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have any of you approached a high heeled woman in the street


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I never fail to compliment a lady on her Fine Feminine Footwear. If I really like them, I will ask where she got them and get a pair for myself. Wearing a pair of Anne Klien's I saw on a customer! Maybe she might be into some Heeling around!

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While approaching a woman and complimenting her on her shoes might be considered a bit forward and unusual in most circumstances, a womal noticing a man following her, looking at her shoes, might be considered "stalking" and very frightening to her. Caution being the better part of valor, I wouldn't follow any woman ver far just to get a good look at her feet and shoes. Better to get a catalog. :wink:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I might have in the dim and distant past! Compliments are only ok if they have the ring of truth about them. Men are much more reticent than women, I was out in a pair of 4" Nine West boots Monday lunchtime - Fulham broadway - I wasn't aware that anyone noticed my footwear, I wore a fairly non descript green shirt, and new pin striped jeans that looked more like the bottom of a suit. Within a couple of minutes of each other one woman said "nice shoes" I responded with a quite pleased with my self thank you and she smiled and said Your welcome. That was in the tube station just out on the street another woman remarked Good Shoes, but she was just trying to get my attention, she was touting for a charity. But it gave me a little boost. If I were single I'd wear heels far more often... But getting back to the thread, for a man it's so rare to get a compliment from an attractive woman that it gives you a boost and we don't find it creepy, but I'm sure it could be a bit scary if it came in a persistant way from the wrong woman.

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Hi, I have been polite and thanked them for wearing some great heels. Dublin airport was the last time, a great pair of metal heels, wow. I have always been smiled at and thanked, I then walked away and left them to their everyday business. after all, I have a great wife at home! Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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Occasionally, but it has happened the other way round. Ie we are both wearing heels and she has approached me and asked where I got my shoes, and then I'll usually ask about hers if they are remotely interesting. I guess this doesn't quite count, but if you are actually wearing heels yourself, it makes it a lot easier to get into a conversation because it makes you part of the club.

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I've talked to women who are on the rare occasion are wearing high heels in order to compliment them on their choice of footwear. I never actively follow them though. This has led to some fun conversations about heels. I have found those women gracious for the compliment.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Dear all, There was an occasion in the summer of 2004 when I was at a gig with friends. In the bar before the performance, this amazing vision of (my idea) high heeled perfection slinked past us in the bar. Initially noticing a beautiful woman in a sexy short dress baring lovely smooth legs, I was exhilarated when I recognized that she was also wearing a gorgeous pair of 6" spike-heel platform 'stripper' shoes. After this I found it extremely difficult to take my eyes off her! Her heels featured clear units and black patent leather uppers with wrap-around ankle straps and fitted snugly on her exceptionally pretty feet. Initially, I admired from afar but, at the interval, when I was back in the bar again on my own, my heart took a leap when I saw her again, moving gracefully up the stairs towards me. Immediately I resolved to talk to her with a view to complimenting her on her shoes. Shortly, and after, I think it's not immodest to say, some deft manoeuvring (on account of her boyfriend being present) I was able to express my admiration for her sexy heels and the way in which she wore and moved in them. She was obviously very happy to be complimented in this way and our conversation was so positive that before long, I'd told her about my own enthusiasm for platform wearing. Blissfully, after she'd assured herself that I was being serious, she took an interest and I had a lovely and rewarding conversation with her about our high heel collections and about high heeling in public. My abiding memory of the gig was not the music of course (excellent though it was), but the thrill of meeting a plaform goddess named Anne - who drew the attention of all around her (much of which seemed to be focussed on her fantastic shoes) but who, in addition to being ravishingly erotic in appearance, was gifted with a remarkably charming and sweet nature. SP

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  • 3 months later...

When I do laundry at my apartment, I usually wear my warm, Homer Simpson slippers when going back & forth from my room to the laundry room. They tend to serve as an enabler for me to compliment a women on her choice of footwear if I so desire; at worst, I simply say thank you. I did get bold with a woman who I thought was close to my size once. She had on 3 inch sandals and they looked fantastic. She initiated the talks by saying, "hey, interesting shoes." I replied, "same to you, wanna switch?" she laughed it off, and when I got a better view, I could see that she was only a size 10... ;)

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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I offer compliments on a routine basis, depending on the heels, of course. (No stalking or following please). I've never had anyone be anything but gracious as a result but most have not been in large cities where people keep more to themselves. I usually simply look at the woman and say "Those are cute shoes" , "Those are adorable shoes" or "Those are great heels"...the last time was 2 weeks ago at an outdoor party, girl I didn't know, and she promptly threw one foot up on a picnic table to show me the whole heel and was very appreciative of the compliment. They were a rather nice D'Orsay style pump, albeit only about a 3 inch heel.. Wineanddine

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Yeah! One time I asked her to stop slamming her car door open into the side of my SUV! The conversation changed a bit when she realized I was wearing high-heeled boots, but she continued to insist that she was in the right because I'd "parked to close to her vehicle," regardless of the fact that I was more than a foot inside the white parking lines and so was she. I finally pulled out my camera, started taking pics of the damage, and when she objected simply said, "this is reality, my fellow American." Yeah, I know - a bit strange, but I hope you simply cope! I did.

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There was one time when I saw a girl wear one yellow flip flop and the other pink. I said "hey, I liked that style". I was wearing red flip flops at the time. She replied by saying red was a good color on a guy and that I should try her look sometime. I know it's not heels, but it still counts!

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On a recent long flight, I couldn't help but notice how the lady next to me kept taking her boots off and putting them back on, about once every 45 minutes. "What's wrong, Ma'am? Are your heels not very comfortable?" I asked. "Well, they don't fit too well," she said, and mentioned a couple of problems. But then she stopped and said, "But you wouldn't know what I'm talking about." "Oh, I don't know," I said, pointing to my own heels boots I was wearing. "I probably would!" She seem surprised, then we talked for a while, she shared with me a couple of fashion magazines, etc., before it was time I needed some sleep!

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dr1819, that story reminds me of a late-night excursion to walmart out of pure boredom.

i was talking to the greeter lady (it was like 1am), wearing these boots:

Posted Image

we had been talking for about 5 minutes or so, when this very tall girl wearing maybe 4 or 5 inch stilettos walked out of the checkout line. we both noted her height (she could've easily been 6ft tall), and the lady said, "yeah she's almost your height, but look at those heels."

i said, "she's close to my height," then motioned to my boots. she then looked at me, my boots, then me again, and didn't really give a reaction. i guess she figured anyone nice enough to talk to the walmart greeter at 1am couldn't be too bad a person...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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have any of you approached a high heeled woman in the street (ie followed her) and complimented her on her footwear- if so what was her reaction?- do any of you do it reguarly?, id love to but lose my nerve- damn

Only by glimpses! Vice versa I never got open compliments from women. The only open compliment came from a male young guy!

I'm discussing frequently with the greek girl of my kiosk about heels fashion. Her husband isn't angry about it because he thinks that I'm gay. At least he is right :D

nice greetings


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Only by glimpses! Vice versa I seldom got open compliments from women. The most astonishing compliment came from a male young guy!

I'm discussing frequently with the greek girl of my kiosk about heels fashion. Her husband isn't angry about it because he thinks that I'm gay. At least he is right :D

nice greetings


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Years ago when I lived in the Detroit area, a friend and I were walking down the main drag in Royal Oak and we started a conversation with two women. One was wearing closed toed black mule slides that were popular then. I said, "Nice shoes." She said, "thanks! You want to wear them?" We chatted a little more and then before we parted ways, I closed with the same phrase, "again, nice shoes." to which she echoed, "you want to wear them?"

What an opportunity! I would have asked what size they were! :D

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I approach almost every woman I see wearing nice heels. Unfortunately, where I live not being an extremely urban area, the sightings are lot as frequent as I would like, but there was one instance that I will always remember. About a year ago I spied a woman going into the post office wearing a black business suit, jet black stockings and black stiletto pumps with little rivets on them. I waited for her to come out of the post office and stood with her at the intersection waiting for the light to change. Here is how the discussion went: Me: I wanted to tell you how much I liked your shoes. She: Thank you very much. I love wearing heels. Me: I'm sorry more women don't wear them. They are much more feminine than some of the styles available. She: Pumps are my favorite style. Me: Me too. I prefer them much to platforms. Platforms are so clunky....I call them cheater heels. (I can't believe we are still walking down the street chatting about heels.....I worry because I don't know how many blocks she is walking) Me: Do you wear heels often? She: Most of the time. Me: And you don't find them uncomfortable? She: They are very easy to wear, if they are well made shoes. Me: Where do you buy most of your shoes? She: Oh, different stores. I really like the styles that Baker's has. Me: I'm sure glad that feminine styles are coming back. Did you ever buy shoes from Wild Pair before they went out of business? I always thought they had some of the nicest pumps. She: I don't think I ever did. Me: I guess they're even available on the internet now. Do you ever buy shoes on-line, like E-bay? She: I've seen heels on-line, but never bought a pair there. Me: You know, I was in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago and went into Fredericks of Hollywood. They have some great high heels that aren't very expensive. She: Those are too high for me. Me: Yea, but they are still very attractive. And besides, those shoes you are wearing are pretty high. (she stops and lifts her foot as if to check out the heel height.....I am in heaven at this point) They look like they're at least 4 inches to me. She: Do you think so? (I wanted to crouch down and measure them, but restrained myself from doing it) Me: They look pretty high to me. Well nice chatting with you. (We have walked about two blocks together and are coming to a point where we have to go left or right...I was hoping she was going left, but she went right) Have a great day. She: You do the same. Bye! What a great experience. I have played it back in my head many times. It confirms these posts that, if you appear harmless and are honest about it, you can have some very interesting conversations about heel wearing. I was thinking that the next time I saw her, I might remind her about our discussion and see if she wanted to continue the topic, perhaps over lunch. It would be great to spend an hour with someone who admires heels as much as I do. _________________ Looking to share my fetish with like-minded individuals. I love to wear classic opera pumps in public with 4-5 inch stiletto heels.

Looking to share my fetish with like-minded individuals. I love to wear classic opera pumps in public with 4-5 inch stiletto heels.

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Spikes:-) That was a great conversation you had with that lady about high heels and her wearing them. I do hope that you have another opportunity to meet her again to continue your heel discussion. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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