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Bubba136 last won the day on April 26

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    South Carolina - USA
  • Hobbies
    Girls Shoes

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  1. Great look. Appearing in Church dressed like that must make more than one woman jealous because everything matches in good taste and, I would guess, not one female would be wearing higher heels than you do. WOW. What a great look. Going anywhere wearing that outfit would take a ton of courage. Especially to Church service . But, then again, you have been wearing heels to church for a long while, I doubt the skirt would raise many eyebrows. Any criticism given might be along the lines of the skirt is way to short for wearing at a religious service. (You should submit the picture of you sitting on the motorbike to the Best Dressed contest.)
  2. They look interesting. Too bad we couldn’t have a better look at them.
  3. Speaking of Nike, I just read an article on U Tube where the star of the University of Iowa’s women’s basketball team, Caitlin Clark, signed a huge endorsement contract with Nike shoes worth over 50 million dollars, even to a point where Nike will produce a “signature shoe” with her name on it. I am wondering if mlroseplant has any interest in getting a pair when they become available? If he does, he might be setting a new trend by wearing a pair of women’s basketball shoes by men. A new thing for sure, but it just might catch on.
  4. If anyone is interested in these shoes, they are being sold by Nieman Marcus. Look on their website.
  5. I have never worn or owned a pair of heels with metal heel tips. When ever the heel tips on my shoes need replacing, I either did it myself using a set of tips that came with the shoes when I bought them or took them to the local shoe repair shop. Same for my wife’s shoes. As for what the tips were made of, I really don’t know for sure. Hard rubber or some sort of rubber/plastic compound, I would guess. Don’t know what I am going to do now since the only local shoe repair shop has closed. The closest one that I have found is 50 miles away from me. My wife and both daughters loved kittens heels. My wife tried to get me interested in them,too. But I managed to put her off without without expressing my opinion on how hideous I thought they were. Speaking of kitten heels, I opened a commercial browser a couple of days ago and saw a advertisement for women’s shoes which featured a pair of Penny Loafers with square toes and kitten heels. Now I love my Penny Loafers. I have two or three pair that are my favorites. Especially the black leather pair with 4” block heels. I just laughed out loud when I saw the pair in the picture. I can’t imagine anyone buying them.
  6. How would the material that the heel cap is made from affect the wear? I would guess that a heel cap made of metal would outlast any heel cap made of a less sturdy material regardless of how a person walked.
  7. I agree 110%. Who is offended: 1) Not those who feel they have to prove they feel,treat, try harder or their remedy is more affective thanyone elses. (As in advertising) 2) Those that recognize others failing to understand that there is no such thing as more than 100% of anything. In the final analysis, it doesn’t matter because we all know what is meant and that there is no such thing as more than 100% of anything. So, as they say “down south” if you’re offended: “Go scratch your mad place!” 🙂
  8. Sorry for probably misposting/misplacing my comment in this thread. But, given the state of affairs existing in our existence today, finding the right thread would not have been easy. Likewise, in my opinion, any man appearing in public wearing a pair of dainty “Barbie” girly shoes obviously is making a statement that would probably be received in a similar manner- One of surprise and total “wonderment.” Not that I don’t like the shoes because I really think they’re exquisite and probably would wear them around my house but not outside in public. Because, they are way too girly for my taste and I don’t feel any need of making a statement. Like I posted before, this is the time for being “Offended.” However, I chose curiosity over offense because if I am comfortable wearing my girls shoes in public, why shouldn’t anyone else wearing anything they want to wear, as long as it is legal, also be?
  9. I had an interesting experience this afternoon. I went to my local cell phone provider to get a minor malfunction corrected. While I was waiting for my technician to finish waiting on another customer, I was sitting in the customer waiting area when a large transgender person entered and sat down close by. (S)he was wearing full face makeup as well as a black female warm up suit and red feminine tennis shoes. A really unusual appearance. Not the clothes or makeup because the clothes were tastefully selected and the makeup nicely applied, but the sheer large stature of the individual’s appearance left everyone in the room in “open mouth wonderment” as to why anyone so constructed would ever want to appear in public adorned in such a manner. My technician called me for service While I was still trying to untangle this picture and even now, I am still unable to get the image out of my mind. I am not criticizing, just wondering. 🤔
  10. Very feminine looking. Where would you wear them and how would you dress? I don’t think they would look good with my “laid back fashion” preference.
  11. Offense is in the air. Any one can be offended by anything at anytime. Whether it be a person’s nail polish is too red or they don’t like the color you painted your toes, someone somewhere is going to be offended. Now, (trying not to be too political) you’re in double trouble if the offended individual is a member of a minority community. They can climb on top of their grievance and scream “race” at the top of their lungs, making the entire incident “headline news”. People are stupid. Seeking their fifteen minutes of fame is a very strong incentive. So, if they are willing to complain, I would just turn the tables on them by citing their actions of not supporting my rights to dress as I choose. A clear case of “pure sexual discrimination” could be made if a complaint of that nature is made.
  12. You are right, it wasn’t a tennis ball. In fact, it was a pool ball - a nine (9) ball if I recall correctly. At any rate, it sure was a “provoking” picture. And you are also right in that this particular picture is the focus on the total package. My bad 😞
  13. Shows there are some individuals still willing to exercise their fashion boldness, out there. 🙂
  14. From our perspective the girl wearing the shoes isn’t the focus. It’s the shoes. I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned the similarity between this photo and the famous older picture of the black panten leather pump with the 7” heel through the tennis ball 🎾 . I am certain that it still is around on the internet somewhere and might even be in the Hhplace archives.
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