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How do you feel without heels?


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Umm........shorter? Sorry....couldn't resist. LOL Actually, I don't feel quite as stylish, or complete without a nice pair of heels on, so I consider them somewhat essential to my wardrobe. :-)

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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They are not that important to me that I would want to wear heels when it isnt appropriate. I treat them as just another item of clothing to be worm as and when I want to or the situation is right. Although it would be great fun, I wouldnt wear a pair of high heeled boots to drive my motorcycle. Although possible, they are not constructed for the rigours of operating the gear shift and they would be ruined in a trice. Horses for courses.

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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Umm........shorter? Sorry....couldn't resist. LOL

Actually, I don't feel quite as stylish, or complete without a nice pair of heels on, so I consider them somewhat essential to my wardrobe. :-)


real men wear heels

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1) Bored

2) Same as euchrid

Jealous... of all those lucky people who are wearing them ;)

Unfortunatelly I fell this way everyday, except during my latest adventures clubbing in fetish parties.

Flavio - Brazilian heel lover, now in France.

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They are not that important to me that I would want to wear heels when it isnt appropriate. I treat them as just another item of clothing to be worm as and when I want to or the situation is right.

I agree fully. While I enjoy wearing heels, I don't actually live for same. Just like with Thighboots2, they're just shoes, nothing to get worked up over when you don't have them on.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thought I might reverse the question. How do you feel without heels?

Personaly, I feel like apart of me is missing and I'm not happy. (empty inside)

That gos for me too, I feel down and unhappy.

I also feel it's time to end gender based clothing that men should have the same fashion rights as the woman have enjoyed for 60 years. Equality in Fashion!

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When I don't wear high heels, I feel ordinary, unspectacular, and like another face in the crowd. But I live with it. As others have said, there are times you don't wear high heels. The good thing about not wearing high heels is that I can't wait to put them on again. As I've said before, I feel chic, sexy, extra confident, and, for lack of a better word, pretty. I'm not obsessed with high heels, but I feel special when I wear them. Sorry to digress.;)

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As others, bored. Maybe even as far as incomplete.

For a short while I felt an almost irrepressible need to wear heels, and being stopped by conventional thought/experience from wearing them, made me feel a little desperate for a couple of months.

I've now got a couple of pairs of street wearable heeled boots, and I get to wear them a lot more than I did. Once or twice I've worn them in social situations, and I have to say I'm a lot happier for it.

I wouldn't be surprised to find my interest in heels to disappear as quickly as it re-appeared, but mindful I'm already planning the summer collection...... I'm not expecting that to be the case. ;)



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When not wearing heels I am looking for an oportunity to wear them. When I am wearing them and MUST take them off I hesitate just a little to enjoy one last minute of that special heely feeling then I begrudgingly take them off feeling like I am tossing away a very good friend:mecry: and the cycle starts again.


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I would say that ronieheel and 5.5Thrill described it best for me. When I'm wearing them, I feel special and good inside and not just ordinary and then when it comes time to take them off, I hesitate to get a minute or two more of that special feeling. When I'm out and not in heels, I can't wait to get home and get them on and knowing they are just sitting there waiting for me can be some what stimulating.

real men wear heels

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I to feel the way Johnieheel and 5.5Thrill discribed I usually wear my pumps when driving back and forth to work (40 miles one way) and normally I take my lunch to work and my lunch break is around 1:pm and I go down the street from work to this big park to eat by that time there is hardly anyone there so I put on my heels eat lunch then take a walk around the park just to spend time in my heels and when it's time to go back to work I hate having to take them off. I wear ether cowboy boots with a 3" rideing heel or a pair of ladies harness boots that have a 3.5" chunky heel to work but I love wearing my 4" pumps or my MJ' s also with a 4" heel, so in a around about way I don't like it when I am not in heels.

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