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HappyinHeels last won the day on March 13

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    Wisconsin, USA
  • Hobbies
    Enjoy traveling, sports, and the great outdoors. Also like general fashion. Usually wear bootcut jeans, with boots or pumps in winter and wedges or other heeled sandals in other months and have paired these with some other items such as blouses or jewelry. I do enjoy higher heels above 5" and have occasionally worn 6-7" heels to different social settings.

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  1. This pair of JS Dany sandals was the last time I wore heels away from home when I went shopping then to a movie. Apart from that wore wedge heels quite regularly at home or outside. HinH
  2. Don’t like it when a company makes a shoe which does fit me but it comes with an ankle strap 1-1.5” shorter than normal. It’s relevant if one has to perforate some extra holes in the strap. Don’t see a lot but it’s annoying. HinH
  3. Glad to hear the collective value of members’ heel-wearing experiences inspired you to take that first step outside. As I’ve said before, but it is worth repeating, the world is utterly neutral towards you but will look approvingly upon anyone who exudes confidence. Thanks for placing your trust in the community here. It validates the site. HinH
  4. Gige, Looked this over and decided your “armchair fashionistas” are now fat and can’t master the look you now sport. They are not in the chain of command and the content of what they tell you is really not directly related to the job you’re all paid for. You could note they offered no comments before wearing more feline styles but I’d be inclined to record any interaction with them if you can manage it. It’s one sure way of shutting down would-be troublemakers. These phones have a life of their own as a phone in a pocket or purse can start recording at any moment…theoretically. HinH
  5. Mlroseplant, Well-done on your whole-hearted JKrenzer endorsement! Practice over time makes just about anyone master a skill whether it’s walking in heels, learning electricity, or delving into amateur radio. Time spent in heels will also tone those calves. Keep it up! HinH
  6. Mlroseplant, saw this post and it made me think about my shoes. Have only 8 pairs in Arizona which classify as such: 4” or less= 0 4-4.5”=0 4.5”-5”=3 5-6”=2 6” or higher= 3 Back home in Wisconsin I don’t know the exact number but it’s above 175 pairs none of which are under 4”. The bulk are 5-6” and the most common style is the wedge sandal. I’ll have to get an accurate picture when we get back there. In the meantime we’ll enjoy sandal weather here in AZ. First stretch days of 90F(32C) are coming. HinH
  7. Mlroseplant, You look devine in your hot pink jacket and pumps. You are not being subtle now no wonder you get noticed at the grocery store! Well done and a good way to start spring. HinH
  8. I’d bet it would be significant. “Here they are daily shoes I now lose, but once they did adorn, and now rest tired and worn.” Just a suggestion for such a place😊HinH
  9. Here’s my JS Danny sandals with skinny jeans, an AVA VIV top, and an MK bag. Casual but made great with the Dany sandals.
  10. There was “Boot Hill” not too far from our house in Yuma and now there’s “Heel Hill”. A place where we honor our treasured, and seriously-worn, heeled footwear. Maybe they adorn a post in your yard? HinH
  11. We don’t need aloof runway models in faraway cities to effectively convey male heels fashion. We have down-to-Earth mlroseplant in Iowa to bring it home. Sporting fashion we may actually afford and wear. Now that’s something to toast. And click your heels over.👠HinH
  12. Looking at the slanted angle of these heel wearers reminds me of those YouTube videos showing vehicles with wobbling or slanted tires. Invariably the dashcam then shows a tire flying off or the vehicle crashing into something. It just doesn’t look promising. HinH
  13. Mlroseplant, Firstly I’ll echo others’ praise for your fine representation of men in heels. As ZZ Top said, you’re “a sharp-dressed man”. As to fixing these heels and the length of the shank I have an analogy with knives. I like to cook and have done it at home, in other people’s yards and in two restaurants. Knives are really important and you shouldn’t skimp on quality. So many knives are inexpensive but closer scrutiny shows handles made from something other than wood and the blade doesn’t go to the bottom of the handle. About 15 years ago I spent $650 for a complete set of knives which I still have. Cutco knives made in New York State not ordinary crap made in China. Many of the shoes we buy are mass-produced for the masses at reasonable prices. The surprise is that some last as long as they do. Probably more to do with care exercised by the wearer. Since you are a bit shorter than I a figure of 2800 steps per mile seems reasonable for you. 200miles is 560k steps divided by 11 gives 50-51k steps/yr. I then used a figure of 3500 steps per outing with heels on. That’s shopping, going grocery, clothes, hardware or just walking through some mall somewhere so that equates to some dozen outings for that pair of heels assuming only that you had them on the entire time. Honestly that’s outstanding for the price paid. As to the shoes if you really really like them them have a pro fix them. If you had a certain car you really liked the have it completely overhauled. I did this in 1997 with an 1985 Grand Marquis had the most comfortable seats of any car I ever had. Sure, the cost of fixing the shoes will exceed the price paid but who cares. They are important to you so you need not justify anything to anyone else. I wish you the best whatever you decide. HinH
  14. I read with interest the points made about the recalcitrance of manufacturers to deviate from gender labels. I think it has a lot to with how efficiently the internet searches things. What many of us see if how women appropriate items from the men for their own use and the world just accepts it. Since women are 75% of clothing and shoe sales across North America , USA, Canada + Mexico, their influence is enormous. It makes whatever men are doing much less noticeable. There has been a blending of men’s and women’s fashion in practice but many companies still stick to their traditional labels I think because of the internet. HinH
  15. Looks like the pics posted in reverse order from my description so start at bottom and the descriptions will match. These are all casual or fairly casual looks with different heel styles. Another way to get out there and enjoy what you have. HinH
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