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Heelarious: heels for baby's??????


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I can't believe what i've read today...

Some people came up with the idea to make heels for baby's???

when pressure is applied on the heels they automaticly fold in though. The concept started with a joke, when (i suppose) 2 mothers were thinking how it would be if they would take their little baby's to a party wearing heels..

Still dunno about this idea... I think it could be alittle strange for people who don't see the joke of it.


let us know your opinion!!

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Cute, funny and probebly quite the attention getter.

However thirty-five dollars for something that will ultimatly end up in their mouth?

I don't know...It seems to me that the traditional shoes/socks work just fine. And if anyone is interested I have two daughters of my own and I wouldn't have bought these for them. Heels that young would take the specialness of graduating to them away.

Just my thoughts.


"Look for the woman in the dress, if there is no dress there is no woman."-Coco Channel

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They'll probably get rich from this :thumbsup: remember "gangsta" clothing for children that was all the rage a few year ago?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Yeah I questioned these til I saw the heels collapse when they try to stand up. And since they're designed for babies 0-6 months, none of them should be walking at that point anyway. But hot pink? Zebra print? Leopard? THAT I question...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Personally, I think it's quite disturbing. I know it's meant to be a joke, but this just adds to the sexualization of children - I'm already sick of seeing 5 year olds in bikinis and mini skirts, so those pretend high heels for babies make me shudder. Kids shouldn't be brought up being told that how they look is the most important thing. Aside from that, they look completely terrifying...

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I looked, laughed, then thought "who would buy something like that for a baby?" I'm sure I wouldn't, as SarahLou already said it's premature sexualisation of a child. They lose their innocence far too young as it is (I'm a father to 3 daughters, so I know it only too well).

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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Well I mean, they're for babies 0-6 months old. I don't know of any baby that has walked before 10 months. That's far different from the clothes for kids just past toddler age, what with bellies out and words printed on the backside (obviously to draw eyes there) and everything else... even some of the shoes being made in girls' sizes can be hell on their still-developing ankles and lower joints. These, by comparison, are harmless - socially and developmentally.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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I kind of agree with Danielinheels in that they're for children so young it isn't like these padded bras and thongs you see/read about for 8 or 9 year olds, it is probably more for comic effect, but nevertheless I think they're still quite creepy. There is something a bit wrong about whoever thought that idea up IMHO.

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I just saw the photos. I heard talk of these on the Bob and Tom syndicated radio show this morning. I guess everyone has a gimmick (like the pet rock). But in my opinion, these just look silly.

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watched an interview with the two women that made the shoes and started this whole thing on Fox TV this morning. The thrust of the interviewer's questions were toward the "sexulizing" of baby girls by introducint them to high heels at a very "impressionable" age. I must agree that the whole Idea is kind of silly just like roniheels says - another "gimmic."

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watched an interview with the two women that made the shoes and started this whole thing on Fox TV this morning. The thrust of the interviewer's questions were toward the "sexulizing" of baby girls by introducint them to high heels at a very "impressionable" age. I must agree that the whole Idea is kind of silly just like roniheels says - another "gimmic."

I disagree with the interviewer's premise, though.

The babies can't even walk in them. These aren't "Stilettos 101" for newborns.

If they were learning how to strut, THEN I'd have a problem.

But the mere existence of objects doesn't define them. What we as humans do with existing objects define them.

This ability to define the world around us is what makes us human. Our [general] eagerness to "pigeonhole" everything into arbitrary groups helps, for example, contribute to the notion that men can't/shouldn't wear high heels.

Be the change you want to see in others.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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