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Everything posted by Cali

  1. Just pay cash for your cars. Because of the mountains and earthquake faults (no tunnels), a train ride would take 2.5 hours while the car ride is 25 minutes.
  2. My next pedi/mani is on the 15th, so no Valentine Mani. Just my regular iridescent blue gel.
  3. Sorry,if I'm flying into Honolulu or I'm island hopping, I'm most likely in shorts. If I'm flying between Gatwick and Edinburgh in July, then I'm in long pants (and a thick winter coat).
  4. The techincal term for this 'feature' of AI is 'hallucination'.
  5. I don't trust AI not to steal my work. Once you put anything into AI, that AI now owns it. So, I keep my stuff out of AI.
  6. Living where the ground is not flat, walking down a steep driveway or across a surface that is slant perpendicular to direction of motion. That compound angle is hard to navigate.
  7. My sister has that position now with my mother in assisted liviing now and over100 y.o. I've learner how mean my mother could be towards her daughter. One granddaughter wont visit her again. My ex-wife was that way, I was never right, if I did A she would complain why I didn't do B, if I did B, she would complain why I didn't do A, if I did A and B, I was still wrong. The key word here is Ex.
  8. One time many decades ago, 70 students needed to choice between somebody in a suit and tie, and me in a t-shirt and shorts. Those that picked the suit later told me they made a mistake. It's what's in your head, not what clothes (shoes) you have on. I've seen many many men try to hide in a suit. I wear suits for funerals and contract negotiations.
  9. My podiatrist advise me to wear at least 2.5 inch heels to deal with my extreme high arches. I go to a nail salon where it is more of a coop, where each nail tech has their own clients and manicure stations, but share space and pedicure stations. Very, very hard to get in for none-regulars. And I get great leg and foot massage, too. I wear open toes throught the year. Not much this month. I too let my nail tech do dealers choice, bt many times I have a design in my head when I come in. After the pedicure I get my manicure. I have damaged figernails so I get acrylic nails with gel color. Ran errands this morning, 4 random compliments on them. Men can get colored fingernails. PS. My podriatrst loves my nail color.
  10. 3.8 quake is mild at best, most here will not even notice that. I've been throught several 6+ and two 7+ quakes, and many many 4's and 5's. I knew about the termites when I purchase it. When I bought it, it had no working windows either. It a tear-me-down, but it has triple in price in about 10 years.
  11. I currently have a under 1000 sq.ft. house that is held together by termites holding hands. BUT it's 4 blocks from the ocean. Since this is earthquake country, building codes are very important. If you ever saw a parking lot roll during an earthquake you would understand.
  12. I have had both big toes operated on by podiatrists to fix my ingrown toenails. I’m missing my trapezium bone (destroyed 15+ years ago) so it is hard to do my own toenails. As a result, I have been getting pedicures ever since. After a few years, I got over ‘No Color” FEAR and now get whatever color I feel like (but no reds or pinks).I have had both big toes operated on by podiatrists to fix my ingrown toenails. I’m missing my trapezium bone (destroyed 15+ years ago) so it is hard to do my own toenails. As a result, I have been getting pedicures ever since. After a few years, I got over ‘No Color” FEAR and now get whatever color I feel like (but no reds or pinks).
  13. This is something you have to get over. When you go to a shoe store and try on heels you have no choice.
  14. Here, if the "basement" is under 7 feet it does not count in the over all square footage of the house and does not influence the home owner's tax. (BTW mine tax is over 9k a year). In the last house I built, we hat a 300 sq. ft. basement with access via the garage. In the house I am designing now, I will have a much larger basement, but we have a high water table here, so I will also have to design an automatic French drain system.
  15. I think we are all influencers (I know I have influence several women to wear heels). I just wish I got paid for being that influencer. (Hear that Jessica Simpson)
  16. I wasn't jealous because they were PUMPS and my feet aren't pump friendly. Also, I have enough heels that there are some that rarely see daylight.
  17. Only 200? My friend showed me pictures of her anut's high heel shoe collection, 600 to 800 pairs, mostly pumps. Asked me if I was jealous.
  18. I have many leggings that are for specific purposes. My therma-compressions are my skiing base layer. My fleece are so soft and make a great 'pajama' bottom or layed under sweatpants to work my garden in the winter. And thin ones for a cool summer evening. ....
  19. You don't have to wear skirts to wear leggings. All you need is cold legs.
  20. You may want to look at leggings instead of tights. They might be easier to find and warmer. I love my Ultra-Luze Velour Leggings (Felina), they keep my legs warm.
  21. Try adding 'TALL" to your searches. Googling 'Tall tights' gave pages of places.
  22. You will see stilettos on a lot on women that 'host' talk shoes, news casters - especially 'weather girls', and politicians. And me if I ever get on TV.
  23. LOL...I have several of those boots and wear them the same way with just different tops. Just don't wear my suede or leather in the snow.
  24. @Shyheels Men's purple pants are hard to come by. @mlroseplant Although most of my pants have belt loops, I can't wear a belt because of the donor site on my hip cuff. Most of the pants I have that are belt-loopless have ever elastic waistline or multiple buttons on the inside to adjust the waist. But you could also get suppenders.
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