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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I had a really fun boot day today. I drove up to Jacksonville Fl. and spent a delightful afternoon at the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens. I wore a blue short sleeved dress shirt, jeans and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The temperature was unseasonably warm (82F) but most of the time I was inside in the air conditioning. I’m reasonable sure no one there had ever seen a pair of thigh boots worn in the museum and especially not on a guy. The entire staff (after the first shock) was very courteous and seemed to go out of their way to take care of me. I also don’t think they get too many folks that want to sketch (the guard had to ask if it was Ok). I spent several hours wandering through the galleries and sitting on the benches sketching. Since the Museum isn’t too big and I don’t think I will get to go back soon, I went thorough the galleries three times. Several folks noticed my boots but only one guy ask me where I got them and another guy said “nice shoes” as I walked by. Most people seemed as surprised to see me as the staff was and then just took it in stride. I walked through the gardens and spoke to several folks there and they were very willing to return the courtesy and talk to a guy in thigh boots. Being on 5” heels that long was easier because the Museum was carpeted. After the Art Museum I drove over to the Museum of Science and Technology and walked through the exhibits. (This museum isn’t that great.) Again no one said a thing and really didn’t pay much attention. I had a delightful afternoon out and about in thigh boots.

  2. I have taken an opportunity to visit some relatives in Florida. I chose to drive from Northern Kentucky to St Augustine which is about a 13 hour drive if you don’t stop. I did make several stops so the trip wasn’t too bad. I started off wearing a white knit shirt, jeans, a tan suede jacket and a pair of dark blue knee length boots with a 2” block heel worn outside my jeans. I wasn’t too sure about where I would be stopping so I went the conservative route of knee length boots.

    At my first gas stop I went in to use the rest room which was in a rather out of the way place and I had to ask where it was. The guy that gave me directions gave me a quick once over look then figured there wasn’t any harm in telling me where it was. When I got back to the car I thought about trying a skirt and put on a below the knee length black leather one but changed back into jeans and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels at the next rest stop.

    At the next rest stop I wanted to stretch my legs a bit so I got out of the car and started to walk around when I noticed there was a group that was photographically documenting their trip. There was one guy running after people in their party with a camera and posing them in front of all the “Welcome to Tennessee” signs and another guy following them with a video camera taking videos of the guy taking pictures of the group in front of the “Welcome to Tennessee” sign. The noticed me standing across the parking lot and I decided I didn’t want to put up with that much nonsense so I got back in the car and headed on my way.

    I stopped for gas without incident and drove on for a bit longer and stopped for lunch. I went into a Cracker Barrel (family style restaurant). When I walked in several folks noticed my boots including two big guys that were decked out like Nashville country stars wearing jeans, boots, big hats, manicured beards … . They looked me over and their buoyancy seemed to drain a little. I think a guy in thigh bots was getting a little more attention than they were. I was seated across the dining room next to the front windows. I had a nice lunch and had to walk across the dining room twice because I forgot to pick up my check. I paid at the register and left all without a comment from anyone.

    At the next rest stop I had to use the rest room (I’m still wearing thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels). I walked by some folks outside and a few heads turned. I walked in and headed for a stall (I needed to use the sit down facility). I was out of sight and I don’t think others that came in noticed my heels. When I was done I went back outside and there was a bigger crowd that was expecting me. There were more looks and after I passed then I heard some laughter but no one said a thing and I’m sure I gave them some additional conversation topics.

    I stopped at another Cracker Barrel for supper. Again, a few heads turned when I walked in and I noticed the hostess did seem to notice. I had another nice meal without any comments. When I went back out to the register, I asked the hostess, “Well, what do you think of them?”

    “Your shoes, I really like them. Where did you get them?”

    “In my size I had to get them on the web.”

    “Really? You can’t get them around here?”

    “Not in a 14”.

    “How high are those heels?”

    “There 5.”

    “Can you wear a 7?” I’m starting to guess she knew something about heels. Another waitress walked up and joined the conversation.

    “No, 6” is as far as my ankle will bend but there in no platform on these.”

    “Yeah I noticed.”

    The waitress asked with a look of disbelief, “Are those comfortable?”

    “Very comfortable, I wouldn’t wear them if they weren’t”

    “Well, I think they look great and you walk in them like a pro.”

    I thanked them and bid them a good day.

    Since I’ve been staying with my relatives I have been wearing a pair of flat heeled mid calf length boots outside my jeans and having a great time.

    I’ll post more as the trip progresses.

    DawnHH -

    The tape was a much for comfort as looks. After I ran the point of the paperclip in my finger and figured there had to be a better way.

  3. Ok preacher Jeff, the skirt is 15”. I guess it is short but not as short as the 13” one that I considered short. I guess the boots really are that tall.

    I wanted to go out today with my sketch book (the museum is closed) so I went out wearing brown hose which matched my brown suede coat, a gray shirt, a 17” light tan suede skirt with my pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels (like your new ones), and black leather gloves (that went with the boots). I was only out for half an hour because it was cold 35F, wet, no sun, and just miserable weather (I even saw snow flakes). Things were Ok until the wind picked up and I realized how chilly it was. I had gone to the park with my sketchbook (see the video Thighbootguy in the Park) but it was too uncomfortable to work so I drove downtown, parked and walked up to a local art gallery (which was also closed). I got to see what the outfit looked like (reflection in the window) and I think you are right about the length of the boots. Knee high boots would have looked better or making the shaft on those thigh boots tighter would have been better. Those pull on boots should be only worn with jeans.

    This is a whole new concept for me. Now it’s not just wearing stuff I like to wear, it’s coordinating the stuff I like to wear into something conservative that looks good. I guess if I carried this to an extreme, I’d be wearing a suit and tie. (Nah, that fails the “stuff I like to wear test”).

    What I need to learn is moderation.

    “Moderation in all things.” Terance, Andria

    Roman comic dramatist (185 BC - 159 BC)

    I have really taken to heart you comment, “You don't have to be a slave to miniskirts and wear them all the time, exert some control over the situation, broaden your mind to consider other options.” However I apply a little different interpretation. I realize that the desire to wear a skirt/boots/... can be consuming and I am determined to not let it control me again. Again the moderation thing.

    Thanks for your advice, it is much appreciated.

  4. Jeff -

    When I did wear that shirt out I wore a black turtleneck and black hose with that jacket and pull on black leather thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. The comment I got from the register clerk at Bigg’s also reflected on the shortness of the skirt.

    “Yeah it looks nice, the jacket matched the little skirt and the boots are long enough to keep you warm… Yeah it works.”

    I really didn’t think it was THAT short. I don’t like the look of any of my longer skirts with thigh boots (and I do like the look of thigh boots) so I guess I have several choices:

    1. Recognize how short the skirt is and wear thigh boots

    2. Wear longer skirt and knee boot

    3. Wear ankle length skirt and ankle boots or pumps

    4. Wear thigh boots with the shaft disappearing under the skirt.

    The choices are kind of in my order of preference.

    If I was going for a more conservative look the longer skirt choices would be a good idea, but I’m wearing thigh boots in public for crying out loud. That doesn’t scream conservative (I would be interested in what you folks think it does scream):wink: .

    On further reflection, I wear thigh boots (flats and heels) with jeans all the time but that image is very different than a short skirt and thigh boots. Maybe I should tone it down a bit.:D

    As always, opinions are welcome and appreciated.

  5. Richie -

    Your absolutely right. That is not a coordinated outfit. The image was just trying to show the skirt not a coordinated outfit for public wear. I happened to have my white boots blue turtleneck on and didn’t think about changing.

    Here is the jacket

    Posted Image

    I was also wearing black hose when I went out. Other than a few too many holiday cookies, I kind of like the look.

    Dr1819 & Richie-

    Thanks for the advice. It is really appreciated. I have never been overly conscious of coordinating my outfit. All of my guy clothes go with any all of my guy clothes. I don’t pay much attention. Wearing stuff that attracts more attention will require a little more attention on my part.

  6. Wow, asking me why I like boots is a tough question. I have a always liked the feel of boots and not particularly high heeled boots. The boot shaft on my leg is a feeling I really enjoy. It’s no longer an arousing thing, they just feel good. After reading many posts on this board, I have tried pumps and heeled sandals but I still enjoy boots more. I wore knee high boots for years until I got my first pair of thigh boots. Since then anything else just didn’t feel as good. When I finally decided to wear them out in public I’ve enjoyed them even more.

  7. Jeff -

    We do seem to appreciate the same look.

    I ran a seam up the back of my pair to reduce the diameter of the shaft so they would stay up on my leg a little better. I turned the boot inside out as much as the heel would allow and added my own seam inside the one on the boot. I think by fitting a little tighter they look a little better. I have considered having a cobbler add a set of D-rings up the back of the boots to tighten then but that may be a little while in coming.

    All -

    A long time ago the tangs on the zippers on my black thigh boots failed. I took the advice of other members and repaired each of the tangs with a heavy duty paperclip. I used pliers to bend the paperclip into a narrow handle but it still looked like a paperclip on the side of my boots. Yesterday I finally got tired of seeing that and wrapped the paperclip handle with black electrical tape and the handle disappeared! You really have to look closely to notice the handle (and I keep insisting that no one pays that much attention). The soft handle is also a lot more comfortable to use. I’m just embarrassed that it took me this long to think of the solution.

  8. I spent the afternoon at the art museum this afternoon. I wore jeans, a black turtleneck and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The parking lot was full so I had to park at the far end which led to a nice walk. There was a nice crowd. Again the guards were very friendly and greeted me warmly. Several folks noticed and I got a couple of second glances but most folks just paid me no mind.

    I sketched for an hour or so then walked around a bit. I haven’t been out too much lately and I needed to get a little more mileage on my boots. After I walked back to the car, I drove down to the reservoir and walked around it. There were a few other walkers and a small crowd but again no one seemed to notice. I then went up to the overlook in Eden park and walked around there a while. All in all I was walking on my heels for about 2 hours. The temperature was about 50F (10C) and I started walking wearing a leather jacket. I soon had to take it off because thigh boots do retain the heat your legs generate. Considering the major muscle groups in your legs, that can be a lot of heat.

    Anyway, it was a very nice afternoon out.

    Jeff -

    Whee Hah.

    Enjoy your new boots

  9. Just my preference but wear ankle length boots under jeans. Anything taller can (and should) be worn over jeans or leggings. The first thing I do when I get home from work is to change out of slacks and into leggins and usually a pair of flat heeled thigh boots.

  10. I went to the art museum today. I really was feeling to tired to go over and draw but they had a show up that I hadn’t seen so I went through it. I was wearing a tan suede coat, jeans, short sleeved knit shirt (very casual) and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    The show was well attended while I was there and everyone seemed much more interested in the paintings than a guy standing 6’5” in heeled thigh boots. No one said a word. The guards greeted me warmly and I had a great time wandering through the show and the rest of the museum. I’ve mentioned before, if your going to wear 5” stiletto heels, make sure they are comfortable (physically). I wound up walking for 2 hours and although nothing hurt, I was glad to sit down in a gallery for a few minutes. What surprised me was when I sat down my knees were more relieved than my feet.

    BobHH - Most of the time I am walking around outside is from the car to the store. I don’t do too much wandering around outside. I have never had a problem with my feet getting cold but I have learned to avoid too much snow and ice while wearing 4”-5” stiletto heels (and that has nothing to do with getting cold). I do wear my flat keeled boots all the time in cold weather. They really aren’t made for heavy duty work outside but they do Ok for shoveling snow and getting about in snow. I just have to avoid getting them too wet.

    Jeff - Thanks for the advice on cojones protection.:rocker:

  11. I went to Sam’s yesterday to stock up the larder. I wore a white turtle neck, tan leather jacket, jeans and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels.

    The parking lot was packed, as was the store. I got a cart and worked my way through the store. A couple of kids seemed to notice my boots but no one else paid any attention. I filled my cart and headed to the register. After I had checked out and was walking toward the exit, a young lady (20?) who was with her mother said, “Excuse me but you are really working those boots. Where did you get them?”

    I told her about the web site and she thanked me and repeated, “Your really working those boots.”

    I went on out to the car and was loading my stuff in when she and her mom went by and she repeated, “Your really working them, What was the web site again?”.

    I told her and went on, “These are a pull on style with a 4” heel that really need to be worn over jeans because they tend to slide down your leg. I also have a pair with an ankle zipper and a 5” heel that are a little taller than these and they stay up better.”

    “Taller than those!?”

    “Yeah, a little” and I indicated how much taller on my leg.

    “I don’t know if I could walk in those heels.”

    “It just takes practice. There are a couple of brands to look for, Ellie and Pleaser. Their boots are almost the same.”

    We bid each other a good day.

    It’s nice when someone asks. :rocker:

    Jeff -

    I’m inclined to think people are polite but there are a lot that are just in their own little bubbles and really don’t notice the rest of the world.

    11F really wasn’t the deciding factor on not wearing the skirt. I’m still struggling with the madness but recognizing it as such has been a help.

  12. Chris;

    Sounds like you had a grand time, sore feet and all.

    Here is s tip for getting gel insoles in place in a boot more quickly. The ones I use have a slick upper side and bottom side is the gel which is designed to stay in place in the shoe/boot. Turn the boot upside down and slide the gel insole in place on the top of the inside of the boot. The slick surface of the insole is sliding easily on the top inside of the boot. When you get it in place, turn the boot over and let gravity have it’s way. The insole should fall onto the bottom of the inside of the boot and require very little adjusting.

  13. Jspikeheels -

    It sounds like you have found out how much fun stiletto heels really are and I agree, "once you go (stiletto)-you never go back"

    Sam’s and Payless are both great places to wear boots. I have been posting about going to Sam’s wearing thigh boots for a long time. I stop in at least weekly and the staff expects me to be wearing them.

    I don’t recommend this with ankle boots, but if the black pair are taller, you might see how they look worn over your jeans/slacks.. I know, getting out of the car wearing boots fully exposed is tough the first time but once you get past that you never have to worry about “did they see my boots”. If you like the look, it really is a lot easier to do away with the worry.

    Great looking boots by the way. Enjoy them.

  14. I stopped at Bigg’s this morning and at Sam’s tonight wearing a black turtleneck, jeans, black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels and a brown leather coat. It looks like the madness of wearing a leather skirt has passed and the fact that it is 11F (-11C) really wasn’t the deciding factor. Seems like my last outing satisfied whatever need there was for me to do that. Once I understand what that need is all about, I’ll be in a much better place to control it. Anyway, today wearing boots was just wearing a warm pair of shoes. Some of the folks at Sam’s went out of their way to greet me and I only got a few dour looks from a couple of ladys. I have often said that people really don’t care what you wear, and I still think that’s true but someone else has posted something I had not considered. Most folks are too polite to say disparaging things to a total stranger.

  15. DDWW -

    I can’t give you advice on fashion but...

    Wearing heels out and a bout is a head game. All the reasons for not doing it and all the fears are in your head. In my experience, most people don’t care what you have on your feet. If your concerned about the neighbors, take your shoes to some other well populated area and wear them there.

    First get dressed, including your heels, at home, and look at yourself in a full length mirror. Make sure you are comfortable with what you see. If you are not comfortable seeing yourself in heels, don’t go out. But, if you like what you see, and I mean really like the look, then that is the biggest step in building the confidence you need. The confidence is a critical factor. If you don’t look comfortable and confident, no matter what your wearing, others will pick up on that insecurity and take advantage of it. If you do project confidence (and you can’t fake it) others pick up on that too and will give you the space to be yourself.

    Don’t worry about trying to hide your heels. Worry destroys confidence. Pick a look you like and go for it. If you like wedges, block heels, stilettos, 2” or 5” wear them so that you like the look. If that’s having the heel completely covered by the pant leg, heel exposed by the pant leg, or pant leg in side boots, pick a look you like and go for it.

    The more confidence you build, the more freedom you will have in creating a look you like.

    Confidence comes from doing something successfully. Don’t set up a situation where you can’t succeed. Don’t go somewhere that you know will give you grief. Go somewhere that is well populated and where people want you to be there (so that you will spend money).

    There are places I don’t go in heels. Work is my main restriction. Places where I have never been before and don’t know what to expect is another restriction. Other than that...

    Go out and have fun.

  16. I'm not a real fan of ankle boots except under jeans but I think the taller ones look great with both the long and short skirt.

    I just had a great day.

    I attended an IBM technical conference with some co workers and got my head stuffed with all sorts of technical geek fluff. The conference was on the north side of Cincinnati Oh. so it was well away from work.

    When I got up this morning I thought it would be fun to go out with the new skirt I just bought and a pair of thigh boots so I tried a couple of outfits and decided on a black turtleneck, tan leather suede skirt, matching tan suede jacket, black tights and lack leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. This outfit really looked nice, if I do say so myself.

    At the conference I wore the turtleneck , slacks and guy shoes then changed after the conference was over.

    The first place I went was Joseph-Beth’s Booksellers which is a great book store in Cincinnati. The store is a in an outdoor mall that has a big parking lot (600-800 cars). I parked in the middle of the lot and walked to the store. I passed several people and no one even glanced. I went into the store and headed for the computer book’s section. There was a lady sitting on the bench in front of the shelf where my books of interest were and she asked, “Am I in your way”?

    “Not at all” and I started to select a book. She moved over so I could sit down. I grumbled about the limited selection and she agreed. We chatted about the books for a minute and I finally found what I was looking for after getting up several times. She didn’t seem upset, concerned, or even to notice what I was wearing. We said “bye” and I headed for the checkout. No one in the store did more than glance. The register clerk was helpful as usual. The most notice I got was when I held the door open for someone and then it was gust a quick glance.

    I headed back out into the sidewalk that runs around the parking lot and headed for a Shoe Carnival which was at the other end of the mall. Still no one gave a second glance. In the shoe store the manager greeted me as I walked in and I headed over to the boot’s section. The largest I could find was an 11 and I selected a laced knee boot that looked nice and tried on a pair. Taking off a thigh boot while wearing a short skirt is a challenge but I managed. Unfortunately the 11 was a small 11 and there was no way it would fit. I pulled my boot back on and returned the 11s to the shelf. A few shoppers passed by but no one seemed to be bothered (or even curious).

    As I left the store I held the door open for a lady that did give me a smile then a quick head to foot glance and got a puzzled look on her face. I walked across the parking lot to a Longhorn Steakhouse that was at the other end of the mall. I was dogging moving cars all the way.

    I walked into the restaurant and the head water gave me a very quick glance and then seated me. That restaurant had the slickest floor I have ever encountered. I had a heel kickout three times as soon as I started walking. I normally place the heel tip on the floor then let the sole hit the floor as I am transferring weight to the foot. I quickly changed my stride to mot transfer weight until the sole was firmly on the floor. I did have to walk across the main dinning area to get to my both. Several folks looked up from their meal’s but quickly found the food more interesting than me. The waitress came and I ordered and had a nice dinner. As I was starting to eat I did ask her if my boots were a problem and she looked down at them and said, “Not at all”.

    Anyway, I finished my meal and walked out with only one heel kickout. The head waiter said “Goodnight” as I left. I was starting to think that guys wearing boots and a skirt came in there all the time but I didn’t ask.

    It was one more trip across the parking lot to my car. All in all I was there for about an hour and a half and no one said a thing. I really did enjoy the evening.

    I’m still struggling with why I enjoy doing this as much as I do and why I’m writing this post. I recognize they are both signs of my treading on thin ice and that I do have a weakness for wearing leather skirts. But, I did have a fun uneventful outing.

    I really did enjoy going out last night so this morning I put on black tights, the tan suede skirt, a long sleeved denim shirt and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I put on my tan suede jacket and walked out to the car.

    I stopped at Bigg’s on the way to work to get some lunch stuff. I parked and walked in and had to walk the full width of the store (several hundred feet). Several clerks saw me and returned a smile. Several of the senior managers (I think that’s who they were) kind of grimiest but returned a smile. I got my stuff and then walked the width of the store again to the lady’s department where I knew the clerk on duty. One of the clerks I passed that has seen me many times looked a little surprised but returned my smile. When I found the clerk in the lady department I said, “Thanks for the help the other day”.

    She took a quick glance at what I was wearing and said, “I was glad I could help.”

    “Could I get your opinion on this (I indicated my clothes), does it go together?”

    She looked me over and said, “Yeah it looks good together” but I sensed she was a little stressed.

    “So other than the fact that a guy is wearing it, It looks Ok?” that got a big smile and removed the sterss.

    “Yep, other than a guy wearing it, it looks fine.”

    I thanked her and headed for the checkout. As it turned out my two favorite register clerks were at the same register. They greeted me warmly and when the checkout was done I asked, “Other then a guy wearing this, does it look Ok?”

    The one clerk who has previously told me to “loose the skirt” replied, “Yeah it looks nice, the jacket matched the little skirt and the boots are long enough to keep you warm… Yeah it works.” I did notice her choice of works “little skirt”. I thanked them and walked back out to my car and changed into slacks and guy shoes and headed for work.

    As I’m reading this I’m thinking YOU DID WHAT!! I guess the madness comes and goes. I really am captivated by the image stefani boots persents.

  17. Aglo –

    What doesn’t look good on slim women?:irked:

    I think the proportion of jeans in calf length boots, where there is 2/5 boot and 3/5 jeans is a nice proportion. I also think that jeans in thigh boots where there is 3/5 boot and 2/5 jeans also works well. I don’t like the look when the ratio gets wider than that. Jeans in ankle boots or crotch boots just doesn’t look good (even though I just made myself a pair of crotch length boots). I think it’s a high heel that emphasizes leg length more than the boot.

    I think a 125mm heel is about 5”. I wear thigh boots with a 5” heel all the time and I suggest it just takes practice.:biggrin:

    All –

    One other tip about getting boots on over jeans:

    Done wear hose that has a slick surface. The boots will grab onto the cloth of the jeans and the jean leg will slide over the hose.

    Wear tights (or tall sox) that have a rougher surface than the lining of the boot. That rough surface will grab the jeans and let the boot slide over them.

    Its all about making your leg have a higher coefficient of friction than the boot lining. (I always knew high school physics would come in handy :rocker: ).

  18. I really do have a weakness for leather skirts.

    I was in the Goodwill the other day and they had clothing 50% off. I found this tan suede skirt that matched my jacket and it still had the original stores price tag on it. My total cost was $2.11. The laces on the sides are functional.

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

  19. I just bought a black leather skirt that would up being too small and I have a pair of flat heeled thigh boots that I always thought were too short so...

    I cut the 12 inches of the skirt off and folded it over to make a 6” wide piece of leather that was long enough to go around my thigh twice. I cut this is half to get enough material to make an extension for my boots. Next I cut to top cuff off the boots and sewed the 6” extension in place then reattached the top cuff.

    I wound up with a crotch length pair of flat heeled boots that are not the chunky style of crotch length engineering boots.

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

  20. Jeff -

    Absolutely. I been recommending boots worn over jeans for years. With zip up boots getting the boots on over jeans is a no brainer but with pull on boots here are a few tips:

    1. Start with tight jeans

    2. Wrap the cuff of the jeans around your ankle

    3. Pull your sock up over the cuff. This holds things in place while you pull your boot on.

    I like boots a little taller so let me offer a variation on the jeans theme:

    Posted Image

    and my all time favorite:

    Posted Image

    Good fitting jeans are not a problem just look in the thread http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/general_non_shoe_fashion_discussion/6849-question_about_womens_pant_sizing.html=question about women pant sizing.

  21. I really do feel a sense of community on this board and was hoping that posting my experience would be helpful. The other reason for posting was that you can’t fix a problem unless you know what the problem is. Writing it down helped and I was hoping that if “I had it all wrong” someone would have pointed it out.

    I do feel that I’m much more in control of things than I was. I still go shopping wearing thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels but its because I like the style and enjoy the look rather than having to do it.

    Leather skirts however are something I still have to come to grips with and I’m working on that. I really am captivated by the pictures posted by stefani boots and there is a strong desire to give that look a try but I think doing that would run me right off the deep end again so I’m “cooling my heels” (my grandmothers expression for stopping for a while) on that look.

    Thanks for all the comments, they really helped.

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