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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Mlroseplant,


    I went back and looked at the pic you posted and the comments. There were comments on how pale your legs were in that photo, but there wasn't anything bad about the look of the shorts and heels together. In fact one person commented positively. Here is my take, for what it's worth:


    It looks very feminine to me. The shorts are very short and the heels are very slender and high. They go well together, and you have a good figure for the outfit. If that's the look you want, go for it. There is nothing wrong with it - it looks fashionable. But you will definitely be freestyling. The fact that you're male might elicit a negative response in the form of giggles, laughter, finger pointing, etc. It IS out of the ordinary, after all, and that's the normal human response when the clothing we see on a guy doesn't fit into the pure masculine pigeon hole for which our brains are socially programmed. My guess is that not too many people will really notice, though. They're wrapped up in their own world, and they would have to notice that the person inside the clothes is a guy.


    I personally would opt for a more androgynous look, with longer shorts (mid-thigh) with no cuffs, and less feminine shoes (such as I posted above). If your legs are truly that pale, some tan pantyhose would make them look better in my opinion. I'm much more comfortable with my more conservative shorts, pantyhose, and shoes (and more importantly, so is my wife).


    Good luck.



  2. mlroseplant,


    Congrats on your progress. That is huge!


    Wearing heels with shorts is fun if you select the right heels. I have worn all of these heeled clogs and sandals (2 to 3.5") in public with shorts (often with beige or tan pantyhose and always with a satin rose-copper colored pedicure). I've never had any stares or iDrops, but I have had some compliments from women. I don't wear anything with stiletto heels, or any over-the-top brightly colored shoes, or pumps with shorts, though.


    You can do it, too! Let us hear from you when you do. Good luck!














  3. Lime,


    Don't forget, looking doesn't mean disapproval. It means that the observer has not seen that sight before or at least not very often. When a guy wears heels, it's unusual. Most people don't notice, but some do, and when they do, it doesn't add up right in their brain, so they look a little longer to make sure they're seeing what they think they're seeing. Most people just go on about their business. Some might laugh (teenage girls in packs will giggle hysterically). Most will be polite and not say anything, unless they, too, have the high heel gene. Gang members may say something rude to prove their homophobia to their cronies.


    So yes, expect to get noticed occasionally, but it's not bad at all. It helps educate the unwashed masses. Thanks for doing your part and I encourage you to do it again when the mood strikes. Thanks for posting your account, too. Maybe it will encourage others who want to go public but are afraid. The demons are in our heads.



  4. Great post - thanks for sharing. As you are learning, the demons are in our heads. There is nothing to fear. The SA's have seen it all and are not supposed to be judgmental. They try to be as helpful as possible. Their goal is to get you to part with your money and they mostly do whatever they can to provide satisfaction so you'll come back and do it again and again. As to the little girl, she was probably anxious to grow up so she could wear what you were wearing!


    Congrats on coming out and being honest with the SA (and yourself). It's a relief not to have to make up silly excuses, isn't it? Now when you go back, you can be relaxed and happy. Happy customers spend more money, though, so watch out!  :D



  5. Heels59,


    It's great to wear androgynous heels like that outside in public without drawing undue attention to the fact you've got women's shoes on, isn't it? Those are heels I would definitely wear, everywhere. They're a good find. I have not been on Easy Spirit's web site in quite a while but I will definitely spend some time there tonight! Thanks for the helpful post!



  6. While I'll always love a great stiletto heel, I am beginning to appreciate the chunkier styles more and more.  I think they look a bit better on the typically heavier and larger mans leg and foot.  A bit more in balance with the size of the person, I guess. 


    Ron, I've been saying that for years. And I feel that it is not just on men. Big women don't look particular good tottering on stiletto heels either. Stilettos look best on thin people. The thin heel matches and complements the slender build of the wearer. Bigger, stockier, guys and gals should go for thicker heels in my opinion.



  7. Just my personal opinion, being a hosiery guy and all, that black hose rarely looks good with white shoes, especially sandals. Go with nude or tan or whatever matches your skin, and provides less contrast. You want people to react, "WOW!", not "YUCK!"


    There's nothing wrong with white in winter, in spite of the fashion "rules" about not wearing white after labor day and before memorial day. Ermine, rabbits, and polar bears wear white all winter long! :D



  8. Hey, Chor, there's an easy way - go to gmail or yahoo and sign up for a new email address to use for logging on to that web site. It's free and then you can see if you want to stick around on that web site or leave it forever. You can dump the new email address or keep it for a spare for such occasions in the future. Your privacy remains intact AND you find out what's on that mystery web site.



  9. You don't have to go alone to heel meets. I've attended several, both with the wife and solo, and others have, too. Significant others have always been welcome. It's a good chance to expose her to other SOs so she knows she's not alone, and expose her to guys who might be even more daring, so she can see you're not so bad after all! HA HA HA





  10. From you I'm surprised! I thought you had more courage than that. From the pics of you on here, I would think you've tried on shoes in stores dozens of times. You do go public in some extreme heels, so it makes no sense that you couldn't try them on before buying. I would have bet you that you would strike up a conversation with at least one or two customers and staff, who would have found it very interesting that a guy has enough confidence to try on heels in a store. Some women do find that kind of confidence sexy.


    Well, there's always next time. No go stand in the corner and put a dunce cap on...lol



  11. I suspect the lack of detail is indeed the case, but your advice is still excellent. If a man compliments a woman (whom he doesn't know) on her heels and the women doesn't react in a positive, friendly, welcoming way, it's best for him to exercise some immediate damage control and quickly move on, as if he weren't a pervert. LOL



  12. Bluejay,


    Vector is from the Rochester area. I met him and his lovely wife at a heel meet in Canton, Ohio a couple of years ago. We would all have a lot of fun together, so next time my wife and I get up that way we can arrange and announce a heel meet. Maybe others can join us, too.



  13. Cjveritas,


    Those are all good choices for public heeling. Glad you went out without any problems. Be careful going to isolated places alone at night. It could be dangerous. Contrary to logic you'd be much better off in the safety of large crowds, such as in a shopping mall, where everyone is focused on himself or herself and would pay no attention to a guy in heels.


    Thanks for posting. Hope you are encouraged to go public more often.



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