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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I stopped at the Goodwill at lunch and spotted a pair of yellowish tan suede slacks in a size 16. I normally wear a 14 but for $2.50 I can take them in a little. It turns out the 16 is loose enough to offer a lot of freedom of movement and are very comfortable. At the Goodwill I was wearing brown pants and brown knee boots with a white long sleeved turtleneck. I have been wearing boots to work for about 3 weeks now and no one seems bothered at all, and I really am enjoying them. The folks at the Goodwill have figured out all the stuff I buy is for me especially when I try on stuff (including leather skirts). I wore my new suede slacks out in the neighborhood tonight with a pair of black faux suede ankle boots with a 3” narrow block heel. I also wore my tan suede jacket. It didn’t look too bad either. I really liked the look of the boots worn under these slacks. I sure looks a whole lot better than it would look with guy shoes.

  2. I'm impressed!!

    A 7" heel and no broken ankle ;).

    Really though, standing in a 7" heels and having your knees streight is great. Remember, 7" heels require small steps. A long stride, other than not being possable, would look bad and really hurt.

    The video man only have a small field of view, but you sure got the important part in.:o The are great. Share some more.

  3. I just put together another video featuring the pink suede skirt I just bought. When I stopped at the thrift store yesterday, I picked up a pink jacket to go with the skirt. The last thing I ever thought I would wear is pink but I think it looks good. I may try this outfit out and about.

    Posted Image

    Opinions are welcome.

    The video is another in the “Thighbootguy how to” series

    Thighbootguy Makes a Pie

    Dr.Shoe -

    I suspect you present a different image than I do. I go out as a guy wearing boots and a skirt. I've never been tooted at. ;)

  4. The weather has warmed up a good bit (60F). I went to the museum without a jacket, just jeans a black turtleneck, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. The parking lot was packed and there was a good crowd. There were several new exhibits that opened today. I walked in and was warmly greeted by the guards. I grabbed a folding stool and headed for a gallery. Most folks paid more attention to the fact I was sketching than the fact that I was wearing boots. No one said anything other than to comment (usually to their kids) that I was sketching. One of new exhibits had an audio track that played a loud cheer whenever people walked through. I really felt sorry for the guards that had to listen to it all day. I made that comment to one of them and got a nice laugh. I also mentioned to the front desk folks that they needed to lower the volume of the cheering. I think they were tired of hearing it to (it was that loud). Going to the museum really is fun for at least two reasons. One, I like the are and sketching, and two, it a place I can wear my boots and not feel out of place at all. The folks that might take exception, write me off as an “artist”. After the museum, I went to the local thrift store. It was also packed. I had to park at the far end of the parking lot. A couple of folks noticed me walking and one guy was giving me a hard look. I just kept walking. In the store a couple of heads turned but every one was polite enough to not say anything. It was a fun afternoon.

  5. I went out for lunch again today and stopped at the Goodwill to see if there was anything new. All clothing was 50% off. I found a black turtleneck and a dark purple 23” leather skirt. Total price was $3.80. I’m getting so I can tell if a skirt will fit by comparing the waist to the hanger. This is marked size 16 but it feels like a 14. I told the same clerk I had yesterday clerk that this one wouldn’t take as much nerve as the one yesterday. Again I got a good laugh. Tonight I stopped in Sam’s Club. The temperature has warmed up a bit so I wore my tan jacket, 15” tan skirt, nude hose and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. I walked around the store getting my stuff and no one seemed to be too bothered. One lady was looking at some stretch pants (that I had purchased several weeks ago) . As I walked by I offered that they were the most comfortable pants I had ever worn. She didn’t bat an eye at the way I was dressed but said she was concerned about how much they would shrink when washed. I said to expect them to shorten about an inch. She thanked me and I went on my way. At the register I had a clerk that I have had several times before. I complemented on her necklace which was striking. She started the conversation by asking where I got my boots. I told her I had gotten them on the web. “How long have you been wearing them?” “In public, about 3 years.” I continued, “I don’t think I’ve worn this in before. How does it look?” She looked me over and said, “It look Ok.’ “Too short?” That got a grin. “Yeah”. I bid her a good evening and headed out to the car.

  6. I stopped at the local Goodwill at lunch and found a Rose pink 19" suede skirt by Sorbé. The original tag was marked $128. I paid $3.41. This the softest suede garmet I have ever seen.

    I told the clerk, "This one is going to take a little more nerve".

    I'm sure she knew what I ment. She laughed and big me a good day.

    I'll let you know how it goes.

  7. First


    Glad you found the site and started posting. Us guys with larger feet (womens 14) can only read your stuff with envy. It must really be nice to have an understanding SO that wears the same size clothing and shoes.

  8. I took a trip from Cincinnati Oh. to Portsmouth Oh. over the weekend to help a friend with some home repairs. South central Oh is not known as the most liberal free thinking part of the country so I take a little extra caution. On the way I stopped at a large Goodwill (thrift) store in Cincinnati. I went in wearing a brown suede coat, matching knee length skirt, baseball cap and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. As my luck would have it, the place was packed with people. There were signs advertising “Everything is 50% off” and there were lots of people taking advantage of the sale. I walked in and headed for the shoe rack. I had to walk around people and through a group (with appropriate “excuse me(s)”). I did see a couple of guys take note of what I was wearing but that was it. Everyone was polite and no one said a thing. I didn’t see anything that even looked like it might fit so I moved onto the racks of clothing. After a while of not seeing anything I liked, I headed back out to the car. I was very surprised (but pleased) at the lack of response I got from the crowd in the store. I went on to Portsmouth and worked all day in jeans and my thigh length flat heeled boots which included a trip to the hardware store. I thought about changing into heels but I was running short on time. On the way home I stopped in Meijer’s (large chain) grocery, again in Cincinnati. I was wearing the same outfit I wore in the Goodwill, the only difference was I had a shopping cart. Again, a few folks noticed what I was wearing but no one said a thing. The stuff I needed was in the back of the store so I got to walk the full length of the store twice. The biggest challenge was stiletto heels on a freshly waxed floor. The checkout like was slow so I got to stand there for a while. The register clerk took a quick glance but didn’t give any reaction at all. The guy in front of me was the reason the line was so slow and he apologized for taking so much time checking out but he gave no reaction at all to what I was wearing. He didn’t have to speak to me at all, but he did and I thought it was better than being ignored (which is what I expected). All in all it was a very good outing.

  9. Sounds like you had a great time. ;) Amazing what a little alcohol can do for a party.:o The only way to be comfortable wearing heels is to practice, practice and practice. After a while even a 5” heel feels normal and is easy to walk in (confidently). As I have often posted, if you like the look you are presenting, and are comfortable presenting it, go for it.

  10. I think my longest sessions wearing thigh boots with 5” stilettos have been some of my museum trips and there on the order of 4 hrs. Which included a walk around two parks. There were also several trips where I wore my boots to dinner then a movie which included driving to the area, walking from the parking lot (several blocks) and around the downtown area. My longest was an all day trip where I took a bus into Washington DC and went museuming. You may not want to count that one because the heels were 4”.:o I understand wanting to protect your boots while painting but ... thigh boots should be worn over jeans not under.:smile: Enjoy your boots.;)

  11. Congratulations! Sounds like you have a 1 in a million SO, and good friends to. Sounds to me like you should, for no apparent reason, buy flowers. When she asks “What for?”, you can thank her for the support.

  12. Today was a jeans day with blue leather boots having 2” block heels worn under my jeans. All went well. I told my lady friend that I had heeded her advice on color coordination. She looked at my boots and jeans then said, ”Right On” and gave me a double thumbs up.;):o It was a great start of the day.

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