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Everything posted by Cali

  1. At a meeting today, two 4 inch stilettos, two 4 inch block heels, one kitten stiletto, two 2 inch block heels, five tennis shoes.
  2. No problem, all you need are externally mounted independently operated (remote controlled, ideally AI driven) bow and stern thrusters.
  3. (sorry) We call those vehicles land yachts. To large to maneuver the mountain roads around here (with speed). But if he learns how to parallel park in that, then everything else will be easy.
  4. I drink expresso roasted bean. My current beans are a 3 - 3 - 2 mixture of Peruvian Ore Verde, Sumatra Dark, and Sweet Italian. No machine, no pods. Real thick hearty pour-over coffee.
  5. There is coffee (starbucks) and GOOD deep dark roasted flavorful coffee. I've been an author and editor for 35 years. One of many unique positions I have held over the years. Boat gardens, boat puppies, swans, flowers along the sides of the canal, ... I could go on and on ... every year a new Calendar
  6. How about a Long Boat Calendar or a coffee table book of pictures Long Boats. (I guess your would call it a 'tea' table book.) Next year just the canals, smooth water, rough water, clouds reflected, .... then birds along the canals, then ...
  7. Cali

    Cali World

    I just completed my quick 1.5-day trip. And @pebblesf, the airline was SWA. I wore my Jessica Simpson black faux suede with block heels both ways. Stilettos would have been a nightmare of the airport floors. First with jeans and returned in dark red cords. I was one of the very few in colors other than white, black, blue, grey, and beige. Also, I had the highest heels everywhere. I saw some SWA flight attendants in short (2 inch) heels, and a Spirit FA also on short heels at the hotel I stayed at. Almost all the CLEAR and TSA agents complimented me on my knee-high boots before saying anything else. The guy at the car rental also complimented me on the ‘fierce’ boots before I got to his station. At least 20 other travelers also complimented me on the boots. Many, many double takes. Good quick trip. Another trip in a month. Again boots
  8. Cali

    Cali World

    I don't want to hijack @mlroseplant threat. What do people notice? Several weeks ago, I wore my 9 West suede knee high - yellowish with a camel colored cords, light brown turtleneck and a leopard sherpa. Only thing people remember was the leopard sherpa. Today I wore the same knee highs and the same style cords BUT in dark blue, a light purple turtleneck and a hoodie. All anyone noticed was my heels. At least 15 compliments, include several men.
  9. Cali

    Cali World

    I got this bsi glue and glued the platform back onto the shoe. Wore the knee boots today without a problem.
  10. Only 1/2 hour commute. I commute over 3000 ft 'hill'. Good days around 35 - 45 minutes depending on the traffic a road. Bad days 1+ hours. This summer I have a 55 minute (minimum) each way. But only 16 more months till I retire and the pay is very good. Some of the commutes I have done have been over 1 1/2 hours each way. But this is California, the land of freeways.
  11. I think it is that there are very few first for each of us. I plan to fly this coming week for the first time with knee high boots. Expected no issues. Another reason is there are very few high heels in the market place. I have been looking for many months and so far had to return 5 pairs and the 6th one sold out before they send it. DSW is now devoted at most 20% of the floor space to shoes with heels.
  12. Cali

    Cali World

    Several interesting events happen this week. On Wednesday I stopped at the Post Office on the way into work. As I past a woman getting to her door she stopped and told "I just love those boots" (Impo boots with 3.8+" skinny heels) "I wish I could walk as well as you in them." That's just normal for me. It's what happen on the way out that makes this an event. When I was about 11 meters from my car, I felt something wrong...looked down and the platform had separated from the top of the shoe. Got to my car, took off the boot and drove home. Lucky, I was only 4 miles from home. Went home and changed into my Jessica Simpson faux suede knee highs. I have since glued the shoe together. I wonder how many miles I have logged in those shoes over the last 6 + years; 50?, 100?, 200? Today, was a meetings day, again had the JS knee highs (rainy/windy day). After one meeting, a woman told me she always likes walking behind me because she likes the heels I wear. We discussed shoes for a few minutes, she and another woman were fans of JS shoes. Sheepishly she confessed that she owned over 50 heels, I told her "that's ALL, I have around 100." We laughed.
  13. I am an executive in several organizations, so I see more high heels than most. And I sometimes see women enter meetings in sneakers and change into heel before the meetings start. And then change back into sneakers after the meetings.
  14. I see some women who changes into sneakers to go out at lunch. Also at the high end mall, Nieman Marcus, Nordstrom, Macy, Cadillac, Roll Royce, ... I hardly see heels.
  15. I wear knee high boots on the outside of my pants. People notice them (a mile away).
  16. Cali

    Cali World

    Today I wore my Nine West suede knee highs boots with pointy toes to work. One of the administrators ask me about how to buy boots. She has seen some 'but they were expensive". Yeah good suede boots cost money. This is the third time she has ask about shopping, I think she wants to go shoe (boot) shopping with me....LOL
  17. Let's look at this from a passenger's stand point. Last year, during my return flight from Sydney to LAX and then to my home airport, the 10 AM flight got cancel due to a damaged gasket. Got send to Melbourne. That 3 pm flight got delayed till 3 am. Got into LAX at 11:30 pm with no flights to my final airport till 7 am the morning. So after sleeping in a LAX terminal, I boarded my last flight. After 40+ hours of traveling, I didn't care what I looked like. All I wanted was to get home and go to sleep in my bed.
  18. A long hoodie can mitigates the moose knuckle. And the pouch is great for holding things (wallet/cell/keys) because most leggings don't have pockets. I have many different types of leggings depending on the event and weather.
  19. Cali

    Cali World

    As @mlroseplant suggests, it was a brain fart...at almost 70, I'm allowed. It's been a strange month with all sorts of technology failing when I'm at the peak of busy.
  20. Between 85 and 100% of what I wear comes from the woman's side, but other than my heels, I don't look feminine. Even with gel fingernails. More colors and fabrics to play with, better fit.
  21. Cali

    Cali World

    Today I stopped by a DSW store to see if my order was in. It was, but the Journey booties didn't fit. The bad news is that this DSW only has about 20% of floor space for heels, 10% men's dress and the rest sneakers (runners for you Brits). Very, very sad. So far this year I've only not worn knee highs boots to work once. I get lots of compliments on the my boots from both men and women. Random scooter shoot outs - "love those boots" or "great outfit". LOL Today when I picked up my food at a multi-restaurant eatery, the order taker told me nice boots.
  22. But sandals in 40-50 degree temperatures and rain is just not fun.
  23. I've only worn knee highs to work this year. Being sunny today, my suede Jessica Simpson stilettos.
  24. I buy new cars for myself and used cars for my kids. My daughter just bought a new car herself. I commute to work over a mountain, we call it a hill because it's only a little over 3000 ft) and I ski (8000+ ft). I need a good 4x4 that gets good mileage. Mine in now 7 years old with 92k. I have it maintained because I need that reliable SUV. I have old school bikes, a double butted Reynolds road bike and a 1970ish Schwinn 10 speed for riding on beach paths. And my "long boats" at 9 foot kayaks.😃
  25. Just pay cash for your cars. Because of the mountains and earthquake faults (no tunnels), a train ride would take 2.5 hours while the car ride is 25 minutes.
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