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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Most of my heels are in the 3 inch range and it's really a good height for walking, standing and doing everyday things. I can't go much higher than 3.5 inches and walk gracefully anyway. Like Shafted said, there are some great choices out there at 3 inches. And 3 inches is better than no inches!


    Hope you have a full and speedy recovery, Heels2U.



  2. Yes, I've done it once, with Weird1, Spikesmike, and my wife. We later learned that WetWillie was there too, but we didn't know it at the time. It was fun and it's for a good cause. There were lots of hilarious moments and some silly costumes, but it really doesn't help our cause of normalizing guys in heels. If anything, it emphasized how goofy men can look in heels. I probably won't do it again.





  3. They are cute, indeed! I have a similar pair of Aerosoles that I love to wear. Go for it! Lucky find! How did they happen to get in the closet? Did your wife buy the wrong size? Did somebody leave them at your house?


    Wish shoes like that would magically appear in MY closet! LOL



  4. Aerosoles has dedicates stores, mostly in bigger cities. Check out their store finder on their web site. They are also sold in DSW and other stores. But the stores don't usually stock size 12, so I have bought all of my Aerosoles online. SF has has good luck buying in a store near him.



  5. Wearing heels through the airport is no big deal. I've done it dozens of times, on both domestic and international flights. The security folks are looking for weapons and bombs, not high heels.


    Same with tights and pantyhose. When I take off the heels, guess what shows? And I go through security just like everyone else, usually without any hassle at all.



  6. Great account, SF. Thanks for posting it.


    The demons are all in our heads when it comes to guys trying on women's shoes in stores. The sales associates have seen it and heard it all. Just do it and be honest and if you get good service, develop a relationship with her or him, like Bluejay does. Return to the store and ask to see her or him again, to say hi and ask what's new, etc. She or he will get to know you by name and know what you like. You may even get a call when something comes in and they will put it away for you.


    Nice to see you posting again, Bluejay. I know you've been busy lately.



  7. Congratulations on your outing and your attitude. It is very common for us to think that just because we are into heels, everybody will notice ours, but the truth is that most people don't pay any attention and don't see what we see. I have seen this story happen many times before. I am glad you had a good experience. It gets easier every time you do it.



  8. SF,


    I read your review and it was very well written. I am glad you like the pumps and I am glad that Aerosoles published your review in its entirety. I had seen those pumps before, but never tried them on. I may have to consider doing so. They do look kinda cool, and most of the reviews give them high ratings. Enjoy wearing them, and thanks for the post. BTW I clicked on helpful on the review.



  9. Good idea, Doctor. Pick a date and let's promote it. Of course, for some of us, EVERY day is Heels Day. But for others, it might be a good thing to help them go public if they want to but are reluctant.


    Maybe Hallmark, the greeting card company, would be interested in yet another holiday for which to promote their greeting cards? HA HA HA :D



  10. Your last statement seems to contradict the statement in your signature line. You say you "have never tried to wear [stiletto pumps] in public for fear of ridicule," but in the signature line you say you "love to wear classic opera pumps in public with 4-5 inch stiletto heels." Can you explain this discrepancy or am I not understanding something?





  11. That was obviously a fun experience. Guys in heels are more accepted than we think, especially by women. You gave off vibes of confidence, and many women find that very sexy. Good job, and thanks for sharing it with us.


    What was the web site you found that on? Others here might be interested. Can you share any details? Cost? How often is the course given? What kind of exercises did you do for a full day, or however long it lasted?



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