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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I just added Dr.Scholl’s (foam with a slick surface) inserts to my chap boots and it has made them very comfortable, even with the 5” heel. I had put these inserts in my other boots but forgot the chap boots. I strongly recommend some kind of a cushioned insert in any boots but especially if they have much of a heel. The padding under the ball of the foot and heel feels great and really extends the time I can walk a high heel. I stopped at busy gas station last night while wearing my chap boots. This was a pay at the pump station so I wasn’t wandering all over the place but I got no reaction at all. Sometimes I think people only see what’s in their own little chunk of the world don’t see the rest past it. Getting out of the car is still like going of a diving board, it’s tough to go back, but once I’m out I really don’t worry too much and just enjoy myself.

  2. Take a look at my topic “Thigh Boots in Public” to see what I wear. For me wearing boots and heels are two different subjects. I have enjoyed wearing boots with a broad low heel for many years but high heels are a recently new. A lot of the inspiration came from reading this forum. My reasoning went something like this, if I’m going to try high heels, I’ll go all the way and wear thigh boots and not cover them up. Don’t leave any doubt about what I’m wearing. No one ever wonders, “Was he wearing high heels”? And I don’t think they don’t wonder if I’m a he or she. I’ll admit I only go into places I think are relative safe but that is becoming more and more places all the time. So far the only reaction has been a few turned heads and a gawk or two. I was ready for a lot more but people are willing to let me enjoy myself as long as I don’t interfere with them. I’m having a great time.

  3. I just had my first outing with my chap boots. I went shopping at Biggs and wandered around the store for half an hour. I didn’t even notice a head turn. I was wearing a long sweater that extended long enough to cover the top of the boots in the back but is completely open in the front. From the back and side they look like leather jeans with attached heels. From the front you can see they are chap boots. I wore them over blue jeans. The boots come with a belt and the top of the boots loops over the belt to hold them up. (No more pulling my boots up after I have walked a bit). I looped the top of the boots them over the belt for my jeans. My jeans waste line is several inches lower than the full height of these boots so, although they were not too loose, they could have been a little tighter and taller. Next time I will go with the separate belt. I had really been having problems walking in these boots because the heel height was ½ an inch higher than my ankle would tolerate. I also think there was a design flaw in the boots because the tip of the heel extended past the back end of the boot when the sole and heel were flat on the ground (the heel slanted backwards). I really tried to practice walking in these boots but there was no gracefulness in my walk and after a very short time they hurt my ankles. It really seemed like I was off balance most of the time. Anyway, I had a cobbler lower the heel ½ inch so the heel was vertical when the sole and heel were on the ground. I can now walk in these boots without any problems. I’m still working on the graceful part but my balance is very sure and there is no pain. Now I think practice will solve all the other problems. These boots really are huge and cover my entire leg. These are definitely cool weather boots. As Anita C. so aptly stated it “LORD they are warm!”. There is no zipper on these boots and the ankle is cut slim enough to have a nice shape to it but this makes putting the boots on a bit of a production. I can’t just slip them on and go. But now that I can walk in them, I plan to do that a lot.

  4. Bert; My first thought were :( "Oh my goodness". Thanks for having the quick reactions to capture the images and sharing them with us. I'm normally not a TV watcher but... Images like that could change my viewing habits. I echo Stellah’s comments about seeing actual people wearing boots instead of models. I have a pair of boots similar to the pair Ellen Jokikunnas is wearing. The lower heel makes then wearable all day. They are lots of fun. It would never have occurred to me to design a set with only pillows for seating and then invite female guests. That could not have been a comfortable interview for her. But she certainly knows how capture center stage. Thanks again

  5. A while back I was shopping for CDs in a thrift store. I was wearing a black of black leather thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels, jeans, white shirt and tan leather suede coat . This was my first time in the store in boots and I was being a little careful. I try to avoid kids when I’m wearing boots. Not that the kids bother me, it’s that a guy wearing thigh boots might bother their parents. Anyway, this boy (10 - 12) walks up beside me and asks, “Are those women’s boots or men’s”? From the interest he was showing I think he really wanted a pair of boots. I said, “With this heel (and rocked my foot sideways), I guess their women’s” He looked disappointed and said ,“Oh” and walked away. :( I didn’t think it was appropriate to say something like, ”What difference does it make, their my boots” especially if the parents were around. A minute later a young girl (12-14) wandered over to the CD display just to see who was wearing thigh boots. She wasn’t really interested in the CDs. I really think she just wanted to be really sure I was guy. I bought a big stack of CDs and went through the checkout line and out to my car without further incident. I had read some advice on this site about being around kids while wearing heels (I haven’t been able to find the article again). The advise was to steer a wide path because of the parents reaction. I totally agree. The last thing I need is to confront an angry parent :x .

  6. I just got a pair of black chap boots:

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    I found them on a web site that had them miss priced at $100. As soon as I saw them, I called to verify the price and placed an order. To my surprise they honored the price and shipped them to me. The boots are advertised as having a 5” heel which is about my height limit. When they arrived, the first thing I noticed was the heel is 5 ½”. That half inch sure makes a difference. I think practice will solve the problem but has anybody had any experience lowering a heel by ½”?

    I haven’t worn these in public yet. I just don’t want to go out in heels I can’t walk in comfortably. Has anybody else tried these (public or private)?

    I’m trying to think up a clothing combination that will make these boots look good. I think it is going to be dark pants (maybe black leather) with a jacket. Any suggestions are welcome.

    Practice, practice, practice...

  7. Looks like the designer world thought of that.

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    This link is from the For Everybody forum titled Stilleto Jeans


    Somehow this design dosen't seem pratical. I have worn black leather pants with black leather thigh boots and have gotten the same effect. I suspect the combination of pants and thigh boots is a lot less expensive that having them combined into one unit, and it solves the problem of getting something that will fit a taller person. (I'm 6 foot).

  8. Genebujold – Sorry, I didn’t understand you earlier comment about your ankle. I have a pair of thigh boots I bought at least 15 years ago that have a 2 ½” heel. The boots are kidskin and are very soft. So soft that I have a harder time walking in them than boots with a higher heel and a little more support. I found them in a discount shoe store in Texas and they were bright pink. They had brand name of “Back to School” which I think went out of business. At the time, wearing them in public, even under long pants, was way more than I could handle. I had a local cobbler dye them black and I was able to wear them under long pants. This was my only pair of thigh boots for a many years. Four years ago I wore them to the movies, outside my jeans. This was one of my first ventures into the public with thigh boots. I got to the theatre just after the movie started so I didn’t have to contend with a crowd in the lobby and the theatre was dark when I went in. I don’t think anyone even noticed I was wearing boots. I also left just before the credits. I remember being really nervous (scared actually) and I stopped wearing thigh boots in public for a good while. I’m not sure what has happened to me recently, but wearing my boots now is just fun (and warm). I’m going to have to start going to the movies again.

  9. Dr.Shoe – Will you expand a little on your outing with the OTK boots?

    Genebujold – As I have mentioned I have a problem with some 5” heels but the Pleaser-8899


    is the most comfortable 5” I have ever worn. It really feels like a 4” heel and the price for this pair of boots ($45-75) is reasonable from the e-bay stores and many other web sites.

    Your question “what's the attraction to knee/thigh/crotch bootery” threw me for a loop especially since you said you have tries a pair of thigh boots. Aside from feeling great, looking great and usually being unique, I guess there isn’t much to it. I have worn court shoes, ankle boots, and knee high boots, but there is nothing that feels as great as a pair of thigh boots ( oh well that’s my 2 cents worth).

    I present myself as male, even when wearing thigh boots. I tried going as female but (for lack of a better term) it didn’t feel right. I sometimes wear earrings with my boots but as a male.

    As I mentioned earlier I like the look of a jacket, jeans and boots. I’ll give the long coat some thought, it sounds like it might be fun.

  10. I went shopping again last night but this time I wore my Tony style U boots. The Tony’s are a crotch high black leather boot with a 5” stiletto heel. As I was walking across the parking lot a woman called out “Hey, look at that girl”, I think she meant me, and there was a stunning silence when she figured out her mistake. I was wearing a tan suede jacket, turtle neck shirt, jeans and boots. In the store, these boots got a little more notice than the even the blue Pleaser 8899s I had worn before. It may have been a different crowd but I got at least one “ :lol: “ and a few “ :lol: “ but no one offered any comments. This time I was glad I had a shopping cart to hang onto. The heel tip of these boots is a little closer to the ball of my foot and makes walking more “interesting”. I have walked through two large stores with a 5” heel on my Pleaser 8899s but the Tony Us were much less comfortable and offer less ankle support. I think it’s just going to take more practice. As before, I talked with folks in the checkout line about how long the line was and everyone politely chose to ignore my boots.

  11. At last the weather has cooled off enough to comfortably wear thigh boots. I can finally start dressing in a style I really like. It looks a lot like this:

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    I wear a pony tail, but other than that, this is my favorite look.

    Here is my second most favorite look:

    Posted Image

    Wearing a jacket of some kind seems to balance the appearance of the boots.

  12. Last night I went shopping again but I was in a hurry and didn’t put on my boots. The shopping trip was about the same as when I wear my boots, uneventful. However, the thing I noticed was that I really missed wearing them. I hadn’t expected that. Previously, stopping on the way home was just something I did, now it’s something I really look forward to (I’m not ready to admit that I will intentionally forget to get something so I will have excuse to stop again but…). I don’t think I will be is such a hurry again.

  13. Several years ago I was driving home from a trip to Wisconsin and I stopped at a Cracker Barrel restaurant (home style cooking) for a late lunch. This was before I started wearing thigh boots in public on a regular basis. I had a pair of Tony style U leather boots http://www.howcool.com/tonysshoes/TS-U-L-Q.htmwith me and decided to wear them in the restaurant. I was really nervous about this for several reasons: 1) these boots have a 5” stiletto heel which I had not mastered, 2) I was going to wear them in public, 3) I had absolutely no idea of what reaction I would get.

    So, dressed in a blazer, jeans, turtle neck shirt, and crotch boots, I started across the parking lot. This was the first time I had tried walking in these boots other than across a room and I quickly learned I had to take smaller steps. By that time I was closer to the restaurant than my car so I kept going. When I went in, several people noticed what I was wearing, including the hostess (female mid 50s). She didn’t say anything but if I read her expression correctly it was “what am I going to do with this one”. She sat me at a table near the door to the dining room (so she didn’t have to walk me across the dining room) but the boots were clearly visible to everyone that entered the dining room. Several people noticed. There were several business men at the other end of the table that ignored the whole thing. I had a nice lunch and left the dining room.

    Cracker Barrel is divided into two parts, an ole time general store, and the dining room. To get to the dining room you have to go through the store and the cask register is in the store. Several people did double takes and stared but no one said a word. I paid my check and walked (sort of) out to the car. That was the longest walk I have ever made in boots. Small steps, and very nervous, I thought the whole clientele was staring out the windows. When I got to the car and turned around, nobody was looking and the world hadn’t stopped so I got in and drove on home.

    This adventure took a while to get over but it gave me the nerve to start wearing thigh boots in “safe” public places. Now, I really am having fun wearing them.

  14. I appreciated the comments from Highluc, Heelfan, Firefox, B-booted and Dr.Shoe. I had also started to ask myself why I was asking total strangers what they thought of my boots. A large part of it was curiosity. If the responses were too negative I might reconsider what I’m wearing, but so far the response has been surprise and “why not”. Very few disapproving looks. To Heelfan’s concern on me making a fool of myself, I have done that on occasion, but usually not intentionally. I know better than to pester people or to intrude into their space. To Foxfires advice on suitable business wear for gents, the folks I work with schedule major projects so they will not conflict with deer season. I don’t think this bunch is going for heels and I have too much time invested in the retirement system to mess around at work.

    On the way home I stopped at Biggs and Sam’s wearing blue jeans, a white shirt and blue thigh boors with 5” heels. Those boots look great with jeans. I didn’t ask anybody what they thought. There were two disapproving looks but that was all the reaction I got. At Sam’s, the checkout line was moving very slowly and the ladies behind me were lightly complaining. I joined into the conversation. There was no mention of my boots, or negative reaction from them just playful bantering about the long checkout line. After I had checked out and was bagging my stuff, the lady that was behind me left and went out of her way to bid me a pleasant evening.

    I think people have become more tolerant of what people wear or are willing to make the effort “not to look”. Whatever… I’m having fun wearing boots I have always dreamed (figuratively not literally) of wearing. After walking through two big stores, they still felt great.

  15. I tried wearing a pair of court shoes with a 4” heel in public and I found I am more comfortable with the thigh boots than the shoes. There is no doubt about what I am wearing and I’m not trying to hide my shoes. People may wonder why I wearing them but not what I’m wearing. I wore a pair of boots with a 5” blade heel under my jeans with the heel fully exposed and more people stared at them then at the thigh boots. Last night I went to the Sam’s warehouse store again (see my first post, under Thigh Boots on the For the Gals for the first trip). When I was leaving, I asked the clerk at the register (female, late 30s), “Do you think these are too much”? She looked at my boots, I showed her the heel, and she said “Don’t bother me none”. That seems to be the majority attitude I encounter. So far I have only gone into places I think are “safe”. In these places I am paying the people (clerks, waiters, guards…) and they are expected to tolerate the public. I’m a bit of a loner and I don’t enjoy the bar scene. I haven’t gone for a walk downtown in thigh boots with 4-5” heels. But, I have worn my pair with flat heels everywhere. I have heard that from a distance, people see the boots but not the heels. It may also be that the “statement” is so audacious that people are just writing it off. Whatever… It’s fun.

  16. For the boots with a zipper, I just pull the pants leg down. For the pull on boots, you can wrap the loose cloth of the pant cuff around your leg then pull your sock over the end of the pant leg. This holds the pant leg down very securely. If your wearing hose, the bycicle clip might work :lol: . I haven't worn thigh boots with shorts. I just never thought about it since if it's hot enough for shorts, it's too hot for boots.

  17. Some months ago I attended a work related class in Lorain County near Cleveland Ohio. My lodging was a courtyard style motel where each building has 4 suites. I wore a pair of thigh boots with 4" stiletto heels all the time except when I was in class. This included checking in and out, breakfast in the motel dining area, and going out to dinner several times.

    While I was there I went to the Cleveland Museum of Art. I have found that the museum crowd has a very broad range of what they will accept. I was wearing a sleeveless turtle neck, light colored slacks, black blazer and boots. The museum guards noticed me (as they should) but hardly anyone else gave any reaction. One guard (female) walked up to me and said “I really love your boots”. I thanked her for the comment but there wasn’t an opportunity for other conversation. I spent a long time standing in front on one of my favorite paintings in the collection, Isabella Brant by Peter Paul Rubens.


    Wow, could that guy paint. The image on the link doesn’t do the painting justice.

    Other than a minor slip on the polished stone floor where a heel went to one side :lol: (I took it in stride [sorry about the pun]), the museum visit was great.

    For dinner I went to a Max & Ermas (family style chain). The hostess seated me at a booth and I had dinner. I asked the waitress if the boots were too much and she sat down in a chair at a table next to the booth looked at the boots and heel and said, “Well, if you can walk in them…”. I said, “That’s not a problem and they are very comfortable”. She said, “The people out here in the county (Lorain) are very accepting on all life styles and I shouldn’t have any problems”.

    The breakfast at the motel was buffet style so I was walking back and forth across the dining area several times to get my food. I was wearing a long sleeved turtle neck, jeans and thigh boots with 4” heels. There was a family with children there and I try to avoid being around children, in case the parents object, so I took a table across the room from them and had my breakfast.

    I had a great time on the trip.

  18. Bootbaby, from one new user to another, welcome. Thanks for the advice. Your outfit sounds like a lot of fun. Was there something special going on at the hotel in San Diego? I was on a trip to Indianapolis Ind. this spring and I wore a turtle neck shirt with long sleeves, blue jeans, and pair of black TBs with 4” stiletto heels while driving these, checking into the hotel and going out to dinner. The hotel was in down town Indianapolis and I wasn’t ready to walk around in the downtown of a city I didn’t know so for dinner I drove out to a less populated suburb. The restaurant I went to a steak house. When I walked in the host (male) really did one of these ” :lol: “, then showed me to a booth. After dinner, I asked the waiter if the boots were pushing things too far. He stopped, thought for a second, and said “You would be better off on the North or East side of town, here on the West side there were a lot of red necks that might take exception to the way you are dressed”. I thanked him, and left a good tip. The host held the door open for me. Then it was back to the hotel. Other than peals of childish laughter from the two girls at the counter when I left the lobby, the day was uneventful and great fun. Bubba136, thanks, I couldn't find a reference to thigh boots on Debbie's site in her profile. Has she changed the site or did I not look hard enough?

  19. I am considering trying a pair of lace up thigh boots. Can anyone offer any advice, experience, recommendations? They seem like they would be more adventurous than the pull on or zipper style but a lace up with a zipper might be a good compromise. Any thoughts?

  20. Wearing Thigh Boots in Public

    For years, I have enjoyed wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels, but only wore them in private or under jeans when in public. Then I discovered this forum and I really got me thinking along the lines of “these are my boots, why can’t I wear them?”.

    Last year I bought a pair of boots with a flat heel and started wearing them in public. Most of my outings were local shopping trips, and I had a good time. The boots attracted a little attention but no problems. My longest outing was a trip where I flew from Dayton Ohio to San Francisco with a layover in Detroit. The airport security had me “remove my shoes” so they could x-ray them, but they were doing that to a lot of people. There were several folks that watched me walking in the terminals with a bemused look on their faces but there isn’t a whole lot else to do in a terminal other than watch people so I figured I was just part of the show. The flight was great and the stewardess said she liked my boots.

    I was in San Francisco for a business meeting and wore more “conventional” footwear while working, but in the evenings I was out and about in my boots. It was absolutely uneventful and I had a great time. The flight back was about the same as the flight out except I had to walk from one end of the Detroit airport to the other to get my flight (I was kind of glad the boots were flat heeled).

    A digression – Why did I wear “conventional” footwear while working? I was representing the company I work for, not myself. I didn’t think the boots were appropriate dress for a business meeting any more than if I had worn cutoff shorts and tee shirt. That was not the “statement” I wanted to make at the meeting.

    This spring, before it got too hot, I started wearing thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels over (not under) my jeans in public. My first post, under Thigh Boots on the For the Gals : Shopping in thigh boots section describes my first outing. Without repeating it here let me just say it was s rush and I had a great time.

    Over the summer it is too hot to wear boots .

    The weather has started to cool off again so… On the way home from work I stopped at a Bigg’s grocery supermarket. I went in wearing a short sleeved dress shirt, blue jeans and blue leather thigh boots with a 5” stiletto heel ( http://www.howcool.com/pleasersshoes/PL-8899.htm ). This is a large “super store” with 40 long isles of “stuff”. Several people noticed what I was wearing but most people gave no reaction. I had to ask a female clerk where an item was and the store policy is for the clerk to take the shopper to the item. She was very polite and took me several isles from where she was working and made no other comment. I also think she wanted to see how fast I could walk in the heels. As I was leaving the store I did get one reaction. A young kid walked past me and I watched his reflection in the glass in the lobby as he did a full 180 trun.

    So far I’m having a great time and that’s the goal.

    I’ll post more adventures later.

  21. The pair I first went out in were Pleasers-8868.


    The weather cooled off a bit and I went shopping last night iin a pair of Pleasers-8890 boots. I had a great time.


    The thing that stopped me from going out were the stiletto heels. Block or chuncky heels didn't bother me. I have several pair of below the knee boots that have a block heel and have worn them several times in public. But the stilettos... somehow that was a stopper. I'm getting over it. :lol:

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