressed for a late Saturday morning, but that was of little consequence. Felling my tummy rumble, I went to the food court and Chick-Fil-A for lunch, and yes, I had only one chicken salad sammich (boy, it's sure good), I did catch a glance here and there while I ate, but that was to be expected. From there, I strolled into JCPenney's to see if they had anything interesting and/or new, but they didn't, but it was still fun to meander through the women's department, checking out skirts and dresses and feeling perfectly natural and at ease while doing so. I then headed to Sears and did likewise, again, no luck, but that's cool as I got to keep some money in my pocket, at least for this week anyway. HA! Another aside: It's hard to put into words just how pleasurable it is to shop for women's clothes, even if I don't buy anything. It's just plain fun.

Upon leaving the mall, I headed up the road to Best Buy and made a beeline over to a display for the recent release of the complete Star Wars collection on Blu-Ray, featuring: A) all six films, :) the original trilogy, and C) episodes 1-3. For me, there's only the original trilogy, and that was only $39.99 before taxes. WHOO!! As is my custom, I spent well over an hour in the store gazing and fiddling with gadgets, including the iPad which is a cooler gizmo than I thought. And all the while, no one gave me so much as the time of day, just like at the mall, but hey, that was fine by me, I guess I was able to successfully blend in with my surroundings, or, as is more often the case, passersby were simply too busy with their own lives and affairs to pay any attention to a guy wearing heels. Works for me. As that had been the first time I wore something other than a skirt in weeks, if not months, it made for a refreshing change of pace in my freestyling.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Greetings JeffB :-)

Another great jaunt except this time you are wearing something more casual.

Nice jeans. It's always nice to find a pair that fits perfectly. (Not the case with men's jeans)

Weather is getting cooler isnt-it ?

Next time you wear a skirt I guess you will need to wear leggings or tights ?

I'm sure it will look good with boots !

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Nice outfit and outing Jeff! I too just picked up the Star Wars movies on blue ray. While I agree that only the original 3 movies matter, I went with the whole shebang. Only because the whole deal has loads of extras that are not found on the other Star Wars offerings. I feel that the making of, cast interviews, and such, is worth the extra money. Even if I could care less about the newer Star Wars movies.

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