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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. Diary 7/31/06 I haven’t been posting for over a week because I was concerned about the addictive nature of posting on this board (at least for me). One major part of the fun of wearing thigh boots is posting my outings on this board. So I forced myself to take a break both from posting and boot wearing. It started when I saw the movie K-PAC on TV last week. I’m not sure what clicked but at the end of the movie I decided to see if I could lead a little more normal life (everybody can have their own definition of normal but mine included not wearing thigh boots [or heels or skirts or ...]) for a while. I went for a week and two weekends without heels and a bit longer without posting here. I’m not sure what I was expecting but my world kept going and I don’t think there were any problems. This last Monday night I stopped at Sam’s on the way home. I was wearing a blue short sleeved dress shirt, black baseball cap, blue denim shorts, and I pulled on my blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels for the first time in a week and a half. They didn’t feel great or exciting or anything, they just felt like my boots. The temperature was well into the 90’s so I didn’t spend much time outside. In the store I wandered around getting my stuff. No one seemed to pay any attention. In the checkout line I was the subject of another picture phone photograph. The young girl was trying to act like she wasn’t doing anything so I asked her, “Did you get the heels?” Several shaded of red later she laughed. I complemented the register clerk on her jeans and one of the other clerks asked me if these were the same boots I had worn several weeks ago. It was a nice Sam’s visit. I think I can honestly tell myself that I can wear thigh boots only because it’s a bit of an attention getting device and it’s fun. Tuesday, no boots at all. Only wore my wood sole sandals when I walked around the neighborhood tonight. Wednesday, ditto Tuesday but I did post this.

  2. NewfieGuyInHeels -

    Sounds like a good first stroll in your heels. For most of us, the hardest step is getting out of the car (which means getting out in public). Early/late strolls are a lot of fun when you are trying something new and for one reason or another your not ready for the public spotlight. I have been doing something similar and have posted about it on the Boots and Skirts in Public thread.

    You said your toes started to hurt. Was that because you were putting more weight on them (as a higher heel would) or are the pumps too small? I looked at your pictures and the size looks Ok but ... . I have found, at least with boots, that I need a size larger with a 5” heel.

    Just be sure you have passed the “liked what I saw in a full length mirror” test, then enjoy your heels. :roll:

  3. I just had a rather embarrassing boot outing. I went to the museum and wore a knit shirt, blue denim shorts wore a 4” inseam, and my blue leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The shorts come to about the top of the boots. I hadn’t been to the museum for almost a month and I was really looking forward to going. The parking lot was packed but just as I pulled in a car in the front row pulled out and I got that spot. I walked in and was greeted warmly by the staff. I got a folding stool and headed upstairs to the gallery where I went to work. Everyone noticed my boots but no one said anything except to complement my sketch (it was a good one). I moved on to another gallery and chatted with the guard (young lady) about the Ruben’s on the wall. She said I reminded her of a friend of her family (she didn’t mean friends of her family wore thigh boots). I walked around for a while then thought it was time to leave. I headed back through the galleries and all of a sudden the sciatic nerve in my right leg began to act up again. I’ve commented before that when that happens I have a hard time walking in heels. Boy did I ever. All the strength in my ankle vanished and every time I put my right foot down my ankle wouldn’t stay straight and my foot rolled over and off the heel. It didn’t hurt but I couldn’t walk. I stopped and tried a few things and found that if I transferred my weight to my toes and went slowly I could make some headway. I was still on the second floor and I had to go down a flight of steps and across the lobby. Normally I do this without using the banister and stride across the lobby. Not this time. I hung onto the banister for dear life and took very gingerly steps across the lobby. By the way, there was a wedding party in the lobby getting ready for a reception at the museum. My ankle still rolled over a couple of times and it really looked like I couldn’t manage heels. After the lobby I still had the front steps on the museum and the walk to the parking lot. Was I ever glad I got that parking spot in the front row. The only good thing about all this is that it didn’t hurt and I didn’t turn my ankle when my foot fell off the heel. I know too much pride isn’t a good thing, but I do take pride in being able to walk in a 5” heel. Doing that poorly in public was a real embarissment. :roll:

  4. I had an enlightening conversation this morning. I stopped in Bigg’s for my morning shop wearing a long sleeved white shirt, black baseball cap, blue denim shorts, hose, and blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. There was a crowd this morning. It looked like a bunch (8-12) guys were stocking up for a trip. Normally there is only one person in the checkout line, but this morning there were at least 5 carts. When I saw the crowd, I took my time and wandered around a bit but when I got to the front there were still 3 carts to go. To say that this crowd noticed my boots is an understatement but no one said a word. One of the manager types walked by and asked if they were waiting for someone and they said they were so he told me he would open up another register. I followed him to the register and the rest of the crowd stayed at the other register. I said, “I guess I gave them something to talk about for the rest of the day”. He laughed and said, “Maybe so.” “Let me ask you, is this too much?” “When I first saw you I thought it was funny, but since I see you all the time it’s just normal.” We bid each other a good day. Hey, if you see a guy in thigh boots with 5” heels often enough, it becomes a normal occurrence. Since I do tend to go to the same places, which may explain why I often think no body notices when I wear my boots. People see contrast and notice things that are different. If my boots don’t contrast my jeans/slacks people often don’t notice that I have boots on. The same way when a guy in thigh boots with 5” heels isn’t a different thing, people don’t notice. Looks like all my boot wearing, besides being a lot of fun, is paying off.

  5. Any of you folks that have read my posts on the Thigh Boots in Public thread, know that I have often mentioned that I wore thigh boots and no one noticed. Well this short skirt and white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels has changed that. Tonight I stopped at Sam’s wearing a short sleeved off white dress shirt, black baseball cap, white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels and a short stretch denim skirt.

    Posted Image

    Yep, I really wore this.

    As always the hardest part was getting out of the car but after my trip to Bigg’s this morning I was ready to try this look again. I walked in and noticed that people were noticing what I had on. I spent some time wandering around before I got my stuff.

    I noticed a lady in a group messing with her cell phone (camera). She was taking my picture and trying not to let me know it. I walked down the end of the isle and came back up behind her and said, “Show them how high the heel is”, and turned my foot so she could see.

    “I don’t see how you can walk in those.” ( I seem to be getting asked that a lot lately.)

    “It’s just practice... really just practice.”

    I walked around a little more and headed for the checkout. I saw the clerk that waited on me last night and queued up in her line.

    She saw me and gave me a big smile when I got to the register. “Remember from last night, your membership expires in three weeks.” And she proceeded to ring up my stuff. I think the other folks in line picked up on the noting that the guy in a skirt and thigh boots was a regular customer.

    As she was ringing up my payment I said, “I’m pushing the envelope a little farther” and indicated the skirt. “Does it look bad?”

    She took a good look and said, “Not at all!” “Do you ride horses?”


    “Motorcycle?” and her hand imitated working a throtle.

    “No” and I turned my foot to show the heel, “Not with this heel” and I got a laugh.

    We bid each other a good evening.

    When I got to the exit the clerk there asked, “Where are your black boots?”

    I smiled and said, “Hey, its summer.” We both laughed as I headed out into the parking lot.

    Like when I walked in, it seemed like people noticed.

    What a fun evening!

    Stilletto2004 -

    What I was trying to say in my last post is I don’t want to encourage or discourage anyone from wearing a skirt and boots. That decision is all yours. Just make the decision on your own and not because a total stranger on this board thinks it’s a good idea.

  6. In my humble opinion, I think that is a great look! If you think it is too much, you might try the skirt in the pervious picture, it looks a little longer, but I like that one. A caution about this board… it can have the effect of pushing people into something they are not ready for. I have seen it happen to other members and it has happened to me. I’ll read about someone else doing something and think I want to try that myself. Just because someone else is doing something doesn’t mean you should do it also. I’ll go back to my standard sermon, look in a full length mirror and if you like what you see and are comfortable presenting yourself that way go for it, otherwise don’t go out that way. Looks like I dumped again. :roll:

  7. The day has started well.

    I stopped at Bigg’s wearing one of the most comfortable outfits I have ever worn. I had on a short sleeved off white dress shirt, white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels, a black baseball cap, and a short stretch denim skirt. This skirt has a built in pair of shorts of the same material. The shorts have no inseam and are high cut. The skirt is only 1” longer than the shorts.

    The biggest step was getting out of the car. As I walked across the parking lot, I saw my reflection in the store window and thought, “not bad”. There were several people waiting outside the store and I noticed the women looked at me but the man refused to look my way.

    In the store I noticed the same thing. The outfit caught the attention of the women but the men refused to even look at me. The was one lady literally running through the store (she was in a real hurry) who saw me, gave me the once over and then gave me a big smile (all this without breaking stride).

    At the register the same lady was bagging her stuff and again she gave me a smile but she seemed too hurried to talk to. Finally her curiosity got the better of her and she asked me, “What do you do?”

    I calmly replied, “I’m a computer programmer.” This was not what she had expected.

    As she left she said something about “being different” but I didn’t catch what she said and she was running again.

    I asked my register clerk, who has seen me very often, “Is this too much?”

    She replied without hesitation, “Way too much”, and then she said, “You didn’t ask her what she thought.”

    “I didn’t get a chance”

    While I was bagging my stuff, the register clerk walked to the front door and I met her there as I was leaving and told her, “I really appreciate being able to come in here dressed like this.”

    She looked at me and said, “Oh we get lots worse.” I wasn’t sure how to take that but I didn’t feel insulted because it was said with a big smile. She continued, “You have a good day, it’s getting hot out there”.

    I headed on to work really feeling good.

    Stilletto2004 –

    Great look! I’m going to have to try it some morning. The problem is I REALLY like the look of my thigh boots and it’s hard to give up an opportunity for wearing them.

    I still think you should try knee high boots with the skirt.

    crotchboots-m –

    I still can’t get into the idea of drowning a good pair of boots.

  8. I stopped at Bigg’s this morning wearing my white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels, a long sleeved white shirt, and slacks.

    At the register there were two clerks that I see all the time and they both greeted me warmly. One of the ladies was the one that commented on my granny boots the other day. I asked her, “Do you really like those short granny boots I had on the other day better than these tall ones?”

    She thought back to the conversation and said, “In the summer time, yeah”.

    So the final score is she likes the thigh boots worn tall rather than knee length but likes the shorted boots in hot weather.

    I saw these yesterday at the Goodwill (thrift store) for $5.

    Posted Image

    They are a size 11 and should be a 12 or 13 for me but the price was too good to pass and they do fit tolerably well. They are solid wood and there is no flex to these sandals at all. The sole is curved so that as your weight transfers to the front of the shoe as you walk, the curve forced the heel up. It took a few minutes to get used to walking in these but after a few steps it was natural and felt great.

  9. white_6_inch_spike_heels –

    Thanks for the reply. I really was hoping my concerns were baseless. It sounds like you understand and take care.

    Sometimes when there is a lot to be said, it takes more words to say it, and always keep in mind that there are lots of folks reading our posts that just might be ready to try street heeling.

  10. I went on my walk tonight wearing a long sleeved blue denim shirt, black suede short skirt, black baseball cap, and my new sandals.

    Posted Image

    I saw these today at the Goodwill (thrift store) for $5. They are a size 11 and should be a 12 or 13 for me but the price was too good to pass and they do fit tolerably well. They are solid wood and there is no flex to these sandals at all. The sole is curved so that as your weight transfers to the front of the shoe as you walk, the curve forced the heel up. It took a few minutes to get used to walking in these but after a few steps it was natural and felt great.

    I know they are not boots ... but it's summer time.

  11. white_6_inch_spike_heels –

    A note of concern. I don’t know about your part of the world but is there any safety concern about walking out alone on a country road? Some people that don’t approve of heels might be embolden to do something unpleasant when there is no one around.

    There is also the caution about becoming complacent about wearing heels/boots … . I really do try to be careful about where I go wearing thigh boots with heels.

    Posted Image


    :roll: Your going to break your neck in those. :wink:


  12. Both Pleaser's and Ellie's are made in China and I have found them to be reasonable quality and a good value for the price. I have put a lot of miles on my thigh boots without problems. The synthetic material boots are well made but I perfer the leather ones. Unless they say otherwise they are pig leather which wears well however the cow leather ones look and feel better (and cost a little more). I have purchased from HowCool without problems and when I did have a size problem the return service was excellent. Do check out their bargin page for stuff in your size.

  13. This was Friday and that meant blue jeans. I stopped at Bigg’s this morning and was really feeling good about wearing my white thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I don’t know what was going on but I was really looking forward to wearing my boots.

    I walked in and gathered my stuff and headed for the register. The clerk was a young lady that has seen me several times before and she greeted me warmly. I said, “Hey, it’s Friday, I get to wear jeans, and with jeans I get to wear the tall pair”, and kicked my leg out to the side a bit.

    She laughed and said, “I like those better than the black pair.”

    “Really? I’ve got a pair in blue also.” I was dumbfounded that she noticed that I had a different pair and floored that she had an opinion about them.

    “Yeah? Where do you get them?”

    “On the Web”

    Another patron came up to the register so we had to cut the conversation short.

    I thought I felt good going into the store... Whee Hah what a way to start the day!

    DawnHH -

    Having folks comment on my boots is part of the fun and I really do enjoy it. Often when I’m out wearing boots I feel like I’m in my own little world. People tolerate “that guy in boots” but don’t make me part of their world . When someone comments about them (even negatively), they come into my world for a little while and I enjoy their company.

  14. Either I misunderstood what the register clerk said yesterday or she sent me a mixed message this morning. Today I wore my granny boots over my slacks (I have been wearing them under my slacks). I don’t like the look too much because the shaft of the granny boots is short and very tight. When they are worn over pants, other than very tight legged pants, the pant leg seems to balloon where it goes into the boot, but I thought I would give it a try again. This morning I asked the clerk what she thought of the granny boots and she said, “Those are much better … MUCH better”. So she likes the thigh boots worn tall, but really prefers the granny boots. I suspect if I quit wearing boots she would like that even better. Oh well you cant make everyone happy. :roll:

  15. MikeyGee1 -

    First, WELCOME to the board.

    To your question, no I don’t always want the other pair. The reason is I wear a women’s 13 and there generally isn’t another pair. However, I do wind up buying something that, when I get home, I start wondering when/where am I ever going to wear these.

    Question, you do try the shoes on at the store don’t you?

  16. Fashionablefun -

    Great look!

    The boots really go well with the rest of your outfits.

    The description that “nobody seemed to notice” is probably because they saw a nicely dressed guy that projected confidence. Once that registered very few are going to go after the details. The ones that do would probably appreciate that the boots went into making up the look.

    I might be wrong and what really happened is that almost everyone noticed but it didn’t bother them at all. The few that it would have bothered probably stayed home that day. :roll:

    Isn’t having a salesgirl help you buy boots a real hoot?

    Again, great look, and thanks for posting the pictures.

  17. I stopped at Bigg’s this morning wearing my white leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels for the first time this week. I have worn my granny boots under my slacks so far this week. Anyway, I had my thigh boots cuffed down to knee high and when I had paid for my stuff I asked the register clerk (who had seen me many times) if the boots looked better down or up? She looked at them and said, “No, I like them up.” I guess that’s the last time I’ll wear them down in Bigg’s. I think I should explain how I fold the boots down. I start with the whole top half of the boots folded down (inside out) and pull the boots on like that. Then I grab the top of the boot (near my ankle) and start pulling it up which folds it right side out. I keep pulling it up until it is the height I want. This leaves the cuffed part in the middle of the boot around my calf. The laces on the back of the boot are fully showing below my knee and the cuff in the boot. The boots don’t look bad like this and, especially in the summer, I have the choice of knee high or thigh high with the same boots.

  18. Stilletto2004 -

    I still recommend trying boots OVER jeans.

    Others have commented on a concern of “looking like a hooker or something” when wearing stiletto heels. I think your reference was related to wearing a short skirt. I will grant that stilettos and short skirts are a very strong “sexy” statements but the overall appearance you present is under your control. The “hooker look” is an attitude as much as what you are wearing. If what you see looking back at you in a full length mirror has a “hooker look” and that’s not what you want to present, then don’t go out that way. However if what you see doesn’t offend you sensibility and looks nice then if you are comfortable presenting yourself that way, go for it. It all comes back to the mental attitude you have about the way you look. If you think you look like a hooker, the rest of the world will think so too. If you think the outfit looks nice, most folks will buy that also. The clothes are only a part of the image.

    I wear thigh boots with 4”-5” stiletto heels over jeans or with shorts or even a short skirt. I’ve seen thigh boots referred to as hooker boots but that’s not the image I present and I have never had a comment or even a suggestion that I’m being perceived that way.

    Enjoy you boots. Sorry I dumped.

  19. BobHH -

    No one has ever accused me of being fashion savvy (after all I wear thigh boots with stiletto heels) but I hear the “retro look is in”. :roll:

    I really like the paint style of the Dutch Masters from 400 years ago but the fashion style was a bit more decorative that I see being worn today. Their tall boots were balanced with fuller shirts and coats and real hats (unlike the baseball cap I wear).

    It may be that the old guys saw something I haven’t realized. A hat balances the look of the boots. In my last post I suggested that Crushinboots might balance the look with a baseball cap. I think I’ll change that recommendation to a cap of some sort and I’ll start looking around for something different than a baseball cap to wear with mine.

  20. Crushinboots -

    I had never picked up from your other posts that you were a thigh boot wearer. I have since gone back and read some of them and you did tell us you have a collection of them but ... I’ll just have to learn to read louder.

    I like the look of both pair. Wearing thigh boots over jeans is still my favorite look. I don’t know if your situation will allow this but just wearing thigh boots for a drive in the country is only half the fun. Wearing them in a more public place can be a real hoot.

    My build is a little heavier than you but I have similar receding hair that I wear in a pony tail. I find that a baseball cap really smoothes out the image I present.

    If the rest of you guys don’t know who Fliss is click here.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures and I am looking forward to seeing more and some of Lesley.

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