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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. Kirkules -

    Nigel understated it a bit, it’s more like

    W O W.

    What a great adventure and post. It must be wonderful to have the support of your wife and beautician (who, by the way, did a nice job).

    Nigel -

    Thanks for posting the picture.

  2. I had a short but absolutely delightful Museum trip this afternoon. I wore a long sleeved denim shirt, jeans, black baseball cap and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I normally wear the 5” heels to the museum but by afternoon it had already been a long day and I wasn’t quite up to 5” heels.

    When I walked in I was greeted by the guard with a big “Hi there”. As I walked across the main front room I saw the gal I gave the boots to last week. She saw me and lit up like a Christmas tree. As I walked over to the counter, she waved and stood up and walked out from behind the counter so I could see that she was wearing the over the knee brown suede boots I had given her. She wore them with a short full (ruffled) skirt and a light colored blouse. The colors went together well and she really looked nice (cute as a button actually). She did a turn for me so I could see how they looked and said, ”Now we match”.

    Trying to not stand there with my chin on the floor I said, “They do look nice, I’m so glad you like them”.

    “I’ve gotten lots of complements on them except some of the older ladies look at me a little funny.”

    I started to leave and then asked, ”Would you be interested in a pair with a heel?” and indicated my heel.

    “I really couldn’t wear them.”

    “Ok”, and I headed on into the museum.

    It seemed like every guard was one I knew and they all greeted me warmly even to the point of asking me why I wasn’t working on the Monet like I usually am, they know me that well.

    As I left I stopped back at the desk and my friend asked me what I had been working on and we chatted about art for a while. As I was leaving I asked, “Are they too tight to wear with jeans?”

    She stood and made sure the boots were pulled up and modeled again then said, “I don’t know I haven’t tried.”

    “I wear mine with jeans or shorts. “

    “I’ll have to try that”.

    “I really am so glad you like them. One of the reasons I wear them is that I don’t know anyone else that will wear them. You shot that excuse.”

    I got a big smile in return.

    Great afternoon.

    Chudbeast -

    First WELCOME to the forum.

    It sounds like you had a great first outing. The boots look great. I haven’t tried the shinny PVC style but they do go well with the outfit you have shown us. Thanks for the great post, it was almost like being there with you. Wow, a “Nice boots” first time out. I’m looking forward to reading more of them.

    My word of caution for first time wearers is a reminder to not become complacent about wearing such a daring outfit. Most people are willing to accept what you are showing them but there are still a few that aren’t and like to insist that you conform.

  3. Hi Everyone!

    Just a simple question for all you outdoor high heel wearers, where are you?

    I've been a part time outdoor wearer for a couple of years now and I can't say that I have ever seen another guy in heels while I am out and about!


    Nice discussion about heels down under but lets get back on topic.

  4. Picture are nice but part of the charm of the printed word (or words on an electronic display) is that they encourage the imagination. Blade ankle boots with short shorts is enough for me. By the way it sounds like a nice outfit but I think taller boots (at least knee high) would loook better with shorts.

  5. Tonight I went out for a walk wearing a sleeveless black shirt, black toreador jacket, long full black leather skirt, and my granny boots. The skirt came to the top of my boots.

    The neighborhood is getting a little busier so I may have to do something differently, besides its getting too warm for a long leather skirt.

    Nothing exciting happened. I just thought I’d post something saying I was still at it.

    Kirkules -

    Thanks for the kind words. I didn’t know if the advice was needed or would be taken as good intention. I think your term “clopping around” must be an overstatement.

    Your wife sounds like one of a kind. I know many that would be giving advice by swinging a frying pan.

  6. Another fun outting.

    I stopped at Bigg’s wearing slacks and a short sleeved knit shirt, baseball cap and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. No one batted an eye. The register clerk had never seen me before and stole a second look but the guy in line behind me thought he was seeing a serious weirdo so I just idnored him.

    After work I stopped at a bank branch in a large grocery store. I switch the slacks for white shorts and several people noticed. One lady was walking straight toward me and she couldn’t look anywhere else so I gave her a nice smile and she returned it. After that I went to a Walgreen’s drug store. As I got out of the car there were two older ladies in the parking lot. After I got into the store I heard them break into laughter and I think it was at my expense. Oh well, I made their day lighter.

    It is a little warm for boots but most of the time I’m indoors (air conditioning) so it isn’t a problem. If I were taking mile hikes as JimC does, that would be pushing it .

    Shafted -

    I never thought of my boots that way but you may have something there. I have always considered the boots to be my boots rather then women’s boots but I never considered them to be men’s boots. I’ll have to give that some thought. Every little bit of attitude helps.

  7. I went to Sam’s wearing my black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I do this often enough that I don’t always bother to post anything but this time I wore them with a short sleeved knit shirt, baseball cap and white shorts. The shorts have a 5” inseam and I thought the outfit looked good. It was about 92F (33C) and as JimC tells us, “a little warm for thigh boots” but since I was going to be inside most of the time it was Ok. The lady that recommended this combination to me several weeks ago was right about how this combination would look. I did get several double takes but no one said a thing. My air conditioner at home failed last night which prompted the trip to replace it. I took the time to wander all over the store with a flatbed cart with the new A/C on it. At the checkout The clerk was one I hadn’t seen before and I said, “It’s almost too warm for these.” “Yeah it was almost too warm for sandals.” “I normally wear these with jeans, how do they look with shorts?” She looked me over and said, “Maybe if they were a little lower and indicated above the knee on her leg. I thanked her and headed out. I had seen the lady at the exit many times and she asked me if I needed any help with the A/C. I said, “No, I can manage even with these” and indicated my heels. She laughed and said, ‘I don’t see how you walk in them, I never could”. We bid each other a good day. Fun trip to Sam’s

  8. A fun boot day.

    I went to the museum wearing a short sleeved knit shirt, jeans, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    I walked in and was greeted by the guard as an old friend. I grabbed a folding stool and headed for a gallery that has been closed for several months for a renovation. The gallery looked great so I settled in and started sketching. Several folks stopped by to see what the guy in boots was doing. After a while I want into another gallery and went to work again. When I was hone an lady stopped me and said, “Your here every time I’m here”.

    “Really? I’m normally here on the weekends”

    “I remember seeing you at the opening of the Rembrant show and thought I would say Hi the next time I saw you.”

    “Then I was wearing the white pair”

    “No it was the black pair.”

    “I just come over to relax”

    “What do you do?”

    “I’m just a computer geek.”

    “I bring my laptop over the sculpture garden to work.”

    “Shame on you.”

    “I just started wearing heels. My friend bought me a pair of orange boots with heels. He’s into boots. He wears a size 13.”

    “Is that a ladies 13?”

    “Yeah. He is transgender and I try to find clothes for him.”

    I told her mine were 14s and about several web sites then bid her a good day.

    I went on to another gallery and continued working and talked with several people about the art. No one seemed to be put off talking to a gut in thigh boots.

    As I was leaving I saw the gal at the desk that was interested in my boots last week. I asked her if she could wear a size 7 shoe. She seemed glad to talk to me and said it depended on the shoe but normally she did wear a 7.

    “I have a pair of boots that have been in my closet for 25 years. Would you be interested in them?”

    Her eyes got real big and she said, “Yes, I’d love to see them.”

    This was a brown suede pair of over the knee boots with a block keel that I bought for a friend 25 years ago and she didn’t like them. They have a block heel that I thought my museum friend could manage.

    I went out to the car and brought them in to her and she was delighted. I din't know if it was the boots or that a total stranger gave her a present. I left before I gave her a chance to say anything. I’ll asked her how they fit next week. I didn’t want to seem to anxious after giving someone I really didn’t know a pair of OTN boots.

    After the museum I went to the thrift emporium just to look around. One of the clerks asked me if it wasn’t too hot to wear those. I said it was if I was out in the sun but being inside it was Ok. I then offered that they were very comfortable with shorts.

    DawnHH -

    As far as being a fashion leader, I think I’m more like a low grade virus that numbs the fashion immune system of the folks that see me a few times. After seeing me again, it’s no big deal, just a little different.

    Rudd -

    Great looking boots and courts.

  9. Bootylicious -

    What a good outing. You have hit the nail right on the head when you said,

    What I do know now is that the attitude you have while being heeled is very important. As soon as you start to doubt yourself you're in trouble. I didn't have any doubts about my look or my walk so I performed flawlessly with full confidence. What a sweet feeling that is.

    Having confidence in yourself shows and people pick up on it. If you are happy with who you see in a full length mirror, that’s all that counts.

    Do keep us posted on your further outings.

  10. dr1819 –

    Thanks for the kind words. I try to respect the level of decorum of the places I visit wearing boots with heels which means I don’t go to any fancy places but since I don’t go to many fancy places anyway respecting decorum hasn’t been a problem.

    As I have said, I do avoid heels at work. I also avoid the “society gatherings” at the museum. That just isn’t a crowd I’m comfortable with (there nice folks but I just don’t fit [my choice]). I do want to attend the symphony one of these days, wearing boots, but I haven’t been able to arrange my schedule to make that happen. The symphony crowd is mostly casual to suit and tie… nothing formal.

    Most of the time I’m going to places where jeans are appropriate (sometimes people at these places have to put on jeans to dress up).

    DarnHH –

    The last thing I want to be is a leader. You know you can always tell the pioneers by all the arrows in their backs. If you follow a leader and things go wrong, it’s the leaders fault. (The rage is in jest). Heaven forbid that I become a fashion leader (that is not a major concern).

    Thanks for the kind words.

  11. Another good boot day.

    After yesterday I wanted to go out again and have a little better experience. I wore jeans, blue knit shirt, baseball cap, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels and went to the Art Museum.

    When I walked in I was greeted by the guard with a “Hi” and a nice smile. Walked over to the front desk to get a ticket to the Rembrant show and the gal at the desk, who had seen me many times before, greeted me with a big smile. I asked her for a favor, “If there is ever any problem with my choice of footware here at the museum, would you let me know?”

    “Let me see” and she stood up and looked over the desk, “Oh, I love them.” “I can’t walk in heels, I have a hard time walking in flats.”

    The other lady at the desk offered, “I don’t see how you walk in them.”


    Lots of smiles all around and I went on into the museum. I worked for an hour then went into the Rembrant show. The show required standing for over an hour in 5” heels. Standing is harder than walking. After the show I sketched for another half hour then started to leave.

    Since the gal at the front desk really did seem enthused about boots, I stopped by and offered, “You know they make these in flats.”

    “Really!” “Can I look at them?” and she dashed out from behind the counter.

    I turned my foot a little to show the heel and said, “These are 5.”

    “Five inch!”, and another worker at the desk looked up and the gal looking at my boots called her out to look at them.

    Then new gal said, “My highest heels are 3 ½” and I have problems with them”.

    The first gal asked where I got them. And I told her ,“Howcool.com there not very expensive, and they do have a style with a low heel that has the laces in back.” I suggested she look at Pleaser’s and Ellie’s.

    She said, “I’m going t have to look into this.

    I bid them a good day and left with smiles all around.

    Yep, a good boot day.

    Shafted -

    Iloveboots -

    Thanks for the comments and concerns.

    I really didn’t feel threatened by the group when I left the thrift emporium. They really seemed ready for the show. If I had had a little more composure I might have joked around with this bunch of folks. As it was (and the way the day had gone), caution told me to just leave well enough alone and leave. I have cautioned others many times to not become complacent about wearing where you go when wearing “different” fashions, and I try to take my own advice.

  12. Well it had to happen. As Dudley Doright’s horse, Horse, tells us, “The road to success is paved with low grade asphalt.” I went out this after noon wearing a white top, V front denim jacket, denim shorts, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I forgot my hat, which is normally a part of my look, and that exposes all (or the lack there of) my gray hair which I wear in a pony tail. Anyway I went to a local park and found a secluded part where I sat at a picnic table with my sketch book and did a quick drawing of a tree. When I got done, I notice there was another car parked near mine. When I looked around, there was a guy near my age that was on the other side of the picnic area that was just staring at me. I read the look as, ”They let one of them in my park”. Since I was done, I walked to my car and left but he stared at me the whole time as i drove out. Next I went to the thrift emporium. As I walked in there was a guy stand by the front door that just couldn’t believe his eyes. I was getting used to being stared at. When I went in there were two more guys that made me the object of their attention. I wouldn’t have wanted to meet either of these guys in less than a crowded well lit area. Anyway, I wandered around a bit and found some CDs. The checkout line was the slowest I have ever seen and most people seemed a little uncomfortable around me. As I left, there was a crowd of 6 folks waiting for me to walk out. The guy that was standing by the door was now sitting on the ground and I said, “What, now I have an audience?” He replied, “Dressed like that what do you expect?” Anyway, I walked to my car to the groups delight. They weren’t nasty, just having fun at my expense. As I drove by them one of the ladies said, “You have nice legs.” I thanked her and bid them a good day. I realize that the fashion I chose was more appropriate for a young lady, but I enjoyed the look and if nothing else I added to the folklore of the folks that saw me. It was a change thought from my normal outings where no one appears to notice at all. All in all it was a fun outing.

  13. Another good boot day.

    Today I went out wearing a short sleeved blue knit shirt, baseball cap, jeans, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    The first stop was the Art Museum. The front desk guard greeted me like a long lost friend and I picked up a stool and headed for the second floor. I started sketching and a guard that had spoken to me before, but hadn’t seen be for several mounts, struck a long conversation about art and how we both got into liking art. I was there for about two hours and had a great time.

    Next I went to a Payless that I had never been to before that CincyHeelLover recommended as carrying larger sized. Walking across the parking lot a guy asked if I had a light but made no mention of my boots. CincyHeelLover was right, lots of larger sizes but I didn’t see anything I really wanted. As I was leaving I asked the manager if they normally carry 13s and she said they did then offered that they got deliveries on Tuesday and Thursday. I thanked her and walked back to the car. The guy in the lot was still looking for a light but we exchanged nods as I left.

    Next I went to a large Salvation Army thrift store. As I was walking in I heard, “OhhhEee look at dem boots” from a lady in a passing car, but it was meant as a complement (at least I took it that way). T walked all around the store and got no notice at all. As I left I heard a “What the...” from a guy sitting in the parking lot but didn’t acknowledge it.

    I drove to an upper scale shopping center and walked into a Shoe Carnival and was greeted by the manager. I looked all around and would have been in heaven if I wore a size 6. As I left the manager asked, “You didn’t see anything you liked?”

    “Not today.”

    “Well have a good one and come back.”

    I drove across the parking lot (big lot) to Joseph Beth Bookseller and went in looking for a computer book. I sat on a bench in the book racks and read for a few minutes then left but I did spend some time looking over the bargain bins outside the front door.

    Finally I drove into downtown Cincinnati and found a parking space 2 blocks form the Payless. I parked and walked to the store. This included crossing a busy street in the middle of the block (that’s where the cross walk is). I got a couple of glances. In the store I overheard someone say “nice boots” but I didn’t see who said it.

    On the way back to the car I did pick up a couple of hecklers (at least I think all the noise was for me) but I ignored them.

    I walked passed Sun Wigs (cheep wigs and hair stuff) and thought why not look. I walked in and looked around and the manager asked if she could help me. I asked if she had a shoulder length with a bang that would match my hair (gray). She came up with nice light blond that I might go back and try. (didn’t have the money today). While I was in these one of the sales clerks called out to her friend (who was trying on a wig), “Hey look at these boots”.

    Her friend said,” I could never walk in heels”.

    “It just takes practice” I offered.

    I left with pleasant greeting all around and headed back to the car.

    A really nice outing.

    JimC -

    Great Photo

    DawnHH -

    BobHH -

    Yep soft ground can really keep you on your toes and does make balance a problem. On the other hand it is good practice, and makes walking on solid ground seem like a breeze.



    Shafted has the right response. I don’t even like to get leather boots wet in rain water.

  14. Today was a good boot day.

    It started with a shopping trip to Bigg’s but I wrote about that in the Boots and Skirt in Public thread.

    I went to the Museum wearing a white top, blue denim shorts, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. Earlier I had been wearing hose, a denim jacket, and a skirt.

    I walked in from the parking lot like I owned the place (I am a member). There were several students drawing the building and they were so caught up in their work they didn’t notice me at all. When I got in I was greeted by the guard and asked him where the stools were. I got a stool and headed for a painting on the second floor I wanted to sketch. No one batted an eye as I walked through the museum.

    Other than the boots, this outfit doesn’t have as much going on as the one I had on earlier.

    I worked and walked around for about an hour and spoke with a guard I hadn’t seen before about how a painting looked different with the sun out (the gallery has defused sky lights) than it does under the museum lighting. He said he hadn’t noticed before but did see what I meant. He didn’t bat an eye at my boots.

    As I left the museum I was feeling pretty good and I headed home through downtown Cincinnati. I wanted to stop at Payless to see if the downtown store had anything I was interested in. I found a parking place about three blocks from the store and was ready to walk back when I discovered I didn’t have any change on me at all. Since Cincinnati is not a place to park at an expired meter, I had to head home.

    Oh well, It was a fun outing anyway.



  15. Today I went to Bigg’s wearing a white top, blue denim jacket, black baseball cap, white hose, black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos, and a brown suede mid thigh length leather skirt. Either folks around here are willing to accept a guy dressed like this of this is so far over the top that people don’t know what to do.

    I was there earlier in the day than I normally am and there were employees that had never seen me in thigh boots before. I got a couple of looks as I walked across the parking lot and into the store. I had an item to return so I had to get into the service desk line. No one even seemed to notice how I was dressed and no one made any comment at all. I had lots of time so I wandered all over the store. One fellow was looking for an item and I pointed out where it was. He seemed glad for the help (even from a guy in a skirt and boots) thanked me.

    When I got to the register the clerk was someone I had never seen before. I asked her how the outfit looked and got a non committal smile which meant she really didn’t approve.

    As I was leaving the lady at the exit door said the outfit looked “Nice”. I knew she had banged up her knee several months ago and I asked her how it was doing. She was pleased that I remembered and we bid each other a good day.

    When I got back to the car and loaded my stuff into it, I decided to go back in and price some tires. I walked back across the parking lot and back into the store. The greeter asked if I had forgotten something and I told her I wanted to look at the tires. I wandered through the rack of tires until I found my car’s size and noted the price.

    On the way out, I asked the greeter, who I knew, how I looked. She also said it looked “Nice”. I asked, If it wasn’t a guy wearing this, how would you read it?”

    She looked me over again and said, ‘I still think it looks nice. I like suede.”

    We bid each other good day and I walked out and back to the car.

    The next stop was Radio Shack. I parked and walked across the lot and into the store. The clerk (young lady) was a little taken aback but she asked me if she could help anyway. She started treating me like a regular customer when she found out I wanted to buy something. None of the other customers in ht store seemed to care about a guy in a shirt and thigh boots.

    Next I went to the thrift emporium (large thrift store). This is in a shopping center that has a store with mirror windows. I parked so I would have to walk by that store. This outfit does look good. I went into the store and started looking at skirts. Folks moved their carts out of the way so I could see all the stock. No one looked twice or said a word. When I walked through the shoe area I saaw a pair of boots that looked interesting. I pulled them off the rack and they were 9 West knee boots marked 10 ½. This is a little small for me but you never know until you try then on. I went over to the bench and sat down and took off one of my thigh boots. I tried on one of the 9 West boots and it was a little tight but it did fit and the shaft fit my leg like a glove. These were now my boots. I still had to take the boot off and pull my thigh boot back on. Remember I’m wearing a reasonably short skirt so this operation was not the easiest thing to go. I’m sure I had an audience but I didn’t notice.

    As I was walking to the register one lady gave me a quick look over. I asked, “Too much?”

    She replied, “If it’s your thing, do it good” and gave me a nice smile that I returned.

    When I got to the register I found that everything was 20% of today so the boots cost me $3.60 (no kidding 9 West boots for $3.60).

    Posted Image

    9 West boots

    I asked the register clerk and the manager (they were together and I knew both of them), “If it wasn’t a guy wearing this, what would you think?”

    Neither offered an opinion but the register clerk did say, “We see a lot of that in here”, meaning guys either buying or wearing women’s clothing. That comment explained a lot about the reaction I get in this store.

    As I walked out of the store and down the sidewalk, I heard a wolf whistle behind me. Normally I ignore this but this time I turned and a and a young lady was hanging out of the store door and giving me a smile. I asked, “Really?”

    She replied, “Oh Yeah!”

    I walked back to the car in a good mood.

    Next I went to the Art Museum but I wore shorts rather than a skirt so I’ll continue this on the Thigh Boots in Public thread.

    kirkules -

    Please don't go out and clop aroung, even in a full make-over. People will pick up on you discomfort and give you lots of negative feedback

    Walking in heels takes practice, practice, and more practice. Don’t go out until you can walk with grace and confidence. It’s worth the effort to learn how to walk in them. The confidence you will project wil be returned as neutral to positive feedback.

  16. I was looking around on the WEB for someone else’s experiences wearing thigh boots in public and came across this posting.


    For me some of the most exhilarating moments I've had have been when I've worn thigh length high-heeled boots in public. I can't easily articulate the emotions I experience when I've done this, but I suppose it's a mixture of fear and excitement. The stares, the outraged looks, the gasps, the whistles...

    The best time to do this for maximum effect is during the day, doing something fairly normal such as shopping for clothes. You can only really do this somewhere like central London. It's best to be alone - if a partner is with you then the presumption may be that you're wearing them for him, whereas if you're on your own then you must be wearing them for their own sake. You need to be oblivious to the reactions; start exchanging glances and you're going to look like a hooker seeking some business. You have to act as though wearing thigh boots to shop in is the most normal thing in the world.

    I like to go out in a fashionable half-length coat that ends about two or three inches above the tops of my boots. The feeling as I walk along the street with my metal heel ends clicking on the pavement is almost indescribable.

    I should warn that you need to be extremely confident to do this, and you must be able to walk effortlessly in high heels. I mean effortlessly. Any indication that you're struggling to walk, or if there's no elegance and poise in your walk, and you will ruin the effect.

    Maybe one day a psychologist will explain to me why I find this such a turn on.

    The experience was so close to my own I couldn’t believe it (especially the bit about being confident), and I thought it was worth sharing.

  17. Here is an image (my apologies for the quality) of what the clerk thought was cute.

    Posted Image

    silver -

    I don’t wear heeled boots and skirts anywhere near work. The folks there would not understand. But I am starting to enjoy wearing a skirt and thats the reason for this thread.

    I would expect folks selling you something to complement you on how good you looked (and no doubt you do).

  18. Some time ago I posted that I had epoxied a penny to the toe of my black leather thigh boots with 5” heels because I was wearing a hole in the upper of the toe.

    Posted Image

    The other day I noticed how much ware I had put on the penny. I may have to grind them off and replace them.

    Posted Image

    Over half the thickness of the penny is gone and the leading edge is completely gone.

    I don't think I "walk funny" in these boots but I must be putting a lot of pressure on the toe as I walk.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

  19. I have started a new thread on Boots and Skirts in Public over on the CD forum. I didn’t want to take this thread on thigh boots in a very different direction.

    Iloveboots -

    Sounds like a great trip and I have been missing your posts.

    MrTom -

    Welcome to the forum

    I think if you read around on this forum you will find that most of us think that fashion freestyling is not in indictment of being stupid or a transvestite. Most of us really enjoy the look.

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