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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Thanks, SF. You really can't tell what they look like from that angle. The photo was taken by the artistic nail tech and was only intended to show the nails. Here's what the sandals look like. The clog-type heels are 3" high and they're really fun to walk in. I can wear them for miles.




  2. If you keep Mrs. Geot within her comfort zone so she isn't insecure about your heeling, you'll be fine. If she's uncomfortable and you ignore that, sooner or later you're toast. Don't make that mistake. Be considerate of her feelings, and back off from heeling, or wear less femme shoes, with thicker heels, lower heels, booties, etc. Give her time to adjust and gain her security. We don't want to read about your divorce here; we prefer stories with happy endings.



  3. Pedicures are great! So are manicures. I always look forward to the time when mine are scheduled. The local salon, as several people here know, has great nail techs and one in particular who is extremely artistic. She advised me to try a taupe color (grayish brown) on my toes for a change, so I did. Wife was good with it, so I'm out and about everywhere in sandals these days. Photo is with my Born "Rutina" 3" heeled sandals, which I love.


    Enjoy your pedi. And I encourage more guys to get with the program and take care of your nails. The ladies DO notice and most are cool with it.




  4. I had a parcel delivered for the lady who lives on the other side of my street. I know her quite well and waited until she came home. I was wearing the shoes below, hoping she would come to collect the parcel, but she didn't. I decided to take the parcel to her. As I got to my gate a teenage girl was passing by. I don't think she noticed. The lady opened the door and took the parcel. We stood chatting, without her noticing for a while. I tried to get her to notice my shoes by moving, but it didn't work. She hadn't come over as my she thought no one was at home because the car wasn't there.. I explained they were out etc and she asked why I hadn't gone so I told her I was wearing my heels, as my parents don't really like that I wear them, so I wear them when they aren't there. She then looked at my shoes and said they were nice and it doesn't bother her that.I wear them. We talked shoes for awhile then I left. Although it wasn't really a public outing in ladies shoes. I was pleased I had done it.

    Well done! And great looking shoes, too. It gets easier every time, so keep doing it. Take those baby steps and over time they'll amount to great progress! You'll be glad you did it.



  5. SF,


    Naturalizer is having some lower heeled wedge sandals on sale: Tribute and Tanner are two which I have and love and wear a lot. The heel is only 2.5 inches, and they are really easy to walk in, even for long distances. They are leather and the Tribute sandals have elastic straps which stretch to fit. Look into them.





  6. Guys, never look for logic where emotional relationships are involved. You won't find success with that approach.


    Women, like men, can be very insecure, especially if the relationship is new or on a rocky road. You need to do EVERYTHING you can to keep her in her secure comfort zone. If high heels or nylon hosiery or skirts take her out of that zone, you better not do it. Figure out ways to take baby steps to reach your goal. It may take years (it took me 20) but it's worth it in the end. I pushed the envelope very slightly each time, giving my wife plenty of time to adjust. Now she doesn't care if I want to wear heels, although of course there are still limits. I respect her opinions, and I never fight or argue. Both are losing scenarios. "Yes, dear" keeps the peace. But I still push the envelope slowly and watch her reactions. I back off if I feel negative vibes and push forward if I don't.


    Case in point: A couple of weeks ago we were invited to lunch at a colleague of hers, which we'll call E. Another colleague, K was there also. I put on off-white jeans and my off-white Naturalizer Daquiri sandals with 4" stacked heels. I was waiting for her to say, "You're not wearing those shoes" but she never did. Had she, my answer would have been, "Oh, no, of course not" and I would have changed to something not objectionable. Since she said nothing, I went ahead and pushed the envelope. She was ok with it. Neither of her colleagues, who have seen me in heels before, said a word or even pretended to notice my shoes. Result: A very happy outing that would never have happened without her being in her comfort zone, which I've constantly worked to expand.


    So the best approach, I feel, is baby steps over a long period of time, constantly pushing the envelope, and giving your spouse plenty of time to adjust and regain her confidence. If you go too fast, you lose her. If you never go forward at all, you lose the opportunity to wear heels. Try to strike a balance and there is a good chance you'll enjoy both marriage and high heels.





      i finally bought a pair of heels. i went into payless shoes 3 times before i could get the courage to buy some heels. After the third time i though bugger it, it's now or never. i went in and explained to the lady that i was after a pair of size 9 heels and that they were for me, she was very helpful and understanding. i bought a pair of 3.5" ankle boots, after my purchase myself and the lady that served me got chatting. she was saying that it's not unusual for guys to buy heels from there and that there is a man that dress as a chic and he/she buy her heels from there.
    after i left the shop i was ecstatic, but i soon calmed down as i left the mall and headed home.


    Good on ya, mate! You see, it's not so hard. No reporters, no news helicopters, none of that stuff. The lady wanted to make a sale and you wanted to make a purchase, so it was bound to happen. Glad you had a good experience. Now, be sure to give the lady good feedback (you DID get her name, didn't you?) and let the company or her manager know you appreciated the great job she did in helping you. Be sure to contribute a customer review of the shoes and sign it with your male name so people know it's a guy. And enjoy going out and wearing the shoes. Next time you go back, wear those shoes to the store, and get that lady to help you again. You've developed a relationship and you should keep it active.



  8. Glad you had a good dinner and enjoyed wearing your heels. They're attention getters! Be careful of slippery surfaces when it rains! With heels on you have farther to fall! LOL



  9. It could be worse; she could have thought the color reminded her of a live corpse! :penitent:


    Sorry about that.


    I think they're both fine, but then, you don't have to live with me, so my opinion counts for zero.



  10. Those look fantastic, JeffB! I haven't been on Payless's web site in a couple of weeks, so those must be new. They remind me of the Lynde block heel sandals I bought from Target a couple of weeks ago and posted about on here, including a customer review. The straps are different from yours, but the stacked heel is similar. Give us a report when you get them. Good luck and have fun wearing them.



  11. Awesome post, W6ish! Thanks for sharing it. I see the beginning of another fun and interesting relationship here. Sounds like your reveling in attention. Keep up the good work and keep posting of your exploits in heels. You write well.



  12. Very interesting thread you started here, Mlroseplant. My resonse is that I have so many pairs of shoes accumulated over the years, that I don't keep them around long enough to determine durability! I buy them, wear them, get tired of them, and sell them on Ebay. Actually many of them were bought on Ebay, so the net cost is very little. The bottom line is that I really haven't ever worn out any shoes or had any catastrophic failures, and so I can't say that some are better than others in the durability department. Like SleekHeels, I take very good care of my shoes. Plus we don't own any dogs! lol I can tell you this, though. Non-leather shoes tend to deteriorate over time. The plastic "faux leather" in many shoes I've had for a while have cracked or become brittle and failed gradually over time, and I've to discard them to the refuse bin instead of the recycle bin or Ebay. In general, in my experience anyway, better quality footwear lasts longer and gives better reliability, performance, and comfort than cheaply made stuff. But that's true of a lot of things we buy.



  13. Hey, Happy Anniversary!


    We're not nuts. It's all those other guys out there who are missing out on all the fun. THEY're the crazy ones. Why would a guy NOT want to wear high heels (other than peer pressure)? I don't want to be friends with just ordinary boring guys who wear ordinary boring shoes. Life's too short for that!


    Hope you have a good celebration, and maybe we can meet up one of these days and toast a glass of whatever! Cheers!



  14. SF, those sandals look fabulous on you! I didn't know you got them. I saw them on the Aerosoles web site, but they look much better on you than just in the illustration. Did your wife get a matching pair?


    I wish they had a thong instead of the strap across the toes, though. But still they look great.


    Maybe I should go into dentistry to have patients like you? LOL



  15. Oh, wow, International Day Against Homophobia.  Very cool!  Even more cool that Foxyheel's Idaho Day event was at a workplace.  Very, very cool, indeed.


    Heck, I was on my cell phone and barely awake.  Please excuse my lack of Googlization. :-)




    No problem. I could have told you the answer but I thought it would be better to let you discover it for yourself. Good going! Well done!



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