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Bubba136 last won the day on August 11 2024

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  • Birth Sex
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    South Carolina - USA
  • Hobbies
    Girls Shoes

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Community Answers

  1. What do you do about water, electricity, sewage, etc. do most places that you stop have facilities connections?
  2. If you stood by your pick up you would disappear from the belt to your feet.🫣
  3. The lawnmower is out of place? 🤔
  4. Tell us about living life on the canal. Do you move frequently? The only experience I have is spending a week on a trip though Belgium’s canals with my dad when I was a boy. We traveled by speed boat that my father borrowed from a friend, living in B&B’s along the way. A quaint experience. Still have the pictures somewhere.
  5. Idiosyncrasies. Funny how I grew to hate the between the toe wearing of the shower shoes during my aviation cadet program days to a point that I can’t stand to wear them today but my wife chose to wear different styles quite frequently and never with a problem. Styles like mlroseplant is wearing are almost as popular around here this summer as crocks. Even the dresser styles, flats and with wedge heels that are even worn to church. (But then, crocks are worn in the same manner by both men and women, even too church).
  6. My wife used to tell me that shoes were accessories. She chose the shoes that matched or accented the outfit she was wearing. Women’s shoes don’t have to have high heels to look feminine. In her more mature years, she would often wear very girly styles with kitten heels and look smashingly sexy. She often told me that she would leave wearing higher stilettos to me because she found them to be uncomfortable. As for me, I love wearing heels. In my. 30’s and 40’s my normal shoes had 5” heels and I enjoyed occasionally wearing higher heels. Now that I’m enjoying my 60’s, I very rarely wear heels higher than 4” anymore. My main interest has always been “Girls Shoes”, not looking like a girl. But, back on point, you’re evolutionary process is probably normal. Transitioning from pure male appearance to a male wearing female garments in public has elements of your being comfortable at the same time as your overcoming your apprehension about your appearance not being acceptable. It’s a long process. Being a female is a complex process. There is a lot more to think about, especially if you want to appear only slightly feminine. One step at a time!
  7. I’ve never read of any any man being remembered for saying that life was easy. History is a record of perrel and demise!
  8. And despite the differences, the world still turns. Societies reinvent themselves, civilization after civilization.
  9. You are aware, aren’t you, that supervisors only assigned the most boring jobs to their most capable employees because they have proven over time that they can be trusted to do a good job under any circumstances. For the most part these tasks require the least effort that is why they are so boring. Be happy that they pay you the same rate as they would if you had the hardest job. Go with the flow and enjoy the lighter load while it lasts. 😕
  10. I really like those sandals. I have a similar pair that I bought a long time ago from Jessica Simson, only the heels aren’t quite that high. I haven’t worn them yet this summer. I’ll have to dig them out and see if they still fit. I think I’ll wait until after this storm passes, though.
  11. Three cheers for the picture! One for the shoes and two for the bike!! 🤩
  12. I love the shoes but sell them off of of my feet? I believe that I would have. Sold them and taken the money and purchased the same style in a black or red. Pink isn’t a color that I would hardly ever wear in public. Have you worn this pair lately?
  13. Persecution of Christians is a historical fact. What Christians believe is forgiveness for the persecution and pray for the persecutors. Being a believer isn’t easy!
  14. That is so true. It has happened that way in the past. But then again, you’ll do anything to save yourself when someone has a knife at your throat.
  15. If they insulted Muslims as bad there would be open warfare in the streets of Paris. Not that there won’t soon be anyway.
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