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Mr. X's travels

Mr. X

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Overall I like the concept of your outfit, Mr. X. It's just that the blazer doesn't seem to fit quite right. It might just be the way that it's creasing.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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From the photos I can barely tell you're wearing heels, so if I saw you in the street I'd probably notice the stylish silhouette and colour scheme of the outfit overall and I'd be suitably impressed. What heels do those boots have?


They are slighty chunky heels in the 4 inch range.


Nice and subtle, Mr. X. By the way, I like the blazer.




Looks good Mr. X.

On a side note - I have always been taken by your avatar (Italian Heels)

I shop there all the time....


Just curious if you still make outings in strappy sandals? Or have you shifted to primarily boots (easier for a guy to co-ordinate?)


I do outings in heels of all kinds, including sandals.  But I definitely do more boot outings.  It is definitely easier for me to co-ordinate outfits with boots.

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Time once again to report on another outing.  Had some errands to run today so I though I would make an outing out of it.


Today was a first for me!  Normally my outfits consist of blue or black pants.  If I wear color, it is usually up top.  Today I mixed it up!  The other day I picked up a pair of red skinny pants.  I instantly feel in love with them!  I was dying to do an outing in them.  Today was that day!


Here is my outfit as presented.


1) white shirt with black and grey detailing

2) womens button/belted jacket

3) old navy red stretch skinny jeans/cords

4) spring brand chunky heel ankle boots

5) black cross body camera type bag


I also took a picture of me wearing the exact same outfit.  Except that I switched up the shoes.  In one pic I am wearing BCBG flat black stilettos.  I liked the look so much I will probably wear it on a future outing!  I already had plans to wear the boots.  So I figured I would save the stilettos for another day.  And I liked the boots just as much anyhow!


Enjoy!  Comments and suggestions welcome as always.




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Love the red jeans with the black pumps , Mr. X!

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Wearing those red jeans is just as bold as wearing heels. That's a great look Mr.X, I think the boots look better with the jacket you're wearing. The stilettos look fantastic too but maybe a lighter weight blazer (or a smart black leather jacket) would bring the look together nicely. It's good to know you're out there looking good!

If you like it, wear it.

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Love the red jeans with the black pumps , Mr. X!




I also love the look of the red skinny jeans and black pumps!!  Boots are OK but the pumps are hot!  Any comments while you were out?  Either way you look great.


I would love to get some some comments when I am out.  But alas, I did not!


Wearing those red jeans is just as bold as wearing heels. That's a great look Mr.X, I think the boots look better with the jacket you're wearing. The stilettos look fantastic too but maybe a lighter weight blazer (or a smart black leather jacket) would bring the look together nicely. It's good to know you're out there looking good!


Thanks for the compliments!  I thought the red jeans were bold too!  I will take your fashion advice under advisement for a future outing.  As I said before.  I definitely plan to wear those pants and stilettos in the future.

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Mr .X,


I like your look very much. Now your trending with me. I have worn red jeans both long and capri styles, as well as purple, which I wore on Sunday. I also have yellow jeans, royal blue, teal, white, orange and other colors, both in long and capri length.  Wearing bright colors make things pop, especially with heels.


I too get compliments on my color choices lots of times from the ladies. They like what I wear.


Thanks for your post and pics.


Happy Heeling,


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  • 2 weeks later...

With coller temperature coming around these parts I decided to head out and about on a Sunday.  The cooler temperatures also provided me the opportunity to head out on my first boot outing of the year.  I will report back if anything happens while om my travels.


Here is what I am wearing today.


1) green t-shirt

2) womens belted coat

3) blue skinny jeans

4) Aldo tan color boots with chunky heel

5) Tan color bag


Comments and suggestions welcome as always!



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Thumbs up from me too! :thumbsup: I really like how the tan boots and bag work with the outfit. A blazer would be a nice alternative too, perhaps worn open, either a longer blazer over a top tucked into the jeans with a nice belt, or a shorter blazer over a longer top that comes down to the hips. Just ideas for things to try. I think your style exudes self-respect and projects a very positive image of guys in heels.

If you like it, wear it.

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Nice look MrX. I like the jeans tucked inside your boots. Nice color co-ordination with your bag, too. Well done!


I have seen a couple of men wearing the low heel riding boots with jeans tucked inside. I'm planning a lot of heeling with leggings and jeans tucked inside my knee boots, this fall and winter season. Have fun and thanks for the pics.


Happy Heeling,


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  • 3 months later...

It's been a while since I have been able to get out.  But today I did.  Here is a report. I had a few errands to run so I decided to make an outing out of it.  I had a grey jacket I bought a while back that I wanted to try, so I built an outfit around it.  Once I had my outfit together I was out the door. I did all the errands I needed to get done.  Then It was free time for Mr. X.  Free time usually includes a trip to the local thrift shops.  I like shopping there!  Because when you experiment with clothing and shoes like we do, not every outfit is going to be a winner!  So if I buy something and regret it later, or it doesn't look as good as it did in store, at least I didn't spend an arm and a leg.  The first store was fruitless but I did much better at the second one. I spotted a pair of shoes.  The color and heel struck me right away!  they were a half to full size smaller than I normally wear.  I tried them anyway.  They actually fit!  They were just a touch small but nothing that wont get fixed with a little working in.  I also noticed that they provided a nice amount of "toe cleavage".  I new I had to have them!  And the $8.99 price tag sold me even more!  This is where it gets a little interesting. I brought them up to the counter.  There was a older lady checking out in front of me.  When I put the shoes on the counter she turned to me and said, those are nice!  Pretty color!  I wholeheartedly agreed with her.  Then it was my turn to pay.  The younger gentlemen proceeded to ring up my shoes.  Right or wrong, I was getting strong "gay" vibes from him.  We didn't speak much other than the usual customer/sales associate talk.  once finshed I grabbed my bag and proceeded to leave.  Then he said oh, and nice boots!  I turned back to him, smiled, and said thanks!  It was an interesting compliment because the same thing happened to me on one of my previous outings!  I was wearing the same boots that time, and my gay vibes were quite high that time as well!  I definitely left the store on quite a high.  I usually don't get much interaction or compliments on my travels.  So I will take them as I get em!  After a bit more window shopping I decided to call it a day and head home. Here is the outfit of the day 1) tan Aldo boots 2) black skinny jeans 3) white polo type shirt 4) grey military inspired jacket 5) tan over shoulder bag And here is the skinny on the shoes I bought.  The brand is BCBGirls.  The color is purplish/wine colored with a snake/croc print on them.  As I said before I was drawn to the color right off!  The heel is interesting as well.  It is 4 inches and appears to have a slight curve or angle to it.  The shoe as a whole has a real sleek look to it.  And as I mention before they provide some nice toe cleavage.  Now for some pics. I included some of the outfit as well as the shoes I bought.  Enjoy!  




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  • 1 month later...

It's been quite cold here so I haven't really had a chance to get out much.  But today it was warmer than it's been so I made an outing out of it.  I had to run a few errands and do some window shopping.


One of my first stops was the bank to get some cash.  I was going in and a middle aged women was coming out.  As she was leaving she said nice boots!  I said thank you!  It kinda took me by surprise, but it was a nice way to start my outing. The rest of the outing went off without a hich.  No other interactions either positive or negative.  I finished what I needed to do before heading home and calling it a day..


Now for the outfit


1) black t-shirt

2) grey ladies military style jacket

3) tan shoulder bag

4) darker blue skinny jeans

5) greyish brown wedge heel boots


Now for some pics.  Comments and suggestions welcome.  Thanks!




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Well done, Mr. X! The boots looked sharp, and the jacket was pretty stylish! Bravo, my friend!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Of course black jeans would've looked fine too, but I really like that you wore blue jeans, grey is great for bringing out a colour element. It's nice that the lady's remark picked out the boots - I don't think compliments like that are given unless the boots are worn well with the rest of the outfit, so definitely a success!

If you like it, wear it.

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