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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I thought I would start a new thread in this forum because, for me, wearing a skirt is a different subject than wearing boots or heels. This seem the appropriate forum.

    Posted Image

    In trying to put my thinking on paper I need to get a few definitions out of the way:

    Women’s clothing - The male and female form a re normally different and clothing manufactures have created clothing to fit both of these forms. ie. men’s and women’s clothing

    Fashion - What society (which is an average) will accept as proper clothing. This is often different for each gender. Men’s fashion is traditionally more conservative in style and color where women’s fashion is not kept within the same bounds.

    I have wrestled with the question of am I a cross dresser and I think it depends on your definition. If cross dressing is

    1. Trying to be mistaken for another gender

    2. Wearing clothing that are fashioned to identify another gender (for whatever reason)

    3. Wearing clothing you like without regard to fashion (fashion freestyling)

    I think I fall somewhere between 2 and 3.

    I have been wearing thigh boots with flat and stiletto heels for several years because I like the look. I have started wearing leather skirts because I like the look and feel of the material.

    I’m sure I will come back to this topic in further posts.

    This weekend I took a trip to Portsmouth Ohio to help a friend with some repairs. For the trip I wore a tan baseball cap, blue denim high wasted jacket cut with an open V front, white knit plain front shirt, brown suede mid calf length skirt, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The outfit is a combination I enjoy and it doesn’t look bad either.

    I made several stops on the way to Portsmouth. First I stopped at a large Goodwill (thrift store) that I don’t often get to. Again the hardest step was getting out of the car, but I decided I really did like the look so out I went.

    I walked into the store expecting heads to turn but they didn’t. I guess most folks noticed what I was wearing, but some really didn’t. Everyone seemed to be willing to let me dress as I liked without comment. I really was expecting looks (from double takes to stares) and comments but I got nothing. I wandered around but didn’t see anything I wanted so I headed back out which meant a walk down the long wide isle that lead to the door. To get out I had to go through a crowded doorway and walk across the parking lot back to the car. By this time I had all the confidence I needed and the walk was uneventful.

    Next I stopped at a Sam’s club that I had never been to before. I got one double take from a manager type when I walked in but that was the end of the reactions. I walked all around the store looking for my stuff (new store and I had to look). I did get an occasional glance but again most folks didn’t pay any attention. When I got the checkout I got into the longest line. The register clerk was a young lady and as I was paying I said, “This is my first time in this store. Is this too much?” I was standing so she could see the whole outfit.

    She looked me over and said, “No, it looks cute. What’s the occasion?”

    “Nothing special, I just like the look.”

    We bid each other a good day.

    Cute wasn’t the look I was going for but the comment was meant in the nicest way.

    Next I stopped for gas at a pay at the pump station and no one notice what I was wearing.

    When I got to Portsmouth I changed into jeans and flat heeled boots and pulled on a knit blue shirt and left the jacket in the car. My friend isn’t heels. We worked for a couple of hours and I headed back home.

    We changed back into the thigh boots and skirt for the drive.

    I stopped at Mjyers (Big grocery/department store) and picked up a few items then wandered around the store. I dot a little notice but very little. No one said a word or gave a second look.

    When I got to the register I asked the clerk (young lady), “Is this too much?”

    I got the generic, “Doesn’t bother me any”.

    I pressed a little further, “If it wasn’t that a guy is wearing them, what do you think of the boots?”

    And again I got the, “Doesn’t bother me any”.

    I headed back out to the car and home.

    I really enjoyed the trip and the look and I’m hoping to repeat it soon. Now I’m trying to figure out why I enjoyed it so much. I suspect there is a feminine side of me that is trying to get out. I know it is there and express itself when I paint or draw so expressing itself in my dress might not be too much of a next step.

  2. I normally stop at Bigg’s grocery each morning on the way to work and wear a pair of black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” heels. I gave up posting about it because it has become a non event that I do every day.

    Today I stopped in Bigg’s after work when the store was much more crowded and really got little notice. After that I went to a large drug store and got no notice at all. Finally I stopped at Goodwill and wandered around. I even tried on a pair of shoes that would have been cool if they had fit (you never know until you try). Trying on shoes means I had to take my boots off and put them back on again in the store. All to no reaction. I did notice one of the sales clerks watching me and as I was about to leave we started chatting. I finally said, “I saw you notice them (indicating my boots). What do you think?”

    “Those are awesome! Where did you get them?”

    “Web site, howcool.com”.

    “ I’m jealous I can’t wear boots like that.”

    “Really?” ( I thought she was going to comment on the heels).

    “No, I was in the marching band and I have huge muscles in my calves. Almost all boots are too tight. I can hardly wear cowboy boots”.

    I bid her a good afternoon and she said, ‘Those REALLY are awesome!”

    It’s nice to run into someone with such good taste. :cry:

    JimC -

    I miss read you nature hike post. I thought the trail was a mile and there was another half mile to your truck (big parking lot). If that was the case it would have been two miles rather than one and a half. But still in all, a mile in 5” heels is a GOOD walk.

    Most of the public really doesn’t care what you wear, but you know that (now all you have to do is really believe it) and continued experience will reinforce the knowledge. That makes it all a “head game”, and that’s a game you can win.

    You might try wearing the boots with shorts. If the look isn’t too much of a challenge it might be a lot more comfortable. The top part of the your leg stays cool and the rest is reasonably comfortable in the boots. It feels great, but the look is a bit more daring. :D

    Working is steam while being dizzy and blurry vision is something I don’t even want to imagine. At least you know the danger signs. Be careful.

  3. JimC -

    My goodness gracious. A mile and a half trail in thigh boots with 5” heel in 95F weather. My goodness gracious.

    Yes, it sounds like you got the same kind of reactions I often get. A polite acknowledgement of your existence (a returned smile) without further comment. About the only thing better is if someone says, “Nice boots”.

    The pictures are excellent. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    The temperature hasn’t gotten that warm in my area but I think if it does and I wear thigh boots it might have to be with shorts.

    My goodness gracious. A mile and a half trail in thigh boots with 5” heel in 95F weather.

  4. Manololover -

    So far it sounds like folks have offered good advice especially dr1819. A little time may make things look not as bad.

    However let me offer a little different view:

    If someone asks, “Can you keep a secret?” and you say “yes”... mean it. Otherwise be honest and say No.

    His reaction might be several things, disappointment that you didn’t keep a confidence or crushed that his world has collapsed and he needs his mother. If it’s the first one you can, over time, repair the damage. If it’s the second, send him home.

    Last thought - If he is going to wear heels around you, he should to be able to talk to you about it. That isn’t too much to ask.

    Real last thought - Guys that wear heels are either very confident in themselves and how they look or are so unconfident they are paranoid nut cases that just fell off the Planter’s truck. I really hope your guy is the former. If he is the latter, it ain’t going to be easy.

  5. Part of the outing I neglected to mention was after leaving Lowe’s, I went to a Bigg’s grocery. I had to park in the middle of the lot and hike in (the store was busy). I really didn’t notice anyone paying much attention but after the trip to Lowe’s I might have been immune. At the register I asked the clerk whet she thought and got a polite but non committal answer (which meant she didn’t appreciate the bots).

    I’m not sure if it was all the digging I did that day or all the walking in 5” heels but by the end of the day I was beat.

    It was still a good day.

    Shafted –

    Nope, it didn’t occur to me that she had seen me before. The places she mentioned are not places I have ever been to before.

    Kneehigh –

    If this is the model you were referring to:

    Posted Image

    I must have given the wrong impression somewhere. The “style” is fine with me (a little more than fine actually).

    JimC –

    Cincinnati is normally a safe place but the area where these bars are located has 400 arrests two weeks ago. The city and county police are aware that this isn’t a safe area and are making an effort to make it safer (I think there is a little competition between the two departments). As I have said, I don’t have a problem at all with the guy lifestyle but it isn’t my thing so venturing into this area is something I will do with reservation and caution. All I need is for an over zealous county cop to want to clear the streets a guy in thigh boots so he can show up the city police.

  6. Another fine boot outing.

    I needed some materials from Lowe’s, sand and top soil which are locates at opposite ends of the store so I decided to make two trips into the store, one from each end. I wore a short sleeved shirt, jeans, black baseball cap and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    I the first stop was in the building materials department where I picked up 100 lbs. of sand. The shelf pricing wasn’t too clear so I had to ask about the price. Most of the other customers looked like building trade folks that weren’t used to seeing a guy in heels. I got in the checkout line and remembered I wanted something from plumbing. Plumbing is at the opposite end of the store so I walked the full length of the store, got my item, and walked back. I turned several heads in the process.

    At the checkout, I was the only one in line so I asked the clerk (middle aged lady), “What do you think?”

    She looked the boots over and asked, “Are they comfortable?”


    “I could never walk in those.”

    “They look bad?”

    “No, they look good”

    I moved the cart with the sand out to the car and loaded it then drove to the other end of the lot then went into the garden center.

    I walked around to be sure they had what I wanted, then got into the checkout line (you pay first and they load the car). After a minute I remembered a downspout part I wanted so I walked around until I found it. One employee (attractive young lady) gave me a nice smile.

    I got back in the checkout line and found the clerk with the smile was the checkout clerk. The part I had didn’t ring up correctly so she had to call for help. While we were waiting I said, ”You don’t see too many guys wearing these.”

    “No?” (as a question)

    “You don’t like them?”

    “No, I’ve seen guys wearing them.”

    “I thought I was the only guy around wearing them” .

    “It was over in Cincinnati there are guys wearing them. There Ok.”

    Picking my chin up off the counter I asked, “Where in Cincinnati are guys wearing these?”

    “Oh, over are Hamburger Marys, its a bar and of course at The Warehouse”.

    By this time I was really holding things up so I had her ring up the topsoil and I waited until they got the correct item number for the downspout part. This meant I was just standing around in thigh boots for about 10 minutes.

    When they finally got the number I paid for the part nad headed out to the car. I drove back into the center to let them load the topsoil. Of course I got out to help.

    It turns out that Hamburger Marys is a franchise operation that caters to a diverse community. The Warehouse is a similar bar. These places are not in best part of town and I may have to give visiting them some serious thought.

  7. Now we know the reply counter will go to 4 digits. Ain't technology amazing.

    Thanks everyone for all the great posts.

    At lunch today I went to the Goodwill (thrift shop) and found a pair of denim shorts. I put on my Tony crotch boots and took a spin around the neighborhood. I didn’t meet anyone but there was lots of traffic.

    Posted Image

  8. Today has been a good boot day. It started off well (see my last post) and after work I stopped at Bigg’s again, wearing the same outfit. This time the place was full of people so I wandered around a bit and picked up my stuff.. I went to the checkout and got in the longest line. Again this week, a manager called me to a shorter line and it was a nice walk down the line to the register. Lots of folks noticed my boots but no one said a work.

    After Bigg’s I went to Lowes garden center to buy mulch and landscape timbers. I got to walk around a good bit finding the stuff and had to get folks to open up the area where the timber were stores. I went through the register two times, once for the much the again alter for the landscape timbers. That means the cashier got to see the guy in thigh boots twice. The second time I was the only one in line so I said, “You don’t see too many guys wearing these”.

    “No” and she didn’t look real pleased.

    So I went on, “Actually you don’t see any guys wearing them. So, you don’t like then?”

    She took a second look and really saw the heels and said, “No, they look nice...they really do”, and gave me a really nice smile.

    Great end of the day.

    dr1819 -

    After looking through more of the material I’m inclined to agree with you. I removed the URL.

  9. Today is Friday and that means jeans at work. I stopped into Bigg’s (grocery) on the way to work wearing, a long sleeved blue denim shirt, jeans, black baseball cap, and black leather thigh length boots with 5” stiletto heels. The employees at the store expect me to be wearing boots and don’t pay any attention.

    There was a lady who did her best to ignore me and clearly didn’t approve of my footwear. I wound up behind her in the checkout line. I might as well have been on the moon, I have never been ignored so completely.

    I hadn’t seen the register clerk before so I said, “So you lucked out and got the early shift”.

    “Yeah, third time this week, its going to kill me. I like to sleep late.” I guess she might have seen me before today.

    “Well at least its Friday and I get to wear jeans at work”.


    “And these”, and indicated my boots.

    “Cool”, and gave me a nice smile.

    What a great start for a day.

    crotchboots-m -

    I have never understood the fascination folks have with wearing boots in water. Any illumination on the subject would be appreciated.

    JimC -

    The Miss Sixty boots sound great and I’m looking forward to the pictures, and it sounds like you got a good deal.

    I know the difference between a 4” and a 5” heel can be significant especially in a shoe size smaller than a 14, but the difference between a 5” heel and a ballet heel is off the scale. How do you wear a ballet heel?

  10. I found a pair of off white ankle strap pumps with 4” stiletto heels with the looong toe at the Goodwill today. They are brand new but all man made materials however for $2 I can’t complain too much. Normally all I wear is boots and mostly thigh boots but you guys have raves so much about shoes like this I thought I would give them a try.

    I had to go up the street tonight (lots of traffic but no pedestrians) so I thought I would give them a try. I wore black leggings and a black turtleneck with a brown suede leather skirt and my new shoes. Since no one was on the street to see me I didn’t get any reactions. The shoes, and walking in them, is very comfortable. I think, however, they would be better worn with slacks. The off white shoes and the black leggings offer too much contrast. It might be different if they weren’t size 12W but with the long toe these are BIG shoes.

    I am still deciding if I like the look.

    Posted Image

    DeSalto -

    Your shoes are awesome. A most excellent purchase and they look great on you.

  11. I had a good boot weekend. Saturday I did some yard work and wore my black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. Not overly practical but fun. Sunday I had to go to Portsmouth Ohio to help a friend with some house repairs. I wore my black leather thigh boots with 5” heels and a short skirt for traveling then changed into jeans and the same boots to stop in a Goodwill (thrift store) in Portsmouth. I found another pair of white shorts that will look great with boots. I got a couple of funny looks but for the most part I was just ignored. Before I got to my friends house I changed into flat heeled boots. I worked for a couple of hours then had to go to Lowe’s for some stuff so I pulled on my 4”heel boots and walked in. Most to the time people ignore me but this time it seemed like it was “look at the guy in thigh boots with heels “day. It seemed like everyone in the store managed to stop and look at me. There was one old coot that gave me a hard stare as I walked in. Normally I nod and smile to recognize the interest, but this guy wasn’t worth the effort and I just ignored him. Other than all the attention the trip was uneventful. On the way home I wore the white shorts and my 5” heeled boots and a long black cardigan sweater. I stopped at Mjyers for gas and then went into the store for some stuff (I didn’t really need anything, I just wanted to see how the white shorts and thigh boots worked). The lady that recommended white shorts knew what she was talking about. The outfit did look good and the contrast of the white shorts and black sweater and boots was striking. Lots of folks noticed. When I got to the register the clerk couldn’t really see my heels and asked me, “Have you been fishing?” I turned my foot to show the heel and said, “No, not in these”. Then I asked, “Are they too much?” She replied very quickly, “Oh no, not at all.” It was a fun trip.

  12. I decided to try a new avitar. And, yes I do have a pair that tall.

    I ran across a site that has hundreds of pictures of a guy that loves boots. URL Removed by Thighbootguy This may be more appropriate on the CD forum but he does have some nice boots.

  13. Anne and John -

    Welcome to the forum. From your comments so far we can tell you have nice taste in boots (as does fogborkenvv). How about starting a thread and telling us a little more about yourselves.

  14. This has been a good ie. uneventful boot wearing week. Each morning I have stopped at Bigg’s wearing a dress shirt, slacks, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I got very little if any reaction at all. Today being Friday, I wore jeans and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels to Bigg’s in the morning and then shopping at Sam’s Club on the way home. At Sam’s the cashier incorrectly rang up an item by $40 and I didn’t notice the error until I had already paid. That meant we had to get a manager to take me to the service desk for a refund. I went through all the processing wearing boots with 5” heels as though this was what I wore all the time and no one even batted an eye. The clerks I knew at the store asked if I had gotten everything straightened out and presented the friendly faces I have come to enjoy at the store. In the evenings this week I have had to walk up the street to a friends house to feed the cats. The street is well lit and there is a lot of traffic driving by but there are no other pedestrians so I have taken the opportunity to wear my new black stretch fabric knee boots. A couple of times I wore them over black leggings, and a couple of time I wore a full, ankle length ,black leather skirt that covers a lot of the boots but they look great when I walk. It’s still cool enough in the evenings to wear a long leather skirt. JimC - I don’t know why your pictures hadn’t been displaying on my system until tonight but I finally saw them and the boots look great. I really like the “nothing fancy just boots, jeans, and cool shades” look. I now understand how you could take a “nature trail” in 5” heels. I had envisioned the trail as being a dirt trail in the woods. The kind where a park ranger gives tours with lines like “Let’s look at the moss on this tree, and you folks, standing over there in the poison ivy, might want to step a little closer so you can see the moss a little better.” :D

  15. One of our local FM stations has a “Committee for Esthetic Public Spectacles” that is responsible for the live reporting of the “April Fools Day Parade”, the “Noontime Fireworks Show” and many other totally fictitious events that are described in great detail on the radio.

    Please don’t make the “Biggest Heel Meet Ever” something the “Committee for Esthetic Public Spectacles” would be proud of.

    On second thought, it might be even more fun if you do. Consider:

    Thigh Boot Beer Chug (none of this drinking from a hh pump) :drinking:

    High Heel Hop Scotch :cry:

    Stiletto Marathon :o

    Size 14 scavenger hunt (first one to find a store selling them) :D



    . Submitted in fun, and wishing I could be there.

  16. JimC –

    A nature trail in 5” thigh boots, what a great show for the little furry critters along the trail. :D

    What kind of surface is the trail? If it’s a soft surface, you have to work harder to walk in stiletto heels because the heel will offer little to no support. If it’s an uneven surface it can be almost as bad as a soft surface. Stilettos really were designed for walking on hard flat surfaces.

    Still in all, it sounds like a fun outing. I’m sure the critters enjoyed it.

    dr1819 –

    I wholeheartedly agree.

  17. I may have overstated my meaning. We wear thing that are we consider fashionable because fashionable clothing makes us feel comfortable and depending on the clothing may attract attention. As a variation on my sermon on contrast attracting attention, if we wear the same thing as everyone else, there is no contrast and we attract no attention. If we wear something different than everyone else, there is a contrast and it attracts attention. It makes no difference what the clothing article is, heels, boots, skirts, leather clothing,... , unless a lot of other people are wearing similar stuff, the wearer attracts attention. Not too many people are wearing thigh boots (guys or gals) and they do attract attention. For me it’s part of the fun. I appreciate that not everyone wants to attract that much attention (or thinks it is fun) but no matter if your wearing thigh boots over jeans or block heels under jeans that cover the heel The fashion statement is different and will attract attention. That means you must be confident in the way you look. The confidence will show and you will have a much better experience.

  18. DanG

    WELCOME to the forum.

    I admire your stamina for going half a mile in 6” stilettos. That’s above what I can walk in and 7”s, for me, are just nice to look at. But, I would suggest that was not the best way to start going out.

    As you have found out, wearing high heels takes practice, practice, and more practice, especially when you get above 4” stilettos.

    When I go out (and I suspect when most of us go out) we want to be noticed. Having said that, I don’t want to be noticed for walking in heels poorly. You have to have confidence with every step you take. You said you were comfortable in the 5” heels so I suggest you take them out for a nice walk. As you have found out, going out can be a lot of fun.


  19. I noticed something yesterday morning that I thought I’d pass along. I walked out to the car to go to work and I was wearing my regular guy shoes. When I got into the car I turned on the radio and was listening to the news.. When I pulled out of the driveway, I was wearing a pair of black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I hadn’t even noticed I had changed shoes. I have seen several accounts of women putting on thigh boots where the act of putting them on was a big deal and something guys really got excited about watching (or putting them on themselves). I have been wearing my boots so often that there is now nothing special about putting them on. They really are just another pair of shoes.

  20. Dr1819 Welcome back. FYI - Chatanooga is in Tennessee which is one state south of Kentucky. Most of the gas tax in Ky. is for road building so I wouldn’t worry too much about supporting activities you don’t agree with. Driving across Ky. on one tank of gas can be a challenge. There are lots of hills that eat gas. If you are in the state, Northern Ky (Covington) and central Ky (Louisville, Lexington) are large metropolitan areas that have fairly understanding people that wouldn’t be too upset seeing someone heeling.

  21. First, WELCOME to the site.

    I would suggest reading around the site a bit as most of the questions you have posed have threads that discuss the topic.

    I wear thigh boots over my jeans/slacks/shorts but that is more exposure than most of the contributors go in for. But I can offer this, I wear 4” and 5” stiletto heels and I weigh 200 pounds. Other than having to replace the heel tips more often than a lighter person would, I have had no problems with how sturdy the heels are.

    Walking in heels takes practice, and practice, and more practice. You should have absolute confidence when you take a step. Speaking of confidence, you should also have absolute confidence in the way you look. If you can’t look in a mirror and like the guy in heels that’s looking back at you, don’t go out.

    Heels are a great look. Read around the forum and enjoy. There are lots of good folks here.

  22. There may be something to the old expression “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. I was off work last week so I didn’t make my morning grocery stop. When I started again Monday and today I was wearing tan slacks and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. Both mornings members of the staff have made the extra effort to bid me good morning and offer a nice smile. This past weekend I had to go to Portsmouth Ohio to do some roofing and plumbing for a friend. I traveled wearing a short sleeved shirt, white shorts, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. These really are comfortable boots to drive in. I took jeans and my flat heeled thigh boots with me. These flat heeled boots are what I wear when I’m doing any kind of yard or house work so their starting to look a little scruffy. As Shafted advised us, high heels on a ladder are not a good idea and heels on a roof would be crazy. The flat heeled boots have a rubber sole and were exactly the right foot ware for being on a roof. They do lack a steel shank so standing on a ladder for long would be a problem. While I was in Portsmouth I had to go to Lowes (hardware chain store). I looked over the parking lot and didn’t see too many pickup trucks with gun racks so switched from the flat heeled boots to a pair of black leather thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels and walked in. A lot of people really didn’t notice but several did and they weren’t shy about looking down at my boots then back up at me. Most of the time I just gave them a smile and a nod and went on my way. I didn’t hear any comments at all. I was in the store for at least 20 minutes wandering up and down the isles and asking the staff where stuff was. I had a great time.

  23. I wore leggings a lot when I was riding a bike (that’s bicycle that you peddle) but I haven’t worn them with my thigh boots. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work though. Do notice in the pictures Kneehighs provided, the leggings are all worn with a skirt or long coat, something that covers the top. I just wore them like long biker shorts usually with long t-shirt with the shirt tail out. I’ll have to try some stuff to see what looks good with thigh boots.

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