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9 hours ago, Shyheels said:

Thank you. I have been very, very fortunate 

What I said in my post above applies equally to Kneehighs, too

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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Posted (edited)

I'm happy.

I think material items symbolized wealth for the Pre-Covid Old Guard

Mobility symbolizes wealth for the New Guard

In this New Guard Era [EuraAsia (Russia/China) vs The West], mobility has a much higher premium than before Covid.  2-3 passports, banking outside of CRS/FATCA, knowing how to self custody crypto for cross border money transmission travel...






Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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9 hours ago, Shyheels said:

I have very little money but great mobility- off grid and nearly untraceable (if I want to be) on a 2000-mile canal network 

From what you’ve said above I would surmise that you have enough of the three primary needs.  If you’re happy with that, what else do you need?

10 hours ago, kneehighs said:

I'm happy.

I think material items symbolized wealth for the Pre-Covid Old Guard

Mobility symbolizes wealth for the New Guard

In this New Guard Era [EuraAsia (Russia/China) vs The West], mobility has a much higher premium than before Covid.  2-3 passports, banking outside of CRS/FATCA, knowing how to self custody crypto for cross border money transmission travel...






Back in one of those decades past, I don’t remember exactly which one, there was a saying “What ever floats your boat.”  It looks like you’re floating in deep water.  Just be cautious because there are many rocky shoals out there so if you encounter one of them, it can leave you high and dry.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I missed the boat on Apple @ $10 and NetFlix @ $15. And to add to the pain, I live (bought) in one of the most expensive locations in the United States. And it has never stopped to increase in value. And I can live cheap here.


@Shyheels, I was at Oddingley Church in 2019 and looked down on the boats in the canals. Some of my relative take barge vacations.

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6 hours ago, Bubba136 said:

From what you’ve said above I would surmise that you have enough of the three primary needs.  If you’re happy with that, what else do you need?

Back in one of those decades past, I don’t remember exactly which one, there was a saying “What ever floats your boat.”  It looks like you’re floating in deep water.  Just be cautious because there are many rocky shoals out there so if you encounter one of them, it can leave you high and dry.

I lived in Kyiv when it was invaded. Heard and felt the bombs. Stayed in bomb shelters on my way out. Left behind a ton of my belongings. It literally can't get much worse than this. :)

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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4 hours ago, kneehighs said:

I lived in Kyiv when it was invaded. Heard and felt the bombs. Stayed in bomb shelters on my way out. Left behind a ton of my belongings. It literally can't get much worse than this. :)

Ah, the old “refugee “ trick?  You got away, is there anything more important?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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4 hours ago, Bubba136 said:

Ah, the old “refugee “ trick?  You got away, is there anything more important?

What do you mean "refugee" trick? My point was Kyiv was my "rocky shoal" that literally left me "high and dry". Yet, I recovered just fine. Never used my experience to extract compassion or refugee status from anyone anywhere.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Probably a poor choice.   I was just kidding.  Even though you lost everything, I am sincerely glad you got out and relieved that you are 👍 

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/22/2024 at 11:05 AM, kneehighs said:

64K is a good entry for BTC

Buy here at 56K is a good longer term price, imho

Buy more to average down the buy price from 64.

Never deploy all capital in one position at one time :)




Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Posted (edited)

LMAO, I don't even remember using this word, but TECH still power flexing as if he's got nothing better to do than run off his last 20 users here, let alone one here for over 20 years.  Claims I used the "N" word somewhere in here and gives me a permanent penalty point which will never expire. Has anyone in here ever seen me be racist??  https://imgur.com/a/R1JeLgb


Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 01.33.32.png

Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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The N word did appear in one of KH's posts. I saw it myself and was horrified, even though it was used as part of an explanation rather than being obviously racist.  I'm not surprised Tech has censured him. You committed the crime. Don't be a baby. Don't be arrogant. Take your punishment like a man and stop whining.

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18 hours ago, at9 said:

The N word did appear in one of KH's posts. I saw it myself and was horrified, even though it was used as part of an explanation rather than being obviously racist.  I'm not surprised Tech has censured him. You committed the crime. Don't be a baby. Don't be arrogant. Take your punishment like a man and stop whining.

While I believe that I keep well up to date on postings to this website, particularly those from members that are well known here, I don’t recall the post to which you are referring. Would you please post a link link to this post?  Not that I don’t believe you, l would like to see what this is really all about.  If this word was used as part of an explanation, as you say, then the use of any descriptive adjective would be offensive to someone.  And, in Your opinion, is their any other word that he might have used to make his point?  To me, this is a learning experience because I don’t wish to make the same mistake.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I can't find it. It's probably been deleted by Tech. From memory, KH used an acronym or initialism which included the letter "N". Then said what it stood for.

His arrogant and overentitled response to Tech's penalty is revolting. Perhaps he should try putting a foot or word out of line in his beloved Russia. People don't get penalty points, they get sent to gulags.

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You are probably right in thinking that Tech has already deleted the post.  

There are probably a large number of people cruising the internet, coming across this website that would consider it to be flaming antisocial because “what male in their right mind would ever want to wear high heels or any garment designed for a female?”

I know for a fact that tolerance for any lifestyle other than the traditional male, female separation is highly offensive to a point of in sighting physical violence against anyone outside acceptable social behavior, is possible.

Those of us that chose to participate in this website can be, and probably are, considered to be “social misfits” because of our “antisocial” behavior, by advocates of traditional social norms.

Each and every person has three reputations. One is the one that we present in public, where we work and to our friends and other outsiders.  The second one is the one that we have with our families and other really close relatives.  The third one is the “secret” one.  The one that is known only to us. This is the one that we are prepared to share portions of in this website.  

It has been demonstrated again and again that while a male member here would love to be able to wear female clothing or shoes when ever or where ever they chose, they are not able to admit that they have these desires to anyone.  This is the secret so important that they cannot allow anyone to know. But, this website is a place where they can associate with other people that have the same interests and they can share experiences with them openly and anonymously without fear of exposing ourselves to others outside of this venue.

It has been said that “opinions are like assholes.”  Because everyone has one.  In the context of the United States Constitution, the right to free speech permits the people to freely express their opinions. While this is true, it doesn’t mean that some opinions should not be kept private. 

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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Good points - although I think you could also say that the third, secret, persons is one that in many cases people don’t admit even to themselves. I suspect this inner unease is what brings out the anger against those who not only are in touch with that inner persona but are willing to indulge it.

We are fortunate here to be able to discuss frankly and with good humour these foibles of ours and provide support and encouragement. It’s a valuable site 

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Posted (edited)
On 7/13/2024 at 3:57 PM, at9 said:

I can't find it. It's probably been deleted by Tech. From memory, KH used an acronym or initialism which included the letter "N". Then said what it stood for.

His arrogant and overentitled response to Tech's penalty is revolting. Perhaps he should try putting a foot or word out of line in his beloved Russia. People don't get penalty points, they get sent to gulags.

Oh, AT9, your moral compass and "memory" at your old age is as reliable as a $3 watch. "Horrified," you say? Aren't you the delicate flower of the Internet. Imagine getting all worked up over this? Maybe carry some smelling salts next time.

And Russia? Brilliant. Nothing screams maturity like comparing forum penalties to gulags. Bravo. Maybe next, you can tell us why jaywalking should mean exile.

Take your own advice: stop whining and embrace your embarasment.  I'm surprised I even dignified you with a response. 

Edited by kneehighs

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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On 7/13/2024 at 7:57 AM, at9 said:

I can't find it. It's probably been deleted by Tech. From memory, KH used an acronym or initialism which included the letter "N". Then said what it stood for.

His arrogant and overentitled response to Tech's penalty is revolting. Perhaps he should try putting a foot or word out of line in his beloved Russia. People don't get penalty points, they get sent to gulags.

There is a “saying” that my old granddad used to say.  “If you don’t think to good, you shouldn’t think to much.” This goes along with “after listening to what he said, it tells me all that I want to know about him.”  Amazing at9, how you managed to demonstrate the truth in both of these “old sayings.”

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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On 7/13/2024 at 2:35 PM, Bubba136 said:

You are probably right in thinking that Tech has already deleted the post.  

Just for reference, I havent deleted the post at all. the post itself said this:


Fun story. On Friday I bought Andrew Tate's meme coin $RNT (Real [WORD REMOVED] Tate).  Sold it for an 11x profit within 4 hours.  Not bad for a day's work.

That was his post. (I've obviously replaced his reference with the all in caps stuff) and I used the automated warning point system, which lets me add a message explaining why the warning was issued so you're not left wondering what the hell happened.

It's just quicker and easier than having to send a PM, link to the post and collate things.

I told him "No need to use the N word, regardless of its context". That was it. Nothing else to it. Super simple.

KH's response's however, have been nothing less than childish.

Toys out of the pram, full on tantrum. DM'ing me claiming the warning point was a flex of some sort? WTF? I haven't been here for over a year, I was responding to reported post notifications as his post was reported by 5 people.

To be bitching and moaning about it being a flex and the website only has 20 users, etc, etc, then to go and post yet another thread claiming he is being called a racist???

Absolute BS... Nobody has the time, nor will, to listen to this childish nonsense.

If he had just bothered to read the automated warning, he would have seen the reason. It was right there in the "Note:" that he shared.

Failing that, if he had bothered to ask like a normal human being, via DM, instead of sending me this:


I must've been quoting that from someone else.

Where did I use it.

Frankly man, I'm disappointed you still need to flex with only 20 users left here.


The attitude is completely unnecessary. The public bashing, accusations, and dreadful attitude combined got him banned.

Nothing done here, in the last 20 years has ever been a "Flex", there is nothing to flex here, it's just basic admin... Seriously, grow up... A forum point is a friggin chore... I've got a hundred things to do, and having to deal with his shitty attitude isn't on that list.

Nobody called him a racist, and nobody accused him of doing something he didn't. It was a super simple use of a word in error and a correction, but he blew it all up, as he does with so many things. Always got to be about him...

I hope that clears things up and avoids ANY gossip that seems to have been going on.

I just pay the bills and keep the lights on here. Hate me as much as you like; I truly don't care, but if you want to bring the tone of the website down for everybody, pack a bag.

If there is anything anybody wants to help make their usage here easier, then again, just ask...

What nobody needs is false ramblings and accusations in the background that create bad vibes. Life is just too short for that. You blink, and the next thing you know, you're 80 years old and wishing you had done better.

What AT9 said was correct. He wasn't making things up.

Now, can we all just get back to normal service...

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