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Trifling people???


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Has any of you heel wearers have someone try to rain on your parade to try to make you look bad??? Whether you tell someone you consider a friend something personal like (shoes YAY)to a friendonly to have it plastered some where you least expected or have nosy neighbors meddling in your business. A few minutes ago I just had spoke with my girlfriend a few minutes ago and she told me that my neighbor (looks like he is in his early twenties) had spoke to her upstairs attempted to inform her about my heel wearing. It kinda has me bent out of shape because here it is that I don't bother any one I go about my business not causing any problems. But now I live by this "A" hole trying to meddle in my affairs that don't pertain to him in any kind of fashion. I am in my right mind to confront this dude and tell him to mind his freakin business. Have any of you been in this similar situation if so how did you deal with it? I would love to hear it whether here or private message.

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!

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My advice would be to leave him alone, don't say anything, and let things just move ahead. I gather that your gf knows about your heel wearing and is ok with it. Could it be that maybe the guy was just curious about your heel wearing and found it easier to ask her about it rather than you? I would say don't do anything rash before you have all the facts and know exactly what he said and how she feels about it. Wear your heels with pride no matter what. Some people will accept it and some won't. If you make a scene of any kind, it's just bad publicity, especially if it leads to a lawsuit or something like that. There will always be trifling people in our path. Best to get over it and move on. Let us know how it works out. Steve

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Well to answer your question yes she knows. And the way that my girlfriend interpreted it is that he told her to try to bust our relationship up. It just feels like something from one of those sorry @#$ed reality shows. My whole thing is I hate drama and people that create it. I try to be polite to everyone black, white, skinny, fat, boy, girl, gay,straight. I'm not saying that you have to like me but jeez show some respect!!!

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!

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Straight up on this? The guy is a douche bag. Doesnt matter if hes trying to get between you and your girlfriend. Doesnt matter where he lives. Doesnt matter if hes green, blue, polka-dotted.. he should keep his nose OUT of your affairs. Hes probably like that heckler from my last gig. I'm DONE with dealing with people like that. I wouldnt go out of my way to say anything to him, but if you see him in passing, put on your warmest smile and say ' hello ' like a good neighbor would. Kill the bastard with kindness till he makes the first snide remark. When he does, THEN say something to him but not before hand. Take on the home field advantage so to say. Odds are, if hes not even man enough to say something to you to begin with, hes not going to say something at all. If your getting feedback from others about his remarks, remind them ' Well.. if he has some kind of problem, maybe he should be graceful to tell me about it? He hasnt spoken a word to me. '. Stand the higher ground. Make it 100% HIS problem and not yours at all. Its only your problem if you let the douche bag make it so. Your already the better man and have nothing to prove to anyone. -ILK.


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My first reaction to this would be to knock on the guys door and give him a smack in the mouth and tell him to mind his own f**kin business, but after reading ilikekicks reply, that seems like a much better thing to do! so definitely do that! just play it cool whenever you see him, act like his friend, then if he says anything, give him hell!

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That guy is a complete and utter prat...... And to be honest if I were in the same situation as you and he had tried to split me up from my other half, I would be waiting to be bailed out now because he needs a swift kicking. However, ilikekicks is advocating the more sensible option and that is to treat him with the contempt he deserves. Treat him with kindness yep sure, but I would make sure that he always sees me in heels, just to wind it in a bit more. But just remember that he probably has such an issue because he is either in the closet and can't find the door or really wishes he had the balls to wear heels himself. Don't let it worry you ...... Remember "He who dares wears heels"

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I'd combine the advice from Ilikekicks and kneehighs. I'd be all sweetness and light with him and then whilst wearing my sexiest high heels I'd be all lovey dovey with my GF and make sure that she looks like she's loving it.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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hiheellover23, I also like the idea of combining the advice of ilikekicks and kneehighs by killing the guy with polite civility while wearing you heels AND showing afffection to your gf. If he still wants to bully you, and that's what this is, then I'd ask him if his homeowner's insurance covers emergency proctologist visits as he'll be needing one in the immediate future. Of course the mere inference that such an unfortunate event may be further broadcast should cause him to stop messing with you. All the best my friend! HappyinHeels

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Thank you all for taking the time to offer your advice and suggestions. I won't say that dude is bullying me because he looks like about a buck 130 and I'm about 5'11 200 pounds plus training to fight. But just my whole ordeal is just dealing with nosy people but I just know that everyone gave such good advice which I am going to utilize and just see what happens. Thanks and take care you guys!!!!

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!

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HHL23.. This is why I love privacy. So long as I'm not harming anyone else, they can leave me alone. What they do is what they do and so long as it doesnt drag me into it, I could care less to hear about it :unsure:


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This guy sounds like he is homophobic. This guy is looking for a fight and no one ever wins a fight. That means you have to be a little more illusive about it than him. Killing him with kindness sounds like the work of a true "Southern Belle". However, you could always wire a fresh peace of road kill to his muffler. This way his car will stink when it gets hot and no respectable lady would want to ride with him. Just an idea and yes it does work. I wish you the best of luck with this guy and please let us know how it turns out.

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This guy sounds like he is homophobic. This guy is looking for a fight and no one ever wins a fight. That means you have to be a little more illusive about it than him. Killing him with kindness sounds like the work of a true "Southern Belle". However, you could always wire a fresh peace of road kill to his muffler. This way his car will stink when it gets hot and no respectable lady would want to ride with him. Just an idea and yes it does work. I wish you the best of luck with this guy and please let us know how it turns out.

lol this sounds funny sounds like have experince with this one :unsure:

In the process of becoming the person I always was...but didn't dare to let her come out

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However, you could always wire a fresh peace of road kill to his muffler. This way his car will stink when it gets hot and no respectable lady would want to ride with him.

Wire it to the Catalytic Converter. It internally burns at 1500-1800degrees F. Its usually located more towards the front of the car and air movement would carry the odor into the cabin in a more dominant way.

While hooking up the road-kill, one could also unplug the o2 sensor on the cat ( make more room for the meat ). This would undoubtedly trip the OBD2 readings, give worse gas mileage, cause some carbon fouling ( IE: Will need a tune up ) and ( probably ) toss a CEL/Error Message from the ECM of the cars engine.

Only takes a flat head screwdriver and less then 5 seconds of time to disconnect and its usually the ONLY connector going to the Converter. It wont ' hurt ' anything or cause any damage, but if the guy doesnt know much about cars or have an OBD scanner, they might waste a lot of time/money trying to figure out whats wrong. :unsure:


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That sounds really good but I think that would single me out as prime suspect number one if I was to do that. But I love how you all think!!!

Wire it to the Catalytic Converter. It internally burns at 1500-1800degrees F. Its usually located more towards the front of the car and air movement would carry the odor into the cabin in a more dominant way.

While hooking up the road-kill, one could also unplug the o2 sensor on the cat ( make more room for the meat ). This would undoubtedly trip the OBD2 readings, give worse gas mileage, cause some carbon fouling ( IE: Will need a tune up ) and ( probably ) toss a CEL/Error Message from the ECM of the cars engine.

Only takes a flat head screwdriver and less then 5 seconds of time to disconnect and its usually the ONLY connector going to the Converter. It wont ' hurt ' anything or cause any damage, but if the guy doesnt know much about cars or have an OBD scanner, they might waste a lot of time/money trying to figure out whats wrong. :unsure:

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!

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ilikekicks: looks like you have done this as well. I have not done this since the 80s when I was in high school.

Actually, I havent. I used to work at a Ford dealership and have seen the effects of what unplugging an o2 sensor on a Cat can cause. MANY times a problem was associated with a bad o2 or just the connector loosing its continuity with the wiring. Many CEL lights on cars are associated with it and its not a major problem at all, easy to fix.

I also learned how hot a converter gets on quite a few occasions.:unsure:

I've never done that whole road-kill to the muffler idea but.. dammit! Thats a wild idea if I might say so! Thats truly devious and whomever did originally come up with that idea.. they deserve an Olympic Gold Medal for it! :mecry:


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Actually, I havent. I used to work at a Ford dealership and have seen the effects of what unplugging an o2 sensor on a Cat can cause. MANY times a problem was associated with a bad o2 or just the connector loosing its continuity with the wiring. Many CEL lights on cars are associated with it and its not a major problem at all, easy to fix.

I also learned how hot a converter gets on quite a few occasions.:unsure:

I've never done that whole road-kill to the muffler idea but.. dammit! Thats a wild idea if I might say so! Thats truly devious and whomever did originally come up with that idea.. they deserve an Olympic Gold Medal for it! :mecry:

In the late 70's a couple I knew was getting married. Just before the service, the best man and the boys took Limburger cheese and spread it all over the exhaust manifolds of the grooms Camaro Berlinetta. The couple drove this this car from Northern Ohio to Niagara falls - - -

Two years later, on any hot summer day, you could tell when the guy got to work - rather you could smell it.

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