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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. Jeff - What a great selection to start rebuilding. I tend to like boots more than pumps anyway and I didn’t want to push things by suggesting that. However, the proper sequence is to try them on then rush home to wear them, not rush home to try them on to see if they fit. Of all places to try on shoes, Payless is the best. They don’t care who you are or what you try on as long as you buy something.:rocker:

  2. Jeff - I have noticed the same correspondence between the size of shoes carried by Payless stores and the predominant racial makeup of the neighborhood the stores serves. However all the stores I have visited and asked about larger sizes recommended selecting the style/size I wanted on the web page and having them shipped to their store. Like DR1819 points out, its another opportunity for a sale and a returning customer. It never seems to bother them that a guy is asking about ot trying on heels/boots. I have also noticed that some of the Payless styles run a little large. If I see something I like on the shelf in a 12, I always try it on and often it fits nicely.

  3. JeffB - Your dropping off lead me to suspect what was happening to me. I really hoped that was why you dropped off and that nothing more serious had happened. That’s not to imply that getting your head back together isn’t serious. I really did keep thinking, “wonder what happened to Jeff”, “wonder if he felt like this”. It really is great to see you back. I do still enjoy the look of thigh boots and like going out wearing them and I still enjoy the look and feel of a leather skirt and occasionally wear one out and about but I do this because I enjoy doing it not because I need to. Several month ago I found myself needing to go out wearing a skirt and boots and needing to post about it. As you have discovered, it’s great to be back in control.

  4. I finished cleaning up the tree cutting mess I left yesterday. I did this wearing my flat heeled thigh boots. I then got myself cleaned up and headed to the Museum. I wore jeans, a dark blue turtleneck, and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I mentioned I have not been going out as much lately and after walking around for a couple of hours on 5” heels, my legs let me know they had been neglected. If your gonna wear stilettos, practice and stay in practice. It’s amazing how quickly your legs forget. The trip was uneventful. The guards were cheerful and the other patrons were polite but curious. (No one said a thing but lots of glances.)

  5. I had an old tree in the back of my yard that I expect will have a tough time standing this winter when the snow hits. It’s already leaning badly so I decided to trim some of the limbs off that would give a problem under the snow load. Some of these limbs were at least 12” (30cm)in diameter and the longest was 14’ (4.2m).

    I went out tree cutting wearing black leggings, a long denim shirt, and black leather thigh boots with flat heels. I took Shafted’s advice about climbing up a 12’ ladder wearing 5” stiletto heels (health hazard) and wore my flat heeled boots instead.

    The boots really earned their keep today by protecting my legs from several swipes the tree made at me.

    Other than being almost too tired to move by the time I was done, the whole thing was an uneventful boot outting.

  6. As I mentioned in another post, seeing myself in the videos I made brought me back to reality. It really helped me see myself as others see me.

    I have also posted about walking past the store that has fill length mirrored windows. Did I go out of my way to walk past that store where I saw the reflection of a guy wearing thighboots out in the real world? Well maybe I did but it helped to reinforce that I liked the image I was presenting.

    I have been preaching to folks that are new to wearing heels/boots/whatever out in public, that you should look at yourself in a full length mirror and be sure you are comfortable with the look before you ask others to be comfortable with you looking that way.

    No, I am not fixated with looking at myself in a mirror. I can’t say I ever understood the fascination with "Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who's the farest of them all?" I do enjoy catching a glimpse of myself in a store mirror as I walk by but what the heck, I do like the look and I can often catch the look of others reacting to my look.

    The mirror is the window into the soul (or for this forum into the sole).


    The world if full of fools, and he who would not see it,

    Should live alone and smash his mirror.

    Claude Le Petite (1640 - 1665)

  7. Griez -

    Thanks for the kind thoughts but...

    Being heroic, brave, bold ... is not a proper description of me. I’m a little nuts (still working on that), but old enough to not care what people think.

    I have discovered several things about people:

    • If you act afraid, people will take advantage of it.
    • If you try to hide something, it attracts unwanted attention.
    • People really don’t care what you wear so long as you don’t bother them.
    Let me translate that into heeling:

    • Look in a full length mirror before you go out. Be sure you are comfortable with the look you are presenting. If you can honestly say, "I like the look" and you are mentally comfortable looking that way, go for it. You have the confidence in the look to present it to the world.
    • If you are going to wear heels, don’t hide them. If you are not going to hide your heels, wear boots and wear them outside your pants not under them.
    • If you present a confident image, people really don’t care what you are wearing and will accept it. You will attract some attention, but that what it is all about anyway.
    • One last word of caution, don’t go looking for trouble. Use some common sense about where you go. Public places are safer than dark out of the way places. As you confidence grows, don’t become complacent, be aware that you are doing something different and don’t force yourself into a situation that doesn’t want you.
    Go out and enjoy your heels.

  8. I stopped at Sam’s club tonight on the way home. I wore a black turtleneck (winter is here and I can wear them again), jeans, tan leather jacket, and black leather thigh boots with 5" stiletto heels.

    I shopped as usual without anyone taking much notice but one of the lady clerks (close to my age) was walking by and said, "I envy you being able to wear those. I couldn’t walk in them any more. Once you stop wearing them there’s no going back". I assumed she meant the 5" heels and she was gone before I could start a conversation.

    At the checkout, I had me of the clerks that knows me and likes my footwear. I hadn’t seen her for a while and we had a nice chat about how things were going.

    All in all a nice shopping trip.

    Jmc -

    Iloveboots -

    Thanks so much for the kind words. They really meant a lot.

    The PMs were also really appreciated as well as the thank you posts.

    I’ve started to get my head back where I want it and as I’ve said before, "any help/advice is appreciated".

  9. I suspect some have started to wonder “What’s happened to Thighbootguy”? Well so have I.

    I was becoming concerned that Thighbootguy was taking on too much of a life of his own and he was controlling my life rather than the other way around so I put TBG away for a while. I stopped wearing thighboots and posting. Both were necessary to break out of the condition I was in and was not too happy about. Much of what TBG did was so he could post it on this forum. I have warned others about it being addictive but I didn’t take my own caution. I had to stop the whole TBG thing for a while. Yes, I still enjoy wearing thighboots (with stiletto heels) and going out in public wearing them. What I didn’t like is that it was becoming an obsession. Whenever I did anything, the first consideration was how can I do this while wearing my boots.

    Doing the videos gave me a different perspective on TBG. When I went back and looked at them I saw some guy wearing thighboots and often a skirt. The only other videos I found like TBG’s were under the topic of crossdressing and that concerned because I hadn’t planned on going in that direction. It may sound funny but it was a revelation that the guy in the videos was me. I hadn’t realized how far I had pushed the envelope. I thought about removing the videos (and I still may do that) but for the time being there still Ok. I find that I enjoy the look of a skirt on me and I’m still really thinking about that one.

    I have mentioned in earlier posts about going to several Shakespeare performances. I got to meet some of the cast and was reintroduced to what being an actor was all about. These folks can put on the persona of their character and become that character right in front of your eyes. They could then step out of their role and take on their own personality again. Seeing that happen is really amazing.

    It finally dawned on me that this is what I needed to be able to do with Thighbootguy. I have come to realize that TBG can be a persona that I can put on when I want, and take off when I want. That may seem elementary but it was BIG news to me. I had started to believe that TBG and I were one of the same.

    This has not been easy for several reasons:

    1) I do enjoy the look

    2) If you don’t wear 5” heels for a while your legs forget which muscles need to stay in shape.

    3) Being TBG is fun.

    4) I was close to being addicted.

    I think I can now become TBG when I want to and come back to myself the rest of the time. For me at least, this is a BIG deal.

    Since I realized all this, I have become TBG several times and gone shopping and had a blast. I have also been myself the rest of the time and enjoyed that too.

    Shakespeare said it best:

    All the world's a stage,

    And all the men and women merely players:

    They have their exits and their entrances;

    And one man in his time plays many parts

    William Shakespeare (from As You Like It )

    • Like 1
  10. The sun came out today and I went back to the nature preserve I visited yesterday. It was still a bit muddy but it was beautiful with the sun cutting through the trees. I wore my flat heeled thigh boots and they now need a good cleaning. I walked about a mile on the muddy trail and just enjoyed the whole thing. I would have gone farther but the mud was getting deeper and, as I said, I don’t enjoy the mud and messy genera.

    After I got back to the car I pulled on my black boots with 5" stiletto heels and headed back to civilization. I stopped at a Goodwill (thrift store) and the place was packed (50% off sale). I went in a d shopped for a while. One lady stopped me and said, "Those are gorgeous boots".

    "Thank you, there a lot of fun".

    A few minutes later another said, "I love your boots".

    I thanked her for the complement.

    Not everybody liked them however. Most people just glanced and kept going but a few ladies gave me a look that as my grandmother used to say, "that look would cool soup". I just gave them a grin back.

    Another nice boot outting.

  11. I went to a nature preserve in the area today. The site has a parking lot, a couple of picnic tables and several trails. I went with the idea of taking one of the trails in boots. The weather was cool and it had just rained heavily the night before. The trails were gravel, covered with wet leaves with a good bit of mud here and there. This was not the palace for 5" stiletto heels (I’ve never understood the wet and messy fantasy) so I switched into a pair of flat heeled thigh boots. I also wore black suede leather shorts and a short denim jacket.

    I didn’t meet anyone on the trail (except 3 deer) which is probably a good thing since I really didn’t know what to expect Thigh boots turned out to be a good idea since there was a lot of wet plants growing on and by the trail and all I have to do is to look at some of them and I break out in a rash.

    This turned out to be an very enjoyable non-adventure.

  12. Thighboots2 -

    Demoniaplatforms -

    I normally mow the lawn wearing thighboots with flat heels, which are a little more practical and a lot easier. I wore the 4" heels just for the video and, as I mentioned, I had just gotten them back from the cobbler and wanted to wear them.

    Texboots -

    The pair of pull on boots I was wearing tend to slide down my leg a lot. I have sewn a seam up the back of the shaft to tighten them, and that helped, but they still slide down my leg. Pulling my boots up in the shopping video was just for the camera:wavey: . That pair are Tony crotch boots and I stitched the top of the boots so they are very tight. I find that pull on boots, because they have to have a loose shaft, tend to slide down my leg when I’m walking. Wearing them over jeans helps a lot. Boots with an ankle zipper or side zipper stay in place, especially when worn over jeans.

    Thanks for the comments.:evil:

  13. I've always found women's jeans a better fit then men's. I don't own a pair of men's jeans or shorts. I still wear men's slacks at work but I change into jeans, shorts or leggins as soon as I get home.

  14. Kneehighs -

    A most interesting post.

    Years ago I recognized there was an inner struggle between my male and female components. I was brought up believing that only the male component was the "correct one" but I have learned that both make a contribution to who I am.

    The female side is more prevalent when I’m painting or drawing and the male side is more prevalent when I’m working, particularly with my hands but also when programming.

    I hope I don’t achieve individuation.

    Jung postulated that when the conscious and anima of a man are reconciled in harmony and unity, individuation is achieved. "Individuation means becoming a single, homogeneous being, and, insofar as 'individuality' embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one's own self we could therefore translate individuation as 'coming to selfhood' or 'self-realization' " (Jung, 1928b, p. 171).

    I rather enjoy the struggle my two components have and the description sounds a lot like growing up. I prefer Peter Pan’s goal of never growing up.

  15. I spent another fine afternoon at the Art museum. I was wearing jeans, knit shirt , and black leather thigh boots with 5" stiletto heels. The trip was uneventful. I walked in, got a stool and headed for the galleries. The guards greeted me warmly and no one else said a word.

    After the museum, I stopped at the thrift emporium and got little to no reaction at all.

    A nice uneventful outing in thigh boots.

  16. Either the woman's reaction was way out of like or you showed her you were not confident and she took advantage of that. I don't see anything wrong with the boots you pictured. This really is a head game. Don't let one unfortunate reaction get to you.

  17. dr1819 -

    Many years ago I was asked to speak at a high school career day. I gave a lot of thought about what to say and I finally came up with this formula for sucess

    Learn to enjoy reading

    Turn off the TV

    Pay attention to the things you enjoy doing and then all you have to do is to find someone that is willing to pay you to do it. I really do enjoy my work. After many years, I still think writing code is fun. The challenge you have presented though is daunting indeed. “Now, if we could just figure out how to make a living promoting male heelwear by hanging around nice watering holes and nicer looking women”.

    Maybe a shoe company would like to be a sponsor. :evil:

  18. Kneehighs -

    What a great night out.

    I was going to comment on how lovely the ladies looked and contrast that with how excited you looked but I’ll pass on that.

    I’m really starting to think the world is changing out there and guys can wear heels.

    Great sorry, thanks for sharing with us.

    PS. How do you get that many folks to pose for you?

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