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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. JL -

    I noticed the boots have a side zipper. Something you could do to shorten the time it takes to put the knee boots on is to lace them through the holes in the back of the speed hooks. This might take a bit of doing. When I laced my granny boots this way I used a pair of needle nosed pliers to reach under the speed hook and pull the lace through the hole. It will also take a little while to get the lacing comfortable but once you do it, the laces don’t slip very much so all you have to do is zip the boots up.

    I know, I know, all the purest out there will say that half the fun of having lace boots is lacing them (maybe more than half the fun if someone else will lace them for you) …but if you’re in a hurry lacing through the holes works.

    Do try then with hose. You’ll be surprised how much room socks take.

  2. This morning I stopped at Bigg’s wearing a tan short sleeved shirt, white shorts and my black leather crotch boots with 5 ¼” stiletto heels (Tony's U). The shorts only have a 2” inseam and the boots come up just past the shorts cuff. My thigh boots stop 3” below the cuff. I don’t wear these boots too often because they are not as comfortable as my thigh boots but every once in a while is fun. Several folks that normally just glance at my boots took a second look, but other than that no one seemed bothered at all. The lady in line behind me didn’t know what to think but that is often the case. I have worn these boots with jeans several times and no one noticed, but this is the first time I have worn them with shorts, and white shorts at that. It really is the contrast that draws the eye. The videos seem to be getting more attention than I thought they would. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I put them up but I’m thinking it over again. I removed the search tags for leather skirt which seems to generate twice as many hits.

  3. James -

    Take this test:

    Put on what you will be wearing when you go to the movies.

    Stand in front of a full length mirror.

    Do you like what you see? Are you comfortable wearing what you have on?

    If there are two yes answers go enjoy the movie.

    If either one is no stay home and watch TV.

    If you are comfortable presenting yourself in heels the rest of the world won't care. If you are nervous, everyone will see that and try to figure out why.

    Chill out. The cat on a leash is the hardest part.

    sscotty727 is absolutely correct, it's all about confidence.

  4. JL -

    I absolutely understand the electric feeling but, heels aren't supposed to hurt. If the shoes don't fit and you wear them too much, you will ness up your feet.

    Next time you might try leather boots. Ther have a lot more give than the patent oned do. You might also try them with hose and if you do, make sure the part around your toes is very lose (leave at least 1/2 " open) to keep the hose from pulling too tight around your toes.

    I haven't gotten a pair of red boots yet but all I can say is, those sure are RED. The look great, just wish they fit better.

  5. Some days nobody notices, other days all the spotlights are on. Today was one of the other days. I stopped at Bigg’s on the way to work wearing a short sleeved knit shirt, white shorts and black leather thigh boots with 5” heels. The lady in line behind me really wished I wasn’t there. But the register clerk knew me and we had a nice chat.

    On the way home, I stopped at Walgreens drug store. As soon as I walked in there was a loud chuckle at the register. As I walked around, I overheard several, “did you see that”, “I don’t believe that”, and there were several that peeked around the isle just to look.. The best part was when I got to the register the police were there taking a theft report. As I followed the police man out the door, the theft alarm went off. I went back in and the manager apologized. It seems the register clerk had failed to run an item over the anti-theft deactivation device (he must have been distracted by something). The manager, by the way was the only one in the store that seemed Ok with my boots.

    What a fun day.

    dr1819 -

    The Fair Acoustic Version is really a different style of guitar playing and I really enjoyed it. The electric versions, alas, were not my style.

  6. Sunday was a good boot wearing day. First, I went to the Art Museum (pervious post), then I went to an outdoor Shakespeare play (Midsummer Night Dream) put on by the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company. This was an evening performance but the sun was still up at 18:30 when I arrived at the park. I wore a short sleeved tan knit shirt, blue jeans, and blue leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    I parked about a block away from the pavilion entrance and walked to the show. The pavilion is set up like a band shell (the acoustics are good) with park bench seating. Posted Image

    The pavilion is at the bottom of a sloping hill with paved walkways down the center aisle. Walking down a steep slop with 5” heels isn’t easy and does not lend itself to graceful walking. All I could do was lean back a little, to keep the center of gravity over my heel, and shorten my stride (for the amusement/amazement of the folks behind me).

    I saw a couple of folks notice my boots but for the most part no one seemed to care.

    The play was great. No lighting other than the pavilion white lights, no sound system, two wooden boxes for props, and 6 great actors who kept the audience riveted to the stage and toughly enjoying the play (standing ovation).

    It was dark when I walked back to the car and the boots blend in with the jeans so they didn’t stand out too much.

    I had a great time and I think they are going to do Hamlet at a different park next week. I’m going to try very hard to make that play also.

    vector –

    I bid the gentleman a good morning as I passed him and he returned the greeting. Most folks really don’t care.

  7. Just came back form a fun museum trip. I wore a tan short sleeved knit shirt, white shorts, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The temperature was about 90F so there wasnt much messing around outside but the museum was quite comfortable.

    I walked in and round the museum before I headed for my favorite gallery. I got a couple of sideways glances but nothing out of the ordinary. (Yes, I appreciate that a guy wearing thigh boots with heels is saying there was nothing out of the ordinary.)

    I got to my gallery and settled in sketching. A few minutes later a lady with a camera (real 35mm SLR) said, “Excuse me but I see you over here all the time, and in this gallery”

    “And in front of this painting”

    “It is one of my favorites. ... Would you mind if I took your picture?”

    “No, not at all.”

    “Your always sketching, and your boots... Are you an artist?”

    “No, I just come over here to unwind.”

    “I’ll send you a copy if you want.”

    “Nah, that’s Ok”.

    “Well if you change your mind, I’m over here all the time.

    I went back to my sketching and she took several pictures.

    I went on to another gallery and set down my stool and went to work again. Another lady stopped by and commented on my sketch. We talked about the painting for a while then she said, “I like your boots, there wild.”

    I thanked her and said “There is another painting in this gallery I want you to see” and I stood up and we walked to where the paint was two weeks ago. There was another painting in the space. I asked the guard where the other painting was, and he didn’t know. Anyway we chatted and walked around the gallery a bit more and bid each other a good day.

    A few minutes later a very attractive young lady stopped by and commented on my sketch. We also chatted about the painting and walked around the gallery with me pointing out interesting stuff.

    I left the museum and stopped by the thrift emporium on the way home. As I was walking in a car drove by and slowed up and an attractive lady commented, “Fantastic”.

    I gave her a thumbs up and she returned it with a kind laugh.

    In the store I wandered around but didn’t see any thing I really wanted so I headed back to the car.

    This was a nice afternoon outing.

    demoniaplatforms -

    Thanks for the kind words. I'll make more when/if I can.

    dr1819 -

    "reasons of support" ?? Whats going on?

  8. Guys -

    Thanks for the kind words about the videos. I apologize for the bad links. When I set them up I was logged into youtube and “It worked fine for me” (typical IT excuse). If someone knows how to publish a playlist to folks that are not logged youtube please send me a PM. It looks like a link directly to the video works so I updated the URL in the post.

  9. I went out with the video camera again.

    Doing one person productions is kind of fun. The equipment is awful but it's all I have at the moment.

    I went to a local park and walked around a bit. Nothing fancy, just walking. This is the first time I have seen my look from another persons point of view. I may have to start paying a little more attention to the overall look rather than just seeng the boots then I look in the mirror.

    Thighbootguy Out and About

  10. HighHeelLover86 - Welcome to the forum. I don’t think you will find anyone on this forum that considers your “condition” too much different than theirs at least one time or another. When I started wearing boots it was a sexy thing but now they are just my boots and there isn’t any sexual excitement when I wear them. Oh once in a while maybe, but most of the time they are just another pair of shoes. When I look in a mirror I like the look I see and I go with it. When I go out, I know I’m dressed differently than most folks but I’m confident in my look and don’t give it much of a thought. It’s always good to try to understand why you do what you do but too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. Be aware of what you enjoy doing. If it doesn’t hurt anyone else, go for it. As iloveboots advised me, “You only get one shot at this life, you might as well enjoy it.”

  11. I have had times when I didn’t have the desire to wear boots and stuff but that dosen’t seem to last for me. In fact things seem to swing the other was. I posted a note about that and a few post later iloveboots replied with a very good insight. (recommended reading).

    I think nigel has offers good advice about just putting things away for a while. There may be something more than Guy N. Heels suggests. I’m not a biologist enough to define what it is but I suspect our chemical makeup changes subtly from time to time and that influences how we want to present ourselves.

    As far as xaphod welding in a skirt and heels... far to many sparks for me.

  12. Spartan -

    WELCOME to the forum.

    I hope you find that posting is as much fun (or more) than just reading.

    I’m glad you noticed that no one seems to notice or bother about what shoes you are wearing. The key is wear them with confidence. You have picked two guys to watch (fashionablefun and kneehighs) that really do dress well and do it with the confidence that others recognize.

    Looking forward to reading you posts.

    Enjoy your heels!

  13. Alt-f -

    I am concerned about your comment about being “difficult to pass”. I’m not sure what you mean by the term. If you mean just to go by someone while wearing heels that’s one thing we all understand. If however you mean to appear as a female and not be detected, that’s another thing all together. I suspect you mean the former. I offer this advice, Look at yourself in a full length mirror and if you like what you see, go with it. Have the confidence that you look good and others will pick up on it. It means, however, that you really to have to feel confident that you look good and also that you are comfortable presenting the look. The people I encounter seem to really not care what I wear as long as I present a confident image.

    I also recognize that everyone’s situation is different. That means you should read everyone’s comments with an eye of caution as to weather they apply to you situation or not. It’s very easy to get caught up in the excitement and fun that is discussed on this forum.

    Ok - Off my soapbox.

    Enjoy your heels.

  14. I wore my blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels today. I had on slacks and a long sleeved blue denim shirt when I stopped at Bigg’s this morning for lunch fixings. There was a bunch of employees on break by the front door as I walked in, some I knew and some I didn’t. I spoke to the folks I knew and seemed to take the superior edge off the other folks. Other than that it was a normal stop at Bigg’s in thigh boots.

    After work I traded the slacks for blur denim shorts and stopped in Sam’s Club. I walked around a bit and caught several sideways glances but other than that no one bothered to notice. At the checkout the guy with the family behind me had his cell phone camera out and tried to pretend he hadn’t taken my picture. I think the next time I will comment that it’s polite to ask first. The checker at the exit asked where my white boots were since it was summer time. Like I’ve said, they kind of expect me to be wearing thigh boots when I come in.

    Not a big boot day but I hadn’t worn them for several days and it was fun.

    Shafted -

    Thanks for the kind words.

    JimC -

    I have one pair I wear with the cuff folded down and another pair I wear with the cuff up like yours. I wear the pair with the folded cuff as "work around the house/yard boots" and they are about to fall apart. I’ve glued the soles back on twice and one is on it’s second zipper. By the time I finally wear them out they will probably be in shreds. Needless to say I like those boots.

  15. alt-f -

    Post where your comfortable posting. I use both forums, boots and heels here and skirts there.

    And why not all three together?

    What is a "manly way"? I suggest if a man is not trying to impersonate the other gender (trying to pass) but presenting himself as a man wearing a skirt and/or heels he is presenting himself in a “manly way”.

  16. Alt-f

    WELCOME to the forum.

    Nice looking heels! Wow, pictures on the first post.

    This forum is about heels but there is another forum for skirt topics (CD forum). Lots of folks post on both.

    Looking forward to reading your posts.

  17. I got to rummaging around the software on my PC and found an old video capture tool that came with the ancient video camera I have and I thought I would give it a try. I saw the videos that Stefani boots made and really enjoyed them. I didn’t have the wherewithal to do outside videos away from my PC so I just shot some stuff in the living room.

    The format is the same for all the videos, me, thigh boots, guitar.

    Thighbootguy playlist

    I know, keep my day job. :evil:

  18. JL -

    To quote my 101 year old aunt, “Quality work takes time.”

    Be very careful with the 6” heels. Don’t expect to be able to stand without bending your knees. If your lucky, you won’t fall over. (Been there, done all those things). You may be able to work your way up to the 6”ers but don’t push it too fast. There are a couple of guys and gals on this board that can wear them but for most of us, 5” is about the limit.

    Although no one that talks to me really believes me when I say that my 5” heels are comfortable, they really are. 5 ½” or higher are not comfortable for me. My point is that wearing heels should not be an uncomfortable experience either physically or socially.

    Wear the 4”ers a lot and the 5”ers will feel fine. Soon the 4”ers will feel like flats.

    Have fun and enjoy your heels.

  19. JL – Not wearing the “out” is missing at least half the fun, but that is a biased opinion. This is a good place to talk to others about wearing heels but a word of caution, it is easy to get caught up in the “conversation” and forget that this is a unique bunch of guys with a wide open perspective on high heels. Be sure to keep your own counsel and keep heel in your life your way. The enthusiasm this group has for heeling can be a very contagious thing that is very easy to get caught up in without realizing it. No one will ever complain about posting too much. After a while the jolt of adrenaline will be less and less and soon the boots will just become your boots that you enjoy wearing. This isn’t a bad thing. Many of the guys here wear stilettos under pants with in inseam long enough to cover the heel. I think the excitement is going out and wondering if anyone will notice or what will happen if they do. Others wear them with a pant length that exposes the heel a bit and makes a nice looking fashion statement. I haven’t done either of those for several years, I wear leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos over my jeans or with shorts. I didn’t enjoy wondering if people would notice. My experiences have shown me most people don’t care. One last word of caution. After a while wearing heels will become a natural thing to do, and it will be for you, but it still isn’t for the rest of the world. Be cautious about becoming complacent about where you go in heels. I have many places where I can go wearing my thigh boots and I am comfortable they will not present a problem. I go slowly into new places. Others have posted similar comments as Ben2006 has offered. Like I said, “Enjoy your heels, and the boots do look great.”

  20. JL –

    WELCOME to the forum.

    What a great first post and with pictures too!

    How do you learn to walk in a 5” stiletto heel …

    Since this is your first heel, do it carefully and slowly. The key is practice, practice and practice. Take it easy and soon your body will get used to the idea of the heel being there and the extra control a stiletto heel requires. In a little while you should be able to walk with a short stride that will then work into a full stride.

    Take it easy on your feet. Give them (and the muscles in your calves) a rest often while you are starting. Soon they will get used to the new strain 5” heels impose and you will be able to go for miles.

    The more logical advice would be to start with a lower heel and get used to that then a 5” won’t seem so high.

    I wear 5” heels on a size 14 all the time and most of the time I can walk with a full stride like I would in any shoes but this has taken a while.

    I recommend NOT wearing your new boots out and about until you are comfortable in them and can walk naturally. Bad experiences are hard to overcome.

    Most important, enjoy your new boots and practice, practice, and practice.

    By the way, nice looking boots.

  21. You have to admire that kid's cool. Wearing a wedge that looks like it fits while someone is reminding him "I'm taking a video" and other off camera folks are laughing. I wasn't into heels at that age but I remember peer pressure at that age and the requirement to conform (to other kids, not grown ups). More power to the kid, may his independent spirit last his whole life.

  22. I just went to the museum for the first time in several weeks. I wore a blue short sleeved dress shirt, black baseball cap, blue denim hip hugger shorts with a 2” inseam, hose, and blue leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The temperature was about 90F so the shorts really helped to stay comfortable.

    As I drove in I saw that things were busy. When I walked in I asked the parking lot guard what was going on. He had never seen me before and I’m not sure he looked down, but he told me about all the activities going on in the museum that day. I thanked him and headed across the street to the museum. Two older ladies were walling toward me and both really stared. I smiled and commented, “There fun”.

    One of the ladies said, “They really do look good though.”

    I thanked her and headed on in. There were several people outside and although no one else said anything, they did notice.

    The museum was busy so I grabbed a stool and headed for one of the upstairs galleries where I went to work sketching. Lots of folks came through and everyone was polite which means they didn’t walk in front of someone who was sketching.

    I went to the Impressionist gallery and started to sketch again. The guard came by and chatted with me for a while then a museum tour came through. The tour guide (young lady, museum employee) asked me if I would move for a few minutes because the picture I was working on was the tours next stop. I said, “I don’t mind at all”.

    She went on, “I know your here all the time and I love to watch you sketch.”

    Posted Image


    (This is much darker then the painting)

    I stood up and move my stool and got in the back of the group. The guide talked about the painting then started asking questions. I was very interested in the answers because it gave me a different perspective on the painting. When she was done I asked, “Could I ask the group a question?”


    And the guy wearing thigh boots started, “Some of you said the seen was rugged, do you see the mountains as rock covered or forest covered?”




    “Does anyone see the tree in the painting?” The guide looked at me with renewed interest. No one saw what I had been seeing so I walked up by the painting and indicated what I thought was there. The guide was blown away because she hadn’t seen what I was explaining until I pointed it out. The tour group seemed to enjoy the show.

    There was an exhibition of 19th century court dancing going on in the great hall and they were having audience members partner with the dancers who were dressed in period costume. If it wasn’t for my total lack of choreographic skills (can’t dance at all) I wondered what would have happened if I had volunteered?

    I put my stool away and walked around for a while and chatted with some of the other guards. In the gallery of Iranian pottery I wondered what Iranian art will be like 20 years from now when the current young generation starts making art?

    All in all a good museum trip.

    Zero -

    Glad you liked the site. Unfortunately I don’t speak Dutch so all I can do is look at the pictures, but that was fun enough.

    Iloveboots -

    Thank you so much for the response. It’s good to know that someone else has “been there, done that”. But the way at the end on September I will join the ranks of the sexagenarians (I always thought it was hexagenerian but my dictionary corrected me). Cool category name huh?

    I have never gone thought a “purge”. I have pitch out some stuff but it was because I no longer liked it or it finally fell apart but not because I thought I shouldn’t be wearing it.

    No one has ever accused me of being “normal” and I think I would be offended if they did. My profession is IT and I’ve been at it for over 35 years, but even in that bunch ok crazies I’m still an oddity, partially because of my age, which gives me a different perspective on IT, but also because I get along with machines much better than I get along with people. That makes my wearing thigh boots in public an even odder thing for me to do. In IT, I really don’t want to be seen, but when I’m wearing my boots I really am looking for attention. (I might have to do some thinking about this.)

    Your absolutely right though about only having one shot at this. If I don’t hurt anyone doing it, I might as well enjoy it.

  23. I found this image on http://laarzen.punt.nl/

    Posted Image

    They may not be thigh boots from the front but from the back ... my goodness.

    I'm sure there not available in a 14 so it may be time to get out the sewing machine.

    Shafted -

    For me it was getting worst than knowing when not to wear thigh boots, it was becomming a bit of an obsession, same thing with posting. It was time to stop and step back for a while.

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