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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I wore my dark blue boots to work again yesterday. There is still enough snow that I can also wear jeans. I think a couple of my co workers noticed but they really are good folks and too polite to say anything. The first day I wore my boots and yesterday I went to the local hardware store (first time to buy something, and yesterday to exchange it for what I really needed). I’m sure no one even noticed my boots. This really is a departure from my normal philosophy on wearing boots. My normal mode is don’t hide them. My experience has been, the more you try to hide them the more people will pay attention. I normally wear thigh boots over my jeans and people ignore me all the time. But then, I don’t wear them to work. I think it has to do being in a place I can’t easily just walk away from. Most of the places where I wear my thigh boots, it is of little consequence to me if I go back to that place or not. Work is a different matter. I’m taking this slowly.

  2. Normally I don’t mix heels and work but the weather today presented an opportunity. We had 6” (15 cm) of snow yesterday and the temperature is getting up to 20F (-6C). The streets and parking lots have been cleared but there is still a lot of snow to walk through. Today at work I wore jeans, a dark blue turtleneck and dark blue leather knee length boots with a 2 ¾” block heel worn under my jeans. The jeans cover the boots and most of the heel. The floor at work is carpeted so there is no sound from the heel. I don’t think anyone has even noticed. I know, it’s not thigh boots with 5” stilettos over jeans but at least I’m wearing boots at work and that is a big change. All I know is it feels great (warm to). This is something I may back off from very quickly but for the moment I’m enjoying it. As a note in passing, both of the real “he man” type guys I work with stayed home because of the snow.

  3. GNH – There is another reason that a women going from a 4” heel to a 5” heel is a big deal. Most women don’t wear a size 14 like I do. The smaller size has even less distance from the heel to the front of the shoe. That means there is even less area over which they have to keep their center of gravity. Add to that the more severe angle the ankle has to contend with and I’m amazed that manufacturers can sell a shoe with a 5” heel in smaller sizes. I was reminded in a previous post that not everyone that wears a heel that tall wears them for walking (and don’t ask what they do with them on).

  4. I thought I would try something a little different, chap boots with a skirt.

    I have worn these boots out with jeans but I haven’t ventured out with a skirt. Rather than wearing a belt for the chap boots, I’m letting the top of the boot, that normally folds over a belt ,be visible folding over the waist of the skirt. With a black skirt you dint really see it but with a lighter colored skirt it is very visible. I don’t find it objectionable but like I said, I haven’t worn this out yet.

    This combination is fun to wear. The boots are very tall. Tall enough that when I pull them all the way up the top tickles the plumbing. I never noticed that with jeans.

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  5. I’ve started wearing my pair of

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    Angie chap boots (from Ellie) around the house and I’ve noticed something about heels I thought I might pass along.

    These boots are a size 14 and have a 5½” heel. When I got them they had a 6” heel and I couldn’t manage it and the heel was really too tall for the shoe’s geometry. When the boot was standing flat, the 6” heel angled backwards (note the picture). A while back I had the heel lowered to 5½” and it now lands correctly and is vertical when the boot is flat.

    I normally wear 5” stiletto heels with no problem at all but the extra ½” is making things more “interesting”. I am having to make the effort to keep my knee straight when I stand which means this is about the limit my ankle will bend.

    The higher heel is moving the ball of my foot closer to the heel and making a shorter footprint to stand on and this really affects my balance. If you imagine a horizontal circle surrounding you when your standing, then let that circle define the limit you can lean and still keep your center of gravity over your feet (ie. you won’t fall over). With my 5” heels that circle is large enough for me to walk easily, with the 5½“ heel, that circle got smaller and I have to relearn how to move (not just walk).

    I find I have to be sure to keep my shoulders back and maintain good posture. Any slouching lets too mush weight move forward. I know, loosing a couple of pounds wouldn’t hurt either. I can no longer use the strength of my foot to maintain balance if I get a little off the center of gravity like I can with the 5” heel because the footprint of the boot is shorter.

    Walking is just controlled falling. That means I have to use a shorter stride because my normal stride takes my foot too far out of the circle and makes me fall forward too fast.

    The bottom line is every time you go up in heel height, you have to learn all over again. That means practice, practice and more practice.

  6. Try a 4" heel and a slightly shorter stride. After a little while it becomes natural and you should be able to streighten your knee as you walk. After you get used to walking in 4" heels you can lenghten the stride again and a 5" heel won't seem as high. If you can't streighten your knee, the heel is too high. Practice, practice, practice. Do take care with a long stride. I have had a heel kick out on me several times because the heel is hard plastic (inexpensive boots) and I was walking with my normal stride. Shortening my stride cured the problem. Enjoy your heels.

  7. Sounds like a great day. I have never been clubbing. My life style just doesn’t make it possible plus the fact that my dancing skills are non existent. I’m glad you walked out of the club with such a positive attitude, many others would have taken the patrons amusement as a reason for never going heeling again. Flirting with 20 year olds ( I looked up you age) ... more power to you. If the opportunity presents itself, you can tell A, B, and C that there are a bunch of other heel wearers that wish they could be with you. Enjoy your heels.

  8. We had our first noticeable snow this morning. Several years ago I learned the shoveling snow is stilettos didn’t work too well so ...

    I pulled on a pair of black leather slacks and these boots:

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    9West boots

    I grabbed a snow shovel and went out to play in the snow. I managed to clear the walk without breaking or straining anything and it was early enough that there wasn’t anyone else to notice what I was wearing.

    The boots are a little small and I am not too keen on the heel (bigger at the bottom than the top) but they are 9West leather boots and they will stretch a bit with wear. There wasn’t any salt on the sidewalk so it seemed a perfect opportunity to take them out.

  9. Back on Jan 12 I mentioned buying a short tan leather skirt and passing up the one that was too tight. Well the tight one went on sale ($2) and I bought it. It is a stiff black leather with a polished waxed surface. It is a size 12 but I can wear it. In the fitting room the zipper was a little stiff but when I got it home I lubricated it with a little candle wax and now it works fine. The skirt is a 20” in length but it has a high waist so the hem catches me about 3” above my knees. It looks great with knee boots and not bad with my thigh boots. I don’t have anything that goes with the shinny leather but I’m keeping my eyes open. Any suggestions would be welcome.

  10. I did my Friday night shopping at Mijer’s and Bigg’s tonight wearing a tan suede coat, black turtleneck, black hose, black leather below the knee skirt and black knee length boots. (The ones I’ve been talking about in New Boots Slick Heels) The top of the boot comes about 1” below the hem of the skirt. The combination presents a fairly conservative look (considering I normally wear thigh boots with stiletto heels).

    I do think this outfit generated more looks than my thigh boots and jeans or even the thigh boots and mini skirt and I am hard pressed to understand why.

    At Mijer’s a couple of heads turned and several others turned and stared. I asked the register clerk if it was too much and she said, “The boots?”

    “The boots and the skirt.”

    “Well, its different”

    I bid her a good evening and headed out of the store.

    At Sam’s, I had several people turn and watch me walk down an isle. As I passed one lady she broke up laughing (I assumed it was at me). None of this has ever happened when I’m wearing my thigh boots. The register clerk, who I know well, seemed surprised when I commented that this out fit generated more interest then my tall boots.

    I had the opportunity to see myself in a full length mirror as I passed and the image I saw was a guy wearing a skirt rather than a guy wearing boots. Its turning out that this isn’t my favorite look but I am comfortable presenting it.

    All in all it was a fun evening shopping.

    tiffany -

    Thanks for the kind words.

    JeffB -

    Your right. Trying new things is a big part of the fun.

  11. dr1819-

    Ah, a delightful example of the lost art of the droll wit.:academic:

    Another newspaper ad might have been:

    Rednecks shop early.

    Plenty of parking and we don't care about the rust you leave in the parking lot.

    There’s at least one odd guy to look at every morning every morning.

    That way if I don't stop in, they can look at each other and be satisfied.:wink:

  12. I’ve worn my new boots for two more morning shopping trips to Biggs and I think the addition attention I got the first day was a statistical anomaly. The past two mornings no one seemed to notice or care. The slick heel problem is a different matter. Yesterday I made an effort to be careful walking on the slick floor and I still had a heel kick out, leaving another black mark on the floor. Today, I reduced my stride a bit and that seemed to solve the problem. The way I normally walk must apply pressure to the heel at the wrong angle. I do like the looks of these knee length boots and the weather has gotten cold enough that I appreciate how warm they keep my feet and legs.

  13. Nope, this was a bunch of folks that had never seen me before, or at least I didn't recognize them. There was even a new register clerk. I suspect that not being quite so "over the top" allowed people to pay more attention. But like I said, that was a small sample. I didn't go out today but I'll let you know how it goes.

  14. I just bought a pair of Payless Mason boots. These are a knee length black stretch fabric upper with a 3½” block heel and a round toe. I really like the look and feel of the boots and it was great walking around in them in the store. The first time I wore them out, however, was a different matter.

    I normally wear a 5” stiletto and I know how much pressure I can put on a heel tip and I also know the value of keeping the heel tips in good shape. I was not expecting to have problems with a 3½” block heel. The Bigg’s where I shop keeps their floor at a good polish, especially in the morning when I’m normally there. I manage this floor in stilettos all the time but the first time my block heel hit the floor it slid forward and I had to catch my balance. Several steps later the heel kicked out sideways and I almost fell. I muttered several bad words. I started walking much more carefully. When I came back to the spot where the keel kicked out, I noticed there was a big black mark on the newly polished floor. I may have to have a different heel plate put on these boots that is a little softer than the plastic one they came with.

    I normally wear thigh boots over jeans or slacks and most people glance then politely ignore me. I was wearing these knee length boots over slacks and everyone managed to stop and look at them. I got more attention in knee length boots then thigh boots! The looks actually seemed to be more disapproving. I know this was a small sample and I’ll have to wear them some more to be sure of the reaction. It was not what I was expecting. These really are a very conservative boot.

  15. Well I think wearing a skirt is starting to become a look I like presenting.

    I was wanting to do some grocery shopping on the way home tonight and I was wearing a long sleeved dress shirt, brown hose, tan suede jacket, and had my thigh boots and tan suede skirt with me in the car. Before I changed out of my work slacks, I stopped in the Goodwill (thrift store) to see if there was anything interesting. As it turned out there were two leather skirts that I tried on. One was black about 23” long in a size 12 that was just too small, the other was a light brown 15 ½” length size 12 that was a little tight but not to tight to wear. There was also a pair of Highest Heel thigh boots in a size 6. I bought the light brown skirt for $4 and I may get the black one if it goes on sale and rework it a bit by replacing the zipper with a lace.

    In the parking lot I changed into the new light brown skirt and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. At the time I thought the new skit was longer then the 15” suede one so I was glad I had a slightly longer skirt to wear.

    My first stop was a Meijers grocery store. The item I wanted was in the back of the store so I grabbed a cart and walked the length of the store twice. I think a few people noticed but I got no reaction at all. At the register I say the clerk look me over when I was in line and when I got up to her I asked, “Well that do you think?”

    I stepped back a little and she took a good look at my boots and said, “I don’t know how you walk in them. I was in a wedding and had to wear a block heel for 6 hours and my feet were killing me. Do you have any problem with the heels?”

    “Not really, I find them quite comfortable.”

    “Well, I think it looks Ok... The skirt looks nice.”

    “Thanks, I just found it.”

    “In your drawer?”

    “No, I just bought it.”

    “Really, well I think it look nice”

    Another customer came up to the register so I bid her a good evening and left. The greeter at the door said “Good night” and sounded like he meant it. (Often they don’t say anything as I go out). As I walked across the parking lot, no one seemed to even notice.

    I next went to a Payless in the same shopping plaza. I have stopped in there several times wearing my boots and at least one other time in a leather skirt. I started looking at the size 12 rack and the clerk asked if needed any help. I had just spotted a pair of black suede looking knee boots and I said, “No, I think I have found what I wanted.”

    I sat down and proceeded to change from my thigh boots into the knee boots. They felt great and were on sale for $16. I changed back into my thigh boots and about this time the manager, who has advised me about skirt wearing, came by. I asked her, “How does this look?”

    “The skirt looks nice, I noticed when you came in. I really admire that you can walk on those heels.”

    “With these boots (the ones I just tried on) would a longer skirt be better?”

    “Yeah, I think so. I have a pair of those and I can stand in them all day.”

    “On carpet on a hard floor?”

    “On carpet”, and she indicate the flooring in the store.

    “That’s cheating . I can stand for a couple of hours in these( my 5” heels) on a hard floor but I can go all day on a carpeted one.”

    “I don’t think I could wear a heel that high.”

    “Well these are 14s and that makes the angle less because the ball of my foot is so far from the heel.” (She looks like she would wear a 6).

    “I guess that would make a difference”.

    I thanked her for the conversation and went up to the register to pay for my new boots. The boots were on sale for $17 but I asked the clerk if that was his best discount. I expected him to say that it was but I was glad when he took another $2 off.

    Last I went to Sam’s. The staff there know me well and didn’t seem surprised a bit when I walked in wearing a skirt. (in fact I have done that before.) This time I strolled through the store and many folks didn’t even notice what I was wearing. Several did and threw me a smile. One guy, hoewvwr< stopped in his tracks and turned to watch me as I walked by.

    When I got to the register, I got in the line of a clerk I knew. She threw me a big smile when she spotted me in the line and called out a greeting to me.

    The lady in front of me had glanced at me a couple of times and seemed relieved when I waved back to the register clerk. I asked her, “Is this too far out?”

    “No, not really, I think it looks nice.” She seemed very relieved that I wanted to have a conversation. “I don’t have any problem with your look at all.”

    We then went on to talk about the cat litter I was buying.

    The register clerk said she liked the outfit and said, “Looks like your taking it to the next level.”

    “Yeah, I guess so.”

    “I really do like your boots.”

    I paid my bill and bid her a good evening.

    All in all this was a very enjoyable evening and I was sorry I had to go back home.

    It took me a while to become comfortable wearing thigh boots out in public. I had to play around with the look until the boots became just another pair of shoes. I suspect it will take me a while to develop a skirted image that I can also be comfortable presenting.

    I am content that I’m doing this for the fun of it and not because something is making me do it.

    Tiffany -

    Changing was also part of the fun and unfortunately there are no pictures but this is what I looked like if you change the white turtleneck for a black satin top. click here

    JeffB -

    Thanks for the sound advice. I don’t mind running up close to the edge but I’m making surt I dont fall over again.

    Highheellover -

    It was a gery good day.

  16. I drove back to Northern Kentucky from St.Augustine Florida yesterday and had decided to make it a boots and skirt day. I wore several different things but I always had on a long sleeved black satin top, and brown hose, a black baseball cap and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I started with a tan suede 15” leather skirt and a tan suede jacket. This is the combination I wore to dinner several weeks ago and I think it looks good. I didn’t feel comfortable wearing this when I drove down to St.Augustine last week but I really like the look and wanted to try it once again. As an additional note I had a pair of driving gloves (shoulder length black leather) that went on very easily over the satin long sleeved top but I noticed there was an unseemly bulge forming on the front of the skirt but I decided that wasn’t what today was going to be about so I tool them off. 07:00 – I stopped at a fruit stand in St.Augustine on the spur of the moment and thought about changing into jeans before I went in but then I thought why not and got out of the car and walked in. It was about 40F and the guy running the stand was in a parka and heavy gloves and I’m in a short skirt, light jacket and thigh boots. I bought oranges and grapefruit and as I paid him the only question he asked was, “Where you from?” I told him, “Cincinnati” and that either answered why I wasn’t cold or why I was dressed in a skirt and boots. Maybe it answered both. 10:00 – I stopped in a gas station and changed into a pair of brown denim shorts. After pumping my gas, I went in to use the rest room. Using the rest room was the reason I changed into shorts. My nerve failed at the concept of using the men’s room in a skirt. 10:20 – Stopped at a rest stop on I-95 and changed into the tan suede skirt. I just walked around a bit and headed on. 12:00 – Stopped at a rest stop on i-26 for lunch. I had a sandwich and a drink and went to a picnic table and ate. I was wearing the tan skirt and boots. There weren’t many people around which was Ok with me. 12:45 – I stopped at a rest stop to use the rest room. I changed into jeans with my boots over the jeans. I walked in and use the facilities and hardly anyone batted an eye. 13:45 – I stopped at a rest stop just to stretch my legs a bit. I was wearing the tan skirt and boots. 14:30 – I stopped for gas and pumped it wearing the tan skirt, jacket and boots. I walked into the store looked around a bit. I got a polite smile from a lady then headed over to the soda case and picked one out. I walked over to the counter and the clerks were busy (or working hard to ignore me). The lady at the register concluded our transaction with, “Have a good afternoon Sir”. I think the “Sir” was thrown in to make her point. I bid them a good day and headed back to the car. 15:30 – I stopped at a rest stop to use the rest room but noticed there was a security guard giving everyone the evil eye. I didn’t want to push my luck (and I really had to go) so I pulled on a pair of jean over my boots (normally its boots over jeans). The cuff of the jeans came to above the bottom of the size zipper. The whole shoe and heel were clearly visible in fact prominent. I think this attracted more attention than if I had worn the boots outside of the jeans. Nothing happened but I did notice a couple of the workmen (painters) in the rest stop cane out to watch me walk back to the car. 16:30 – I stopped at a rest stop for a snack. I was wearing the skirt, boots and jacket and walked around a bit by myself. 19:45 – I stopped in Berea Ky. for gas. I was wearing the boots, jacket, and skirt and pulled into a station that didn’t look busy. I pumped the gas and went into the store. There was a big guy at the counter and a female clerk. I asked, “Where’s the rest room?” The clerk replied,”Down that hall” and pointed at a hallway jest past where the big guy was standing. As I walked past, he did his best to get out of my way. When I came back out the guy was gone and I asked the clerk, “Is this too much for tis part of Kentucky?” She laughed and said, “Not at all.” “What? A guy in boots and a skirt?” “This is Berea, you’ll fit right in.” “Really!?” “Yeah, If you like it, go for it.” I should mention that Berea Ky. is a college town that has a strong student population in the art community. I was feeling a lot better after talking to the clerk so I drove over to the Cracker Barrel restaurant that was at the same expressway exit. I walked in and you would have thought that guys in thigh boots and skirts walked in all the time. People greeted me with a Hi and Good evening from several sides of the lobby. I was seated in the dinning room and the server was an attractive young lady. I’m sure she saw me walk in. After she took my order I asked her if my outfit was too much for this part of Kentucky. She said, “No not really, it looks retro and kind of nice.” “Retro?” “Yeah, people around here wear all sorts of stuff. You see folks wearing coon skin caps and tall boots …” I finished dinner and asked her, “I normally wear these boots with jeans all the time. What would you change about this outfit?” “I’m the wrong person to ask. Normally I wear sweatpants and a T-shirt. I think jeans are probably the best bet.” I thanked her and headed out to the register. I asked the register operator the same thing and she said, “I’ve only been here for three weeks (school just started) and I don’t know … I’m from Texas.” “Is it too much for Texas?” “Not at all.” and gave me a big smile. I bid her a good evening and drove on home. All in all it was a very memorable day and a whole lot of fun. With the mental gyrations I have been going through over wearing a skirt and feeling like I had lost control I am happy to report that I spent the day wearing a skirt because I wanted to and not because I had to. I really felt like I was in control the whole day and even comfortable by the end of the day.

  17. I spent the afternoon in Jacksonville Florida visiting the Art Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry which has a large waterfront park. I wore a short sleeved blue dress shirt, jeans and thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels to both of the museums and had a great time. When I went down to the waterfront park I thought, why not, and changed the jeans for black hose and a very short black cloth skirt (that has a built in pair of shorts with a 0” inseam) and my thigh boots. I haven’t measures the skirt but I think its 13"-14”. I looked like a guy wearing a skirt and boots and wasn’t trying for any other look. There weren’t too many people there but a few folks noticed and I got a couple of polite smiles. I walked around a bit but didn’t feel comfortable enough to really be adventurous. As I was leaving the park, I noticed a pickup truck in the traffic circle going around for the second time. By the time I got there they were on their third turn. No one said or did anything but after they were sure about what they were seeing there was a lot of loud laughter in the truck. The outing was a nice finish to a day out and about in thigh boots.

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