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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. One of these days, I'm going to venture off I-71 far enough to stop in. Doubt if a pedi is in the plans, but it would be nice to stop in and say "Hi".

    Heelster, you're more than welcome to stop in for a visit. A trip to the salon is not a requirement (though you'd be missing a treat!). I'm always glad to meet fellow heelers in person and I've met quite a few from this forum. Shoot me a private message before you plan to be in the neighborhood to make sure I'm available. I don't want you to make a trip for nothing!



  2. Well, Dave said it all so I don't have much to add, except the photo of our feet! Dave, on the left, is wearing some flat flip flops and I'm in a pair of Ralph Lauren thong wedges, with about 3.5" heels. My feet were slippery from the cream Jenny used for the foot massage and even though she tried to wipe it off the soles of my feet, my feet still slid forward in my sandals, making it look like they are too short on me. The color on my toes is a sparkly silver color called Palladium. Both color polishes are by a company called Jessica, which makes organic nail polishes.


    Dave, thanks for taking the time to visit. I'm glad it was a good experience. We had a good time and I look forward to seeing you again in the near future!


    Jimnj3 and Vector have expressed interest in visiting here, and I sure hope they do! Now that spring is in the air, it will be a great time for getting out and about in hh sandals!






  3. Great outfits, Bluejay. You really do have an eye for color coordination!


    Guys, I can vouch that Bluejay really does go out in public dressed like that. He is fearless when he knows he looks good, and he loves the plentiful compliments he gets, mostly from women, on his ensembles. I've been with him several times out heeling together and meeting his admirers at Macy's, Bon Ton, Payless, Kay's, Nine West, and Naturalizer, among others.


    Keep up the great inspiration, Bluejay!



  4. Heading to a Lady Gaga concert in a couple months.  The wife is letting me wear whatever I want, including heels (YAY!).  I'm thinking of a combined male/female (androgynous?) look - maybe some tighter mens Lucky brand jeans, with a mens black button down shirt.  Black suede boots with either a 3 or 4 inch stiletto-ish heel (I have both - but thinking the 3 inch would be safer, being that there's going to be a lot of walking from the parking lot into the arena.  Full eye make up, like I wear when I play gigs.  


    Any other suggestions? 

    Yes, carry a shoulder bag for your stuff so your tight jeans don't bulge with wallet, keys, cellphone, etc., and get a professional manicure so your nails look fabulous! If you're going to do eye make-up, don't let your fingernails look trashy by contrast. Have a great time at the concert and treat your wife VERY well in return for letting you dress for success.



  5. Mlroseplant,


    Here's a suggestion to deal with that, but it will take patience on your part, a lot of it, and there is no guarantee of success.


    The idea is to condition your wife to get used to your wearing them. Wear them in the house often, in front of her. Wear them only with long bootcut jeans which cover part of the heel. With repeated exposure, and as she gets accustomed to seeing them on you, and as she learns over time how much you really love them, she might build up confidence and realize they're not so bad on you after all, and not so femmy with long jeans. Don't wear the sandals at home with shorts, as bare legs will accent the femmy nature of those thin heels, and that will condition her the wrong way.


    Take an opportunity every once in a while to comment to your wife on how much it means to you to have her approval to wear those sandals indoors. Reward her with kisses, presents, flowers, dinners out, etc., so she is conditioned to learn that if she lets you do what you want, she benefits also, and your relationship improves. That will build her confidence and she won't feel that you're choosing between her and the sandals.


    Plan for this process to take months, though, and don't push the envelope too fast or she will resist. It might not result in success, but it's worth trying. The longer she is conditioned, the better your chances of being able to wear them out in public (with long jeans, like SF and I would wear them), and I wish you success! Keep us posted on the progress.


    Maybe SF can weigh in on this situation and offer suggestions, since he likes those types of sandals a lot, too.



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