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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. Stilletto2004 -

    My strongest recommendation is to try boots over jeans. Keep the contrast low, black boots over dark jeans or white boots over white jeans. Contrast is really the thing that attracts attention. I really have gone places wearing black thigh boots over dark blue jeans and had no one notice (and the boots have 5” stiletto heels). I don’t mean the people were polite and didn’t say anything, they really didn’t notice. Sometimes, out of frustration, I have asked people what they thought of my boots and they honestly replied that they hadn't noticed.

    As for boots and a skirt, the same concept applies, the less contrast the less attention. I have been wearing the black suede skirt with the black boots but with bare legs. I like the look but I have also worn black hose which takes the contrast to zero. On a dark evening you would have to look closely two or three times to notice the skirt.

  2. I’ve had two interesting outings today. Both times I was wearing a gray T shirt, black baseball cap, white shorts, and white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels cuffed to knee length. First I went to the cobbler to have heel tips replaced on my granny boots. I had to park over a block away and walk to the shop. There were several people on the street and from their reaction, they got an eyeful. No one said anything, but I did turn a few heads. I have been to the cobbler shop several times before and each time I wore a pair of thigh boots so he was expecting me to be wearing a pair. He was congenial as always and replaced the heel tips while I waited. He also has a shoe shine stand in the shop. Next time I’ll wear a black pair and get a shine. Nest I went to the museum but these were so many people there that there was no parking at all. I decided I didn’t want to fight the crowd so I headed to the thrift emporium I often visit. As I walked across the parking lot, I heard a “Would you look at that” coming from two guys in a pickup. I turned and gave them a thumbs up. I wandered through the store for a while and this time I provided amusement many of the patrons. Lots of smiles and snickers all around. I didn’t see anything I wanted so I headed out of the front door. I held the door open for a family and outside the young girl in the family said, “He that guy is wearing heels”. I kept walking and the girls mom, in a loud voice said, “Ooo Eee look at those heels”, I turned and gave them a dig smile and she continued, “How do you walk in them? I could never walk in them.” I called back, “It’s just practice.” The lady continued, “You have more arch then I do. All I can wear are flats. I’ll have to work on that.” And she stood on her toes. “My sister would love those.” I turned back and said, “How about if they are full height?” and pulled the boots up to their full length. As I walked back to the car I was laughter of delight. These were fun outings.

  3. Chris -

    LaCarasia will custom cut a glove for you. I won a pair on E-bay a while back and they custom made them for me. I don’t know if they will do that again for a auction price, but give them a call. They have an opera glove in black leather and white leather as well as an assortment of fabric gloves.

    Another source might be Linda Lorain Gloves. I haven’t tried her gloves but they look great. The web site says she is no longer making leather gloves but you can't believe everything you read on the Web. Drop her an e-mail, the worst she can do is say no.

  4. Chris -

    Not to cast public doubt on you resolve but ... If you can take small steps in your new 6” heels, I’m betting it won’t be long until you are taking bigger steps in them and forgetting you are wearing heels when you have the 4” heels on.

    I have a pair of 6” pumps that I can’t wear because they are too small for me but I still try every once in a while.

    Your new shoes look great.

  5. I had a great time shopping this evening. I stopped at Sam’s Club with a long list, long enough that I needed a flatbed cart. I went in wearing a long sleeved blue dress shirt, a black baseball cap, black opaque hose, a black suede short skirt, and my white leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    I walked across the parking lot and into the store only to discover that there were no flatbed carts available so I walked back out and across the parking lot to get a cart. I was noticing that lots of folks paying attention to what I was wearing.

    I finally got into the store and spent an hour wandering around getting my stuff. Several of the staff greeted me with a pleasant Hi.

    When I got to the register area one of the clerks called me to her empty register. I had to help her with some of the heavier items so I was not just standing there while she rang things up. She didn’t seem to take any notice to what I was wearing. When she finished I asked, “Is this too much?, indicating the way I was dressed.

    She replied, “Hey that freedom of speech. You can wear anything you want”

    I must admit I hadn’t associated fashion freestyling with freedom of speech and while I was thinking about it she said, “but I like it though”.

    I thanked her and headed out of the store. When I checked my receipt I realized she had run an item up twice so I headed to the service counter for a refund. I think the lady there had seen me wearing boots before but not a skirt. She treated me like all her customers wore thigh boots and leather skirts.

    On the way out the clerk at the exit, who knew me well, asked, “Did they make a mistake again?” (this has happened before)

    “Yeah, they rang up an item twice.”

    “Well its good that you caught it.”

    “I think its this outfit that causes a distraction”

    We both laughed and bid each other a good evening.

    Out in the parking lot it took a while for me to get all the stuff loaded into the car. Again lots of people seemed to notice what I was wearing but no one said a word.

    Tonight I was out in the neighborhood wearing a gray short sleeved T shirt, black baseball cap, black suede short skirt, and dark blue (looks black) leather knee boots. I didn’t meet anyone but there was lots of traffic. The big event was that my sciatic nerve problem seems to be getting a little better.

    This has been a fun day!

    This mornings outting is posted on Thighboots in Public

    Stilletto2004 -

    I’m not quite sure what the “other way around” is boots and a skirt in drab, or boots over jeans. I highly recommend the boots over jeans look. I have been doing that for several years and it is still my favorite look (and I do it with thigh boots with stiletto heels).

  6. This morning I stopped at Bigg’s wearing a blue long sleeved shirt, white shorts, black opaque hose, and white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I will wear my black pair of boots anywhere but I’m still getting comfortable with the white pair. I’m not sure why it makes a difference since in everyone else’s eyes a guy in thigh boots with heel is so over the top anyway that the color doesn’t make any difference.

    Anyway, as I walked in I passed a member of the cleaning staff that was taking a break. This guy has always looked at me coolly like he didn’t know what to think. I bid him a good morning and he seemed a little surprised but brightened up and returned my greeting.

    In the store I gathered my stuff and headed to the register. One of the staff saw me and bid me a good morning. At the register I was third in line. The lady in front of me gave me a once over then seeing that I only has a few items, invited me to go ahead of her.

    I declined saying that I wasn’t in a hurry.

    After my stuff was rung up (the register clerk knew me well) the lady in front of me was still bagging her stuff. I went to the bagging station and bagged my stuff and asked her, “Is this too much?”

    She looked me over again and said, “It looks Ok.” She said it with a nice smile and a little enthusiasm.

    I thanked her and headed out.

    As I left I told the cleaning staff guy to “Have a good day” and he gave ma a smile and said “You too”. Since he had always looked at me like I was from another planet, I thought this was a good start on the day.

    I posted the rest of the days outting on Boots and Skirts in Public.

  7. Ah once more around the neighborhood in boots and a black suede skirt. Tonight I wore a shiny black blouse with the black skirt and black boots. The contrast is that I’m not wearing hose and my legs show from below the knees to mid calf (short skirt). This outfit looks as good as the white shirt and is just as comfortable. I’m still not ready to meet the neighbors while wearing a skirt so I’m cautious about when and where I go. There is still a lot of drive by traffic and I haven’t noticed anyone paying any attention at all. I do enjoy this look. I’ll have to find somewhere to go out and about in my skirt.

  8. I was out in my white shirt, black suede skirt and black suede like knee boots again tonight. I’m still not 100% comfortable walking around the neighborhood in a skirt and boots. I still think the outfit looks great and it is very comfortable to wear but I’m still haunted by the phrase of my grandmother when I was growing up, “What will the neighbors think?” That feeling wouldn’t be so strong except for the fact that I’m now living in the same house I grew up in 50 years ago.

  9. This morning I pushed the envelope a little further. I stopped at Biggs wearing a black baseball cap, long sleeved white shirt, white shorts, white hose and white leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I hadn’t had time to look at this outfit in a full length mirror, but in my minds eye I thought it would be Ok. After I saw my reflection in the glass door at the store I quit worrying. I keep saying that contrast attracts attention and there was no contrast in this outfit (except that I was the only person that was wearing thigh boots) The shopping was uneventful. I walked around and got my stuff and headed to the register. The clerk was a young lady that had never seen me before. She was cleaning the register station when I walked up and there was surprise registered on her face. I asked if she was open you and she said she was open on one of the other registers. We walked to the other register. So far she knows that I’m polite and can walk in 5” heels. “So how did you get so lucky to get the morning shift?” “Oh, it’s not too bad, you get off early.” “This is the first time I’ve worn these with shorts. How does it look?” She seemed surprised that I had asked but not uncomfortable that I did. She took a second look and said, “It looks Ok. I could never walk in them.” “Oh, that’s just practice” We bid each other a good day. In the car I changed into my dark grey work slacks but left my boots on under the slacks. I haven’t worn them this way for so long I had forgotten what it looked like. Remember its contrast that attracts attention. The sight of a white boot with a 5”heel coming out of my trouser leg really caught my eye. I think the outfit I wore this morning would attract less attention that the white boots under the dark grey slacks.

  10. There have been lots of questions about learning to walk in heels. Here is a site that seem to roll all the good advice into one article. I made the assumption that the article was written to advise women on wearing heels but it's exactly the advice I'd give to a guy (especially the part about looking at yourself in a full length mirror).

    How to walk in High Heels

    The Shoe Offers sidebar even had a Heels for Men entry.

    Since sites have a way of vanishing I blatantly stole the text from the site:

    Here's How:

    1. First practice just standing in high heels. In front of a full length mirror, stand for a while, then turn slightly to each side. Not only will you be able to check your posture and profile, but the act of merely standing in high heels will help remove some of your apprehension, and let you get accustomed to the added height of the heel.

    2. Take a few steps in your high heels. If possible, do this at first on a hard floor (not too slick), or in a room with low carpeting, as really thick or padded carpeting can throw off your balance.

    3. As you walk in high heels, remember to keep your legs straight and as close together as possible. With each step, point your feet as straight in front of you as you can. Start off with slow, determined steps at first, being extra conscientious of each step. As you build confidence and experience walking in high heels, it will become much more natural.

    4. Continue walking back and forth across the room, turning different directions, and stopping without wobbling on your high heels. Once you're comfortable with this, try the same thing on different floor surfaces, and remember to start off slowly with each one.

    5. When it comes to actually walking comfortably, practice, practice, practice. If you haven't ever worn high heels, or you are already comfortable in high heels, this sounds silly. But trust me, the first time you put them on, you'll see what I mean. Wearing high heels is a totally different walking experience, and if you take it for granted, you'll not only end up with sore feet, but possibly an injury. And, if you have a bad experience first time out, you'll be doomed to flats forever.

    6. As you grow more confident in your abilities to walk, turn, and do all the other things you might need to do in high heels, you can move up to the height of shoe you'll be wearing on the day or night of your event - but remember to start slowly with each bit of added height. Jumping from two inch heels to four inch heels probably will not be quite as disorienting as your first step in any high heels, but it still will require patience and practice.

    7. When wearing high heels on a staircase, always use the rail if it is available, or at least be close enough to a rail that you can reach it if you need to. When climbing steps, your entire shoe heel and sole should land firmly at once on each step.

    8. If you know you'll be slow dancing in your high heels, you should practice side-to-side stepping, as well as turning slowing in your high heels before actually hitting the dance floor.


    1. If high heels are not your thing, or if this is the first time you'll be walking a lot in high heels, you may want to consider "working your way up" to the heel height you'd like to be wearing. Start with a lower heel than the high heels you'll be wearing on the day or evening of the event, and practice walking in them first, using the above steps as you work your way up through to higher heels.

    2. Consider starting out with a chunkier high heel, as opposed to a stiletto. If the high heels you'll eventually be walking in have a thinner heel, you can at least adjust first to the "added height" element before adding balance to the equation.

    3. If possible try to limit the number of obstacles in the first high heels you'll be wearing - for example, a pair of high heels with rounded toes will probably be more comfortable than pointy-toed shoes, and you can concentrate more on walking gracefully in high heels if your toes aren't being pinched together.

    4. Try at first to avoid backless, or extremely flimsy high heels. Opting for a pump, or a sandal with an ankle strap will add support for your ankles, and will definitely help in your attempt to walk in high heels.

    5. Fast dancing in high heels can be extremely dangerous, and should be avoided. But don't think it's okay to simply throw off your shoes and head barefoot onto the dance floor. This can be equally or more dangerous if you were to step on broken glass, or have someone else's spiked heel come down squarely on the top of your foot. If you have a chance to remove high heels before dancing, do! When clubbing, opt for a lower heeled shoe that you can dance safely in - or go to the club, and don't dance.

  11. I really am starting to enjoy wearing a skirt. I went out for a walk tonight with a black baseball cap, long sleeved white shirt, black suede skirt and black “suede like” knee high boots. This is a very simple black and white outfit that (if I hold my stomach in) looks great. It is also very comfortable on these warm evenings.

    I like the look but I’m still not comfortable meeting people on a dark street at night dressed in a skirt. I don’t have a problem going into a store in the daytime but you never know who is out walking the streets at night. I’m glad my own advice on not becoming complacent kicks in at times like this.

    There were several people out tonight and I managed to avoid meeting them. I’m sure they saw me but it was dark enough to avoid details.


    Thanks for the concern. I'm pretty sure its a lower back problem. It has bothered me on and off for as long as I can remember. One of the serious medical options that has been offered is, “live with it”. It seems to be getting better (or less worse).

  12. Since I had my white pair out, I wore them with jeans to Bigg’s this morning. It is cool enough in the morning to wear them especially with the air conditioning in the car turned on (I don’t normally run it). I was expecting that the white boots would attract more notice, and maybe they did, but I got no reactions from anyone. I’ll have to try wearing them with shorts like I did in the picture in my last post.

    JimC –

    Going out to eat in thigh boots is a lot of fun. Believe it or not, a lot of the time no one notices what you are wearing. Many times the only person that noticed what I was wearing was the waitress that seated me and that was because I was standing right in front of her as I walked in the door. Most of the dinners are too busy with their food, and the waitresses/waiters are too busy to notice shoes. The exceptions are fast food places when you have to stand in line for a while. There people have nothing else to do but notice, and that’s part of the fun.

    I have often called upon the waitresses/waiters knowledge of the local area and asked them it they thought it would be a problem if I wore my boots to _______ (wherever I wanted to go). I have gotten some nice complements and good advice that way.

  13. White thigh highs with a black body suit ... the mind boggles. An outfit that get attention is all about contrast. Black on black and no one will notice but white on black, heads will turn. :roll:

    My white pair are leather 8899’s with an ankle zipper with a 5” heel. I have never been into platforms so the concept of a 7½” heel is way beyond me.

    The thigh boots I have with an ankle zipper are made a little tighter in thigh than the ones with the full length zipper. I think there cut that way so they will stay up.

    Pleaser has a pair of leather lace up boots with an inside zipper that I want to try when funds become available.

    Posted Image

    Seduce 3020

    They are also available in patent.

    Posted Image

    The model Seduce 3024 has D rings but doesn’t seem to be available in leather.

    This might be more to your liking

    Posted Image

    XTC 3010


    Posted Image

    Sky 8000

    There was a discussion on lace up boots with a zipper where some thought it was silly idea. My take on it is what I did with a pair of granny boots that came with 6 pair of speed hooks and a side zipper. They were a real pain to put on and take off because the laces fell out of the hooks.

    Then I noticed the hooks had a hole like eyelets did so I laced the boots by running the lace through the hole in the back of speed hooks. This makes them lace like the speed hooks weren’t there. The trick is to start the lace through the hole then use needle nose pliers to reach under the hook to pull the lace through the hole.

    It was an effort to lace them the first time but the granny boots now fit fine and are easy to put on and take off. :wink:

  14. white_6_inch_spike_heels -

    Somewhere I got the impression you were not into boots. I have gone back and reread this thread and I see that I got it all wrong (wouldn’t be the first time that happened). Anyway, that’s why I hadn’t suggested you try a pair of thigh highs before.

    A white pair would look great with that outfit but they would also look great with the black outfit you shared with us a few posts back. The contrast of white thigh boots and the black outfit would be a real attention grabber.

  15. I have maintained that I can walk in a 5” heel with grace and comfort but tonight was an exception. The sun had gone down and it was cool enough to venture out in a leather skirt, black satin blouse, and black leather thigh boots. It was also dark enough to not attract too much attention. As I was walking up the street, my sciatic nerve started acting up again (this has been going on for several weeks now). This made it painful to walk no matter what I had on my feet. Neither the boots nor heels were the cause of the nerve acting up but is sure affected the way I walked in them. Normally I take a full enough stride that I let my heel hit the ground first then I let the sole hit the ground as I move forward. This time all I could do was let the heel and sole hit at the same time with a much shorter stride. I also notices I was weaving a bit. This was not my most graceful outing so I cut it short and headed back home. The pain quit as soon as I sat down. I may have to see the doctor about this. Can't have this weaving around in heels.

  16. Had an interesting boot morning.

    I took off work for a couple of hours in the morning to get my auto license renewed. This involves taking the registration and money to the county court house and going in to process the registration.

    I was wearing slacks and a shout sleeved knit shirt and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels.

    To say the crowd around the courthouse was not used to seeing a guy (or anyone) in thigh boots is an understatement. Every head turned as I crossed the street. As I got about half way across the street, my heel felt like I had stepped into soft tar and I was thinking, how am I going to get this off. It felt the same way on the next step so I looked down to see that I had broken a heel right in the middle. I thought about going ahead but I decided to head back to the car and change into the 5” pair I had with me.

    I turned around and headed back to the car to the amusement/amazement of all the onlookers. I changed into the black leather thigh boots with 5” heels but I wore them cuffed down to below the knee height. It was back to the court house and I turned all the heads again.

    When I got to the registration there was no line but the clerk asked for a document I didn’t have with me. I had left it in the car so it was back to the car (and all the heads turned again) and back in. I finished the transaction and walked back out. At least this time there was a different group of people that all turned and stared.

    Since I had a few minutes I took the boot with a broken heel to the cobbler in town. I had been to him before and wore boots into the shop. This time there was a guy on the shoeshine stand who had never seen a guy in boots with heels before. That is my assumption anyway based on the fact that his chin hit the ground. The cobbler said he would have to order the heel and it would take several weeks.

    I then headed toward work but stopped at Sam’s for gas and some munchies. At the gas pump there was a clerk (lady) there to monitor and help. We chatted for a minute then as I was leaving I said, “I need an opinion, do these look better tall or short?” I uncuffed one of my boots to full length.

    She looked for a few seconds and said, “As warm as it is, I would wear them short. But either was they look good. They really do look good.”

    I thanked her and headed into the store. The store opened at 10:00 and I was a few minutes early so I stood in the crowd waiting to get in. Most people noticed the guy in boots and heels. One older fellow mad a point to point me out to his buddies. I couldn’t hear the comments but at least I gave them something to talk about besides the weather.

    Since I was in the store in the morning, many of the staff on that shift had not seen me before and I turned a few heads especially since I wasn’t using a cart.

    When I walked back to the car I heard some peels of laughter behind me from a group of middle aged women.

    This was a fun morning. I was confident with my look (even though the temperature started to get warm). The head turning is part of the fun. It is just that it was so different from the “no reaction” I have been getting that it came as a surprise.

    dawnhh -

    I'll bet today's outting made an interesting morning for lots of people.

  17. Today was hot and I started wearing shorts with a ½ inch inseam (very short) and a T shirt worn loose. Normally when I work in the yard I wear jeans and flat heeled thigh boots but it is far too warm to wear boots, especially thigh boots. I had a bunch of yard work to do which included cutting the grass. As I was working I noticed no one was paying any attention to a guy in shorts cutting the grass so I went in and changed into a black leather mini skirt and the same loose T shirt. The skirt was about as long as the shorts and I wore the T shirt loose over the skirt. This was a very comfortable outfit and you really had to look twice to notice what I was wearing (and no one did).

    I’ve always thought this skirt was too short for me to wear in public but worn like this, under a shirt, I might get more use from it.

    I really like the looks of this skirt worn as it should be, with the shirt tail inside the skirt so the full skirt (all that there is of it) is visible and worn with boots, either knee high or thigh high. This look, however, is just a little too much for me to present in public.

    stefaniboots -

    I wrote my post before I saw your picture. That is a great look. That skirt is about the same length as the one I was wearing today. I may have to rethink short skirt wearing.

    Normally when I go out, I go out as a guy wearing a skirt and boots. I’m not sure I can pull it off in a mini skirt.

  18. There are two principals I follow (and seem to preach a lot on this board): 1. Be comfortable with how you look 2. Don’t be complacent about choosing where you go. If you are comfortable appearing in a skirt and heels, go for it. If you project a confident image, people will pick up on that. However, going someplace that you don’t know about in advance is a bit risky. Throw a pair of shorts and flats in your carry on. I make an extra effort to not mix work and heels. I do wear thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels when I travel (drive) for business and all the time I’m not participating in business activities while I’m on the road.

  19. This morning it was trying to rain so I stopped in a parking lot before I got onto the expressway and applied a RainX treatment to my windshield. I was wearing jeans and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I noticed a couple of heads turning as traffic went by. :roll: After I got on my way, I had a fun encounter at Bigg’s. I stopped as I normally do and got my stuff and went to the register. The register clerk, who I think had seen me before, was a bubbly bright young lady. She rang up my stuff and we were chatting. As I was leaving, and standing in full view, I said, “Hey, its Friday, I get to wear jeans at work and my tall pair”, and turned my foot to show the heel. She gave me a big grin and a laugh and said, ”It doesn’t get any better than that.” I returned the smile and repeated, ”It doesn’t get any better than that.” We bid each other a great day. What a fine way to start her day.

  20. Jenny T

    WELCOME to the forum.

    Thanks for the interesting post. Your experience was one most of us wish for. What a great first outing is heels.

    The lady was correct, nobody looks at your feet but if they do so what. You have to be confident in what you wear and how you look. If you aren’t, don’t go out. Look in a full length mirror and if you like what you see, go for it. If you have confidence in your look, others will pick up on that and accept it. If you don’t, others will pick up on that too and give you a hard time.

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  21. Even though it is getting a little warm, it was a good boot week. I’m still stopping at Bigg’s each morning wearing black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. Today being Friday (jeans at work) I wore my 5” heel boots this morning. The whole week was a non event. No body cares what kind of shoes I wear. Tonight on the way home I stopped at Home Depot to get some more mulch. I wore my boots with 4” heels and again no one seemed to care at all. My sciatic nerve has been acting up and sometimes I walk less than gracefully even in flats. I thought 4” heels while moving bags of mulch was as much as I could do today. When I stopped at Sam’s on the way home, I walked all over the store and no one said a thing until I was leaving then a young boy with his Mom and Dad walked up to me and said, “Those look like women’s shoes”. I was a little surprised but I replied, “Thank you”. This seemed to leave him a little confused. As I was going out, the clerk at the door, who I have spoken with many times, asked, “Can I ask you a personal question?” “Sure.” “Some of the folks have asked me why you wear heels?” “I like them.” “That’s good enough for me.” I walked out and thought about my answer then went back in and said, “That question deserves a better answer. Before I go out, I look in a full length mirror and I like the look I see.” “Ok I understand.” I walked back out and the kid with his parents were loading their car. From about 20 feet away he got his question right and yelled, “Are those women’s shoes?” I turned and gave him a smile and a thumbs up. I got a grin back. (He was too far away and I didn’t think he would appreciate the discussion about My shoes vs. Women’s shoes.) Nice boot week.

  22. I took the day off work and did a lot of yard work. I wore black leggings, a black long sleeved turtleneck, baseball cap and black leather thigh boots with flat heels. I get poison ivy by just looking at it so the long sleeved turtleneck was necessary. I started at 07:00 so it was cool enough for the long sleeves and boots. Anyway, no one in the neighborhood seemed to care. I was out in time to see everyone drive to work and no one even noticed. I did a god bit of work then decided that a day off should be spent sleeping so I crashed for a while. Later, I went out to buy some mulch. The temperature has warmed up a good bit so I wore denim shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Since I was going out I pulled on a pair of black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos heels. I dress up to buy mulch :roll: . As I was in the line to pay for the mulch, a lady in front of me was being amused at my expense. She could hardly contain her laughter. No one else seemed to care. I also stopped at the bank and could have gone through the drive through but I went in instead. I think only one person even noticed what I was wearing. Just for fun I went to a big Goodwill (thrift ) store. I walked throughout the store and no one paid any attention. Heelme - Again thanks for the interesting post. I have had similar experiences as you at the lunch spot when I wore heels under my jeans. I think people like to experience a sense of “Gotcha” when they see something different. It becomes something like a sport for them. I never did enjoy wearing heels and trying to hide them because it made me the object of the sport. My solution was to wear thigh boot over my jeans. There is no hiding them and it kind of ruins the sport for the onlookers. If the shaft of you boots are too tight to wear over jeans, you might consider leggings. You also mentioned that the leather in the boots have stretched a little and they now fit comfortably with socks. The leather in the shaft will do the same thing so you may be able to wear them over jeans in a while.

  23. Heelme -

    Thanks for the post. It was great reading, as are the pictures on your WWW link.

    I remember worrying, back when I wore boots under my jeans, that people might see that I had on boots with heels. Some did, most didn’t, but it was still a big worry. After I started wearing my thigh boots outside of my jeans, I quit worrying that someone would see them, the bigger concern was how people would react to a guy in thigh boots with stiletto heels. As it turn out, if you project confidence, most people really don’t care.

    I’m not suggesting you immediately start wearing that great looking pair of boots outside your jeans when you go out, but try it around the house. If you like the look and are comfortable, you might give going out a try. Remember, you wont have to worry about whether someone sees your boots. :oops:

    Dr1819 -

    I didn’t get SOCAL either, but then I’ve lived a sheltered life. :wink:

    JimC -

    I’m finding 85F is about as warm as I can comfortably wear my boots and that’s if I go into an air conditioned building. In my part of the world the relative humidity keeps close to the temperature so when it gets warm it REALLY feels like it is warm.

    I really do enjoy your pictures but remembering your prior post about heat stroke while working around live steam, wearing a helmet and thigh boots in 100F weather just to get some pictures isn’t worth it. Do take care. :roll:

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