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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. dr1819 -

    What a fantastic trip. I still maintain that public acceptance is directly proportional to how much confidence you project. After reading about this and some of your other outings it’s obvious that you are comfortable with the image you present and with that comfort comes confidence.

    The information about the percentage of market share male customers provide for Payless was very interesting. I wonder if the management of Payless is aware of those figures?

    Thank you very much for sharing with us.

  2. This afternoon I went to a Sam’s I don’t normally go to get some groceries. I was wearing a tan leather jacket, black turtleneck, jeans, and blue leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. This is the same store I went to last week where I got the nice comments. I shopped all over the store just to be shopping then I picked out my stuff and headed for the register. The line I picked had a cute clerk and was also a ling line. W chatted as she rang up my stuff and when she was done I asked, “Are these too much for this part of town?” She said, “You’ve been in my line before.” “Really?” “Yeah, last time you were wearing black ones.” “I’m sorry, I really didn’t remember.” “Well, I wasn’t wearing something distinctive to remember”. “I wont forget again.” We bid each other a good day with big smiles. Thinking back, I still don’t remember her but I do remember talking with a register clerk about my boots and having another passing clerk comment on them, but this was months ago. It must have been the same clerk. I guess a guy wearing thigh boots is more memorable than I thought.

  3. I’ve been stopping at Bigg’s all week wearing a dress shirt, slacks and pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. No one even seems to notice anymore. Today I wore jeans with a black turtleneck and my blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I think the these boots with the 5” heel are easier to walk in than the pull on pair with 4” heels. The 5” boots are a little tighter especially with the ankle zipper and are a little more stable.

    At lunch I went to the local Goodwill (thrift shop) and spotted a pair of tan suede slacks that match the suede jacket I was wearing. For $4.50 I couldn’t pass the up. There not made for a belt and worn with my jacket it a lot of tan leather. I’ll have to find something to break it up a bit. A tall pair of boots comes to mind but I haven’t had a chance to try that yet. The only way to gauge women’s leather clothing is to try it on. I normally wear a 14-16 in women’s jeans and these slacks are marked 12 but they fit very comfortable and are not tight at all.

    I didn’t stop anywhere on the way home. It’s been a busy week and I’m looking forward to getting some sleep.

    JimC -

    I was hoping someone would notice the new avatar. It took a bit of fussing to make it. Glad you like it.

  4. I'm not normally a fan of pointy toes but those pumps could get me to change my mind. They look great. I differ wirh Calv, I think they look fine with jeans. Contrast is what attracts attention. They are a very dressy shoe with very casual jeans. The contrast works for me.

  5. I had a couple of nice boot outings over the weekend. I went out wearing a long sleeved blue denim shirt with the cuffs rolled up, blue denim shorts, and blue leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. (As often as I have written a description that says “I wore… and thigh boots”, I am still struck by the fact that I’m really doing that).

    First I went to PetSmart for cat food. The clerk on duty was the one I had ask if my wearing boots was a problem. She had told me it wasn’t a problem at all and that they looked cool. Anyway when I went is she was busy but threw me a nice smile and a Hi. There were two other customers in the store, a lady with a small dog did give my boots a second glance and then just accepted that there was a guy wearing them. The other customer was an older man who stared at my boots and heels for a while and looks like he was going to say something then either thought better of it or thought why bother. (If he had said something I was going to complement his Mickey Mouse shirt). When the clerk got around to me she was as cheerful and nice as she was when I ask about me wearing boots in the store. She helped me carry my stuff out to the car. I didn’t mention that I would have rather made two trips just for the walking fun.

    Next I went to a Sam’s that I don’t normally go into. The folks there were not used to seeing me (or anyone for that matter) wearing thigh boots. I got a couple of second takes from the customers but most didn’t bother to react at all. One clerk was a little short with his answer to my “where can I find…” question but other than that I just had a lot of fun walking all over the store finding my stuff.

    When I got to the checkout, the clerk was saying something to the elderly couple in front of me about the good prices so when I got to the clerk I said, “In addition to the good prices, there’s the entertainment value I provide (and nodded toward my boots).”

    She looked at my boots and said, “Those are great boots”.

    “Thank you”

    “They really do look good”.

    The lady behind me joined in the conversation with, “I couldn’t walk in those”.

    The clerk said, “I’m looking for Cheryl, she’d really like those.”

    We had finished so I bid them a good day and headed out.

    Next I stopped in the big thrift emporium just for a look around. I had to park a good distance from the store and got to walk past the store with the mirrored windows. In the store I overheard a few “Oh my God” comments after I had left an isle but no one seemed to be too bothered. I didn’t find anything I wanted so I headed back to the car. Sa I was walking a lady with a real type “A” personality shouted out to me, “I love those boots”.

    I called back a “Thank you”.

    She walked over to me and asked, “Where did you get them?”

    “There on the WEB, I got these at howcool”.

    “Do they have them in purple or black?”

    “I’ve seen them in black but not purple”.

    “Purple is my favorite color. How much were they?”

    “Around $60”.

    “Wow that’s great I spent over $100 for mine. They really look great”.

    “Even on a guy”?

    “I knew you were a guy”.

    “I know, but do they look good with a guy wearing them”?

    “Yeah, they look great, if you like ‘em, wear ‘em and don’t give a rip what anyone else thinks”.

    We bid each other a good day.

    Last I went to Radio Shack for some batteries. I walked in and the clerk (lady) came out from the back room. The expression was priceless. She was filling my order as other customers came into the store and the other clerk came out of the back. He gave me a rather hard look, which I ignored and continued to pay for my stuff. The other customers didn’t seemed too bothered. I walked back out to the car and headed home.

    This was a fun outing.

    Folks -

    Thanks for the kind words on the videos.

  6. JL –

    What a great first outing.

    As many have noted, the hardest step is getting out of the car.

    Most mornings I stop at a Bigg’s grocery and I’m there at the same time that the floor crew is there polishing the floor. I know exactly what you are talking about with “highly polished vinyl 'grocery store' tile” under my heels. The first few times were “interesting” especially when a heel tip came off and the metal stud was exposed. After a few times however, the floor is no big deal. As you noted, practice is the key.

    I am concerned that you feet hurt as badly as you described. It may be the lack of practice (exercise), but your nerves may have contributed a bit. I recommend a cushioned insole, it really helps me a lot. I did have one incident where my feet really hurt but I was walking over very rough sidewalks for several hours in 4” stiletto heels with a thin sole on the boots. I had no choice but to keep going.

    If you get comfortable enough walking in your boots on this trip, try wearing them over your jeans at least once. That is making the assumption that you try the look in front of a full length mirror, and you like the look. The great part about wearing them like that is that you don’t have to worry about someone seeing them. Of course they will see them (that’s the idea), you just don’t have to worry about it (find something else to worry about like the polished floor). If you project the confidence you have in wearing boots like that, people will pick up on it. However, if you are not confident with the look, don’t do it, people will pick up on that too.

    Wear them out and the hardest step really will be getting out of the car.

  7. I appreciate that everyone’s situation is unique but this is the first time I have read of a “first outing” of “going to work”. In my situation, work is one of the few places I don’t wear heels or boots. I wonder if you would elaborate a bit on your work environment. I disagree with your comment, “I chickened out at lunchtime and put my "normal" shoes back on”. Wearing the appropriate clothing/footwear is not a matter of bravery, it’s good taste and common sense. If heels/boots aren’t appropriate at the time, don’t wear them. If they are, go for it. It sounds like your having fun, please let us know how it goes.

  8. I put together another Thighbootguy video of me just puttering around the house. I am wearing my new G.V. shorts and black thigh boots with 5”stiletto heels. They don’t look as short as they really are but they are designed to make your legs look long. This is done by having a high waist and a short inseam so the whole garment wears higher on the body than normal shorts. The waist band is right below my lower rib.

    Thighbootguy around the house

  9. Well I wore the Gloria Vanderbild denim shorts with a blue dress shirt and my blue leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels when I went to Bigg’s this morning. The same register clerk I had yesterday noted, “You wore your boots today”.

    “Yeah, I had time this morning. … I just found these shorts yesterday, how do they look?”

    “They look Ok if you like that … Do you like them ?”

    “Yeah, I do.”

    “Then there Ok”

    She has commented before that she really didn’t like my style of dressing, but she really is a nice lady and one of my favorite clerks at Bigg’s.

    These shorts are really short and the cuff flairs almost like a short skirt with the front and back joined in the middle. They are a little breezy but very comfortable. The top of my thigh boots come within 6” of the cuff of the shorts. Most shorts I have either meet the top of the boots or leave a 2-3” gap and are tight on my leg. This pair also had a higher waist than some of my other pair. The high waist, short length and flair all combine to really show off my boots. It would not be appropriate to bend over while wearing these shorts.

    Posted Image

    This is as close of an image as I have been able to find. This pair has a 6 1/2" inseam. Mine have a 1/2" inseam.

  10. I have said that I suspected the folks at Bigg’s, where I stop in almost daily wearing thigh boots, would notice more if I didn’t wear them than if I do. Well, this morning I proved my suspicion. I was in a hurry and I stopped in wearing slacks and my work shoes. The folks that normally say Hi still said Hi but the register clerk (who never comments on my boots) asked, “No boots today?”. “No, I was really in a hurry.” “Well, see you tomorrow.” I stopped in the Goodwill (thrift store) at lunch and bought a new pair of Gloria Vanderbild shorts (99¢). These are high waisted shorts with a ¾" inseam. These will look good with thigh boots. Since I've started wearing thigh boots with shorts, I made a new avitar.

  11. First, those are great looking boots! I remember the first time I wore my blue thigh boots. I walked across a parking lot and my heel hit a patch of tar that pulled the heel tip right out of the heel. I had both tips replaced and have put many miles on those boots since.

  12. I went shopping last night and this morning wearing shorts and black leather Tony style U thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    Last night I stopped in PetSmart to get some kitty supplies and ran into a neighbor that lives several doors up the street from me. I had a shopping cart but I don’t see how she couldn’t notice that I had on black thigh boots with shorts. Anyway, we chatted about cats for several minutes before she walked away. She didn’t say a word or even look at my boots. After she walked away I loaded my cart (cat litter) and was in her full view he looked.

    This morning I stopped at Bigg’s for lunch fixens. I asked the register clerk, who had seen me all week, if these boots looked Ok with shorts and she said they looked fine.

    I did shoot a video of going into the store with these boots and shorts.

    Thighbootguy Shopping

  13. Sunday night was Shakespeare in the Park. The Cincinnati Shakespeare Company is giving productions in parks all around the Greater Cincinnati area. Last night 6 excellent actors did Hamlet with only a wooden box for a prop and had the audience riveted to the performance until it started to rain. Nobody wanted to leave and the director had to come out on the stage and make the actors quit.

    I went to the performance wearing a knit shirt, black baseball cap, jeans, and blue leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    I parked a block from the band shell, got out my lawn chair, and walked up to the information desk and got a program. The folks at the desk were from the theatre company and they didn’t even glance at my boots. This was a much smaller park than last week so I walked down the hill a little way and set down my chair and settled in. A group settled in beside me and didn’t act like they even noticed my boots. Lots of folks walked by me and no one seemed to even give a second glance.

    At night, the boots blend into the jeans but the sun was still up when I got to the park and walked in. I figured the folks at the information desk were “theatre folks” and wasn’t surprised when they didn’t say anything, but I was expecting a little reaction from the rest of the crowd. … Nothing.

    [After writing that last paragraph, I might have expected the “theatre folks” to complement my attire. Maybe they just didn’t like it.]

    If things keep going like this, I might start to believe a guy can wear thigh boots with 5” heels out in public.

    This morning I wore a knit shirt, blue denim shorts and my black leather crotch boots with 5” stiletto heels into Bigg’s. I had some extra time so I wandered around the store. I was early and the place was almost empty (except for the stock crews). I really am starting to like the feel of these boots on my legs (even if they are a little small).

    I remember when I first considered wearing thigh boots with shorts back in May 2005. What a difference a year makes. I remember not being too happy with the reception I was getting but today no one seems to care. [looks like some of the photos I referenced on that page are no longer available, I’ll have to repost them.

    vector –

    Bravery has nothing to do with it. Confidence, however, is another story. I like the look and I don’t mind being seen.

  14. I went to Sam’s this afternoon and wore a short sleeved blue dress shirt, blue denim shorts and my blue leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. These boots really are just another pair of shoes that I hardly think twice about wearing (and no, I’m not becoming complacent). I had some time so I walked all over the store. Some folks noticed my boots but most just went about their business. I did meet one family (grandmother, mother, daughter) that were all type “A” folks. As I walked by I heard, “OooEee look at them boots.” (grandmother) “Wow” (Mother) “Hey there cool.” (Daughter) “Thanks.” (Me) “They sure look good” (Daughter) “Are the 4 inch?” (Mother) “5... but on a size 14” (Me) “Wow, they look good on you.” (Daughter) I thanked them again as they went by. At the checkout I did stand in the longest line. The register clerk had seen be several times before and I complemented her on her slacks again (denim Capri with embroider design). Out side there was a collection of high school girls selling something for their school. I thought about walking over and buying something but then I thought I would leave well enough alone. Fun outting.

  15. I shot another video this morning. I really do stop at Bigg’s wearing thighboots each morning on the way to work.

    Thighboot guy goes shopping

    This morning I was wearing my blue thighboots with 5” stiletto heels with jeans. As I went by the bakery I asked the clerk, who I thought really didn’t approve of my choice of footwear, “Do you like these any better than the black pair I was wearing earlier in the week?”

    She looked a little perplexed as if she didn’t want to admit she liked either pair but said, ”No, I like the black pair.”

    I thanked her but you could have knocked me over with a feather. The black pair are my Tony crotch booth that I had been wearing with shorts.

  16. I stopped at Bigg’s this morning wearing denim shorts, long sleeved white shirt, and my black leather crotch boots with 5” stiletto heels. This outfit does seem to get a bit more attention than the thigh boots do. I’m not sure if it’s the boots with shorts combination, or the look that these boots present with a long leg line terminating with the thin 5” heel. The outfit does look good especially when I remember to throw my shoulders back and pull in my stomach.

    Posted Image

    After work I stopped in the pet food store and wore the same outfit. There were two young ladies running the store and I gave them my order (I buy cat food by the case). While one was in the stock room filling my order, I wandered around the store then back to the register. When she finished ringing up my order, she asked if I needed help to the car. I said no that I’d make two trips, but she picked up part of the food and came out with me anyway. I asked, “Is it problem my wearing these when I come in?”

    She smiled and said, “No, there cool.”

    That’s a nice way to end a shopping trip.

  17. heelma –

    WELCOME to the forum.

    I know what you mean about standing over a crowd. I’m 6’ and with 5” heels I really get a different view. I wear thigh boots over my jeans or with shorts in public so I don’t have the problem of wondering if people notice what I was wearing. I also tend to look for the longer line in the grocery checkout just because it’s fun to see people’s reaction.

    Recently I broke a heel but it didn’t result in a fall, just some funny walking. I have had a heel get caught in a throw rug which then wrapped itself around my other foot. Luckily I caught myself. I have also caught a heel on the edge of the car as I was getting out. Most folks that post here know that the hardest step is the one you take getting out of the car, but that has nothing to do with catching a heel. Anyway, I recovered from the stumble and went my merry way without further incident.

    As you have discovered, walking in heels requires practice, practice and more practice. But after a while it becomes natural and easy to do. The hardest part is the full length mirror test. Look at yourself in a full length mirror and be sure you like what is looking back at you. Are you comfortable presenting yourself as you are seeing in the mirror? If you are comfortable, go for it.

    Rather than hoping that people won’t notice your heels, assume they will. If you go at it from that direction and you are still comfortable, you have nothing else to worry about (except global warming, nuclear war, gas prices,… but nothing important). It does take a bit of (mental) doing to become comfortable with the idea that your going to go out in public wearing heels, but once you do, it’s easy. It’s also easy after you realize that most folks don’t care what you have on your feet. Some will be amused and have some sport at your expense (being over 6’ 7” with the heels should put a damper on a lot of that). However, most folks either don’t care or are polite enough to leave you alone.

    Enjoy your heels!

  18. I have been having fun with my Tony style U leather crotch boots with 5” stiletto heels. As I said in the last post I wore them yesterday morning. I also stopped at Sam’s on the way home and wore them with white shorts and the combination seems to get more attention than my regular thigh boots. I asked the register clerk what she thought of them and got one of those “If you like them” answers. I wore them this morning at Bigg’s with blue denim shorts with a 2” inseam. The kid (highschool) that seemed to notice them the most was with his family and had earrings on both ears and two in his lower lip. Some time ago I ran a seam up the back of these boots to tighten the shaft from above the knee to the top and they now fit tightly on my whole leg. This makes the boots look good and feel great. I have mentioned that these boots were not as comfortable as my other thigh boots so this morning I put a insole in them that is designed for high heeled pumps. Only the front part of the insole is there and it is cut with a pointed toe. This seemed to help but the boots are still a little uncomfortable and difficult to walk in. Just for laughs, I compared these Tony size 14 boots to my Ellie size 14 boots and discovered the Tony boots run very small. The Tony boots are clearly marked size 14 but they looked like a 12. They are at least ½” narrower and ¾” shorted than the Ellie boots. No wonder they felt small and the smaller sole does not give me as much stability as I am used to. The Tony sole and vamp are also more flexible than the Ellie so the shoe does not offer the support I am used to. I’ll still wear them but not for long walks. I suspect they were not designed for walking anyway :evil: .

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