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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. ramon020 -

    Those sure look like thigh boots to me. Knee high boots stop below the knee. If the boots are the right size they shouldn’t hurt your feet. Most of the time a heeled boot requires a size larger than your normal shoe size. I wear a 13 in a flat but a 14 in a 5” heel. I also recommend a cushioned insole in boots. It makes them much more comfortable.

    Welcome to the forum and by the way, nice boots.

    Ps. The reference you posted is a URL to the page with the image. I have taken the liberty to post the image.

    Posted Image

  2. Elyssium -

    Ok, I don’t get it.

    If you think that wearing high heels makes you “look like a goon” and find wearing them physically is “very uncomfortable”, why in the world do you persist in wearing them in public? Having a “fetish for footwear which can make me do strange things” is no excuse for going out in public and being uncomfortable or looking stupid (which is how others will perceive you if you don’t have the confidence that you look good).

    There are several reasons why guys on this forum wear heels in public (private wearing is another matter):

     They think they look good

     They are more comfortable than men’s shoes

     They find a thrill in wearing women’s shoes

    (If I missed a reason please let me know.)

    I don’t recall reading any other posts that said, ”I wear heels in public so I can look stupid and make my feet hurt”. If you are not comfortable with the way you look and feel when you go out in public, quit going out!

  3. Teens into fashion trends is not a new phenomenon. I clearly remember greased back hair, bell bottoms, Nero shirts, ... (a long list of things that are out then in then out of fashion again). Adults also are not immune to fashion trends and there is no denying that the pressure to conform can be very strong. But change does happen. Remember when a guy couldn’t wear an earring or a gold chain? There are others on this forum that can trace the evolution of man’s footwear almost back to cave dwellers and I will let one of them do that. There are many different styles of men’s footwear today (cowboy boots, running shoes, dress shoes, work shoes/boots, ...) and although it may not be the main topic of discussion, men are aware of shoe fashion and the variety of shoes available in the men’s shoe rack. For me, I have always liked the style of women’s boots but didn’t have the nerve, confidence, whatever , to wear them in public. After a while it dawned on me that I really was missing out on something that I liked and it was because I was bowing to the pressure of fashion. It wasn’t fashionable for a guy to wear good looking boots. Once I realized what a silly excuse that was for not doing something I really wanted to do, the excuse went out the proverbial window and I started wearing what I enjoyed. Thigh boots with stiletto heels came a while later but the same thinking applied. The message is that what you can/can’t wear is determined by you. If you want to wear what is in fashion, wear it. If you want to wear what is not in fashion, wear it. That really is what fashion freestyling is all about. It really is a head game where you are the only player and it is a game you can’t lose unless you talk yourself out of wearing something you want to wear.

  4. The boots really do look great especially with jeans They look like at least a 6” heel. Can you walk in that high of a heel? Do you ever wear them (or a lower heel) out and about?

    Again, thanks for posting the picture.

  5. elyssium

    Thanks for the civil discussion. Fortunately, the main theme of this board is Freestyle Fashion. That’s the freedom to wear what you are comfortable wearing. I wear thigh boots with stiletto heels in public and am not bothered by being “the odd one out”. In fact that’s part of the fun. Many years ago I was in the US Army where I was required to look like everyone else and there are lots of people that really enjoy that kind of society. It just wasn’t my thing.

    I keep preaching that you should stand in front of a full length mirror before you go out and be sure that the image you see is the one you want the rest of the world to see and (most importantly) that you are comfortable presenting. I’m comfortable being seen in thigh boots, others on this board are comfortable being seen in pumps, block heels, pointy toes, round toes, gothic,… (it’s a long list) but the point is they are comfortable being seen. If you are not comfortable being seen in heeled boots, please don’t go out. Other people will pick up on your discomfort and make the outing miserable for you. If you project confidence, however, people do accept guys in heels.

    I’m sure there are others here that will take issue with your statement that “high heels is not a men's fashion”. I chose to not be ruled by societies dictates on gender fashion. I understand that most men don’t wear thigh boots with stiletto heels but I do, so that makes them my fashion statement, and it is a statement I am comfortable making.

    Enjoy wearing whatever you like.

  6. elyssium

    Welcome to the forum.

    I’m glad you at least gave heels a try before you made up your mind about them.

    If you read around this forum a bit I think everyone would agree with your first experience in feels but as you read a little further, everyone would also say that the proficiency in wearing them comes with practice. After your muscles get used to the different work load, heels can become comfortable. When they are comfortable and you can walk with them, they can be a lot of fun and very enjoyable to wear.

    I don’t think “romping around in them for a few hours” is a fair evaluation. Slow down a little. Learn to walk with a little style and I think you might enjoy them more. Besides, you already have the boots, if they are the right size for you, give wearing them a chance. It really can be fun.

  7. I’m not sure what happened this week but I went shopping in several of my regular stores and didn’t wear my stiletto heeled boots. I got more notice from the regular staff not wearing my boots than when I wear them. No one said anything but everyone noticed the change.

    I’m not sure why I didn’t wear them since I had a pair in the car with me. I just didn’t feel like wearing boots and heels. I’ll have to start paying more attention to why I do and don’t feel like wearing my boots.

    Anyway, Friday was a jeans day at work so I did wear my black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels on my morning grocery trip. The trip was uneventful except my legs were telling me I hadn’t worn 5” heels for a while and the muscles complained a little. I had to walk around a bit before I was able to walk with full confidence again. I was surprised at how quickly my heel skills/endurance had faided. After a couple of minutes I was Ok and back in stride.

    The lesson is, if you don’t wear high heels often (daily), don’t expect to put on a pair and take off with a graceful stride. You have to give your legs a few minutes to learn how the muscles will be used differently on the heels. They are used differently, which is why people complain that high heels make their legs sore.

    Iloveboots -

    Sounds like you had a great trip. Welcome back.

  8. looloo22 -

    Welcome to the forum.

    I also think getting your B/F a pair of heels would be a well received gift. From this guys point of view however, shoes would be nice, but boots would be better.

    Please let us know how it goes.

  9. My stiletto heeled thigh boots are for walking. Everyone says you should practice walking in high heels so that you are comfortable wearing them. Both in how you look and how you feel wearing them. Another part of the practice/experience is knowing what kind of terrain you can walk on. Rough walks and lots of cracks to be avoided at least in stilettos. After a while you just naturally walk in heels and avoid rough terrain. I use rubber heel tips and get good mileage out of them. They work well on slick floors which are also to be tread with caution. Part of the general maintenance of the boots, like cleaning and polish, are new heel tips. The boots look great. Get some new heel tips and show them off. Who knows, after a while you will wear them outside your pant legs.

  10. Sunday was another museum day. There is a new show of Rembrandt etching that opened yesterday. This means the parking lot (and the museum) were packed. I wore jeans, a heavy black turtleneck sweater and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The show was free to members and as I was walking in, I noticed my membership had expired last week. I walked up to the membership desk to renew my membership and the folks were really glad to see me (thigh boots and all). I would have understood if they had renewed my membership without enthusiasm but that wasn’t the case. I really think they are glad I show up as often as I do. My boots don’t seem to bother them at all. I sketched for a while and chatted with several patrons and guards. Most noticed my boots but just kept going. The Rembrandt show is great. The works are small (the museum even furnished magnifying lenses) so people were gathered closely around the prints. No one seemed to be bothered by one of the patrons being 6’5” in thigh boots. Museums hang stuff at the average height of their patrons which is about 6” shorter than 6’5” so I was doing a lot of looking down at the prints on the wall and bending over the display cases. Bending at the waist in 5” heels was a new balancing experience. It was actually a comfortable way to stand in heels. Other than the great show and kind greetings from the guards and staff, the trip was uneventful. A good thigh boot outing.

  11. Kinheels -

    It’s great that your girlfriend likes your heels. Having someone with you can be a great confidence builder. You seemed surprised that a guy could wear knee high boots in public and not get adverse reactions. Pardon me if I sound like I’m preaching but... this really is a head game.

    You should decide what you want to wear the look at yourself in a full length mirror and be sure you like what you are seeing. You have to be (mentally) comfortable with your look. If you are comfortable with your look, the confidence to go out is almost automatic.

    Most people really don’t care what you wear. Most that do care don’t say anything. Other than young girls, that tend to giggle a lot, no one will be bothered if you wear boots/heels. I have been wearing thigh boots in public for several years and I can count the negative reactions on one hand. The key to the whole thing is you projecting the confidence in what you are doing. People really do pick up on that.

    If you go at it with a “hope that nobody notices” attitude, people will pick up on that and try to figure out what you are hiding. However, if you go at it with a “these are my shoes” attitude, people will accept it.

    Sorry for the sermon. Now go out and enjoy yourself.

  12. Kinheels -

    Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you had a good outing in your heels. Was your girl friend with you on this trip to the track? It wasnt quite clear in the post. If she was, what did she think of your boots?

    I think you are way too concerned about someone seeing your heels. The main thing is that you like them and you are comfortable with how you look in them. If you are comfortable with your look, the confidence that gives you will show and no one will care that you like heels. It really is all about you having the confidence to wear what you like.

    Thanks for the post. Now quit worrying and enjoy yourself.

  13. JimC -

    With or without the ski mitts, the boots look great. I’m glad you are enjoying wearing them.

    I think the photo problem is not the batteries rather the scene is back lit. Too much light sky is influencing the camera’s exposure.

  14. Kneehighs –

    WOW seems like an understatement. Sounds like you had a great night on the town. How do people react to posing for pictures?

    I still think you looked great in the knee boots you wore over your jeans. Seems like Winter in New York would be a great excuse to give them a try (you could always wear them under your jeans if outside didn’t work).

  15. This morning, I added “walking in 5” heels” to my list of Things to not do when I’m tired.

    On my morning grocery stop I wore my black leather slacks and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. My work schedule this weekend made me miss a lot of sleep and I was tired when I went into the store. I found I was having a little trouble walking. Normally I have no problem with 5” heels and can walk with a fill stride. This morning I was taking small steps and still had a heel kickout several times on slick floor. It really does take some extra strength in your legs to walk in heels. If it didn’t, your legs wouldn’t have been sore when you first started wearing heels (remember?). It’s also one of the reasons that practice helps, you build up some strength in the muscles that are being used.

    The good news is a good nights sleep should cure this problem.

    Shafted –

    I was so tired I forgot I had the new suede jeans or I would have tried them this morning.

  16. Shafted -

    The 8890s are a classic pair of thigh boots. I have gone thorough several sets of heel tips on mine. I had to run a seam up the back of the boot shaft to make them snug enough on my legs to stay up. This is also the pair I wore to the National Gallery in Washington DC where I had to walk over a very lumpy sidewalk and wound up with very sore feet. I recommend a well cushioned insole if your having to walk over a rough surface.

    This was one of my first pair of thigh boots and I have put many miles on them and they are still one of my favorite pairs.

    Have fun with yours.

  17. This morning was a brisk 23F (-5C) and that had some influence on my choosing to wear a long sleeved light blue dress shirt over a black turtleneck, black leather slacks (no pockets) and my granny boots worn over the slacks cuffs. I hadn’t worn these slacks for a long time and I have worn them with my thigh boots but the granny boots give the outfit a different look than the thigh boots do. On my morning grocery stop I walked around a bit and talked to several of the clerks. The lady at the register was the one that really didn’t approve of my boots and skirt and she noticed I had on something different this morning. I didn’t get a chance to ask her what she thought but she was very nice and courteous (as always). My office is a little chilly when it gets this brisk so I decided to leave these leather slack on under my dress pants. They aren’t quite as comfortable as my favorite black leather skirt but they do feel and look good. I also think a guy in leather slack is not as threatening to other folks as a guy in a leather skirt. I’ll have to wear these slacks again soon.

  18. Monday started off as a cold brisk day. I planned a morning grocery stop and a shopping trip at Sam’s after work. I left the house wearing a dark green turtleneck, brown suede coat, black thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels cuffed down to knee length, black hose and a knee length black leather skirt. This is my favorite skirt. It is heavy cow leather and tight enough to look good and feel great to wear but not so tight that there are unseemly bulges.

    The grocery stop was uneventful. I walked in and got my stuff (I didn’t have time to wander around). I had never seen the register clerk before but she didn’t seemed ruffled in the least as I walked up to the register. The guy in front of me took note of my boots and skirt but then went about his business of bagging his groceries.

    At Sam’s I went in and realized I had forgotten my hat. Thinking back on all these postings I have never mentioned that I wear a black baseball style hat. This is really part of my outfit. I wear my hear in a pony tail and the hat covers the lack of hair on the top of my head. I really look like a different person with the hat than without. Without the hat I look like an old balding guy wearing a leather skirt and thigh boots. With the hat I really look much younger and with the skirt and thigh boots some people have to look twice to be sure I’m a guy (most get it at first glance) anyway the hat really helps the look.

    When I went in there was a young guy at the door checking Ids and he had never seen me before. I think he was having a tough time dealing with what he saw. I had to get a lot of big stuff so I quickly loaded my cart with the biggest items and checked out of the store. I went out to the car and unloaded the cart, put my hat on, and want back into the store.

    The hat really makes a difference in how I feel even if it doesn’t change the overall appearance that much. My confidence comes from being comfortable with how I look and the hat is part of that look. I pulled my boots up to their full height (because it was cold) and this brought the top of the boots about 1” above the hem of the skirt. This time I wandered around getting the smaller items and I just took my time.

    I had seen the girl at the checkout register before and I asked her if “this is too much”?

    She replied, “Your fine”.

    After that I stopped for gas at a pay at the pump station then headed home.

    Sometimes I wish this skirt wasn’t so absolutely comfortable and felt so good to wear then I wouldn’t be tempted to wear it as much. I do appreciate that any skirt but particularly a tight black leather one is pushing the envelope about as far as I can expect other people to tolerate it. People seem to accept the thigh boots even with stiletto heels but the skirt seems to bother folks a little more. I’ll just have to be sure about the places I go wearing one.

    This was a good start of the week.

    (As I was entering this, I reread my previous post. I really should keep that in mind before I go out in a leather skirt).

    kneeheighs -

    Thanks for the references. Interesting reading.

  19. I think the picture of you wearing you knee high boots over your jeans looks great. I think you should give it a try back home.

    If anyone missed the picture, go back and click on the link in the paragraph titled "How a knee high boot stunt caused the Spanish Inquisition".

  20. Sunday is museum day. I pulled on a pair of blue jeans, blue denim shirt and my blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels, grabbed my sketch book and headed out.

    Today the parking lot was empty which meant I almost had the museum to myself. The guards greeted me with friendly hellos and I found a stool and went to work. The guards expect me to be wearing boots and I think I would get more attention from them is I walked in with regular shoes.

    Oh well it’s still Monet 12 me 0. There is more in that painting every time I see it. I walked around for a while the headed back out to the parking lot. There I changed the jeans for a short blue denim skirt. How short? I wore it under my jeans. The skit’s hem is about 1” above the top of my boots. It is cold so I’m also wearing a brown suede coat. The skirt’s hem is 6-8” below the hem of the coat. I walked around Eden park and a few people that drove by seemed to notice my boots, and yes, I noticed it was cold.

    I headed over to the thrift store and was able to park at the end of the row directly across from the store with mirrored windows. As always the biggest step was getting out of the car but I was able to watch myself in the store’s windows. This outfit looks good. I walked around in the thrift store which was crowded and for the most part no one gave a rip.

    Next I went to a small grocery store and didn’t find what I wanted but again I got to see what I looked like in the mirrors. I drove to the other end of the mall and went into Payless. I didn’t see anything I really wanted. The clogs others have found were only in an 11 which is a little too small for me.

    I went on to a large grocery store and still didn’t find what I wanted. Again, it seems like no one cared that I was wearing thigh boots and a short skirt.

    My last stop was a pay at the pump gas station.

    The whole afternoon was a lot fun and another real confidence builder.

    Dawn HH -

    Thanks for the complement but you may have to translate “spiff” for the younger generation :D .

    I think thigh boots are Ok with most anything but they look really great with blue jeans, short skirts, or shorts.

  21. My apologies :D . As I said, the register clerk knew me very well. The joke was that I was standing there wearing blue thigh boots and joking that someone thought I was wearing too much blue ie. my boots. But, Danielle is right. The blue jeans and lighter blue denim shirt look good together. Combine that with blue thigh boots and it looks great (my opinion anyway :wink: ).

  22. I stopped at Sam’s on the way home from work wearing blue jeans, a light blue denim shirt and my blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. I really didn’t need much so I wandered around for a while. The register clerk was the first lady that over a year ago told me my boots “didn’t bother me none”. She greeted me by name (before she got my membership card). As she was ringing up my stuff I said, “Some people told me I had on too much blue”. She looked me over and said, “Too much blue? .... There is no such thing”. We bid each other a pleasant good evening. Shafted - Your right. I was glad to get some honest feedback but I still enjoy going out heeling in my boots. I’m not ready to stop.

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