pussyinboots Posted August 10, 2009 Posted August 10, 2009 Neshone said: Does anyone know where I can found ballet boots in Prague?? The best thing to do is to look on Ebay Germany (www.ebay.de). I found ALL my Ballet Boots there. "Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"
yetchgeek Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Hiline said: I think i'd to try them out just once to see how they feel and like to walk in but i've never really wanted to own any. two things to remember, if you decide to buy/wear any. 1. Like any super high heels, get a size larger than your normal size. 2. Before trying them on, work-out your calves by forcing your feet into EXTREME point and then extreme "unpoint". Do this over & over for several days to stretch your Aquiles tendon. This is to prevent the calves from cramping while the shoes/boots are on. Once you get a cramp whilst wearing them, it's not easy to get them off quickly! Especially if you chose the lace-up kind. 3. There are many brands of ballet boots/shoes. There are many Places online like http://www.odgirl.com/item--Lace-up-ankle-boot--Ballet-1020-PL.html sell Devious brand which I bought for my wife & which fit perfectly right out of the box! Cost $100US. I believe the UK cost is 100UKP. 100EUR elsewhere in Europe. 4. Have fun!
thehighheelsgirl Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 yetchgeek said: two things to remember, if you decide to buy/wear any. 1. Like any super high heels, get a size larger than your normal size. 2. Before trying them on, work-out your calves by forcing your feet into EXTREME point and then extreme "unpoint". Do this over & over for several days to stretch your Aquiles tendon. This is to prevent the calves from cramping while the shoes/boots are on. Once you get a cramp whilst wearing them, it's not easy to get them off quickly! Especially if you chose the lace-up kind. 3. There are many brands of ballet boots/shoes. There are many Places online like http://www.odgirl.com/item--Lace-up-ankle-boot--Ballet-1020-PL.html sell Devious brand which I bought for my wife & which fit perfectly right out of the box! Cost $100US. I believe the UK cost is 100UKP. 100EUR elsewhere in Europe. 4. Have fun! Um no. You do not want ballet boots a size bigger, if anything, you want them a size smaller (which is how I fit mine) or maybe your normal size if you want to use more toe padding. If they are too big, all the weight of your body winds up on your toes. This hurts. You want your ballet boots to fit just like a pointe shoe, which is snug, so that your foot being squeezed takes up a good bit of the pressure, which takes it off your toes. By the way, "Achilles" is not spelled with a Q Yes, I do walk in these
DR Who 3 Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 thehighheelsgirl said: Um no. You do not want ballet boots a size bigger, if anything, you want them a size smaller (which is how I fit mine) or maybe your normal size if you want to use more toe padding. If they are too big, all the weight of your body winds up on your toes. This hurts. You want your ballet boots to fit just like a pointe shoe, which is snug, so that your foot being squeezed takes up a good bit of the pressure, which takes it off your toes. By the way, "Achilles" is not spelled with a Q Higheelsgirl perhaps you could explain how ballet pointe shoes are supposed to fit? There isn't a good explination on any site how the pointe shoes fit around the toes and the front of the foot. This might help take some of the mystery out of how ballet boots should fit your foot so as to take some of the pain out of wearing them. I have found what works well for me but not everyone my be able to use my process that I have explained on other posts. There is a video on youtube of a girl walking in clear plastic ballet boots and her toes are not padded. I believe she must have been in a lot of pain but she pushed through the pain to give a good demostration. Thanks in advance. Dr Who 3
Richy Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 The trick in wearing ballet boots is not to allow your toes too much contact with the toe of the boot. The key to this is purchasing boots which are the correct width and lace up, not zip up. Unlike extreme heels, which have to be bought larger to accommodate the bend in the toe, ballet boots can be bought in your natural size or even a size smaller. If you purchase too large a size, the toe of the boot will collapse. When wearing them, they should be worn so that the heel of the foot is firmly in the heel of the boot. They should be laced tightly, so that the sides of the boot clamp firmly to the side of the foot. The reason for this is that when upright, the foot is prevented from sliding down into the pointe of the boot and putting pressure on the toes, which is the reason for the pain. If they are the correct size and width, you should find that almost all of the weight will be placed on the heel and instep, leaving the toes free of pressure and makes padding almost unnecessary.
DR Who 3 Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 Hi Richy Last evening I decided to take my bbots for a walk and pay more attention to what you said in your post. I have thought along these lines since I first started wearing my bboots and even with the mods I have done you are correct I do put a lot of weight on my heels I also tightened the boots more tightly around the ball of my foot. ( my feet were getting numb at the end of my walk) I noticed I didn't slip down to the toes as much. My boots are 1 size too large I think but I use 1/2 leather sole inserts and padding on the tops of my feet this helps to make the boots tighter around the metatarsal area. I also use Leo's gel padding. I have gotten to the piont now where my toes don't hurt at all for at least 1 1/2 hrs. but my thigh muscles give out so I can't go much longer than that with these bboots. Before I did the most recient mods. I could go longer but the new mods. stand the bboots up straighter and puts more strain on my thighs. I hope to overcome this in time. I can almost keep my legs straight most of the time I walk and I am getting better at managing the 1/4" dia. heel ( they were 5/8" before I did the latest mod.). I don't know how the Ladies manage these tiny heels well but I recon it takes determination. I'm still amazed at the girl in the video of her house cleaning in bboots. She moves around like she has regular shoes on and not ballets. Later. Dr Who 3 P.S. I'm 63 years old so I figure if I can't quite be as gracefull as the girls it is OK.
Richy Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 The person that most amazes me is Imedla (CirqueDeImaelda on youtube). She shows the same level of prowess wearing ballets as most women do in a comfortable shoe, but can also walk en pointe in block toe shoes and ballet boots which have been modified so that the heel is rendered almost irrelevent. Most of her shoes and ballet boots have a modifed heel so that when she is walking and puts her foot down, the heel is touching the sole of the shoe. It appears that she is walking on her toes without any assistance to her balance from a heel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laVv_htikXo (block shoe toe walk) http://www.youtube.com/user/CirqueDeImelda#p/u/35/2xEDVVo5PlE (modified heels)
DR Who 3 Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 Yes She is quite amazing. I remember when she started walking in ballet boots. She has certainly gained what it takes to master ballets. I believe She is in the same level as Pata and Michaheel2. The ladies on ballet-heels.com are quite virsed as well. This gives us lowlies much inspriation. One thing to there advantage though is us men weigh almost twice as much as they do. This means we put 100lbs.+or- on the toes/heels of bboots as to the 50 lb. to 70 lbs. of the ladies. I'm not complaining but looking for some sympathy Ha Ha. Dr Who 3
RobyninHeels Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 I have been quietly watching this thread, as I am an active wearer of ballet boots. I am enamored with the modified ballets which Imelda wears. All my Bboots have had the heels shortened and are very walkable and as comfortable as they could be. Where can I find or get bboots modified with the flexible heels? I have one pair of bboots which have the toes taped to the heels which function similarly to Imelda's. They just do not look good. Any thoughts on where to find the modified bboots.
DR Who 3 Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 I think you may have to modify the boots your self. When I did my mod. I had to cut through the renforced inside sole in order to bend the heels closer toward the toes. I used a drumem tool with a round thin cut off wheel. You will have to be very carefull to stay away from the sides of your boots so as not to cut the leather. Perhaps a better aproach would be to remove the heels and install a wooden wedge heel shaped the way you want and screwed to the sole. There used to be a video on youtube of a girl with this modification made to her red bboots and she did a walk in a mall showing off the boots. If any member here has saved that video perhaps they could share it on this thred. ( she was really good at walking in her boots even to the point of walking to the mall in ballet boots without the heels as a ballet dancer wlks on pointe). I hope this helps if not then perhaps food for thoughjt? Dr Who 3
pussyinboots Posted December 18, 2009 Posted December 18, 2009 DR Who 3 said: I think you may have to modify the boots your self. When I did my mod. I had to cut through the renforced inside sole in order to bend the heels closer toward the toes. I used a drumem tool with a round thin cut off wheel. You will have to be very carefull to stay away from the sides of your boots so as not to cut the leather. Perhaps a better aproach would be to remove the heels and install a wooden wedge heel shaped the way you want and screwed to the sole. I hope this helps if not then perhaps food for thoughjt? Dr Who 3 I remember that clip well. I have it somewhere - but give me some time to find it. "Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"
pussyinboots Posted December 18, 2009 Posted December 18, 2009 DR Who 3 said: I think you may have to modify the boots your self. When I did my mod. I had to cut through the renforced inside sole in order to bend the heels closer toward the toes. I used a drumem tool with a round thin cut off wheel. You will have to be very carefull to stay away from the sides of your boots so as not to cut the leather. Perhaps a better aproach would be to remove the heels and install a wooden wedge heel shaped the way you want and screwed to the sole. I hope this helps if not then perhaps food for thoughjt? Dr Who 3 I think the ones you're referring to (but they are black boots) are still available at Balletboot.com - take a look here: Serena's First Ballet Steps: http://www.balletboot.com/preview-video.htm "Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"
DR Who 3 Posted December 21, 2009 Posted December 21, 2009 That isn't the video I was talking about. Those are great videos though. In the video I mentioned the girl started the video by showing her broken red ballet heels then she walked into a mall in red ballet heels that had the heels broken off as if she was wearing pointe shoes walking on her toes. Then she chainged to red ballet boots that had a wooden sole and heel combination ( like a wedge heel). She was wearing a red outfit also. She was on a the live journal website talking about her ballet heel experiences. Also I believe she is the same girl playing the waitress in the tea service video where she had her arms tied behind her back and served the tea with her teeth while wearing ballet boots. Either way she was quite talented and a ballet boot expert. Perhaps someone saved these videos because they aren't on youtube any longer. Dr Who 3
pata Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 Yes that was the same girl, @dr who 3. We had some nice contact though I don´t remember either over youtube or directly over email... If I´ll find where she wrote me I might contact her again and may be I can tell you more about her then (or may be she would like to do it herself)
Richy Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 DrWho3 The young lady in question went by the name of Ceramufary. She did two youtube videos, one of which was the walk in the mall on her modifed ankle boots. The second that she did was called the Victorian Tea Party. There are still a couple of links to that video on youtube posted by other individuals but I won't link to them as they are of "fetish" content frowned upon by the moderators. What I do know is that in the past year almost all of the content that she had put on the web regarding her abilities has been removed by her, and accounts in that name on youtube, Flickr and other social networks closed. It is likely that when she completed her professional qualifications, she chose not to allow her private life to be so public as many do.
ialdabaoth Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 Hi there! Ceramufary (aka Riahanna) was my girlfriend for 7 years; I'm the one that made the wedge-heels; I trained her to walk in them; I did the choreography for the tea party video (which happened at the 2006 Arizona Fetish Ball). Unfortunately, we had a falling out after I had a nervous breakdown 3 years ago, and she decided that everything to do with 'kinky stuff' wasn't going to be part of her life anymore. She deleted all the videos and photos, and has requested that I not share anything more about her. Right now I'm training a few people to walk and dance in the heels, and working on new designs for better dance/acrobatics functionality, but I'm still in the process of recovering from said nervous breakdown, so I'm not really in a place psychologically or financially where progress comes easily. I hope this helped!
DR Who 3 Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Thanks to all of you for helping resolve this issue. ( my memory) I must say I was very impressed with her ballet heel walking ability. She was real peach also. ialdabaoth sorry to read about your loss and I hope your health returns. Dr Who 3
ialdabaoth Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 DR Who 3 said: Thanks to all of you for helping resolve this issue. ( my memory) I must say I was very impressed with her ballet heel walking ability. She was real peach also. ialdabaoth sorry to read about your loss and I hope your health returns. Dr Who 3 Thank you. Getting "back into the game" is helping greatly, and I have a wonderful support network (and an amazing prodigy of an understudy).
Guest Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Some links (ultra heel): http://cgi.ebay.de/extreme-Stiefeletten-Ballet-Boots-High-Heels-Lack-Neu_W0QQitemZ120420472833QQcmdZViewItemQQptZKleidung_Accessoires_Schuhe_Damenschuhe?hash=item1c099e9801 http://cgi.ebay.de/Die-ultimative-Fetisch-Sandalette-Gr-46-US-14_W0QQitemZ290310929302QQcmdZViewItemQQptZKleidung_Accessoires_Schuhe_Damenschuhe?hash=item4397e13b96
benno Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 Check out the attached Bad Boys! I can't imagine they are very easy to wear but I'd give it my best effort. For what it's worth I think they look hideous. I found them on trendhunter.com Worth looking at their site as there is some wild stuff featured over there. Thanks, Ben
pussyinboots Posted January 16, 2010 Posted January 16, 2010 benno said: Check out the attached Bad Boys! I can't imagine they are very easy to wear but I'd give it my best effort. For what it's worth I think they look hideous. I found them on trendhunter.com Worth looking at their site as there is some wild stuff featured over there. Thanks, Ben They are absolutely fabulous!! What size are they? Do they still sell these and which Section of 'Tredhunter' should I look at? "Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"
Waisted_Giraffe Posted January 24, 2010 Posted January 24, 2010 All Balletboot posted this previously (about sept 08). I got him to send me a link, which has the name Michael Brown, so have done a further search and come up with this alternative view. Richard
thehighheelsgirl Posted January 25, 2010 Posted January 25, 2010 Wow those are wild! Could be fun to wear! Yes, I do walk in these
Jens Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 I have never before seen such a heel shape. They look like they are designed less than for being put on the ground than somewhere else.
Jens Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 The precise location seems to be http://www.trendhunter.com/slideshow/strange-footwear (scroll down to example no. 23), but unfortunately it gives no credits whatever to who might sell these erotic sculptures. I still hesitate calling them shoes.
pussyinboots Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 Jens said: The precise location seems to be http://www.trendhunter.com/slideshow/strange-footwear (scroll down to example no. 23), but unfortunately it gives no credits whatever to who might sell these erotic sculptures. I still hesitate calling them shoes. If you follow the onsite links to the article - you'll find that they are 'Virtual' shoes....simply a design concept, not a production style on sale. "Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"
benno Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 The Virtual Shoe museum is full of real shoes. Many are art pieces, one offs, and prototypes but almost all are 'wearable'. The only virtual thing about it is that its a website and therefore not a 'real' museum. Link to museum website
jamie1608 Posted February 15, 2010 Posted February 15, 2010 i have finally found a place where i can go and try a pair of ballet heels on before i buy a pair!! plaeser in the US suggested this place http://www.showgirlslatexboutique.com/ i have called them and they were ok with selling me a pair of ballet heels. i am a uk size 8 so roughly what size should i get and does any regular wearers ( pata) have any advise on how to wear and walk in them? many thanks in advance!!
Waisted_Giraffe Posted February 15, 2010 Posted February 15, 2010 jamie1608 said: i have finally found a place where i can go and try a pair of ballet heels on before i buy a pair!! plaeser in the US suggested this place http://www.showgirlslatexboutique.com/ i have called them and they were ok with selling me a pair of ballet heels. i am a uk size 8 so roughly what size should i get and does any regular wearers ( pata) have any advise on how to wear and walk in them? many thanks in advance!! I should hope they were okay in selling a pair, would be an odd thing for a vendor to not be okay with it! Anyway, as for size, ask for your normal size, they are designed to suit the relevant size listed (based on foot length) no need for larger but smaller may prove okay. If you are absolutely going to buy them, get hold of a pair of ballet toe cushions from a dance shop; I have a pair of gel filled fabric cushions and are a god send. If not, don't worry, you won't be in them long enough for it to make much difference at this point. So trying them on; relax your foot and ankle as much as possible, point your toes slightly and slowly push your foot inside, giving your toes a little wriggle to settle them in place, as you do this cup your hand around the back of the heel cup and push your heel into place RELAX AND TAKE YOUR TIME OR YOU WILL END UP WITH CRAMP! Do the shoes up; if you are wearing laced up boots (best idea at this point) slowly lace up from the bottom (as per usual) but give each crossing of the laces a good tight pull as you work your way up; you want to stop your foot dropping onto your toes as much as possible. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE CUT YOU TOE NAILS ESPECIALLY BIG TOES AS SHORT AS IS POSSIBLE Trying to keep your feet and calves as relaxed as possible, slowly put your feet down (your feet will feel a lot steeper than you imagined they will be) and slowly increase the weight on them, holding on to something or someone sturdy and stand up............try and keep your weight back, you don't need to be completely over your toes, putting as much load through the heel will will reduce the pain on your toes. Don't be in any doubt that this won't hurt, it will BUT you will learn to finely adjust your weight and balance so that the pain in your toes will be kept to a minimum; it's a feeling that will become part of the ecstacy of wearing ballet heels ENJOY Let us know how you go. R
jamie1608 Posted February 20, 2010 Posted February 20, 2010 i have been advised to buy some ballet boots as i am not use to wearing ballet heels. i would like the ones with the padlocks on so i cant take them off! i will hopefully try these on: http://www.pleaserusa.com/ProductDetail.asp?div=3_DEVIOUS&dpt=10_SS&ctg=7_BALLET&STYLE_CD=BALLET%2D1020&PROD_CD=BAL1020%2FB who can walk and spend some time in them?
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