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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. dww,


    I have enjoyed meeting many other heelers in person. It's fun to do and usually lunch and a shoe-shopping event is part of the fun. I've met johnieheel, kittyinboots, vector, spikesmike, weird1, radiodave, bluejay, happyinheels, happyfeet, and several others, a couple of lurkers, plus a few wives (forgive me if I've forgotten to mention anyone). We've walked around San Francisco, Columbus, Buffalo, Canton, Akron, Cleveland, and other cities. I'm not sure why the interest in having meets seems to have died out. True, they take some effort to organize, but the ones I've attended have been great and the heelers I've met one-on-one have been really nice people. I would be very interested in visiting the UK again and meeting more heelers there.



  2. Projectz,


    I have those same exact sandals and wear them to the salon quite often. Just last week in fact. I got my nails done in a satin dusky rose color. They're fun to wear and they look good. Even my wife is ok with them.


    Those sandals look to be a size too big on your foot. And I agree on the leg hair. Trim it or shave?


    Please arrange to get with SF. He's dying for company, as he thinks no other California guys wear heels. Prove him wrong.



  3. Larry, if Bryan's stuff is that ugly, expensive, and poorly designed, why not try your hand at designing something better? There's a business opportunity for you. Obviously there is room for competition at the prices he is charging. If you can invent a better looking, more comfortable, and less expensive shoe, you might really have something. It sounds like you have the experience to translate 3D printing into shoemaking, and you might start a profitable venture without a huge capital investment or massive employment. In other words, it's low risk.



  4. A few years ago there were several popular heeling events, but the interest seems to have died out. I attended a couple of excellent heel meets in Canton, Ohio, organized by Johnieheel and they were fun. I met some nice guys and gals from this forum and we had a fun afternoon, a good lunch, and some interesting shoe shopping.


    But it seems like after you've been there and done that, it's not such a big deal any more. You've proved to yourself that you can go out in public in heels and lived to tell about it. Few people noticed and it was less traumatic than you expected. So you have done it a few times on your own, with no fanfare, and the idea of a heel meet is no longer as attractive as it was before when you felt there was strength and security in numbers.


    At least that's my take on it. Other opinions?



  5. Larry,


    I suggest going to Target for a great selection of women's jeans. Their Merona brand comes in boot cut and other designs and I have had terrific success with them. Great fit and durability. Best I've ever worn. You can use their unisex change rooms to try them on before you buy them, too.


    I am not associated with Target in any way. Just a happy customer.



  6. Why not just post, "I want to attend an extreme heels event, but I don't want to organise it; you do all the work and I'll just show up."


    Pardon my subtle sarcasm, but if you want to have an event, then you need to offer some specific ideas so other people can decide whether or not they want to attend. YOU need to come up with a theme, a venue, a date and time, and then announce it. It can be flexible if you want it to be, so it will appeal to a larger audience, but flexible doesn't mean vague. So, for example, try something like, "I would like to suggest an extreme heel event - wear your wildest shoes - anything over 5" heels, ballet heels, kinky boots, fetish, whatever - and anything else you want to wear. Party will be at XXXXX pub, from 10 pm to ? on January 15 (or whatever date most respondents can meet. I've cleared this with the pub management and they're fine with it in their private room. You can wear normal shoes there and change when you get there. Looking forward to having a good time with all of you. Let me know if you're interested by pm-ing me here."


    That might get more response than the lukewarm suggestion you've made. Hope that was helpful. It was meant to be.


    Good luck and let us know how it goes!



  7. Vector,


    Below the reply screen you will see two choices - Post and More Reply Options. Select the latter. It will take you to a screen where, at the bottom, you will see Attach Files. Browse to find the photo you want to attach, then select Attach This File and the photo will be added. Repeat if you want to add additional photos. Then click Add Reply when you are done and your reply with photos will be uploaded.



  8. That will teach me to type quickly on my phone with my fat fingers and not check prior to posting.

    I was just having fun at your expense, but all in jest. We all do stuff line that occasionally.


    Hope the new year is good to ya!



  9. I voted #4, but it really varies with the destination, the event, and the people I'll be seeing. The time and place define the outfit and shoes. So for example, a dressy occasion in the company of lots of people I know, more conservative heels (androgynous clogs) would do. If I don't know anyone there, I could wear (and have worn) booties or pumps. If it's casual and warm, sandals with capris or if cool, jeans and boots with 3" heels. You get the idea. It depends on many factors.



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