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My first public outing!


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While im aware there are far too many of these topics, I feel like I deserve my own little corner of the forums for myself! :wavey:

So today is Valentines day, and me and my friend Samantha decided to go on a little date. She took me to a resturant and it was no biggie. A few nights before I had mentioned to her that I was going to wear my black suede boots I just came in possession of, and she thought it was a great idea. The boots are a black suede wedged 4 1/2 inch heel pair of Jeffery Campbells:

Click for shoes!

We went to a busy resturant-area around where I live and went to the mexican resturant. In the carpark I was a little anxious. I wasn't nerveous and I didn't feel the whole heart-pumping sensation I thought I would have felt. If anything I was more concious about not falling over!

The first person bar Samantha to see me in my heels was a guy who looked about 25 years old, with his girlfriend. He kind of looked at me, then my shoes, and had a half-laugh half-smile on his face. But it really didn't phase me. I felt comfortable and confident!

I was wearing the shoes with a pair of black jeans that came to just about the top of the shoes, maybe like 5cm below the top. Sat down you could see the shoes in full glory. I was also wearing a cream-coloured knitwear jumper, and had a big black bag I bring everywhere so I could change out shoes incase I felt uncomfortable / when I got home so my parents wouldn't freak.

All the night I got looks. Surprisingly from more girls, and they didn't even bopther to look at my face, I think they just wanted the shoes! My friend said she was jealous that she didn't have them haha! I knew the people around me knew I had heels on, the table next to me was in clear eyesight of them all the time, and I was openly talking about them. No one said anything. No one made any jestures to my face or in my visible sight about them. Im sure people said something behind my back, but im not here for what other people think ultimatly anyway.

For those asking "What made you do it" - I simply had to say to myself. It's ether tonight or never. I've been weairng heels for about 6 months now, and I was tired of being in the quiet about it constantly. I had to say to myself, ethier you go out tonight and you wear them, or you stop buying them. Because theres no point in you spending money on something you're only going to use in secrecy, especially when it comes to something like shoes!

I hope to someday pogress to the level where I feel comfortable for me to go out in public alone, and eventually with more visible heels. However for my first outing I feel as if I was pretty daring, as the heels where actually visible enough to know they were heels, and I didn't shy away or hide from anyone at all.

Hope you all are well, thanks for reading!

What Other People Think Of Me, Ain't None Of My Buisness ~ RuPaul

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One of my friends said this to me when I told him that I went out in heels:

"im SO hapy for you and i thank you so much because guess what...5, 10, 20 years from now, another boy will be able to wear heels in public and no one will ever think to pass judgement. You are laying down the groundwork for change in this society <3<3"

It made me think. One public outing dosn't make me any kind of massiah. Im hardly upto the plate of JeffB or many many others of you with my public heeling, however if anything this gives me more courage to heel more. Everything starts somewhere, Coco Chanel and Joan of arc all were proud wearers or encouragers of females in male clothing, and today this is considered normal. So I can only hope that the day that I reach someone like JeffB's status with my heeling, I can have some kind of effect on someone like me, who was debating for hours on end if it I was ever going to public heel.

Thanks for all your support and good comments, I read and above all appreciate them all!

What Other People Think Of Me, Ain't None Of My Buisness ~ RuPaul

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Fantastic and well done. You're great account just confirms what I'm already finding out. Nothing much happens. People just get on with what they're doing. There maybe some looks and a few whispers but thats okay. If you believe in what you're doing and it's the real you , go for it. The biggest factor is the internal dialogue and catastrophising that we plague ourselves with! What if? etc etc. Actually something does happen. Something very good. The great feeling of excitement , joy , pleasure and achievement of wearing high heels , your high heels , your shoes wherever and whenever you want. Of not hiding away , being secret. "Feel the fear and do it anyway" is now my mantra regarding my heel outings. It's not a crime. Just a societally derived norm that certain items are gender specific. Well norms can be challenged and changed by action. Yours and my action. There can never be enough accounts of street heeling. It's great you've got your own little place here. You deserve it. Look forward to more of your heeling adventures.

"You put high heels on and you change" M. Blahnik

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What a great way to make your debut. Hope it's the first of many.

Oh, and your supportive friend deserves a big hug too :wavey:

Have to agree with SleekHeels on this one.

Having a supportive significant other with you would probably make all the difference in the world.

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Congratulations on your outing. Just recently when I was wearing high heels out-and-about, several women commented on my high heels and asked me where I bought them. One woman told me she appreciated anyone, male or female, who appreciates a pretty pair of shoes.
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  • 4 months later...

So I went out to another house party this Wednesday. House parties seem to be my free zone for wearing what I like and doing what I like with next-to-no one minding.

It was a simple early 20-something house party. Too much booze and too many people for one house, nevertheless it was a fun time.

I was wearing my black leather boots (5 1/2 inch heel 1 inch platform I believe), an oversized grey top with gold jewlery, metalic aqua nails, blue jeans and a black / silver / grey / white smokey eye.

(Click for shoes!)

I managed to keep them on all night, for around 7 hours, while consuming a very large sum of alcohol, which was an achivement in itself for being able to walk in them for that long, even up and down stairs! (As dangerous as that it, I dont advise it. Be safe, kids!)

Overall I got very good compliments, the new people that were there said they admired me for being me, and for being able to walk in those while both drunk and being so tall.

One comment I got was from a very alpha-straight male, who as been known for his sexism and homophobia. Now I intended to stay out of his way but me made it a point to come comment on what I was wearing, and surprinsgly enough he said that he admired me for being me, and that he hasn't got a problem with it. We had an in-depth talk about it and he said he feels ashamed of his past, and it all stemed from fear of the unknown, and he thanked me for opening his eyes and his mind to a lot of new things, though im not exactly sure what I did, and this was pretty early on in the party too so he wasn't completly drunk, it was nice to get a compliment from someone who you wouldn't expect to get one from. If anything it was the biggest compliment I got all night!

I plan to go to another party in August. While you may not consider these "public" heeling events, they are still events and they are still heels, with a lot of people I dont know most of the time. It helps build up my confidence in wearing them around people, and they're usually a laugh!

Hope all is well with all of you!

What Other People Think Of Me, Ain't None Of My Buisness ~ RuPaul

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Sounded like a heeling event to me. Isn't it great to get a compliment from the last person you expect it from? It's even a bigger confidence builder than a compliment from the ladies.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Super congratulations for the step into the real world. My 1st real heeling was to leave the house and go to London for the weekend and the only shoes I took were 3.5 inch skinny cuban heeled brogue boots. I was the same as you. Just go out and wear the bloddy things. Nothing happened apart from people loving my shoes and bravery. Re the party: I think it's definitely public if it's a venue where you will meet people that you have never met before.

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Sounded like a heeling event to me. Isn't it great to get a compliment from the last person you expect it from? It's even a bigger confidence builder than a compliment from the ladies.

Yes I agree! I mean we've never really seen eye to eye, probably because we kept our distance, but now we're friends on facebook, and it's just nice to see someone step out of thier own comfort zone simply to try and better themselfs, and making yourself feel good in the process! It was just slightly magical to witness haha!

Super congratulations for the step into the real world.

My 1st real heeling was to leave the house and go to London for the weekend and the only shoes I took were 3.5 inch skinny cuban heeled brogue boots. I was the same as you. Just go out and wear the bloddy things. Nothing happened apart from people loving my shoes and bravery.

Re the party: I think it's definitely public if it's a venue where you will meet people that you have never met before.

Yes I agree, it's deffinatly a public event, though others say differently. And im glad you had that experience. Since the first time I went out, I have yet to go out to a public venue such as a resutrant or a place where the general public reside again, but im sure the day or oppertunity will come soon!

What Other People Think Of Me, Ain't None Of My Buisness ~ RuPaul

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I was wearing my black leather boots (5 1/2 inch heel 1 inch platform I believe), an oversized grey top with gold jewlery, metalic aqua nails, blue jeans and a black / silver / grey / white smokey eye.

I managed to keep them on all night, for around 7 hours, while consuming a very large sum of alcohol, which was an achivement in itself for being able to walk in them for that long, even up and down stairs! (As dangerous as that it, I don’t advise it. Be safe, kids!)

I’m impressed, alcohol or not, wearing the equivalent of a 4½“stiletto heel for 7 hours is an achievement, especially for a new heeler!

Hint: Stairs are easier without the alcohol but the hand rail is always a good idea.

Overall I got very good compliments, the new people that were there said they admired me for being me, and for being able to walk in those while both drunk and being so tall.

One comment I got was from a very alpha-straight male, who as been known for his sexism and homophobia. Now I intended to stay out of his way but me made it a point to come comment on what I was wearing, and surprisingly enough he said that he admired me for being me, and that he hasn't got a problem with it. We had an in-depth talk about it and he said he feels ashamed of his past, and it all steamed from fear of the unknown, and he thanked me for opening his eyes and his mind to a lot of new things, though I’m not exactly sure what I did, and this was pretty early on in the party too so he wasn't completely drunk, it was nice to get a compliment from someone who you wouldn't expect to get one from. If anything it was the biggest compliment I got all night!

As my Mom uses to tell me when things went my way, “Lucky again”.

Thanks for sharing your adventure.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Congrats on another fine outing and i agree going to house parties is as public as going anywhere else. Also have to add, those leather boots are absolutely beautiful... I really would love a pair of those babies.

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Congrats on another fine outing and i agree going to house parties is as public as going anywhere else.

Also have to add, those leather boots are absolutely beautiful... I really would love a pair of those babies.

I can take a hint! I got them here:


Shipping is a little expensive, with is being £15 to the UK. However I have 2 pairs of shoes from this seller. and couldn't be happier

What Other People Think Of Me, Ain't None Of My Buisness ~ RuPaul

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Live and Learn, I don't know if I'm more impressed by your frontier-busting tale of tall heels on the party scene or by how you posted the pictures of the heels you wore. Anytime you are outside your normal residence, and in the presence of others, then you are "out in public". I do believe the house party is just a more insulated version of out in public since only selected people were allowed in. What's interesting here though is that the bogeyman so many new heelers worry about was actually present at your party and he came to make peace! I think your story of confidence in your being spoke volumes to this particular chap and he wanted you to know he admired you for showing it. I have said many times before that confidence makes the world look up and at you. The world admires confidence even at times when it may not agree with the particular messenger. By doing what you did it was like you were that famous Canadian, Bryan Adams, singing "Here I Am", look at me and digest what you see. You will, undoubtedly, venture out to more places and more often only to wonder why you hadn't done it before. THANKS for sharing your thoughts! HappyinHeels :online2long:

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